Sugar Detox



  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Does anyone think that the management at MFP takes a look at community traffic, says: "Hey, we gotta get those numbers up! Okay, time to start a discussion about detox."

    I don't cut out certain foods from my diet. I'm not on a diet. I have made a choice not to eat certain foods on a regular basis cause I simply don't feel good. I chose to eat them on an occasional basis.

    I don't see it as a "detox", I see it as a choice based upon my body's reactions.

    I doubt it. I hear a lot of this nonsense come up in discussions elsewhere, with friends, on FB, etc. I think Detox is just the hot buzzword these days.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member

    ^ this…

    I will also add that others that are newer to dieting come in these threads and then want to emulate said behavior because they are bombarded with "sugar is the devil" messages and then they read something like this where someone says "I cut out all sugar and lost 10 pounds and feel great"….well yea, you could of done that with a 500 calorie deficit and kept eating sugar and the foods you like….

    so some of us feel the need to attempt to correct the record…

    and the verbal gymnastics that the sugar detoxers use to justify avoiding "added sugar" while continuing to eat "fruit and honey sugar" are amusing...

    So amuse away. Sit at your computer and laugh, it doesn't require any typing.

    As for "correcting the record": It's one thing to say "that doesn't necessarily work for everybody for these reasons...". It's entirely different to say "you're doing it wrong" when you know next to nothing about the person you're talking to, what kind of metabolism they have, what diets they've already tried, what kind of research they've done, etc.

    And no, some of us can't do a 500 calorie deficit and keep eating sugar because sugar makes us feel hungry.
    There's been study after study that proves this, it's in the very foundation of the whole low-carb concept. Sugar is one of three things that just about every diet I've ever read agrees on (the other two being water and vegetables): they all say to either moderate or avoid sugar. That comes down to personality issue. Some people are good at moderating. Others are better at avoiding.

    It's the criticism that's screws up these threads. As for people getting the wrong idea, they are just going to have to start asking questions and doing their own independent research. Anybody that relies solely on public forums for health advice is going to fail. Nothing anybody can do about that. I've noticed 3 useful responses on the forums: Providing support; sharing personal experience; answering specific technical questions (with sources). Criticism from strangers never helps anybody.

    Most people do lots of outside research before deciding what kind of diet is most likely to work. But we all target our research to our own needs. To assume that what I learned about my needs is going to 100% apply to what you need is pure ignorance (and vice versa).

    Great post!

    Another thing is people never know what plan someone's doctor has worked out with them.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Dude, Try not to make blanket statements with out telling us why YOU think someone else's comment is wrong...


    Thank you! Seriously - the one-liner smack downs are *the* most annoying parts about these threads. Sometimes I think people are just trying to rack up comment tallies on their profile. It's so juvenile.

    This x 100,000,000,000,000000. I thought I was the only person who was annoyed by this.

    I refuse to reply to one word troll replies anymore, (or GIF replies I can't even view on my monitor although I'm sure they were hilarious and oh so mature). The same 4 or 5 people pop up and say the same thing on every single "sugar detox" "juice cleanse" or "calorie counting" thread. These comments serve no purpose apart from attempting to turn the tread into the usual slanging match.

    It really beats me why any normal sane person would purposely start an arguement on every. single. thread. about a topic they obviously don't believe in or know anything about over and over again.

    I have noticed the exact same thing!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Yes, I went through that. I have 8 months off sweets and artificial sweeteners. Might want to get yourself some L-glutamine from the health food store and take it every day for a week or two. It will remove your cravings. Also red meat can cause sugar cravings. After awhile you'll look around at the crap everywhere and wonder why in the world everyone is obsessed with it. You'll be free.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Dude, Try not to make blanket statements with out telling us why YOU think someone else's comment is wrong...


    Thank you! Seriously - the one-liner smack downs are *the* most annoying parts about these threads. Sometimes I think people are just trying to rack up comment tallies on their profile. It's so juvenile.

    This x 100,000,000,000,000000. I thought I was the only person who was annoyed by this.

    I refuse to reply to one word troll replies anymore, (or GIF replies I can't even view on my monitor although I'm sure they were hilarious and oh so mature). The same 4 or 5 people pop up and say the same thing on every single "sugar detox" "juice cleanse" or "calorie counting" thread. These comments serve no purpose apart from attempting to turn the tread into the usual slanging match.

