Like Minded Lushes - October 2010

Welcome to the thread that acknowledges alcohol. We like it. Most of us drink it. We struggle with the effect it has on our weight loss. We support each othere when we strive to control it. We support each other when we fail to control it.

October can be a challenge with Ocktoberfests and Halloween but we can do it.

My goals for October are to exercise more and to get better control of midweek drinking. Good luck to all.


  • cbonuz
    cbonuz Posts: 63
    Cheers!...finally someone else having issues with the love of drinks! LOL
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Cheers!...finally someone else having issues with the love of drinks! LOL

    welcome, we have been around on this thread since July.

    Hey SurlyDave- we do miss you.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I have had to almost cut alcohol out because it is hindering my weight loss. It stinks because I love a glass of wine after a long day but that glass ALWAYS turns into 2 or 3. Ooops :-)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Going into Month 2 of no alcohol. I gotta tell you that on Wednesday when I weighed in and saw no loss I eyed that bottle of Mango Vodka in my freezer .. My sane side took control and said that this weight loss thing was TOO important to blow it. I made some changes Wednesday and Thursday, didn't drink and, Viola, the 2 lbs came off this week ...

    I have the same issue bobobbin ... 1 glass turns into the bottle. I have a BEAUTIFUL Merlot I want to drink but am going to wait till the new year. I guess this month will be challenged because of the Halloween parties ... I will prevail however!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I've almost eliminated alcohol for the time being, but I'll tell you, those Yuenglings in the back of my fridge have gone from whispering my name to downright screaming it lately.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Clew-what's yuenglings? My house is full of alcohol too and I am trying not to drink alone! I was alcohol free tues, wed, and thurs. I get to drink tonight if it fits in with my calories.
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    I gave up the drink when I got pregnant. And with BFing and then having a toddler around who wants to sample everything, the alcohol has not returned.

    Alcohol is not the enemy... is the ABUNDANCE of alcohol that is.

    Consider this:

    1 ounce of hard liquor = starch serving
    12 oz of light beer = 1 starch serving
    12 oz of regular beer = 2 starch servings
    3 oz of wine (red or white) = 1 fruit serving
    3 oz of champagne = 1 fruit serving

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am glad its Friday. although I have had a drink every night this week. It has been a rough one. I am planning on really kicking it in gear next week and I will have an alcohol free Sunday thru Thursday. I can do this.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am glad its Friday. although I have had a drink every night this week. It has been a rough one. I am planning on really kicking it in gear next week and I will have an alcohol free Sunday thru Thursday. I can do this.

    YOU CAN! I know you can! I hate hard weeks :( they suck the worst! But you can do the S-Th thing :) 5 days!
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Ya know, I love wine. . . . . but it makes me want to eat! I went to a wine tasting about a week ago and it totally messed me up, they had the tasting with the foods that it compliments well lets just say I didn't fill out my food diary for that meal! I try to limit myself to 2 or 3/ 4oz glasses. I do fine but then a little while later I want to eat and eat and eat and eat! So I have to be careful and limit myself. I know I think about having it more than I actually do. Life is short, everything in moderation.:drinker:
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    WHAAAAAT???!! There's a mango Vodka??!! That would be so tasty with my coconut Malibu, I could skip the mango juice...
    no...sorry.... I have to snap out of it....
    I always drink a water with every cocktail. Makes it last a little longer, and I get fuller faster so I drink less. I really have been limiting my cocktails. They make me want to eat and the alcohol makes it easy to not make the best choices. So not only am I eating, I'm eating the good, er, I mean, the BAD stuff. ;-)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I sneak into this forum from time to time...I did my weigh-in this morning and I've lost 7lbs for the month of September!!!!

    I want a BOTTLE of wine soooooooo bad to celebrate but I will settle for a couple of glasses tonight!!!! :happy:

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    WHAAAAAT???!! There's a mango Vodka??!! That would be so tasty with my coconut Malibu, I could skip the mango juice...
    no...sorry.... I have to snap out of it....
    I always drink a water with every cocktail. Makes it last a little longer, and I get fuller faster so I drink less. I really have been limiting my cocktails. They make me want to eat and the alcohol makes it easy to not make the best choices. So not only am I eating, I'm eating the good, er, I mean, the BAD stuff. ;-)

    Yep absolut makes a Mango Vodka :)
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I am not alone!!! Like many others wine is my downfall and abundance is too. Some weeks I skip the vino daily but last week was no good. Next week will be better!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hitting the wine tonight but staying within calories due to a good workout in the gym earlier. Just won a pull up bar on ebay so there's no excuse not to get p90x now although I'm sure wine isn't part of the nutrition plan for that :ohwell: Tough luck though, I like my wine and I've been able to maintain for the last 4 weeks drinking alcohol mainly at the weekend and still having the odd indulgent meal :)
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Ready for a cocktail tonight! Its ok, I mix with diet soda. :tongue: Tomorrow will be hard. Going out for a ladies lunch which means a vodka tonic will be a must. Is it ok to drink before a massage? Almost hoping that the WYO game won't be on tv because that leads to the bar and many large beers and half-time car bomb.

    Wish everyone a fabulous weekend! :drinker:
  • mrsdero
    mrsdero Posts: 18
    LOL October is hard! Thanksgiving, my b-day, two friends b-days and halloween parties....oh ya and octoberfest! I am gonna have to run a whole lot more this month! :)
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi all. Managed to lose 1lb this week. Have had my sister in law staying but have managed to stick to just one drink a night and have managed to keep reasonably well to calorie allowance although the exercise has not been so good; only managed one session of pilates, one of swimming and one 30 min walk. We also went out for dinner last night so I really blew the calorie allowance, so am very pleased to have achieved a small loss. Anyway, Norrys goes home on Monday morning so will knuckle down to lots of exercise and maintaining my calorie intake plus saving the alcohol for a treat on Saturday and Sunday.

    Keep up the good work fellow lushes!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Wow...Thanks for the link, Robin! I didn't know this topic existed! I know for a fact that the weight I gained while traveling in August and September was directly "linked" to my love of wine. Every dinner seemed like "vacation" time and even with the many long hikes and lots of walking, the wine led to extra food at night which all added up to 4.5 extra pounds.

    I am back home for another week and that has helped me go wine-less for the past 5 days and I plan to do the same for the coming week. I have gotten rid of 1.5 of the extra I have to quickly shed the other 3 and get on with this!

    I know that I have to figure out a better way of handling wine and food. I keep thinking that I can have whatever DH has and that doesn't work for me. Still, it is difficult to watch him enjoying a nice glass of red in the evening while I'm sipping hot tea. Any ideas? I have to change this for good or I am doomed to repeating the lose and gain cycle again and again!

    Have a wonderful October everyone and I look forward to checking in here and getting some help from others who share my weakness! Take care, Kackie
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I cannot tell a lie. My besties birthday was Wednesday and mine was Thursday. Not sure why I had to drink 4 days straight. The week before I was in Las Vegas. It wasn't ever a glass or two of wine. It was bottles, bottles and more bottles. I'm talking a two-week binge. I should have pancreatitis or liver failure by now. Why do I love booze so much????

    Well, it's a new month...So, here it goes

    Saturday, Day 1, no drinks

    Goal is to make it till Friday...6 days...then, I will have to re-evaluate

    Karen and Oldbat, you are true role models...I hope the weight is melting off for you