i dont understand what a "dirty eater" is...??



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    lol there is nothing wrong with getting x percent of your diet from fat ..I aim for about 30% from fat in my macros...

    No one said there was anything wrong with that…

    Just labeling a food as "dirty" implies that there's something wrong with it. In my opinion, demonizing any kind of food is just one step away from giving an eating disorder a foothold.

    So you're telling me that because I choose not to eat fast food, cake, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, cheesecake, ice cream, soda, caffeine, candy, etc. because I know they aren't healthy and won't do any good for me, I have an eating disorder? LOL okay. That makes a lot of sense...

    No, but I do see that you have an issue with putting words in other people's mouths. Try reading for comprehension.

    I agree. I didn't see you telling her ANY of what she said you were telling her.

    Bonjour, I guess.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    no real value that cause you to simply crave more
    How do you define the 'value' of a food?
    Nice food makes me simple crave more of it :).
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    no real value that cause you to simply crave more
    How do you define the 'value' of a food?
    Nice food makes me simple crave more of it :).

    Well .. yeah there is always that. But there is a biological side to it as well. Even if you have consumed a decent amount of calories if your body is missing something it tends to start shouting for it. Regardless of whether it has consumed it's calories for the day or not. I will admit it's a bit of a misnomer to call it "dirty" eating. It's not as if doing a little bit of it will befoul you or anything. But It's something I personally have noticed is that when i eat what i need to eat and get all the things my body needs I don't get bothered by hunger pangs. However if i eat junk food that doesn't really give me the nutrients I need I often get bothered by hunger pangs regardless of how much I eat. And anyway who said food can't be clean AND delicious the terms are NOT mutually exclusive.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    I just got a chance to read this article. This one paragraph explains the dangers of labeling foods as "dirty" very well. Eating disorders go well beyond the most famous (anorexia nervosa and bulimia). Orthorexia nervosa is an increasing problem and is commonly seen in people who put a great deal of focus on eating. From casual observation and no science to back that observation up, it seems to me that a lot of "ethical" vegans have orthorexia nervosa, since they define their values by their food.

    All-or-Nothing Dieting & Eating Disorder Risk

    In 1997, a general physician named Steven Bratman coined the term orthorexia nervosa [21], which he defines as, “an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.” It reminds me of the counterproductive dietary perfectionism I’ve seen among many athletes, trainers, and coaches. One of the fundamental pitfalls of dichotomizing foods as good or bad, or clean or dirty, is that it can form a destructive relationship with food. This isn’t just an empty claim; it’s been seen in research. Smith and colleagues found that flexible dieting was associated with the absence of overeating, lower bodyweight, and the absence of depression and anxiety [22]. They also found that a strict all-or-nothing approach to dieting was associated with overeating and increased bodyweight. Similarly, Stewart and colleagues found that rigid dieting was associated with symptoms of an eating disorder, mood disturbances, and anxiety [23]. Flexible dieting was not highly correlated with these qualities. Although these are observational study designs with self-reported data, anyone who spends enough time among fitness buffs knows that these findings are not off the mark.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Dirty eating - my interpretation would be eating junk food!

    or maybe this!

  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member

    I just got a chance to read this article. This one paragraph explains the dangers of labeling foods as "dirty" very well. Eating disorders go well beyond the most famous (anorexia nervosa and bulimia). Orthorexia nervosa is an increasing problem and is commonly seen in people who put a great deal of focus on eating. From casual observation and no science to back that observation up, it seems to me that a lot of "ethical" vegans have orthorexia nervosa, since they define their values by their food.

    All-or-Nothing Dieting & Eating Disorder Risk

    In 1997, a general physician named Steven Bratman coined the term orthorexia nervosa [21], which he defines as, “an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.” It reminds me of the counterproductive dietary perfectionism I’ve seen among many athletes, trainers, and coaches. One of the fundamental pitfalls of dichotomizing foods as good or bad, or clean or dirty, is that it can form a destructive relationship with food. This isn’t just an empty claim; it’s been seen in research. Smith and colleagues found that flexible dieting was associated with the absence of overeating, lower bodyweight, and the absence of depression and anxiety [22]. They also found that a strict all-or-nothing approach to dieting was associated with overeating and increased bodyweight. Similarly, Stewart and colleagues found that rigid dieting was associated with symptoms of an eating disorder, mood disturbances, and anxiety [23]. Flexible dieting was not highly correlated with these qualities. Although these are observational study designs with self-reported data, anyone who spends enough time among fitness buffs knows that these findings are not off the mark.