    It really beats me why any normal sane person would purposely start an arguement on every. single. thread. about a topic they obviously don't believe in or know anything about over and over again.
    People have been fighting against derp since the inception of this forum. Fighting the forces of derp and rallying against the derp spreaders has been here since the beginning and will continue long after the ragequitters, and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related. A perpetual cycle of derp leads to poor relationships with food, eating disorders, demonizing food, and the spreading of misinformation that could potentially damage a noob who doesn't know any better.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Interesting story about a family's personal experience with giving up sugar for a year.

    I think this is what the OP was referring to. I doubt OP is planning to get rid of veggies because of the small traces of sugar found. Abstaining from a type of food is possible and it appears to be possible for the long term as well. I'm not sure why people hate the idea of giving up a certain food. If it works for them, why trash it? If their reason is"Sugar is EVIL" you can say "no, sugar is not evil, but I'm glad abstaining from it is working for you". You can disagree with the motives behind doing it, but you can't disagree that is works for some people and that they end up HEALTHIER because of it..

    :noway: Someone feeling better after giving up sugar?!?! Say it isn't so....
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Interesting story about a family's personal experience with giving up sugar for a year.

    I think this is what the OP was referring to. I doubt OP is planning to get rid of veggies because of the small traces of sugar found. Abstaining from a type of food is possible and it appears to be possible for the long term as well. I'm not sure why people hate the idea of giving up a certain food. If it works for them, why trash it? If their reason is"Sugar is EVIL" you can say "no, sugar is not evil, but I'm glad abstaining from it is working for you". You can disagree with the motives behind doing it, but you can't disagree that is works for some people and that they end up HEALTHIER because of it..

    :noway: Someone feeling better after giving up sugar?!?! Say it isn't so....

    They gave up "added" sugar, not all sugar. So the headline is misleading at the very least. I hypothesize that the reduction of sugar resulted in better macro balance, thus making them "feel better."
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related.

    Oh! I get it... only people with rockin' bodies can give advise or could possibly know the answers. Check!

    I don't feel like I'm "All knowing" when it comes to diet and fitness.. I'm sure I'm far from expert level. But that doesn't mean I haven't gone through what someone else has gone through and can share advise with my experience. I guess I feel like a lot of the time, someone who has succeed in their weight loss (such as yourself) feel that their path is the only correct one. I applaud the work you put in and am glad you achieved your goals. But there are many paths to the end result and just because someone hasn't gotten there yet doesn't mean they don't have valid input into a conversation.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Dude, Try not to make blanket statements with out telling us why YOU think someone else's comment is wrong...


    Thank you! Seriously - the one-liner smack downs are *the* most annoying parts about these threads. Sometimes I think people are just trying to rack up comment tallies on their profile. It's so juvenile.

    This x 100,000,000,000,000000. I thought I was the only person who was annoyed by this.

    I refuse to reply to one word troll replies anymore, (or GIF replies I can't even view on my monitor although I'm sure they were hilarious and oh so mature). The same 4 or 5 people pop up and say the same thing on every single "sugar detox" "juice cleanse" or "calorie counting" thread. These comments serve no purpose apart from attempting to turn the tread into the usual slanging match.

    It really beats me why any normal sane person would purposely start an arguement on every. single. thread. about a topic they obviously don't believe in or know anything about over and over again.
    People have been fighting against derp since the inception of this forum. Fighting the forces of derp and rallying against the derp spreaders has been here since the beginning and will continue long after the ragequitters, and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related. A perpetual cycle of derp leads to poor relationships with food, eating disorders, demonizing food, and the spreading of misinformation that could potentially damage a noob who doesn't know any better.

    And sadly you guys have become what you have for years struggled against. It's an age old problem, and what's even sadder is you guys cannot see it.

    Now you are the derp spreader and we must battle against you up save the noobs!
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Interesting story about a family's personal experience with giving up sugar for a year.

    I think this is what the OP was referring to. I doubt OP is planning to get rid of veggies because of the small traces of sugar found. Abstaining from a type of food is possible and it appears to be possible for the long term as well. I'm not sure why people hate the idea of giving up a certain food. If it works for them, why trash it? If their reason is"Sugar is EVIL" you can say "no, sugar is not evil, but I'm glad abstaining from it is working for you". You can disagree with the motives behind doing it, but you can't disagree that is works for some people and that they end up HEALTHIER because of it..

    :noway: Someone feeling better after giving up sugar?!?! Say it isn't so....

    They gave up "added" sugar, not all sugar. So the headline is misleading at the very least. I hypothesize that the reduction of sugar resulted in better macro balance, thus making them "feel better."

    True. Definitely just added sugar... It sounded like the OP was looking to go this route, and was just going extreme for a week (no even fruits) to hopefully reduce the cravings she had. I thought this was probably more along the lines of what OP was looking to accomplish.. Although, you never know..
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related.

    Oh! I get it... only people with rockin' bodies can give advise or could possibly know the answers. Check!

    I don't feel like I'm "All knowing" when it comes to diet and fitness.. I'm sure I'm far from expert level. But that doesn't mean I haven't gone through what someone else has gone through and can share advise with my experience. I guess I feel like a lot of the time, someone who has succeed in their weight loss (such as yourself) feel that their path is the only correct one. I applaud the work you put in and am glad you achieved your goals. But there are many paths to the end result and just because someone hasn't gotten there yet doesn't mean they don't have valid input into a conversation.

    Great Post.

    Considering that I am one that has been all over the place for years and years when it comes to dieting doesn't mean I'm not an expert. After years of research, meeting with various people, from dieticians, doctors, therapist, I am actually highly educated in the ins and outs of losing weight. But that doesn't mean I have practiced it. Having an unhealthy relationship with certain foods and going down different paths to see what works for the individual doesn't mean that food is demonized. Hey, I love sugar...L O V E it. I will eat a sweet and smile, savor it, taste every part of it, BUT then I eat another, and another and then I crash. And feel crappy and then what do I reach for because I've crashed? Another sweet treat. Because it taste so dang good and makes me happy. Restricting particular foods is not a bad thing. I'm not saying ENTIRE food groups. But a person needs to find out what works for them. For some, weight loss is simply less calories in than burned. BAM. It's easy. But for others, it is a major lifestyle overhaul. And there is NO straight path to a person changing their lifestyle. We are all different in many ways (psychosocial speaking) and different approaches work for different folks. I don't think it's wrong that people eat twinkies, or a bit of ice cream every day. Just like I don't think it's wrong that I choose to not eat those foods every day. I ate dinner last night, wanted something sweet, and had an orange. To me, that is learning to have a healthy relationship with food.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Considering that I am one that has been all over the place for years and years when it comes to dieting doesn't mean I'm not an expert. After years of research, meeting with various people, from dieticians, doctors, therapist, I am actually highly educated in the ins and outs of losing weight. But that doesn't mean I have practiced it. Having an unhealthy relationship with certain foods and going down different paths to see what works for the individual doesn't mean that food is demonized. Hey, I love sugar...L O V E it. I will eat a sweet and smile, savor it, taste every part of it, BUT then I eat another, and another and then I crash. And feel crappy and then what do I reach for because I've crashed? Another sweet treat. Because it taste so dang good and makes me happy. Restricting particular foods is not a bad thing. I'm not saying ENTIRE food groups. But a person needs to find out what works for them. For some, weight loss is simply less calories in than burned. BAM. It's easy. But for others, it is a major lifestyle overhaul. And there is NO straight path to a person changing their lifestyle. We are all different in many ways (psychosocial speaking) and different approaches work for different folks. I don't think it's wrong that people eat twinkies, or a bit of ice cream every day. Just like I don't think it's wrong that I choose to not eat those foods every day. I ate dinner last night, wanted something sweet, and had an orange. To me, that is learning to have a healthy relationship with food.

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related.

    Oh! I get it... only people with rockin' bodies can give advise or could possibly know the answers. Check!

    I don't feel like I'm "All knowing" when it comes to diet and fitness.. I'm sure I'm far from expert level. But that doesn't mean I haven't gone through what someone else has gone through and can share advise with my experience. I guess I feel like a lot of the time, someone who has succeed in their weight loss (such as yourself) feel that their path is the only correct one. I applaud the work you put in and am glad you achieved your goals. But there are many paths to the end result and just because someone hasn't gotten there yet doesn't mean they don't have valid input into a conversation.

