Why does Planet Fitness get a bad rap?



  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    PF can still KMA tho because they're marketing is centered around making people feel weak, insecure, and helpless. That's the polar opposite of how a gym should make people feel.
    Occasionally, I like you.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    PF can still KMA tho because their marketing is centered around making people feel weak, insecure, and helpless. That's the polar opposite of how a gym should make people feel.
    Occasionally, I like you.

    It's a trap.gif
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    I only pay $19 a month for a gym with free weights. I went to a Planet Fitness to walk around and give it a chance but when the people tried to explain to me that a smith machine and free weights are the same I left.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    NO FREAKING WAY... I wonder how many people buy into that crap

    PF isnt the only one who does that though. 24hr club will try to say that the smith machine is the same as free weights whenever you tell them you want/recommend some other kind of equipment (I wanted a dead lift area and shrug machine like they had in another gym). Lets see, when I did 365lb and over shrugs in the smith machine, sometimes the whole machine would severely wobble...this means my range of motion in the lift does not match the machine's, and essentially I'm lifting part of the machine's mass as well through part of the lift, I'm glad its the machine that gives a little and not my back, but thats extra pressure on my back...someone else may not be so lucky.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    So, even when solicited, we're not allowed to share our rationales for not choosing to spend our money at PF and instead spending it on other facilities?

    I was referring more to the general backlash against PF on forums like this one from people who don't go to PF (and never have), but they damn sure love to talk about it and create snarky gifs mocking the people that do go to PF (like the one shown in the OP). There's typically a PF thread every week where people love to chime in about "but you can't deadlift there!" and on and on, when the reality is most people that workout don't want to deadlift and no one's forcing you to pay the $10 to join PF. With most of these threads it goes well beyond sharing a reasoned opinion when solicited and it's really more of a PF complainer bandwagon. Just my take on it though.

    It's because of the company's own marketing. So what if people haven't actually been there? Are people not allowed to form a negative opinion of a company based on their marketing and choose not to go there because of it? And if they do that they're not at liberty to express their opinion about said company based on their marketing? Their marketing goes way beyond sharing a reasonable opinion that their gym is intended for a particular demographic, seeing as they ridicule and shame people they consider not to be of their intended demographic. So really a backlash of gifs and very vocal complainers on a site with lots of people who are "lunks" according to PF really shouldn't be all that surprising.

    proud to be a lunk.... and I find this whole debate very amusing.

    btw: I have nothing against people going there because it's cheap and suits their needs. Just don't get butthurt when other people vehemently dislike their place based on how the company markets itself. (though on a serious note, I don't want anyone, however shy and lacking in confidence to feel that other gyms are "not for them" or that they can't go there)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Mine's open 24 hours a day and it's $10 a month.

    What's to complain about that?


    I'm a big fat broad and I've never seen so much as a nudge or an eyeroll like I've noticed at other gym memberships I've had that cost 5 times the amount and had no parking. And closed at 9 pm.

    I've never heard so much as a mumble or a snicker when I'm working my fat butt on the treadmill. Like to the two guys that felt compelled to marvel loudly at my appearance at the yuppie gym I once belonged to as I minded my own business on the elliptical. And they were fit and trim married *kitten* in their 40s. I was in my 30s then. Try it now fellas. I'm in my 40s and I'll give you a run for your money. Figuratively speaking.

    I love Planet Fitness.

    I don't care what other people do around me, including lunking and dressing skimpily, as long as they don't bother me. I would never complain about that.

    If it's true that Planet Fitness is for fat unfit people, then it's for me and I'm grateful for it :)

    I agree, I suppose I am a "fat unfit person" and I am grateful for PF as well. I am nowhere near the "expert level" of other people... and grateful is the precise word. I wouldn't feel comfortable working out at another gym... not YET anyway. I think it's a great beginner gym for the fat *kitten* like me.
    See, and I think it sends the wrong message to say (and we do ourselves a disservice to allow ourselves to accept the message), "Hey, you fat broads need your own special place, because you're not good enough for a real gym." I got a big ol' one finger salute for them.

    As much as I agree with you, I still have reservations about going to another gym. Some of us aren't as kick *kitten* as you are dear. Personally, its taken me YEARS to get to the level of self esteem I'm at now. Once my skin is thicker, I might look into another gym altogether... but, for now, women like me need PF in their lives.

