Day by Day Challenge- part 2 (October)



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member

    1. Body attack class and try and stay for the class after - DONE! :drinker:
    2. Drink at least 10 glasses of water - no excuses today as I'm home the rest of the day.
    3. Rest - Feel exhausted today and have another busy week coming up.

    So I managed to achieve all of my goals for Sunday! I think I knocked back about 12 glasses which is much more than normal for me. and I chilled out the rest of the day watching tv and doing bit and pieces at home.

    So far so good for today. Got my veggies in at lunchtime instead but the day is not over yet so hoping for more at dinner.

    Leela I'm a criminal lawyer. Have a massive trial starting today so I walked over to Court this morning rather than battling with the tubes and buses so managed to get some exercise in as couldn't go to the gym this morning. Did what I needed to over there and so I walked back. It was such a lovely walk through the City and then across the river Thames and finally along the South bank with the sun shining but it was absolutely freezing!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Awesome job Nam!!!!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Well yesterday was a bad day for me. Had a massive headache and spent most of the day curled up in bed under the covers cause it was so bright!! I hate migraines:mad: I also was drinking water like a fiend cause I felt so dehydrated. My BIL was here Sat night and he had a very good bottle of rum from the islands:drinker: It was quite yummy!!!

    Now for today it has not started off good but I swear I'm gonna make it better:glasses:

    Goals for today
    1. Water its day 5 of 7 in the challenge with my friend
    2. Finish laundry still got a lot to do
    3. Finish putting everything back where it belongs in the bathroom

    It's gonna be another busy week cause I have couple of appointments this week including a parent teacher conference on Thursday for my son. I'm looking forward to that one cause he's already doing much better this year than he was last year. :happy:

    Nam, Hope your trial goes well!! Great job on the walk!!

    Hope you all have a good day!! You all are doing so well!!

    Welcome MIzzDiva:flowerforyou: Love your name!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    katt, how was the road trip?

    mizz, don't forget to come back to let us know if you met your goals...

    Nam, great job on walking to court. It probably gave you a little more time to clear your head and go over your argument before trial. Sorry the weather wasn't cooperating, it was actually nice here today and I was able to walk 4 miles. What days of the week do you go to body attack?

    Beth, just one more day of the water challenge. What was the challenge anyway?

    fit, roasted veggies sounds yummy. Your moving workout sounds effective.

    luv, did you put off vacuuming another day, or did it get done today? j/k

    Hey Nicole, I bet your uper-busy with school these days.

    Monday's recap:
    Monday 10/25
    1. go to the gym as soon as my daughter goes to school. I need to step up my miles if I want to make my goal by the end of the month.
    2. eat a light snack before going to the gym so I'm not starving afterwards (which usually leads to two servings of cereal when I come back).
    3. get back to diligently logging my food.
    1. Im disappointed that I went to the gym today and they were cleaning the carpet and had removed all the equipment. There was a sign on the door last week, but I ignored it, it probably mentioned something about the cleaning this week. I think its shut down until Friday...ughhh
    But I did walk in the neighborhood. I walked up to blockbuster to rent Just Dance 2. I tried it at my friend's house on Sunday and decided that I could use that as a supplement workout since I can't use the cardio room. But I can still zum-zum-zumba on Wednesday!

    2. actually I didn't have a snack before I went to the gym but it didn't make a difference anyway since I practically came right back home.

    3. Yes and its already 8:30 and still no soda, that's not to say that I won't have one tonight....we'll see.

    Goals for Tuesday:
    1. Dance atleast 4 songs on Just Dance 2.
    2. Do 30 day shred (I need to focus on more strength)
    3. Meet with trainer to set up a strength training plan (I had a free session that I never used.)
    4. carrying this good eating into Tuesday and all week.
  • Well, well, well LEE!!!! lol FYI my hubby took care of it for me!!! lololol I'm spoiled! what can I say?

    10/25 goals:
    1.) get payroll finished by noon without getting flustered too bad. **** Had it finished by 10:30 and it went VERY smoothly
    2.) step up the water. **** I had to quit counting I drank so much over 10 cups
    3.)walk at lunch *** Did not do this because it was rainy and nasty BUT i did do pilates and the 3 mile walk away the lbs tonight!!!
    4.vacuum upstairs and steps **** you already know the answer to this one. lol

    10/26 Goals:

    1.) There is a certain pile of work on my desk that I keep putting off because it's my least favorite thing to do. I'm going to do it.
    2.)MO Water MO water MO water!!!!
    3.) Watch my sodium.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    weeee improved my running time for 5km. now down to 35 min (yes i know that sux, but it is a big accomplishment for me)

    todays goals
    1. no coffee
    2. get 20 min exercise in bc not going to gym today
    3. 2 drinks at dinner max
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    1. Lots of water. I'm out of the office all day in court so I find it so much harder to drink up. Must do better tomorrow.
    2. Stay within cals as having a rest day tomorrow.
    3. Lots of veggies with dinner.

