Weight loss FEARS?



  • lmmathis86
    lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
    Oh and buying clothes!!! I hate shopping I normally end up crying in a dressing room! I dont want to have to buy more clothes i'm scared i'm not going to like the way anything fits.
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    I worry that if people find out I'm losing weight on purpose, they'll think I'm shallow or superficial.
  • elothen
    elothen Posts: 155 Member
    You've all got a lot of valid fears here, let me give you a perspective on one though.

    Many of you have suggested that you might lose the weight but still not be happy with your body, not feel attractive. After losing my weight I still don't feel attractive. That's not me fishing for compliments, it's just how I feel regardless of what people (including my wife) say. So, I know how you feel and honestly still feel that way.

    However there are other aspects to this. The greatest to me is how I physically feel (vs. look). I have energy, I feel strong. 6 months after I lost 50lbs I ran the Tough Mudder. At times I thought I wouldn't be able to finish it but I did and that success, that experience, has fueled me ever since and I'll always remember what I overcame and what I achieved that day.

    Because of my weight loss and new dedication to fitness I can play soccer again, and I LOVE IT! I'll never be as fast or skilled as these 20-somethings who've played their whole life but there's just something about being out on that pitch and playing for all your worth. I day dream about it just about every day.

    Set your fears aside friends. I'm SO glad I did this and you will be too.
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    Everyone's fears are valid, I just want to tell everyone NOT to give up! About a year and a half ago my doctor thought I had Cancer, I was so sick I could barely function. I had every test done under the sun and nothing too big really came back aside from the fact that my issue could likely be my weight, no doctor or specialist told me it just hit me. I tried for months to lose it and nothing, this time last year I was beyond depressed about it thinking I was going to be obese and unhappy and sick forever, then my doctor mentioned MFP and that was it... down 70 since then ( I lost 15 before joining). My point is I tried EVERYTHING and if I can lose that much without really trying too, so can you! I work full time, have 2 kids, my husband works 80 hrs a week so I get very little help and I have a sedentary desk job, it can be done!

    I no longer fear I will fail at this point, I want it so bad. I get the fact some of you feel like you still won't like the way you look but I bet you will and at least will feel better and be healthier. I have NEVER been pretty, not looking for compliments, not that you can see pictures, but I know I'm different looking lol! It's amazing what losing 70 pounds and some new clothes and makeup will do for one's confidence though! I LOVE buying new clothes! Just imagine what it's like to not have to buy plus size clothes! it's cheaper and there is more variety! I need work out clothes, casual clothes and formal work clothes so I get the $$ part but I usually buy second hand for work and a lot of stores like Target and Old Navy are cheap!

    I can't stress enough that you can all do this! Do it for you and no one else! Picture yourself at your ideal weight and imagine how amazing it will be and how much better you will feel. Don't worry you won't be happy, tell yourself you will be! :flowerforyou:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Of course. Here they are:

    1. My goal is unattainable. It's been a LONG time since I weighed 145. What if my 55 year old body refuses to cooperate and getting there is impossible?

    2. I'll backslide and regain all the weight. Done it before, don't want to do it again.

    3. The "good enough" trap. I define this as thinking "I feel good. I look better than I did. I'm not at my goal, but where I am is good enough".

    4. Maintenance. Scared silly of this. I still have 47 lbs. to go and I plan to spend a considerable amount of time devising a maintenance plan. All this work is for nothing if I can't maintain.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I didn't have any fears, but I also HAD to lose weight. I was bed ridden and extremely ill when I started losing weight so nothing else matered except for getting the excess weight off. I went from bed ridden for 6 months to now training for my first cycling event (45 mile charity event).
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I already know that I'll need a breast lift and probably a tummy tuck after I finish losing the 100 lbs I have to lose. I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it.
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    my boobs are gone but I dont care..I run like the wind and I look and feel great at 44.