Focus T25 - Summer Slim Down!



  • nanakaryn
    nanakaryn Posts: 9 Member
    Never heard of it so I looked it up. Isn't it kinda expensive for a workout DVD or am I missing something?
    Can I get it on my IPAD instead of DVD?
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I'm on week 3 of Alpha, going on week 4. feeling great!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Never heard of it so I looked it up. Isn't it kinda expensive for a workout DVD or am I missing something?
    Can I get it on my IPAD instead of DVD?

    They aren't available on iPad, unfortunately. You can find sample workouts online to see what everything is like, but other than that, you have to purchase the DVD's. But they have a 30-day money back guarantee if you get them through the company.
  • blueyegirl0712
    blueyegirl0712 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm on my last week of Alpha. I hate the total body circuit workout. Those push ups kill me!! Anyone doing anything else like lifting weights or running while doing T25?
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I'm on my last week of Alpha. I hate the total body circuit workout. Those push ups kill me!! Anyone doing anything else like lifting weights or running while doing T25?
    I was thinking to add running maybe twice a week.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I'm on my last week of Alpha. I hate the total body circuit workout. Those push ups kill me!! Anyone doing anything else like lifting weights or running while doing T25?

    I'm training for a half marathon, so I run at least 3x a week. I also do some work with weights because, as it seems you're noticing, your arms don't get as much as a workout. I do 20 reps of 10 different exercises to work my biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. I've seen a difference this week over last.
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I'm on my last week of Alpha. I hate the total body circuit workout. Those push ups kill me!! Anyone doing anything else like lifting weights or running while doing T25?

    I'm training for a half marathon, so I run at least 3x a week. I also do some work with weights because, as it seems you're noticing, your arms don't get as much as a workout. I do 20 reps of 10 different exercises to work my biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. I've seen a difference this week over last.
    When the weights will be introduced in T25- is it Beta or Gamma ? Any of you guys know
  • soxphan1
    soxphan1 Posts: 15 Member

    When the weights will be introduced in T25- is it Beta or Gamma ? Any of you guys know

    Beta is when you start to have some weights (or bands) worked in.

    Gamma is almost all weights-based, except for Speed 3.0.
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member

    When the weights will be introduced in T25- is it Beta or Gamma ? Any of you guys know

    Beta is when you start to have some weights (or bands) worked in.

    Gamma is almost all weights-based, except for Speed 3.0.
    Thanks, I'm looking forward to Beta phase.
  • Tito3697
    Tito3697 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on my last week of Alpha. I hate the total body circuit workout. Those push ups kill me!! Anyone doing anything else like lifting weights or running while doing T25?

    I just finished week three of Beta and lift three times a week. I also started doing core speed on the three other days I dont lift and rest on Sundays :). Love the program and just bought gamma couple days ago.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Just did my week two stats...down about 1.1 pounds and 2 inches...for a total of FIVE pounds and 4 1/2 inches in just the two weeks of Alpha! This program is amazing!!!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    Finished day two, week one of Alpha. My butt , inner and rear thighs are not happy with me. Also doing some walking each day, with an occasional mile jog. Just walked today. I thought having the timer on screen would be an issue for me, but I find it goes faster than I thought it would. Tanya is my BFF - me and jumping don't always get along. I know when I did 30 Day Shred, as time went on, I did do more and more of it so I expect I'll do the same here. Right now it's one foot on the ground at all times :laugh:
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Same here kar328...just be better than you were yesterday, that's what I keep telling myself!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    Same here kar328...just be better than you were yesterday, that's what I keep telling myself!

    I guess I must be. I did the 30 Day Shred last year and I used many more bad words with Jillian than with Shaun. Of course his abs help ... :blushing:

    I hope to improve each time I repeat a DVD. I also hope to be able to get out of bed in the morning :bigsmile:
  • trlynn68
    trlynn68 Posts: 11
    Starting week 2 of Alpha today. And my soreness is pretty much all gone! Hope to modify less and less as the days go on - finding it's getting easier already after just a week. And the fact that I'm not sore helps me push a little harder, too!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I just did my first workout of Alpha, week two! I did so much more than last week and am definitely feeling it today! I run 3x a week, too, so my legs are completely feeling it. I've been lifting some weights so that I can still have a balance of the cardio and strength training. I know these are supposed to be full body workouts, but like it was said's very lower body heavy. I can't wait to see my results this week :-)

    I definitely thought the same about Alpha (lower body heavy). I think you'll enjoy Beta.. there is definitely more of an upper body focus. I really liked that. It was great to do more strength training in the workouts.

    I'm now doing Gamma (started it right after completing Alpha and Beta), and it is really tough!!! I think it's really effective, though.

    Feel free to let me know if you have any questions for me. :)
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I am in week 5 of Alpha - Can't wait to start beta next week, I heard it's much more fun :wink:
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    I hope to improve each time I repeat a DVD. I also hope to be able to get out of bed in the morning :bigsmile:

    It was pretty close this morning. And the Total Body Circuit lived up to it's reputation. I definitely need to work on most of those. Butt and thighs are still achy. I curse every time I drop something and have to bend over to pick it up. :mad: I need to get outside and plant the flowers I just bought and it should be interesting. I did manage to get three bags of mulch in my cart without much noise.
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I am in week 2 of Gamma!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    WOO! Awesome job everyone! We got this!!!! I did create that group "Summer Slim Down" if anyone wants to come chat over there, too! No need to make me your coach or buy anything...I'm just glad everyone is supporting each other! We all need motivation from time to time :-)

    I ended up doing Speed 1.0 today instead of Total Body Circuit, because I ran after work and TBC is difficult after a run. I'll do that tomorrow!