    Morning Ladies! This site seemed to be down this morning for maintenance but managed to snag some time now to jump on and update.

    So I passed on Monday! All goals done!! I think getting back into this thread is giving me the kick I need to stick to goals I set because I feel accountable to all of you lovely people!!

    So goals for Tuesday...
    1. Training before work.
    2. Water water water!
    3. No chocolate! I don't normally crave chocolate but I have been the last few days and I've given in (but stayed within cals) so must be good today!

    Luv wish I had a husband who would do the cleaning for me!! Must put that on my list of requirements for when I find him eventually!!

    Leela - body attack is at 9.30am on Sundays. Always a bit of a killer that early on a Sunday but it's so worth it when the class is over!!

    Trial came to an abrupt halt yesterday but will hopefully start up again later this week.

    Have been at home this morning working away but need to get my backside into gear and get into the office! Hope you all have a great day!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    weeee improved my running time for 5km. now down to 35 min (yes i know that sux, but it is a big accomplishment for me)

    Fitbot 35 mins is great! At least you're running 5km. I'm not a runner at all so the thought of running 5km is so foreign to me!! Great job and stick at it!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today
    1. Water its day 5 of 7 in the challenge with my friend
    2. Finish laundry still got a lot to do
    3. Finish putting everything back where it belongs in the bathroom

    1. Done
    2. still working on it
    3. fail

    1. Water day 6/7. Leela its just with a friend on here to get our full amount of water for 7 days. She's been working on 7day challenges so that the goals are smaller and easier to work with. Seemed like a good idea so I joined her on this one:smile:
    2. Work on that bathroom stuff
    3. finish the laundry
    4. Enjoy the healthy dinner we have planned for tonight. Teriyaki steak with mashed sweet potatoes, and still working on whay veggie to do with it tonight so I'll be heading to the store this afternoon too.

    Had quite a storm roll through this morning so my friend and I didn't get to go for a walk this morning. Hopefully I can get it in later today myself but not making it a goal with everything else going on.

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    3. Yes and its already 8:30 and still no soda, that's not to say that I won't have one tonight....we'll see. I DID HAVE ONE CAN OF DIET PEPSI AT THE END OF THE NIGHT. ALSO, I HAD SOME GRAPES THAT I DIDN'T LOG...I SHOULD DO THAT NOW.

    Goals for Tuesday:
    1. Dance atleast 4 songs on Just Dance 2. DONE! WILL PROBABLY DO MORE, ITS SO FUN!
    2. Do 30 day shred (I need to focus on more strength) I WILL DO IT THIS AFTERNOON.
    3. Meet with trainer to set up a strength training plan (I had a free session that I never used.) WE SET UP GREAT GOALS FOR ME. 4 HOURS OF CARDIO AND 2 HOURS OF STRENGTH PER WEEK. I DON'T WANT TO SAY 2-3 DAYS OF STRENGTH, I RATHER SAY 2 HOURS A WEEK.
    4. carrying this good eating into Tuesday and all week. SO FAR SO GOOD
    Awww thanks Nam, I love this thread too. Sometimes I may forget what goals I set for the day, so I'll take a peek at my post for a reminder. It really helps to keep me in check. If chocolate is what you crave...try the skinny cow chocolate brownie icecream. It comes in a cute little 6oz container (the same size of a yogurt). And once its gone, its gone. you feel satisfied and not the slightest bit guilty at only 150 calories. It also has a few grams of fiber and protein. Its worth a try, that's what I turn to for my treat every so often. They have about4 different flavors and each container only costs about a dollar.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good evening everyone! Just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing and it looks like you are all doing fairly well! Much better than me! Unfortunately, I will be on leave of absence until Thursday afternoon when all my exams/papers are done and handed in. Hope you all do well until then! After that I'm in the clear for awhile so I can officially get back on track.

  • 10/26 Goals:

    1.) There is a certain pile of work on my desk that I keep putting off because it's my least favorite thing to do. I'm going to do it.
    *** Ahhhhhhh NUTS!!!

    2.)MO Water MO water MO water!!!! ** Good on the water!!!
    3.) Watch my sodium. ** Good On The Sodium
    4.)SMILE*** I did most of the day, but at the end of the work day, saw something that made me very angry, sad and questioning humanity.

    10/27 Goals
    1.)NAM HAS TALKED ME INTO DOING IT!!! I am going to take my walking shoes and hit the treadmill at work!! Scares me to death though.
    2.)Do the pile of work that I put off today :( Ok I always put it off because I think it's stupid. I think it's the stupidest part of my job and could be MUCH more effective and efficient if done differently!!! ARG but they don't listen to me because they are scared of computers. "It may crash and lose everything"
    3.) Stay on this -watch sodium, watch cals, watch carbs, drink tons of water and NO alcohol thing.
    4.) Make it a better day than today. Usually I have GREAT days, but I can't predict the unpredictability.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Well, well, well LEE!!!! lol FYI my hubby took care of it for me!!! lololol I'm spoiled! what can I say?
    My whole famn damily calls me I guess that just makes us more like family!

