Like Minded Lushes - October 2010



  • fsuxo2003
    I love this topic!!! I just joined 3 weeks ago and have only had 2 michelob ultras since I began. I was proudly telling a friend I hadn't had a sip of alcohol for 2 weeks (this was before the 2 beer night, which was when FSU played Miami and I felt it was well earned)....and she reminded me that 2 weeks really isn't that long.....thus making me feel like a lush. But I just love me some wine while bubble bathing, wine with tv at night, beer with football.....ARGH!
  • fsuxo2003
    PS I live in a small town and it's so boring here on the weekend I always end up drinking a bottle of wine every weekend night just out of boredom. This is my first weekend not going out of town since I started my new eating habits....I'll join in on the friday night no drinking challenge too (if you don't mind) ;)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'll keep you company. I gave up alcohol for the week for another challenge. :smile:

    Too funny 'cause you were already for one at 1000:tongue:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I love this topic!!! I just joined 3 weeks ago and have only had 2 michelob ultras since I began. I was proudly telling a friend I hadn't had a sip of alcohol for 2 weeks (this was before the 2 beer night, which was when FSU played Miami and I felt it was well earned)....and she reminded me that 2 weeks really isn't that long.....thus making me feel like a lush. But I just love me some wine while bubble bathing, wine with tv at night, beer with football.....ARGH!

    Are you kidding:noway: 2 days is a long time, grueling and painful:grumble: 2 weeks is absolute mind blowing willpower:drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'll join in on the friday night no drinking challenge too (if you don't mind) ;)

    Yay, that's 3 of us committed to abstinence
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Well yes, but I didn't actually drink one since, you know, booze at work is bad. :laugh:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm in for the no drinking on Friday night too (I won't even be naughty and sneak one in on Friday lunchtime :happy: )
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Well yes, but I didn't actually drink one since, you know, booze at work is bad. :laugh:

    A bloody mary upon walking in would be bad....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    We're going out to dinner tonight, so I'll have to be doubly good. At least we're going to Olive Garden and I'm less likely to get something alcoholic there. Besides, I've already blown my calories out of the water without adding alcohol on top since I'm going to grab lunch out, too.
  • fsuxo2003
    Just wanted everyone to know we are going to a PUB for lunch (of course!) and I am going to hold fast to my committment! Thanks for the reinforcement that abstaining for 2 weeks is a big deal!! haha, going on another week, as I had 2 beers last drinking while watching football tomorrow is going to be a strain though.........ARGH. Not drinking tonight is not a big deal compared to yearning for a frosty mug while watching my Seminoles!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have not done too well this week. the Stress is absolutely killing me. I am so out of sorts. I drank a few teeny tiny glasses of an ice wine I had in the fridge that I bought a year ago on a trip to Victoria. I had one more glass of it last night and a couple of very weak vodka and sodas. I am at that point right now where I just don't care anymore. I am tired and frustrated and wallowing in self pity. I hope I can snap out of this soon. the scale didn't move this week either. bust my butt and no movement, don't bust my butt and no movement, aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I managed not to drink last night but tonight, tomorrow and probably Sunday will be drinking...
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    RJ just sent you some unsolicited advice in your inbox

    As for my lushiness ... I still haven't had a drink BUT I am going to on Sunday at Disneyland. I am going to have 1 beer with my friend and a corn dog. I decided that I deserve a cheat meal and that's gonna be it! I was talking to a trainer and told him that I "only" lost a 1/2 a pound this week and he asked if I had a cheat day in the last 40 or so days. I told him no that I hadn't. He said, yeah, do a out of your routine eating day and it will kick your metabolism into gear. Since I am going to Disneyland I figure this would be it. I am an annual passholder so I go all the time, well a lot LOL. I am actually going on Saturday (to renew my pass so quick jaunt) and Sunday this week ... then Sunday next week. I love Halloween Time at Disneyland.
  • fsuxo2003
    I've heard about cheat days kicking your metabolism back into gear too, how fun is it to get to 'cheat eat' for a day AND lose weight after???

    RJ - why is there alcohol in your house??? I find if I don't have it, I'm too lazy to go buy it! (also helps the nearest place to get liquor here is 8 miles away AND they don't see alcohol in GA on sundays)..... :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    RJ just sent you some unsolicited advice in your inbox
    Karen I didn't get a message. I hope you enjoy your cheat day.
    RJ - why is there alcohol in your house??? I find if I don't have it, I'm too lazy to go buy it! (also helps the nearest place to get liquor here is 8 miles away AND they don't see alcohol in GA on sundays)..... :)
    Fsuxo2003 because I enjoy alcohol and have no intention of giving it up completely, just trying to control it. That, and my husband drinks at least a pint a day so I can't deprive him. I also would never give up my wine collections or wine clubs. Life is too short. Yes he drinks a lot but that is his choice and he doesn't get drunk from it, he as an awesome job and is the sweetest kindest husband in the world.
  • fsuxo2003
    Well that certainly makes sense........and I applaud your efforts for keeping it at a minimum while it's in the house - I have to just not stock up or else I'll find a way to rationalize it in my head.....I also don't collect wine, so that helps too and can see the reasoning there. My bad.....

    Life IS too short, you're right, but I have noticed that in 4 weeks, after only having 2 beers I feel a lot better, had ZERO cramps during that time of the month (sorry guys, I know TMI).....and have been sleeping better as well....

    ......that's not to say I am cutting it out completely though......still love me some red wine and/or yeungling!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I dont know if this is just me.. but I haven't had a drink in about a month until yesterday, I had one beer....and it made me feel sick. Has this happened to anyone else? It was really wierd.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    fsuxo2003, I do not keep too much alcohol in the house either as I will demolish it

    Robin, sorry that you have been having a hard time with it. I hope that things fall into place for you. Sounds like you are able to limit your drinks and not binging

    Karen, how fun to be a Disneyland groupie...just wanted to let you know that you and Oldbat have been quite the inspiration for me.

    So, I have gone Sunday thru Thursday with no drinks. I am planning not to drink tonight. I just like the way I feel not drinking. So, Saturday, I will decide to have drinks or not. The weekends need to be one day at a time.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hello everyone. Hope you are all OK and looking forward to a fairly relaxing weekend.

    Kim, I'm glad that I have been an inspiration but am not sure I will be one this week. I have been staying at my brother's house, he lives about an hour's drive from me. He was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour 10 years ago. However, all things considered he has had a very good ten years. He had surgery which removed about 85% of the tumour and has managed to carry on working and live a productive and happy life. However, he has deteriorated pretty rapidly in the past few weeks, to such an extent that he was admitted to hospital three weeks ago. They have been able to stabilise him, but we are very conscious that we are entering the final stages. As he lives on his own we had to seriously consider whether, with the right care package, he could continue back in his own house or whether he should think of going into a nursing home. Last week I went up and we were able to view some nursing homes and we found one that he was very happy with and he was able to transfer there at the beginning of this week. So, I have been staying at his house and making sure he is settling in well at his new home and taking in various items to make his room more homely. I have also been spending time trying to sort out his house. Regrettably as his illness has progressed he has retreated into just two rooms. So, know there are three useable bedrooms and 2.5 clean useable bathrooms and a kitchen that looks less like a bomb site! I have also been able to start the ball rolling on selling the house on his behalf - not bad for just 3.5 days work!!

    I am now back at my home as my brother's stepson has arrived from France and is going to carry on the good work of sorting out and overseeing the estate agent for the next ten days. In the meantime I have brought home six sacks of paperwork which needs sorting, filing and shredding where appropriate. Then I can go back to the house the following week and see how well step nephew has got on. The result of all this is that I have broken my 'no alcohol during the week' rule as the end of the day has arrived and I have felt the need to have a drink to relax and wind down after very tiring days. It will be interesting to see what the change in regime does to the scales in the morning, but I will go back to no drinks on a week night starting on Monday.

    Bye for now :smile:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    RJ resent