Men... Which one do you like?



  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I sincerely WISH I looked like that 30% girl when I was in that range. HUBBA HUBBA.

    Ditto to both. She looks smashing. If I looked like that at 30% I'd have stopped losing there.
  • JamieMommy1985
    JamieMommy1985 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm at 25.5% and I WISH I looked that good!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Found the quote I was looking for, from Go Kaleo
    Here's a novel concept: YOU get to decide what is healthy, sexy and beautiful when it comes to your own body.

    And the reality is that no matter what you decide, someone will tell you you're wrong.

    But, someone else will think you're perfect. When you do what YOU love, when you live the life YOU want, when you portray the image YOU want to portray, there will be someone (probably a lot of someones, actually) who are looking for those qualities in a friend, or partner.

    Don't live for the people telling you you're wrong. Live for yourself, and the people who love the qualities you possess will be drawn to you.

  • FrozenSongBird
    FrozenSongBird Posts: 3,892 Member
    I can appreciate all sizes on both women and men, however ...I like 20-45% on women best and I like between 7-40% for the gentlemen.... my preference for guys is 12-20% that I am most attracted to..

    I would like to be at 20-30% for myself ... and see what I think then.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    IMO I think everything betwern 10% up to and including 30% is attractive on women ...but 6-7% is drool worthy for men.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh... I love these threads!

    Why? Because I fall in the range that "most men don't like" if I go based on the responses. :laugh:

    I find it ironic how so many people fall into the range that is most popular, tend to want to lose additional weight... thereby throwing them into a range that is apparently "less attractive".

    My husband likes dancers and women that lift weights with visible muscle definition. He likes my perky boobs, round booty, tiny waist, and my muscle definition. He likes to look at photos of nude women dancing or with strong muscle definition. He likes to see me dance or lift weights nude.

    Isn't is AWESOME when you find someone who loves you as you are, and finds you incredibly sexy? Both physically AND mentally / emotionally / spiritually?

    OP... Goes to show you... there is always someone out there who will find you attractive - AS YOU ARE... your job is to learn to find yourself that attractive... and learn to love the skin you are in. So that when you get to whatever your goal is... you still love the skin you are in, and realize that "goal" doesn't solve all the problems.

    For me... losing that last ten pounds of body fat was easy, compared to losing the last 10 pounds of mental fat that I still struggle with from time to time.

    well said.
  • jusayange
    jusayange Posts: 28 Member
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I'm afraid that body fat percentage is not the measurement I'm looking for when interviewing potential suitors.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I have a preference for how I enjoy and like my body to be. However, I still find all different women attractive. Just like I find men attractive, but it's not my personal goal for my body to look like a man.

    Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you based on your previous posts but FWIW none of the women in the photo look like a man. Not sure what angle you're trying to get at there.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I have a preference for how I enjoy and like my body to be. However, I still find all different women attractive. Just like I find men attractive, but it's not my personal goal for my body to look like a man.

    Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you based on your previous posts but FWIW none of the women in the photo look like a man. Not sure what angle you're trying to get at there.

    You are definitely misunderstanding. Glad you said something, so I can clear it up.

    I definitely do not think any of the women look like men.

    What I meant is that for my own body I like around 18% bodyfat (or whatever amount I am at now).

    But, even though I like that amount on myself, it does not mean I only like that amount on others.

    Just because my personal body goals are different.

    I still find the higher body fat levels to be beautiful and attractive. Even though it's not my personal goal.

    Then I was making an analogy. Saying that I also find men attractive.

    We can find bodies to be very attractive. And still have different goals for our own body.

    Maybe it would help if I explain that I am sexually attracted to both genders.
  • Tarawitch2eyes
    Tarawitch2eyes Posts: 19 Member
    Paste my head on 30% body and match me up with Mr. 25%, I will be in heaven lol
  • vimox
    vimox Posts: 28 Member
    10-15% Man~! Wow~!!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I have a preference for how I enjoy and like my body to be. However, I still find all different women attractive. Just like I find men attractive, but it's not my personal goal for my body to look like a man.

    Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you based on your previous posts but FWIW none of the women in the photo look like a man. Not sure what angle you're trying to get at there.

    You are definitely misunderstanding. Glad you said something, so I can clear it up.

    I definitely do not think any of the women look like men.

    What I meant is that for my own body I like around 18% bodyfat (or whatever amount I am at now).

    But, even though I like that amount on myself, it does not mean I only like that amount on others.

    Just because my personal body goals are different.

    I still find the higher body fat levels to be beautiful and attractive. Even though it's not my personal goal.

    Then I was making an analogy. Saying that I also find men attractive.

    We can find bodies to be very attractive. And still have different goals for our own body.

    Maybe it would help if I explain that I am sexually attracted to both genders.

    I gotcha now!!! I had an idea I did misunderstand bc of your previous posts here and elsewhere, just was caught off guard. I agree with you 100%.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I have a preference for how I enjoy and like my body to be. However, I still find all different women attractive. Just like I find men attractive, but it's not my personal goal for my body to look like a man.

    Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you based on your previous posts but FWIW none of the women in the photo look like a man. Not sure what angle you're trying to get at there.

    You are definitely misunderstanding. Glad you said something, so I can clear it up.

    I definitely do not think any of the women look like men.

    What I meant is that for my own body I like around 18% bodyfat (or whatever amount I am at now).

    But, even though I like that amount on myself, it does not mean I only like that amount on others.

    Just because my personal body goals are different.

    I still find the higher body fat levels to be beautiful and attractive. Even though it's not my personal goal.

    Then I was making an analogy. Saying that I also find men attractive.

    We can find bodies to be very attractive. And still have different goals for our own body.

    Maybe it would help if I explain that I am sexually attracted to both genders.

    I gotcha now!!! I had an idea I did misunderstand bc of your previous posts here and elsewhere, just was caught off guard. I agree with you 100%.

    I understand why you misunderstood because sometimes people do say stuff like that. I was actually worried it might have come across that way. ;-)
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member

    Isn't is AWESOME when you find someone who loves you as you are, and finds you incredibly sexy? Both physically AND mentally / emotionally / spiritually?

    OP... Goes to show you... there is always someone out there who will find you attractive - AS YOU ARE... your job is to learn to find yourself that attractive... and learn to love the skin you are in. So that when you get to whatever your goal is... you still love the skin you are in, and realize that "goal" doesn't solve all the problems.

    For me... losing that last ten pounds of body fat was easy, compared to losing the last 10 pounds of mental fat that I still struggle with from time to time.

    I agree! You couldn't have said it any better. My boyfriend found me gorgeous at 35, and still thinks the same at 25 (not that i even know what my body fat is, but in comparison to the pictures). Regardless of which weight I'm at we make each other happy. The difference is i feel more comfortable, confident and healthy now. I still struggle with that mental fat sometimes and it frustrates me that it happens. I am trying to reverse many years of the media dumping garbage in my head and making me feel like a pos, and focusing more on how i truly feel. I love that the responses are 30-50lbs heavier than i had always thought. It's definitely a positive experience for me.
  • naturesfinest4688
    naturesfinest4688 Posts: 117 Member
    Im 23percent myself but I like 25 for the man or less im not picky
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member

    Intelligence and Personality makes all the difference
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    I would love to be at 35% for guys 25%.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I am currently in the 25-30% range. And I can live with that. I strive for 20%.

    For a man, I find anywhere from 10 - 25-30%, really attractive. But, as others have said, a lot more matters then just physique.

    If having an opinion or even an interest in this is considered body shaming, I guess I am guilty. I can live with it :)
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Working towards 25-30 myself. Between 10-25 for the dudes. Personality is definitely a much bigger factor.:drinker: