Why do people seem to bash "healthy"eating?



  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    They like to use any excuse to eat like crap

    Also IIFYM started as a phrase when dumb kids would ask if they could eat a certain food in their diet. If it fit their macros they could eat it. It eventually turned into eating whatever you want as long as it fits

    Just adding this to the list for the next time we're asked to provide examples.

    Nothing to see here.

    Move along.

    Move along.

    Oh good! Keeping a list is a good idea especially for the 'I told you so crowd' :drinker:

    It's the same crowd that enjoys touting relevant scientific studies to make their points.

    Damn facts and the people who diligently use/search for them just so they can better inform the potentially uninformed.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Search sucks here, but google using site:myfitnesspal.com makes it *slightly* better. Found a few potentially relevant examples. (Note, these are not the "best" examples, just the ones I was able to easily find with a quick search.)

    none .....ice cream IS garbage ...

    You can eat garbage and be at a calorie deficit, but you aren't going to feel good and it will probably hinder your weight loss/fitness goals.

    For me (and most others): "White pasta + too much cheese + highly saturated fatty meat" = lasagna IS garbage.

    Your body can't run efficiently on garbage.

    Of course, I don't believe that every individual within a movement is a spokesperson for that movement...but since I'm being held to the standard of everything that has ever been said by every antagonist of clean eating, I suppose that makes these examples relevant...especially since many in this thread have denied that these example even exist. Also, these are just a quick sampling of the first few pages of hits. There are certainly hundreds, likely even thousands more in the 1.2m posts on this site.

    I don't agree with nor have I denied the existence of these types of offending statements. The mature thing to do would be to comment to the person making the comment and not paint everyone who is in whatever niche eating style with the same brush. Someone who simply mentions they eat clean should not get the wrath of every member who for whatever reason is ticked off either by vocal clean eaters or the concept itself. The unfortunate thing is, this type of thing is hindering what could be some very interesting discussion. It is a lost learning opportunity simply because some (and that refers to anyone eating a particular style or avoiding a particular food) try to push their ideals down the throats of others.

    But that doesn't happen. Merely saying you eat clean doesn't incur the wrath of the boards. I've seen many people say they eat clean and get no response whatsoever. The problem occurs when someone starts labeling things as crap, junk, garbage, or unhealthy or telling people that unclean foods are why they are fat, will make them sick, will give them cancer, make them feel like crap, impede their performance, etc. Reread the OP - it's all about someone being upset that people are saying it is ok to eat processed foods, instead of discouraging it like she thinks they should because she believes them to be unhealthy. The OP isn't about people attacking clean eaters, it's a post criticizing people for not encouraging clean eating, which in her mind is the same as "bashing." And all because some people disagreed with her statements in a thread about potato salad.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!

    This is actually a quite brilliant account of exactly what the issue is...

    Misrepresenting someone else's position leads to unnecessary arguments.

    (Full disclosure: not a "clean" eater or a "IIFYM" eater.)

    And yet, in the second line of the "explaining" post, there's the false dichotomy of being "healthy" and of "eating what you want." Is it impossible to eat whatever you like and still be healthy? Not if you maintain a healthy body weight and fat content and get enough exercise and micronutrients to maintain your health . . . Food is food. There's no moral superiority for eating any form of it, no matter what that form might take.

    What I find interesting is that in the first thread I had a "clean" eater roundly berate me, call me deluded, and insist I was eating "crap." Interestingly enough, some of our meals were all-but identical, although I have not added protein powder to my meals and never will do so on a regular basis (note: I've posted asking about protein powders as supplements to smoothies for hot weather meals). So, really, I wonder how differently IIFYM and so-called clean eaters eat overall?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    And all because some people disagreed with her statements in a thread about potato salad.

    I missed a thread about potato salad?

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!

    Oh really? :huh:

    Here's a response from a thread on this forum entitled "Taco Bell." The OP simply asks what people order when they go there. First page of the thread:
    Nothing. It's garbage.

    From the Artificial Sweetener Demonizing post:
    Everyone should be against artificial sweeteners because they are part of the reason we are experiencing an obesity epidemic, whether they are low in calories or not, everything from high fructose corn syrup to aspartame has been linked to obesity. And if they are consuming sweets despite knowing that they are unhealthy, they likely are making other poor nutrition decisions as well.

    Those are just two examples of people preaching clean eating or the avoidance of certain foods. There are examples of these types of posts all over MFP. Please cut the sanctimony and have a look around, because it's not just clean eaters being bashed and people bashing them because they hold them in high regard. There are plenty of clean eating warriors running around here telling people that the choices they make in regards to food are not good ones or that a person is eating crap, junk, garbage, or is making themselves fat and/or sick.

    I've found a lot of them stick to IMs so they can't get quoted on their behaviour.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I can't believe that I didn't see this tread before!!! Stoopid work!!!

    So, better late than never and... I'm in because some of my "favorite" MFPers are attending - you know who you are... this one is for you:


    failed memes are the best. good work. :drinker:

    I realize that you thought it was directed at you, but it wasn't.
    I'm so sorry.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Search sucks here, but google using site:myfitnesspal.com makes it *slightly* better. Found a few potentially relevant examples. (Note, these are not the "best" examples, just the ones I was able to easily find with a quick search.)

    none .....ice cream IS garbage ...