    <---- this lunk had serious self-esteem issues for years. Don't let it hold you back. Act like a confident person and you'll start to become one. Although in my case it took a fair degree of counselling/therapy as well... which I'd recommend if your self esteem is really that low or if you have other issues that tie in with it (PTSD in my case)

    What I mean is you're a lot more kick *kitten* than you think you are.... try not to make decisions based on you seeing yourself as a person with low self esteem... it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Which is one major reason why I hate PFs marketing campaign, more than the lunk thing even... it reinforces the idea that there's something to be scared of about regular gyms, when actually there isn't.... this makes the idea of going to non-PF gyms more of a mental barrier than it actually is.
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    I only pay $19 a month for a gym with free weights. I went to a Planet Fitness to walk around and give it a chance but when the people tried to explain to me that a smith machine and free weights are the same I left.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    NO FREAKING WAY... I wonder how many people buy into that crap

    PF isnt the only one who does that though. 24hr club will try to say that the smith machine is the same as free weights whenever you tell them you want/recommend some other kind of equipment (I wanted a dead lift area and shrug machine like they had in another gym). Lets see, when I did 365lb and over shrugs in the smith machine, sometimes the whole machine would severely wobble...this means my range of motion in the lift does not match the machine's, and essentially I'm lifting part of the machine's mass as well through part of the lift, I'm glad its the machine that gives a little and not my back, but thats extra pressure on my back...someone else may not be so lucky.

    How heavy are those machines? I've seen them bolted down in gyms too.
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    Mine's open 24 hours a day and it's $10 a month.

    What's to complain about that?


    I'm a big fat broad and I've never seen so much as a nudge or an eyeroll like I've noticed at other gym memberships I've had that cost 5 times the amount and had no parking. And closed at 9 pm.

    I've never heard so much as a mumble or a snicker when I'm working my fat butt on the treadmill. Like to the two guys that felt compelled to marvel loudly at my appearance at the yuppie gym I once belonged to as I minded my own business on the elliptical. And they were fit and trim married *kitten* in their 40s. I was in my 30s then. Try it now fellas. I'm in my 40s and I'll give you a run for your money. Figuratively speaking.

    I love Planet Fitness.

    I don't care what other people do around me, including lunking and dressing skimpily, as long as they don't bother me. I would never complain about that.

    If it's true that Planet Fitness is for fat unfit people, then it's for me and I'm grateful for it :)

    I agree, I suppose I am a "fat unfit person" and I am grateful for PF as well. I am nowhere near the "expert level" of other people... and grateful is the precise word. I wouldn't feel comfortable working out at another gym... not YET anyway. I think it's a great beginner gym for the fat *kitten* like me.
    See, and I think it sends the wrong message to say (and we do ourselves a disservice to allow ourselves to accept the message), "Hey, you fat broads need your own special place, because you're not good enough for a real gym." I got a big ol' one finger salute for them.

    As much as I agree with you, I still have reservations about going to another gym. Some of us aren't as kick *kitten* as you are dear. Personally, its taken me YEARS to get to the level of self esteem I'm at now. Once my skin is thicker, I might look into another gym altogether... but, for now, women like me need PF in their lives.

    <---- this lunk had serious self-esteem issues for years. Don't let it hold you back. Act like a confident person and you'll start to become one. Although in my case it took a fair degree of counselling/therapy as well... which I'd recommend if your self esteem is really that low or if you have other issues that tie in with it (PTSD in my case)

    What I mean is you're a lot more kick *kitten* than you think you are.... try not to make decisions based on you seeing yourself as a person with low self esteem... it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Which is one major reason why I hate PFs marketing campaign, more than the lunk thing even... it reinforces the idea that there's something to be scared of about regular gyms, when actually there isn't.... this makes the idea of going to non-PF gyms more of a mental barrier than it actually is.

    Yes I think its all to generate an image so people talk about them, and scare people off "regular" gyms and go to them. So far it works great!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Everything is too purple there.

    ^ This. As if their race to the bottom themed marketing wasn't bad enough, their color scheme is hideous, they are too restrictive on what members are allowed to wear, and I seriously doubt that they have coasters for the diet coke on pizza night.
  • sugamonstaa
    sugamonstaa Posts: 88 Member
    How they market themselves is horrible. Not only that but they offer pizza and bagel nights with free candy EVERYWHERE! They're lacking a lot of gym necessities for people serious about lifting but for people that just want to stay healthy it's good.
  • idlehands79
    I see your point, and I regularly participate in those threads. Because I think it's reasonable to call them on their "no judgement" hypocrisy. You're allowed to be bothered by that, but that feeling is yours to deal with, not mine. drinker (I'm affirming that to myself, not being testy)

    I wouldn't say I'm bothered by it - you're the one sarcastically responding to my comments. I just said people like to complain about PF probably a bit more than they should and many seem to feel like they're better than other people simply because they workout somewhere other than PF. You can even see some posts along those lines in this very thread. I also seem to recall a bunch of people that don't go to PF (and never have) were in an uproar when PF removed their squat racks. I guess it's just me, but when a business I have no affiliation with does something that doesn't affect me, I suppose I just don't care all that much. Threads have even popped up where people try to spin a simple dress code violation as "PF is fit shaming!" and other nonsense.

    At the end of the day, it's a health club that's dirt cheap, open 24/7 and obviously works for a lot (but not all) people. Beyond that, I don't see much to discuss, and certainly not enough to justify all the threads that pop-up weekly on fitness forums. My personal opinion is they have way too many rules and restrictions, and so I'm happy to pay more for gyms that better fit my preferences.

    They like to complain because for once the shoe is on the other foot and they're being judged and discriminating against. :P

    My husband and I go to PF, we like it, it suits our needs as beginners. I'd also like to add that our PF has 6 benches for lifting, including 2 racks of free weights and 1 rack of barbells. I've not looked at them since I'm content to use the machines but they don't look like they go very high in weight. No one sets off the lunk alarm because someone grunts a few times or lets a weight drop. The alarm is there for those that are making a big scene while lifting because it is weird and intimidating for those not part of the body building scene. I've seen plenty of women wearing tight pants and sports bras, none of them were asked to leave.

    They do have pizza night and bagel mornings and that does seem silly to have 'junk' food at a gym, but no one is forcing you to take it. It's a cheap and easy thing to offer customers as a little 'reward' for coming in. I'm a fat chick and I'm way too self concious to be seen eating a slice of pizza that gym. ^_^ So no worries there.

    From what I understand, PF's are franchises so there will be slight differences from gym to gym. As so many have said, to each their own and no one should be putting down people going to any type of gym. Whatever gets us in there and moving, it's all good. For me, it's cheap, 24 hours, and close to work.
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    I see your point, and I regularly participate in those threads. Because I think it's reasonable to call them on their "no judgement" hypocrisy. You're allowed to be bothered by that, but that feeling is yours to deal with, not mine. drinker (I'm affirming that to myself, not being testy)

    I wouldn't say I'm bothered by it - you're the one sarcastically responding to my comments. I just said people like to complain about PF probably a bit more than they should and many seem to feel like they're better than other people simply because they workout somewhere other than PF. You can even see some posts along those lines in this very thread. I also seem to recall a bunch of people that don't go to PF (and never have) were in an uproar when PF removed their squat racks. I guess it's just me, but when a business I have no affiliation with does something that doesn't affect me, I suppose I just don't care all that much. Threads have even popped up where people try to spin a simple dress code violation as "PF is fit shaming!" and other nonsense.

    At the end of the day, it's a health club that's dirt cheap, open 24/7 and obviously works for a lot (but not all) people. Beyond that, I don't see much to discuss, and certainly not enough to justify all the threads that pop-up weekly on fitness forums. My personal opinion is they have way too many rules and restrictions, and so I'm happy to pay more for gyms that better fit my preferences.

    They like to complain because for once the shoe is on the other foot and they're being judged and discriminating against. :P

    My husband and I go to PF, we like it, it suits our needs as beginners. I'd also like to add that our PF has 6 benches for lifting, including 2 racks of free weights and 1 rack of barbells. I've not looked at them since I'm content to use the machines but they don't look like they go very high in weight. No one sets off the lunk alarm because someone grunts a few times or lets a weight drop. The alarm is there for those that are making a big scene while lifting because it is weird and intimidating for those not part of the body building scene. I've seen plenty of women wearing tight pants and sports bras, none of them were asked to leave.

    They do have pizza night and bagel mornings and that does seem silly to have 'junk' food at a gym, but no one is forcing you to take it. It's a cheap and easy thing to offer customers as a little 'reward' for coming in. I'm a fat chick and I'm way too self concious to be seen eating a slice of pizza that gym. ^_^ So no worries there.

    From what I understand, PF's are franchises so there will be slight differences from gym to gym. As so many have said, to each their own and no one should be putting down people going to any type of gym. Whatever gets us in there and moving, it's all good. For me, it's cheap, 24 hours, and close to work.

    Sure, because two wrongs make a right! Good principle to live by. So don't complain if some cut woman calls you fat names, you are "giving it back to her" in the reverse direction through Planet Fitness! That'll teach her!
  • idlehands79
    I see your point, and I regularly participate in those threads. Because I think it's reasonable to call them on their "no judgement" hypocrisy. You're allowed to be bothered by that, but that feeling is yours to deal with, not mine. drinker (I'm affirming that to myself, not being testy)

    I wouldn't say I'm bothered by it - you're the one sarcastically responding to my comments. I just said people like to complain about PF probably a bit more than they should and many seem to feel like they're better than other people simply because they workout somewhere other than PF. You can even see some posts along those lines in this very thread. I also seem to recall a bunch of people that don't go to PF (and never have) were in an uproar when PF removed their squat racks. I guess it's just me, but when a business I have no affiliation with does something that doesn't affect me, I suppose I just don't care all that much. Threads have even popped up where people try to spin a simple dress code violation as "PF is fit shaming!" and other nonsense.

    At the end of the day, it's a health club that's dirt cheap, open 24/7 and obviously works for a lot (but not all) people. Beyond that, I don't see much to discuss, and certainly not enough to justify all the threads that pop-up weekly on fitness forums. My personal opinion is they have way too many rules and restrictions, and so I'm happy to pay more for gyms that better fit my preferences.

    They like to complain because for once the shoe is on the other foot and they're being judged and discriminating against. :P

    My husband and I go to PF, we like it, it suits our needs as beginners. I'd also like to add that our PF has 6 benches for lifting, including 2 racks of free weights and 1 rack of barbells. I've not looked at them since I'm content to use the machines but they don't look like they go very high in weight. No one sets off the lunk alarm because someone grunts a few times or lets a weight drop. The alarm is there for those that are making a big scene while lifting because it is weird and intimidating for those not part of the body building scene. I've seen plenty of women wearing tight pants and sports bras, none of them were asked to leave.

    They do have pizza night and bagel mornings and that does seem silly to have 'junk' food at a gym, but no one is forcing you to take it. It's a cheap and easy thing to offer customers as a little 'reward' for coming in. I'm a fat chick and I'm way too self concious to be seen eating a slice of pizza that gym. ^_^ So no worries there.

    From what I understand, PF's are franchises so there will be slight differences from gym to gym. As so many have said, to each their own and no one should be putting down people going to any type of gym. Whatever gets us in there and moving, it's all good. For me, it's cheap, 24 hours, and close to work.

    Sure, because two wrongs make a right! Good principle to live by. So don't complain if some cut woman calls you fat names, you are "giving it back to her" in the reverse direction through Planet Fitness! That'll teach her!

    That's how it works on the playground!

    I was being facetious, of course. I do think it's stupid that they say they don't judge and yet have judgemental practices. And the tootsie roll bowl, et al. But I really don't care about it, we just go and do our thing and mind our own business. I find it odd that people would complain about someone wearing a tank top or dropping a weight. I'm too busy to care about what others are doing.

    I just think that when PF gets slammed about not being a 'real' gym then those going there and working their butts off might feel like their efforts are being maligned. The big complaint is that they don't support heavy lifting. They don't have aerobic classes either, so? Just go to a gym that has what you're looking for.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    Actually, you should join a gym where anyone is welcome. And what is it with this assumption everyone makes that the super fit are judging you? If you want to know the truth, it's that super fit people are there for their own workouts. They don't even notice you. But, most of them are nice people and would be glad to help you if you needed help. So let go of those insecurities, they are only going to hold you back. And don't join a gym where you feel comfortable and no one is really pushing themselves.

    Mine's open 24 hours a day and it's $10 a month.

    What's to complain about that?


    I'm a big fat broad and I've never seen so much as a nudge or an eyeroll like I've noticed at other gym memberships I've had that cost 5 times the amount and had no parking. And closed at 9 pm.

    I've never heard so much as a mumble or a snicker when I'm working my fat butt on the treadmill. Like to the two guys that felt compelled to marvel loudly at my appearance at the yuppie gym I once belonged to as I minded my own business on the elliptical. And they were fit and trim married *kitten* in their 40s. I was in my 30s then. Try it now fellas. I'm in my 40s and I'll give you a run for your money. Figuratively speaking.

    I love Planet Fitness.

    I don't care what other people do around me, including lunking and dressing skimpily, as long as they don't bother me. I would never complain about that.

    If it's true that Planet Fitness is for fat unfit people, then it's for me and I'm grateful for it :)

    I agree, I suppose I am a "fat unfit person" and I am grateful for PF as well. I am nowhere near the "expert level" of other people... and grateful is the precise word. I wouldn't feel comfortable working out at another gym... not YET anyway. I think it's a great beginner gym for the fat *kitten* like me.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I see your point, and I regularly participate in those threads. Because I think it's reasonable to call them on their "no judgement" hypocrisy. You're allowed to be bothered by that, but that feeling is yours to deal with, not mine. drinker (I'm affirming that to myself, not being testy)

    I wouldn't say I'm bothered by it - you're the one sarcastically responding to my comments. I just said people like to complain about PF probably a bit more than they should and many seem to feel like they're better than other people simply because they workout somewhere other than PF. You can even see some posts along those lines in this very thread. I also seem to recall a bunch of people that don't go to PF (and never have) were in an uproar when PF removed their squat racks. I guess it's just me, but when a business I have no affiliation with does something that doesn't affect me, I suppose I just don't care all that much. Threads have even popped up where people try to spin a simple dress code violation as "PF is fit shaming!" and other nonsense.

    At the end of the day, it's a health club that's dirt cheap, open 24/7 and obviously works for a lot (but not all) people. Beyond that, I don't see much to discuss, and certainly not enough to justify all the threads that pop-up weekly on fitness forums. My personal opinion is they have way too many rules and restrictions, and so I'm happy to pay more for gyms that better fit my preferences.

    They like to complain because for once the shoe is on the other foot and they're being judged and discriminating against. :P

    many of the fit people who you're judging - ("the boot's on the other foot" - really?? You assume that they've bullied and marginalised people, and you assumed this based only on what they look like?) - may actually have spent most of their life being bullied and discriminated against. You don't know someone's life story just by looking at them. You don't know what they looked like last year either, or what they looked like the first time they set foot in a gym, or how they felt.

    But no, just because someone's fit and strong and don't like the concept of a "lunk" alarm, they must be a "lunk" who's spent their whole life putting others down and don't like the lunk alarm because it's the first time they've been on the receiving end of it.....

    Well I guess planet fitness marketing is all about reinforcing all these negative stereotypes and assumptions so I really shouldn't be surprised about this post.

    Reality check: "lunks" are human too, and many of them were timid beginners once, many of them have been on the receiving end of bullying in the past, and most of them want timid beginners to not be afraid to work out, and to succeed and become successful and regular gym goers. Most of the backlash against PF marketing is actually because it prevents new, timid people from realising that fact, and instead keeps them trapped in a mentality whereby they believe that there's a justifiable reason for feeling indimidated in regular gyms, rather than this feeling being something normal that nearly everyone goes through and when you get over it, you realise that the "lunks" are mostly nice friendly people who just want you to succeed.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I see your point, and I regularly participate in those threads. Because I think it's reasonable to call them on their "no judgement" hypocrisy. You're allowed to be bothered by that, but that feeling is yours to deal with, not mine. drinker (I'm affirming that to myself, not being testy)

    I wouldn't say I'm bothered by it - you're the one sarcastically responding to my comments. I just said people like to complain about PF probably a bit more than they should and many seem to feel like they're better than other people simply because they workout somewhere other than PF. You can even see some posts along those lines in this very thread. I also seem to recall a bunch of people that don't go to PF (and never have) were in an uproar when PF removed their squat racks. I guess it's just me, but when a business I have no affiliation with does something that doesn't affect me, I suppose I just don't care all that much. Threads have even popped up where people try to spin a simple dress code violation as "PF is fit shaming!" and other nonsense.

    At the end of the day, it's a health club that's dirt cheap, open 24/7 and obviously works for a lot (but not all) people. Beyond that, I don't see much to discuss, and certainly not enough to justify all the threads that pop-up weekly on fitness forums. My personal opinion is they have way too many rules and restrictions, and so I'm happy to pay more for gyms that better fit my preferences.

    They like to complain because for once the shoe is on the other foot and they're being judged and discriminating against. :P

    My husband and I go to PF, we like it, it suits our needs as beginners. I'd also like to add that our PF has 6 benches for lifting, including 2 racks of free weights and 1 rack of barbells. I've not looked at them since I'm content to use the machines but they don't look like they go very high in weight. No one sets off the lunk alarm because someone grunts a few times or lets a weight drop. The alarm is there for those that are making a big scene while lifting because it is weird and intimidating for those not part of the body building scene. I've seen plenty of women wearing tight pants and sports bras, none of them were asked to leave.

    They do have pizza night and bagel mornings and that does seem silly to have 'junk' food at a gym, but no one is forcing you to take it. It's a cheap and easy thing to offer customers as a little 'reward' for coming in. I'm a fat chick and I'm way too self concious to be seen eating a slice of pizza that gym. ^_^ So no worries there.

    From what I understand, PF's are franchises so there will be slight differences from gym to gym. As so many have said, to each their own and no one should be putting down people going to any type of gym. Whatever gets us in there and moving, it's all good. For me, it's cheap, 24 hours, and close to work.

    Sure, because two wrongs make a right! Good principle to live by. So don't complain if some cut woman calls you fat names, you are "giving it back to her" in the reverse direction through Planet Fitness! That'll teach her!

    That's how it works on the playground!

    I was being facetious, of course. I do think it's stupid that they say they don't judge and yet have judgemental practices. And the tootsie roll bowl, et al. But I really don't care about it, we just go and do our thing and mind our own business. I find it odd that people would complain about someone wearing a tank top or dropping a weight. I'm too busy to care about what others are doing.

    I just think that when PF gets slammed about not being a 'real' gym then those going there and working their butts off might feel like their efforts are being maligned. The big complaint is that they don't support heavy lifting. They don't have aerobic classes either, so? Just go to a gym that has what you're looking for.

    that's not what PF gets slammed for. Plenty of gyms don't have squat racks, many don't even have free weights. But they don't get slammed because they don't make ads about themselves promoting blatant negative stereotypes about people they don't want in their gym. and they don't promote a mentality whereby they make people believe that they should fear the people in other gyms.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I see your point, and I regularly participate in those threads. Because I think it's reasonable to call them on their "no judgement" hypocrisy. You're allowed to be bothered by that, but that feeling is yours to deal with, not mine. drinker (I'm affirming that to myself, not being testy)

    I wouldn't say I'm bothered by it - you're the one sarcastically responding to my comments. I just said people like to complain about PF probably a bit more than they should and many seem to feel like they're better than other people simply because they workout somewhere other than PF. You can even see some posts along those lines in this very thread. I also seem to recall a bunch of people that don't go to PF (and never have) were in an uproar when PF removed their squat racks. I guess it's just me, but when a business I have no affiliation with does something that doesn't affect me, I suppose I just don't care all that much. Threads have even popped up where people try to spin a simple dress code violation as "PF is fit shaming!" and other nonsense.

    At the end of the day, it's a health club that's dirt cheap, open 24/7 and obviously works for a lot (but not all) people. Beyond that, I don't see much to discuss, and certainly not enough to justify all the threads that pop-up weekly on fitness forums. My personal opinion is they have way too many rules and restrictions, and so I'm happy to pay more for gyms that better fit my preferences.

