Like Minded Lushes - October 2010



  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Karen, what a brilliant blog; I am sure that it will inspire and motivate many people on this site. As you so rightly say we need to recognise that a bump in the road is just that. We all need to relax the regime occasionally whether it is like me having a drink at the weekend or splurging the calorie allowance now and again. It keeps our metabolism on its toes and makes it less difficult to lose weight; it is less boring and we are more likely to keep to our weight loss goals as a result of that little bit of relaxation.

    I haven't lost any weight this week but I have lost a further half inch from my waist and one and half inches from my hips; that's a total of 4ins off both waist and hips since 4 Sept. Am I pleased!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    This morning I did a 54 min workout on WiiFit including Rhythm Boxing, Free Step and Free Jog and then went for a 25 minute brisk walk to the shops to get a paper, bread and milk. I think I have earned my gin and tonic tonight!! :drinker: :drinker: Anyway before then I need to do some chores. I have a new shed in my garden and want to put up some hooks to hold the many tools in place, so am getting the electric drill out!! I also need to dig out some of the summer bedding plants that have now finished flowering, so that I can get the beds ready for some autumn planting.

    Keep strong everyone but don't beat yourselves up if you don't achieve your goals on any given day. Remember each new day is a new start; we'll all be there to support one another and we will all reach our target weights! :love: :love: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Ooh I am so glad to see this topic. I thought I was the only one who struggled with this. May I join this group?

    I love my wine!! I have pretty much cut down beer almost completely. And I hardly ever drink hard liquor. Sometimes I do but very rarely. I have really controlled my drinking at home. In fact, I hardly ever drink at home. And I probably just drink once or maybe twice a week. Doesn't sound so bad right? However, a lot of times, when I do drink once a week if I am out with friends or hubby or both , I tend to go over by a lot!! I end up drinking like 5 glasses of wine instead of maybe 2 or 3. And of course, that makes me want to eat more and then I regret it the next day. I tend to do this maybe like 2 or 3 times a month. And it sucks. I really think that wine is one of the reasons I am not losing more weight. I am not looking to stop drinking wine completely but I do want to stick to just 2 or 3 glasses though. So I really hope being in this group will help me do that.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Saturday, all!

    Pagya: Welcome...we're all in the same boat, it seems!

    Oldbat: I love your advice...and especially about mixing up the metabolism ! Mine should be really confused because I have been all over the place the past 2 months!

    Well...after 11 days without my wine, I opened a nice red while waiting for our youngest son, his girlfriend, and 4 other friends to arrive last night from various parts of the country for a wedding today. The glass turned into half a bottle and then some chocolate! Grrrrr..... Well, only 3 of the 6 arrived as planned and they didn't get in until 2AM. Hope the others are able to get flights in this morning. It will make getting them picked up at airport (2 hours round trip) and to wedding in town a challenge today!

    I plan to get outside after my coffee for a nice walk/run to shake off some of those wine/chocolate calories! I'll try to go easy at the wedding reception tonight?! Take care all!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Well only having one drink at dinner out was a miserable failure as we went out drinking with friends. 3 beers, 2 mixed drinks, and someone else's beer later I think I may be immobile most the today. I hope everyone else is doing better.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so I didn't end up with wine last night. I had vodka. too much vodka. I have to limit myself to only two in the future. for about the past year when I drink too much vodka an alternate personality appears and apparently is really ugly. I have absolutely no memory of her, not even the fuzzy I was drunk memory. None at all. I can't have that happen ever again. So I vow to you and the world that I will never have more than 6 ounces of vodka in a 6 hour period.

