


  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    this is where I see this thread headed…



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    15% protein- no one else saw that. O_o ?!?!?!?!

    Holy cow I would DIE- I get light headed and practically none functional on anything less than 30% protein.

    lol. doubtful.

    I would- just literally keel over and die- no relzy.

    i ked I ked- but i have been uber low on protein before- and I remember driving home and just feeling REALLY out of it. got home- pulled out my phone and checked the pie chart on my macros- I think I was at 10%- I was shocked at how much it affected me.

    Probably has more to do with what I'm used to- but when I'm under under 30% there is no question I can tell- there is a profound impact in my performance and cognitive skills.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yep! My husband's doctor told him that he has seen several patients reverse it with proper diet and exercise. And his dietitian recommended balanced macros and appropriate meal timing with regular glucose checks. She said low-carb was fine, but not essential if it's a high fiber carb or accompanied with appropriate fats. The main point was not to eat too many carbs in one sitting, and not to eat simple carbs by themselves, especially liquids, unless glucose readings too low.

    I do have to say this is something that my endo also said. I'm a vegetarian, and my macro ratios are generally 55/15/30 (carb/protein/fat) and she didn't have a problem with that, but she did stress that my carbs should be focused on the complex: fruits, veggies, whole-grains and legumes rather than simple starches like refined flour products and things loaded with added sugars.

    That's the prevailing wisdom now. Low-carb is not necessary for most people when their diet is focused on whole foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. My husband doesn't log, but I buy the groceries and do the cooking, so I have a good idea of what he eats. His other complication is Crohn's disease, so by the time I thought I had his dietary restrictions down pat, he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, and the whole thing began again. Sometimes I fix him a separate meal. And just as he was finally lowering his A1C, he developed a hernia and is on physical restriction, so he can't exercise much. Now his A1C is back up again.

    Oh, mixed with can Crohn's be tough because I know for some people high-fiber can be a trigger. And then to have the physical restriction. I hope he can recover from the hernia soon and get back to his exercise.


    Yes, unlike most diabetics, he can't just do high-fiber carbs. He tolerates milk well, so I get full fat milk, and he is supposed to drink a glass of that anytime he has carbs for a snack. He uses stevia for his tea and coffee. He seems to not have problems with quick oats or white rice, and he tolerates refined flour well. But a lot of my favorite foods (like tacos and chili and other spicy foods) are on his "no" list. (Hence the separate meals) We focus on adequate fats, but because he had his gall bladder removed, he can't have too much fat either. He's a mess, but I love him.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    15% protein- no one else saw that. O_o ?!?!?!?!

    Holy cow I would DIE- I get light headed and practically none functional on anything less than 30% protein.

    lol. doubtful.

    I would- just literally keel over and die- no relzy.

    i ked I ked- but i have been uber low on protein before- and I remember driving home and just feeling REALLY out of it. got home- pulled out my phone and checked the pie chart on my macros- I think I was at 10%- I was shocked at how much it affected me.

    Probably has more to do with what I'm used to- but when I'm under under 30% there is no question I can tell- there is a profound impact in my performance and cognitive skills.

    I get around 20% and split the rest between fat and carbs. How many grams of protein do you get in a day?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I get around 20% and split the rest between fat and carbs. How many grams of protein do you get in a day?

    aiming for 150- but I'd say I average between 130- some days I'm low- like uber low- 70- some days I'm closer to 200 or higher- I don't care so much while bulking as long as I get my calories- I split fairly evenly between them- but while cutting I'm much more attentive to hitting my protein- I go low carb while cutting- easier to keep my food on point.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    15% protein- no one else saw that. O_o ?!?!?!?!

    Holy cow I would DIE- I get light headed and practically none functional on anything less than 30% protein.

    Maybe no one else thought it was that big a deal since a) it's within the generally recommended range b) my doctor is aware and unconcerned, and c) it's working for me.

    So, you know "different strokes for different folks". :shrug:

    I realize that different people have different needs- but that just seems SO low!!!

    I'm glad it's working for you though :) wasn't a judgement more just shock. The bulk of the people that I talk to/associate with know- are usually 30-40% or higher.

    I only do 20% myself. I get about 20-30 grams three times a day, plus "bonus proteins" from snacking on nuts, plus all my carbs. I thrive on carbs myself. I know what you mean, but for me it's carbs. I do 50/20/30, so not far off from rebalee8. At 15% I hit the minimum of .8g/kg body mass, but I am much closer to 20% because meat is delicious.