    They like to complain because for once the shoe is on the other foot and they're being judged and discriminating against. :P

    My husband and I go to PF, we like it, it suits our needs as beginners. I'd also like to add that our PF has 6 benches for lifting, including 2 racks of free weights and 1 rack of barbells. I've not looked at them since I'm content to use the machines but they don't look like they go very high in weight. No one sets off the lunk alarm because someone grunts a few times or lets a weight drop. The alarm is there for those that are making a big scene while lifting because it is weird and intimidating for those not part of the body building scene. I've seen plenty of women wearing tight pants and sports bras, none of them were asked to leave.

    They do have pizza night and bagel mornings and that does seem silly to have 'junk' food at a gym, but no one is forcing you to take it. It's a cheap and easy thing to offer customers as a little 'reward' for coming in. I'm a fat chick and I'm way too self concious to be seen eating a slice of pizza that gym. ^_^ So no worries there.

    From what I understand, PF's are franchises so there will be slight differences from gym to gym. As so many have said, to each their own and no one should be putting down people going to any type of gym. Whatever gets us in there and moving, it's all good. For me, it's cheap, 24 hours, and close to work.

    Sure, because two wrongs make a right! Good principle to live by. So don't complain if some cut woman calls you fat names, you are "giving it back to her" in the reverse direction through Planet Fitness! That'll teach her!

    That's how it works on the playground!

    I was being facetious, of course. I do think it's stupid that they say they don't judge and yet have judgemental practices. And the tootsie roll bowl, et al. But I really don't care about it, we just go and do our thing and mind our own business. I find it odd that people would complain about someone wearing a tank top or dropping a weight. I'm too busy to care about what others are doing.

    I just think that when PF gets slammed about not being a 'real' gym then those going there and working their butts off might feel like their efforts are being maligned. The big complaint is that they don't support heavy lifting. They don't have aerobic classes either, so? Just go to a gym that has what you're looking for.

    meh, when I started running I sought out people who ran long distance, ran with them, and listened to what they had to say. When I learned to lift, I sought out (and still seek out) people who knew and lifted a heck of a lot more than I did. I don't get the idea behind joining a lobster pot of a gym. If you want to succeed at something then you have to be willing to push yourself and step out of your comfort zone. PF, on the other hand, is all about keeping everyone in their comfort zones.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I see your point, and I regularly participate in those threads. Because I think it's reasonable to call them on their "no judgement" hypocrisy. You're allowed to be bothered by that, but that feeling is yours to deal with, not mine. drinker (I'm affirming that to myself, not being testy)

    I wouldn't say I'm bothered by it - you're the one sarcastically responding to my comments. I just said people like to complain about PF probably a bit more than they should and many seem to feel like they're better than other people simply because they workout somewhere other than PF. You can even see some posts along those lines in this very thread. I also seem to recall a bunch of people that don't go to PF (and never have) were in an uproar when PF removed their squat racks. I guess it's just me, but when a business I have no affiliation with does something that doesn't affect me, I suppose I just don't care all that much. Threads have even popped up where people try to spin a simple dress code violation as "PF is fit shaming!" and other nonsense.

    At the end of the day, it's a health club that's dirt cheap, open 24/7 and obviously works for a lot (but not all) people. Beyond that, I don't see much to discuss, and certainly not enough to justify all the threads that pop-up weekly on fitness forums. My personal opinion is they have way too many rules and restrictions, and so I'm happy to pay more for gyms that better fit my preferences.

    They like to complain because for once the shoe is on the other foot and they're being judged and discriminating against. :P

    What do you mean, "for once"? Perhaps you should review some of the personal histories of the people who take issue with Planet Fitness.

    A big part of the problem we see is that PF is saying "these people aren't you". Our fear is that you'll believe them and allow yourself to stay in the comfort zone of "diet and exercise". The place beyond that is all kinds of awesome.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    Down 62 LBs (and still losing), thanks to Planet Fitness ! :) Love itttt.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    I'd hardly call this thread good advertising. They could be much more helpful to their members if they didn't demonize fit people.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I'd hardly call this thread good advertising. They could be much more helpful to their members if they didn't demonize fit people.

    Maybe you should write them a letter.

    With a pen and paper? Surely, you jest.