    Yeah after I lost like 20lb's I was always looking for ways to lose faster scouring websites and eating what can only really be called rabbit food. Thankfully my mate woke me up and told me I was getting obsessed. Now I am quite careful not to read too much into my food. So some days my macro balance is off .. so what? So sometimes I eat chocolate or cake so what? But I can certainly see how people get trapped into this obsession with "healthy" eating. As if eating one unhealthy thing is going to befoul their temple of a body lol.

    It doesn't help that the internet is literally FULL of unscientific hokey and downright unnecessary diet plans. Based on flimsy science which ... while it might have some small amount of backing. Basically advocates self torture for a diet that is like 0.3% healthier.

    The fundamental truth is that doing anything eating, exercising, living places strain on our bodies and organs. Eventually even the cleanest diet will result in organ damage. Human's aren't built to last forever. You would think people would have learned that by now. All we can do is take the most practical steps to minimize the damage and enjoy the ride ;)

    I suppose I can see why people object to calling such food dirty with that in mind. It flicks the wrong kind of psychological switches. Perhaps naughty food would be better? Something fun but not to be over indulged in hehe.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    Yeah after I lost like 20lb's I was always looking for ways to lose faster scouring websites and eating what can only really be called rabbit food. Thankfully my mate woke me up and told me I was getting obsessed. Now I am quite careful not to read too much into my food. So some days my macro balance is off .. so what? So sometimes I eat chocolate or cake so what? But I can certainly see how people get trapped into this obsession with "healthy" eating. As if eating one unhealthy thing is going to befoul their temple of a body lol.

    It doesn't help that the internet is literally FULL of unscientific hokey and downright unnecessary diet plans. Based on flimsy science which ... while it might have some small amount of backing. Basically advocates self torture for a diet that is like 0.3% healthier.

    The fundamental truth is that doing anything eating, exercising, living places strain on our bodies and organs. Eventually even the cleanest diet will result in organ damage. Human's aren't built to last forever. You would think people would have learned that by now. All we can do is take the most practical steps to minimize the damage and enjoy the ride ;)

    I suppose I can see why people object to calling such food dirty with that in mind. It flicks the wrong kind of psychological switches. Perhaps naughty food would be better? Something fun but not to be over indulged in hehe.

    I agree completely with what you say. And yes, I'd much rather the term "naughty" food! It implies something a little bit fun that you shouldn't get caught at, with none of the shaming aspects of the term "dirty." Great conversation, by the way! :)

    Edited to fix code.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    She's a dirty eater


    She has no chest!

    So you see this girl walking down the street eating ice cream like this and all you have to say is “She has no chest!” That is the furthest thought in my mind! Furthermore, upon further examination she appears to be well enough off in that department.

    Just saying.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    She's a dirty eater


    She has no chest!

    So you see this girl walking down the street eating ice cream like this and all you have to say is “She has no chest!” That is the furthest thought in my mind! Furthermore, upon further examination she appears to be well enough off in that department.

    Just saying.

    You took the thoughts right out of my head!
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    She's a dirty eater


    She has no chest!

    So you see this girl walking down the street eating ice cream like this and all you have to say is “She has no chest!” That is the furthest thought in my mind! Furthermore, upon further examination she appears to be well enough off in that department.

    Just saying.

    You took the thoughts right out of my head!

    I'm a buxom heterosexual woman . . . she does nothing for me. :) (She has no chest)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Clean eating is when you eat in the shower so dirty eating must be eating while standing in the rubbish bin.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member

    Yeah after I lost like 20lb's I was always looking for ways to lose faster scouring websites and eating what can only really be called rabbit food. Thankfully my mate woke me up and told me I was getting obsessed. Now I am quite careful not to read too much into my food. So some days my macro balance is off .. so what? So sometimes I eat chocolate or cake so what? But I can certainly see how people get trapped into this obsession with "healthy" eating. As if eating one unhealthy thing is going to befoul their temple of a body lol.

    It doesn't help that the internet is literally FULL of unscientific hokey and downright unnecessary diet plans. Based on flimsy science which ... while it might have some small amount of backing. Basically advocates self torture for a diet that is like 0.3% healthier.

    The fundamental truth is that doing anything eating, exercising, living places strain on our bodies and organs. Eventually even the cleanest diet will result in organ damage. Human's aren't built to last forever. You would think people would have learned that by now. All we can do is take the most practical steps to minimize the damage and enjoy the ride ;)

    I suppose I can see why people object to calling such food dirty with that in mind. It flicks the wrong kind of psychological switches. Perhaps naughty food would be better? Something fun but not to be over indulged in hehe.

    I agree completely with what you say. And yes, I'd much rather the term "naughty" food! It implies something a little bit fun that you shouldn't get caught at, with none of the shaming aspects of the term "dirty." Great conversation, by the way! :)

    Edited to fix code.