    If I tried to get 30% in, I would have to up my fats too, because I'm not wild about lean meat. :laugh:

    I tried doing 40/30/30 because of NROL4W said it, but it just didn't work for me. (No room for pie)
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I get around 20% and split the rest between fat and carbs. How many grams of protein do you get in a day?

    aiming for 150- but I'd say I average between 130- some days I'm low- like uber low- 70- some days I'm closer to 200 or higher- I don't care so much while bulking as long as I get my calories- I split fairly evenly between them- but while cutting I'm much more attentive to hitting my protein- I go low carb while cutting- easier to keep my food on point.

    I'm with you on the higher protein. I aim for 130 g each day -- which is a little more than 0.7 g per 1 lb body weight. That level of protein has been shown to help reduce the loss of lean body mass when in a caloric deficit (though some even opt for twice that amount). That's why I aim to hit that every day. And for me, that generally means I'm at 30-35% protein. But, not everyone buys into the moderate protein approach.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    15% protein- no one else saw that. O_o ?!?!?!?!

    Holy cow I would DIE- I get light headed and practically none functional on anything less than 30% protein.

    Maybe no one else thought it was that big a deal since a) it's within the generally recommended range b) my doctor is aware and unconcerned, and c) it's working for me.

    So, you know "different strokes for different folks". :shrug:

    I realize that different people have different needs- but that just seems SO low!!!

    I'm glad it's working for you though :) wasn't a judgement more just shock. The bulk of the people that I talk to/associate with know- are usually 30-40% or higher.

    I only do 20% myself. I get about 20-30 grams three times a day, plus "bonus proteins" from snacking on nuts, plus all my carbs. I thrive on carbs myself. I know what you mean, but for me it's carbs. I do 50/20/30, so not far off from rebalee8. At 15% I hit the minimum of .8g/kg body mass, but I am much closer to 20% because meat is delicious.

    If I tried to get 30% in, I would have to up my fats too, because I'm not wild about lean meat. :laugh:

    I tried doing 40/30/30 because of NROL4W said it, but it just didn't work for me. (No room for pie)

    indeed- I often blow my carb macro due to ice cream- but I try to moderate it- I purposefully made it low this time around (I think it's actually set for effing 15%- who does that) so I could fudge it if I needed to- I don't mind playing with them to find what works- a world without ice cream and oreo's is just a world not worth living.

    and bacon.

    I need bacon.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    I'm vegetarian and used to do 15%, then 20% because 15% is what I was told is *more than we need* anyways and that more was pointless. Even IF that were true, I never feel as satisfied on the lower end (15%). I just recently decided to experiment with my macros and set it to 40/30/30 (carbs, protein, fat) and even though it's only been about 1 1/2 weeks, I have noticed a huge difference in my satiety levels for sure, which allows me to stay under my calorie goal much easier. It's definitely more of a challenge to get in 30% protein than it used to be before I was vegetarian, but it IS possible if you pay attention to macros and plan meals accordingly. I also must include protein shakes. Nothing wrong with that though.

    I'm currently aiming for 135g protein per day and have been hitting between 130-150g. That's plenty for me! I'm only 5'4". That also still gives me 180g carbs, so I can still fit pasta, ice cream, etc into my macros when I want it. I'm trying to let go of my "all or nothing" attitude and rigid thinking when it comes to nutrition, as long as I'm meeting my macro and micro nutrient needs. I used to be all about the whole "clean eating" thing that is much hated on here. I'm not so much anymore. I'm slowly turning into more of an IIFYM person, and it makes losing weight more enjoyable and keeps me sane. I think I'll stick to this as long as it is going this well. :bigsmile:
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    15% protein- no one else saw that. O_o ?!?!?!?!

    Holy cow I would DIE- I get light headed and practically none functional on anything less than 30% protein.

    lol. doubtful.

    I would- just literally keel over and die- no relzy.

    i ked I ked- but i have been uber low on protein before- and I remember driving home and just feeling REALLY out of it. got home- pulled out my phone and checked the pie chart on my macros- I think I was at 10%- I was shocked at how much it affected me.

    Probably has more to do with what I'm used to- but when I'm under under 30% there is no question I can tell- there is a profound impact in my performance and cognitive skills.

    If you were consistently at 10%, I could believe that would affect you as that's the minimum recommended. I rarely go less than 15, but it hovers in the 15-17% range. I think the lowest I've ever been is 12%, and that was a week I was sick with the flu. And while there were some performance issues, I'm kinda leaning toward flu as the culprit. ;) On the flip side, I don't think I've ever been higher than 18%. And I'm talking weekly here. I don't pay attention daily.

    But I suspect that some of it is what you're used to. When I was in college, I was a really lousy vegetarian because all I did was just not eat meat (I generally don't like it). I didn't make the effort to incorporate alternate proteins (except peanut butter and cheese [as in mac and cheese]) into my diet (one guess how I got fat). I would guess that at that time I wasn't getting enough protein, which is probably why I felt like **** as well - at least part of it anyway.