    I'm sorry you feel your information isn't taken seriously, but I for one would much rather listen to someone on here that has proven their knowledge base, rocking body or not.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related.

    Oh! I get it... only people with rockin' bodies can give advise or could possibly know the answers. Check!

    I don't feel like I'm "All knowing" when it comes to diet and fitness.. I'm sure I'm far from expert level. But that doesn't mean I haven't gone through what someone else has gone through and can share advise with my experience. I guess I feel like a lot of the time, someone who has succeed in their weight loss (such as yourself) feel that their path is the only correct one. I applaud the work you put in and am glad you achieved your goals. But there are many paths to the end result and just because someone hasn't gotten there yet doesn't mean they don't have valid input into a conversation.

    I'm sorry you feel your information isn't taken seriously, but I for one would much rather listen to someone on here that has proven their knowledge base, rocking body or not.

    And that actually proves where we are all different in many ways. Because I myself would rather listen to and have support of those who have had similar struggles as I have and can understand where I am coming from with certain topics. Doesn't make one way any better than the other. It's just the path you choose. Now when it comes to exercises or programs I will want someone that has tried a particular program and had success to give advice. But when it comes to struggles with food, I'd prefer someone who can understand what I'm dealing with and give me insight and different perspectives I may not have.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Dude, Try not to make blanket statements with out telling us why YOU think someone else's comment is wrong...


    Thank you! Seriously - the one-liner smack downs are *the* most annoying parts about these threads. Sometimes I think people are just trying to rack up comment tallies on their profile. It's so juvenile.

    This x 100,000,000,000,000000. I thought I was the only person who was annoyed by this.

    I refuse to reply to one word troll replies anymore, (or GIF replies I can't even view on my monitor although I'm sure they were hilarious and oh so mature). The same 4 or 5 people pop up and say the same thing on every single "sugar detox" "juice cleanse" or "calorie counting" thread. These comments serve no purpose apart from attempting to turn the tread into the usual slanging match.

    It really beats me why any normal sane person would purposely start an arguement on every. single. thread. about a topic they obviously don't believe in or know anything about over and over again.
    People have been fighting against derp since the inception of this forum. Fighting the forces of derp and rallying against the derp spreaders has been here since the beginning and will continue long after the ragequitters, and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related. A perpetual cycle of derp leads to poor relationships with food, eating disorders, demonizing food, and the spreading of misinformation that could potentially damage a noob who doesn't know any better.

    And sadly you guys have become what you have for years struggled against. It's an age old problem, and what's even sadder is you guys cannot see it.

    Now you are the derp spreader and we must battle against you up save the noobs!

    This from emperor derp spreader
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related.

    Oh! I get it... only people with rockin' bodies can give advise or could possibly know the answers. Check!

    I don't feel like I'm "All knowing" when it comes to diet and fitness.. I'm sure I'm far from expert level. But that doesn't mean I haven't gone through what someone else has gone through and can share advise with my experience. I guess I feel like a lot of the time, someone who has succeed in their weight loss (such as yourself) feel that their path is the only correct one. I applaud the work you put in and am glad you achieved your goals. But there are many paths to the end result and just because someone hasn't gotten there yet doesn't mean they don't have valid input into a conversation.

    way to take that post out of context...

    if you were going to take driving lessons would you take them from a) someone with one speeding violation and no accidents or b0 someone with multiple speeding violations and five or six accidents???

    I try to look to people that have had long term success in health and fitness and draw from their knowledge and experience. Does that mean that exactly what they did will work for me? No, of course not; it does however mean that they can provide me with more useful information for to add to what I have already found what works for me. And most people that have had success in health, weight loss, fitness etc, are going to have "rocking bodies" or "athletic bodies" or whatever adjective you want to use to describe it..

    I love how you somehow turn around long term success and an athletic body and try to make it an insult...interesting...
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Bump, going to sift through this inevitable trainwreck of a thread when I get home from work.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related.

    Oh! I get it... only people with rockin' bodies can give advise or could possibly know the answers. Check!