    I will probably have some wine today but not alot. here's to the weekend all.
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Options I'm Canadian. I don't recongnise that store but I sure would like to order the sugar free margarita mix. Thnx.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    No alcohol for me tonight, feeling too poorly. I've more than made up for it over this week anyway. Might even go the weekend without any.
    sorry you aren't feeling well. I will drink some for you:wink:

    That was so kind of you to do my drinking for me. No alcohol tonight either so please feel free to indulge on my behalf :drinker:
    Received my pull up bar in the post this morning. Was still feeling ill but managed to put it together. Perked up this afternoon and managed a couple of sets of 3 pull ups :ohwell: Have also decided to start the hundred press up challenge :noway: Need to get back on my feet properly though, really been knocked sideways, still feel nauseous and dizzy but loads better than yesterday :happy:
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    No alcohol for me tonight, feeling too poorly. I've more than made up for it over this week anyway. Might even go the weekend without any.
    sorry you aren't feeling well. I will drink some for you:wink:

    That was so kind of you to do my drinking for me. No alcohol tonight either so please feel free to indulge on my behalf :drinker:
    Received my pull up bar in the post this morning. Was still feeling ill but managed to put it together. Perked up this afternoon and managed a couple of sets of 3 pull ups :ohwell: Have also decided to start the hundred press up challenge :noway: Need to get back on my feet properly though, really been knocked sideways, still feel nauseous and dizzy but loads better than yesterday :happy:

    i will drink one for you too...i am already 2 coors lite and some chardonnay deep ...back on no alchohol tomorrow
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Options lushness expanded into 2 days instead of the planned 1. Well, back on the wagon tonight. Weigh-in tomorrow morning. We'll see what happens.

    Karen, thanks for sharing your story...
    Oldbat, did you get to drink your VT
    Janna, way to support a fellow lush
    Robin, understand about the vodka...I know someone else it affects that way

    Well, back to soberism
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Options I'm Canadian. I don't recongnise that store but I sure would like to order the sugar free margarita mix. Thnx.

    You can google Skinny Margaritas if you want to find a recipe...basically clear tequila and agave nectar...otherwise, it is sold in a wine bottle labelled Skinny Margaritas
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so last night I polished off the wine that I had used to cook Linguine and clams for Friday. I did well. I won't have an alcohol free Sunday since DH brought me champagne and kiwi's in bed this morning. I love it when he does that. So the goal this week is Monday thru Thursday.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi everyone. Well that's the weekend nearly over but, yes, I did have my Gin & Tonic Saturday and Sunday night. Did some more gardening today, planted a lovely rose and a honeysuckle and also moved 6 x 25kgs bags of pea shingle - does that count as weight lifting?? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I intend building some raised beds for my vegetables (then I wont have to bend down so far in my advancing years :laugh: ). I intend surrounding them with weed cover membrane and pea shingle to create pathways.

    I'm away for a few days, back on Friday. Not sure if I will get an internet connection, so if I don't post before, I'll post again on Friday. Good luck everyone, a new week and a new chance to hit our goals. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    DH brought me champagne and kiwi's in bed this morning. I love it when he does that.

    Oooh you lucky thing :bigsmile:

    I'm glad to say I'm feeling better today. Didn't make it to the gym like usual on a Sunday but have done some cycling, wii fit and started the push up challenge. Needless to say I'm negating all the good work by celebrating with a couple of glasses of red.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Options I go...Sunday, 0 drinks

    Hope all are successful this week...
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm up a pound today, so I'm thinking after a rotten hangover on Saturday and gaining that swearing off the booze this week won't be so hard.

    Have a good week everyone.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'm up a pound today, so I'm thinking after a rotten hangover on Saturday and gaining that swearing off the booze this week won't be so hard.

    You would think...
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I had the spins most of Saturday... that usually will keep me from overdoing it for awhile. LOL
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Well I am actually proud of myself. all I had yesterday was the Champagne in the morning. I didn't give in and drink last night. so here's to zero for Monday.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I had the spins most of Saturday... that usually will keep me from overdoing it for awhile. LOL

    I hate the bed spins...ugh...the only thing that cures it, is, I don't know which is worse
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Ugghh...did it again yesterday. I went to an Art and Wine Festival. I had every intention of just tasting a couple different wines. However, when I got there found out that they don't do tasting, they give an entire glass. So not a good idea!!! I ended up having 4 glasses of wine. Afterwards we went to eat and I had two slices of pizza. Eventhough it was my cheat day but still I feel bad ugghhhh!!. And I am paying for it today. I was up 1 pound this morning! :-( But it's done now and I have to look forward. I am going to eat really well during the week and not have any alcohol until the weekend. And even on the weekend I will only have 2-3 drinks. Wish me luck!