    So no shred today. I choose more just dance over jillian michael's annoying voice. Eating has been superb and thanks to Nam and Luv I've had enough water today for everyone on here! :)

    Going to set up Wednesday's goals:
    1. Drink a bottle of water every worked well today, going to try to do it daily.
    2. Keep up the good eating. Try to make smart choices.
    3. Zumba, zumba and more zumba.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    today's goal:
    1. Improve 5 km running time by 1 min...
    2. stay under calories
    3. minimize salt
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Water day 6/7. Leela its just with a friend on here to get our full amount of water for 7 days. She's been working on 7day challenges so that the goals are smaller and easier to work with. Seemed like a good idea so I joined her on this one:smile:
    2. Work on that bathroom stuff
    3. finish the laundry
    4. Enjoy the healthy dinner we have planned for tonight. Teriyaki steak with mashed sweet potatoes, and still working on whay veggie to do with it tonight so I'll be heading to the store this afternoon too.

    Had quite a storm roll through this morning so my friend and I didn't get to go for a walk this morning. Hopefully I can get it in later today myself but not making it a goal with everything else going on.

    1. DONE
    2. Still working on it there is alot that hadn't been moved in a long time and I'm finding things behind them I didn't know we still had and we don't use anymore..
    3. Yeah still working on that
    4. Was very yummy and enjoyed it quite alot:smile:

    Didn't make it out for the walk though. :frown:

    So for today
    1. water last day of this challenge and its making it easier to actually drink all the water and I'm not going to the bathroom as much as I was the first few days
    2. clean living room clutter
    3. make healthy choices and save some calories for dinner tonight. Going out for dinner and well Del taco doesn't really have any healthy choices hehe But we acn't pass up the cheap dinner tonight. 99cent kids meals and even adults can get them. :happy: Can't cook that cheap.

    Well Gotta get my kid off to school this morning. Have a good day everyone!! I'll be back in a little bit to check on everyone.
  • I just want to say that I hope everyone has an excellent day!!!! It's hump day, so get your hump on and reach those goals. I am VERY greatful for all of you!!!! Never knew something like this could be so helpful. I guess when honest, compassionate people get together with the same goal in mind-great things happen!!! <3 ya'll!!

    (yes, I said ya'll-ok?- I'm from backwoods WV) lolololol.
    Just some more insight into ME!! :)
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member

    So goals for Tuesday...
    1. Training before work. *Done and managed to get an evening class in as well*
    2. Water water water! *Done*
    3. No chocolate! I don't normally crave chocolate but I have been the last few days and I've given in (but stayed within cals) so must be good today! *cheated slightly and had a small non-fat hot chocolate*

    Afternoon all!

    Leela thanks for the skinny cow tip! I will have to check the supermarket here to see if they sell it over here. Great job on the water and keep it up!

    Jess what is hump day?? I've seen that written in a few places over the past couple of weeks but I've never heard of it! Also how was your gym session? If you haven't yet been get in there now!! You'll feel so much better afterwards!!

    Nicole good luck with your exams! We'll see you back on the boards soon I hope!

    Ravyn del Taco sounds fun! We don't really have many Mexican/taco places here which is a shame. Enjoy it!

    Fitbot good luck with your 5km challenge!

    After my class yesterday evening I felt so energised and motivated! Wish I could finish early every day so I could get to classes. Normally the ones they put on in the week are all finished by the time I get home from work.

    So Wednesday's goals...
    1. Water water water. It's already 2.15pm and I've only had one cup.
    2. No booze if go out after work today.
    3. Keep within my cals. No exercise today so have to be extra good!

    Hope you all have a great day!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I just want to say that I hope everyone has an excellent day!!!! It's hump day, so get your hump on and reach those goals. I am VERY greatful for all of you!!!! Never knew something like this could be so helpful. I guess when honest, compassionate people get together with the same goal in mind-great things happen!!! <3 ya'll!!

    (yes, I said ya'll-ok?- I'm from backwoods WV) lolololol.
    Just some more insight into ME!! :)

    Thanks Jess! We are all making great things happen together with all this encouragement! Today WILL be a good day for all of us!
  • Jess what is hump day?? I've seen that written in a few places over the past couple of weeks but I've never heard of it! Also how was your gym session? If you haven't yet been get in there now!! You'll feel so much better afterwards!!

    Hump day is Wednesday. The middle of the week. Over the hump. / \

    It's only 9:30 here. I've only been at work for an hour and a half. gonna do it around 1 or so. I brought my walkin shoes!!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I brought my walkin shoes!!!!

    Good girl! Enjoy it! And thanks for clearing that up! Happy hump day to you too!
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