    Aye to you too mate :) It's rare to find someone on teh interwebs who can have a discussion without it turning into some kind of competition.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    She's a dirty eater


    She has no chest!

    So you see this girl walking down the street eating ice cream like this and all you have to say is “She has no chest!” That is the furthest thought in my mind! Furthermore, upon further examination she appears to be well enough off in that department.

    Just saying.

    You took the thoughts right out of my head!

    I'm a buxom heterosexual woman . . . she does nothing for me. :) (She has no chest)

    I'm a non-buxom heterosexual woman, and she really does nothing for me, either, but MFP has taught me to appreciate these things. :wink:
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    She's a dirty eater


    She has no chest!

    So you see this girl walking down the street eating ice cream like this and all you have to say is “She has no chest!” That is the furthest thought in my mind! Furthermore, upon further examination she appears to be well enough off in that department.

    Just saying.

    You took the thoughts right out of my head!

    I'm a buxom heterosexual woman . . . she does nothing for me. :) (She has no chest)

    I'm a non-buxom heterosexual woman, and she really does nothing for me, either, but MFP has taught me to appreciate these things. :wink:

    See, I don't think there's anything to appreciate. Okay, she's thin and she's eating ice cream. I just don't think she's "sexy." I don't get glamorizing her behavior. Sorry. Entirely serious here.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    See, I don't think there's anything to appreciate. Okay, she's thin and she's eating ice cream. I just don't think she's "sexy." I don't get glamorizing her behavior. Sorry. Entirely serious here.

    That's a shame.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    See, I don't think there's anything to appreciate. Okay, she's thin and she's eating ice cream. I just don't think she's "sexy." I don't get glamorizing her behavior. Sorry. Entirely serious here.

    That's a shame.

    Nope, not a shame at all. It's the way I am and what I believe. Don't like it? *shrugs* I don't know you and it matters not one whit to me. I just prefer to see women who have respect for themselves.

    ETA: And when did this thread become a referendum on me? The whole "chest" thing was said in jest, but all of a sudden I'm under attack for not finding anything else to "appreciate?" Go ahead. Appreciate the thing for whatever reason you find the vid appealing and stop worrying about me.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    See, I don't think there's anything to appreciate. Okay, she's thin and she's eating ice cream. I just don't think she's "sexy." I don't get glamorizing her behavior. Sorry. Entirely serious here.

    That's a shame.

    Nope, not a shame at all. It's the way I am and what I believe. Don't like it? *shrugs* I don't know you and it matters not one whit to me. I just prefer to see women who have respect for themselves.

    So..... an actress playing a part in a movie where the character tries to grab a man's attention by eating ice cream in a seductive manner has no respect for themselves.

    Got it.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    See, I don't think there's anything to appreciate. Okay, she's thin and she's eating ice cream. I just don't think she's "sexy." I don't get glamorizing her behavior. Sorry. Entirely serious here.

    That's a shame.

    Nope, not a shame at all. It's the way I am and what I believe. Don't like it? *shrugs* I don't know you and it matters not one whit to me. I just prefer to see women who have respect for themselves.

    So..... an actress playing a part in a movie where the character tries to grab a man's attention by eating ice cream in a seductive manner has no respect for themselves.

    Got it.

    Because you posted before I edited my post:

    ETA: And when did this thread become a referendum on me? The whole "chest" thing was said in jest, but all of a sudden I'm under attack for not finding anything else to "appreciate?" Go ahead. Appreciate the thing for whatever reason you find the vid appealing and stop worrying about me.

    So . . . I say to you . . . whatever. Please just stop, okay? I'd hate to have to report you (no I wouldn't).
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    She's a dirty eater


    She has no chest!

    So you see this girl walking down the street eating ice cream like this and all you have to say is “She has no chest!” That is the furthest thought in my mind! Furthermore, upon further examination she appears to be well enough off in that department.

    Just saying.

    You took the thoughts right out of my head!

    I'm a buxom heterosexual woman . . . she does nothing for me. :) (She has no chest)

    I'm a non-buxom heterosexual woman, and she really does nothing for me, either, but MFP has taught me to appreciate these things. :wink:

    See, I don't think there's anything to appreciate. Okay, she's thin and she's eating ice cream. I just don't think she's "sexy." I don't get glamorizing her behavior. Sorry. Entirely serious here.

    I'm sorry, but if this woman isn't sexy, who is?


    I'd appreciate.
  • alisonmarytuck
    alisonmarytuck Posts: 68 Member
    As someone else has said, just stop please with all the videos and daft comments on dirty eating. My original query was a serious one. Now this thread is just turning into a somewhat inappropriate commentary on women!! Funny how there has been no videos of blokes eating!! So thanks again for the serious debate and answers and lets quit now!