    I don't feel like I'm "All knowing" when it comes to diet and fitness.. I'm sure I'm far from expert level. But that doesn't mean I haven't gone through what someone else has gone through and can share advise with my experience. I guess I feel like a lot of the time, someone who has succeed in their weight loss (such as yourself) feel that their path is the only correct one. I applaud the work you put in and am glad you achieved your goals. But there are many paths to the end result and just because someone hasn't gotten there yet doesn't mean they don't have valid input into a conversation.

    way to take that post out of context...

    if you were going to take driving lessons would you take them from a) someone with one speeding violation and no accidents or b0 someone with multiple speeding violations and five or six accidents???

    I try to look to people that have had long term success in health and fitness and draw from their knowledge and experience. Does that mean that exactly what they did will work for me? No, of course not; it does however mean that they can provide me with more useful information for to add to what I have already found what works for me. And most people that have had success in health, weight loss, fitness etc, are going to have "rocking bodies" or "athletic bodies" or whatever adjective you want to use to describe it..

    I love how you somehow turn around long term success and an athletic body and try to make it an insult...interesting...

    I apologize if what I said sounded like I was bashing people who have had success. I, in no way, want to downplay the hard work you have put in and the result you have gotten. -- " I applaud the work you put in and am glad you achieved your goals" (from my post)

    The success stories thread on here is by far my favorite. It s great place to learn about what might work for me. The point I was trying to get at, was that if you look on those threads not everyone followed the same path. So cutting out sugars for some, might be the best path, even though it was not your particular path.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Dude, Try not to make blanket statements with out telling us why YOU think someone else's comment is wrong...


    Thank you! Seriously - the one-liner smack downs are *the* most annoying parts about these threads. Sometimes I think people are just trying to rack up comment tallies on their profile. It's so juvenile.

    This x 100,000,000,000,000000. I thought I was the only person who was annoyed by this.

    I refuse to reply to one word troll replies anymore, (or GIF replies I can't even view on my monitor although I'm sure they were hilarious and oh so mature). The same 4 or 5 people pop up and say the same thing on every single "sugar detox" "juice cleanse" or "calorie counting" thread. These comments serve no purpose apart from attempting to turn the tread into the usual slanging match.

    It really beats me why any normal sane person would purposely start an arguement on every. single. thread. about a topic they obviously don't believe in or know anything about over and over again.
    People have been fighting against derp since the inception of this forum. Fighting the forces of derp and rallying against the derp spreaders has been here since the beginning and will continue long after the ragequitters, and the people who have been here for years with nothing to show for it who somehow think they know whats up in everything nutriton related. A perpetual cycle of derp leads to poor relationships with food, eating disorders, demonizing food, and the spreading of misinformation that could potentially damage a noob who doesn't know any better.

    And sadly you guys have become what you have for years struggled against. It's an age old problem, and what's even sadder is you guys cannot see it.

    Now you are the derp spreader and we must battle against you up save the noobs!

    This from emperor derp spreader

    You're very kind to award me such an honour, but I am no match for you. Lol
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    if you were going to take driving lessons would you take them from a) someone with one speeding violation and no accidents or b0 someone with multiple speeding violations and five or six accidents???

    I try to look to people that have had long term success in health and fitness and draw from their knowledge and experience. Does that mean that exactly what they did will work for me? No, of course not; it does however mean that they can provide me with more useful information for to add to what I have already found what works for me. And most people that have had success in health, weight loss, fitness etc, are going to have "rocking bodies" or "athletic bodies" or whatever adjective you want to use to describe it..

    I love how you somehow turn around long term success and an athletic body and try to make it an insult...interesting...

    Your first mistake is using an apples-to-oranges analogy comparing the infinitely complex world of weight loss and health to something as simple and concrete as driving lessons. Weight loss and health don't only involve simple mechanics and skill. There are myriad layers to the human psyche and emotions at play. This is what folks with your attitude don't understand, and this is why you lack the COMPLETE set of skills needed to help people effectively.

    There is an ancient passage that is commonly used at weddings and it goes something like this:

    "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."

    You can have all the long-term success and athleticism and great looks and "expertise" in the world, but if you don't have empathy, listening skills, an understanding of what people who struggle with eating disorders feel and think, and a heart of compassion, then on these're nothing but a Derp-spreader. It's that simple. And that's why you get SO much push-back from people on here.

    To the 3-4 people we're all thinking of and speaking to here....please be wise to consider this feedback. You could really be a helpful force to many people. Don't blow that chance.