    You can eat garbage and be at a calorie deficit, but you aren't going to feel good and it will probably hinder your weight loss/fitness goals.

    For me (and most others): "White pasta + too much cheese + highly saturated fatty meat" = lasagna IS garbage.

    Your body can't run efficiently on garbage.

    Of course, I don't believe that every individual within a movement is a spokesperson for that movement...but since I'm being held to the standard of everything that has ever been said by every antagonist of clean eating, I suppose that makes these examples relevant...especially since many in this thread have denied that these example even exist. Also, these are just a quick sampling of the first few pages of hits. There are certainly hundreds, likely even thousands more in the 1.2m posts on this site.

    Too lazy to get specific links..but my favorite [/sarcasm] is when they say something along the following:

    I don't judge what others eat. I just eat "real" food.

  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!

    This is actually a quite brilliant account of exactly what the issue is...

    Misrepresenting someone else's position leads to unnecessary arguments.

    (Full disclosure: not a "clean" eater or a "IIFYM" eater.)

    And yet, in the second line of the "explaining" post, there's the false dichotomy of being "healthy" and of "eating what you want." Is it impossible to eat whatever you like and still be healthy? Not if you maintain a healthy body weight and fat content and get enough exercise and micronutrients to maintain your health . . . Food is food. There's no moral superiority for eating any form of it, no matter what that form might take.

    What I find interesting is that in the first thread I had a "clean" eater roundly berate me, call me deluded, and insist I was eating "crap." Interestingly enough, some of our meals were all-but identical, although I have not added protein powder to my meals and never will do so on a regular basis (note: I've posted asking about protein powders as supplements to smoothies for hot weather meals). So, really, I wonder how differently IIFYM and so-called clean eaters eat overall?

    The difference is that clean eaters sprinkle pride or shame on their food, depending on the source or number of ingredients...
  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
    My turtle's name is Quirtle.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    The difference is that clean eaters sprinkle pride or shame on their food, depending on the source or number of ingredients...

    THAT"s what my steak's been missing... damn

    that little dash of guilt!!!! thank you so much!!! can't wait to try it now with the amended seasonings!
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    The difference is that clean eaters sprinkle pride or shame on their food, depending on the source or number of ingredients...

    Agreed! I also got hammered for mentioning the possibility of orthorexia being attached to some methods of eating. The replies basically amounted to "we don't develop orthorexia and if we do, other people are just as bad." The idea of methods of eating being "clean" or "dirty" just makes me very nervous (but, sadly, will probably provide me with no end of clients after I sit for my licensing exam).
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    My turtle's name is Quirtle.

    My turtle's name is Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!

    Oh really? :huh:

    Here's a response from a thread on this forum entitled "Taco Bell." The OP simply asks what people order when they go there. First page of the thread:
    Nothing. It's garbage.

    From the Artificial Sweetener Demonizing post:
    Everyone should be against artificial sweeteners because they are part of the reason we are experiencing an obesity epidemic, whether they are low in calories or not, everything from high fructose corn syrup to aspartame has been linked to obesity. And if they are consuming sweets despite knowing that they are unhealthy, they likely are making other poor nutrition decisions as well.

    Those are just two examples of people preaching clean eating or the avoidance of certain foods. There are examples of these types of posts all over MFP. Please cut the sanctimony and have a look around, because it's not just clean eaters being bashed and people bashing them because they hold them in high regard. There are plenty of clean eating warriors running around here telling people that the choices they make in regards to food are not good ones or that a person is eating crap, junk, garbage, or is making themselves fat and/or sick.

    I've found a lot of them stick to IMs so they can't get quoted on their behaviour.

    I personally haven't found that to be the case. While I haven't been preaching healthy and clean eating or telling folks that is how they should eat, I have openly admitted to being a clean eater. Perhaps only the vocal extremists on both sides are getting IMs.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!

    This is actually a quite brilliant account of exactly what the issue is...

    Misrepresenting someone else's position leads to unnecessary arguments.

    (Full disclosure: not a "clean" eater or a "IIFYM" eater.)

    And yet, in the second line of the "explaining" post, there's the false dichotomy of being "healthy" and of "eating what you want." Is it impossible to eat whatever you like and still be healthy? Not if you maintain a healthy body weight and fat content and get enough exercise and micronutrients to maintain your health . . . Food is food. There's no moral superiority for eating any form of it, no matter what that form might take.

    What I find interesting is that in the first thread I had a "clean" eater roundly berate me, call me deluded, and insist I was eating "crap." Interestingly enough, some of our meals were all-but identical, although I have not added protein powder to my meals and never will do so on a regular basis (note: I've posted asking about protein powders as supplements to smoothies for hot weather meals). So, really, I wonder how differently IIFYM and so-called clean eaters eat overall?

    The difference is that clean eaters sprinkle pride or shame on their food, depending on the source or number of ingredients...

    This comment displays a complete lack of understanding on the clean eating issue. I would guess that most clean eaters don't do this even those judging would like to think so.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!

    Oh really? :huh:

    Here's a response from a thread on this forum entitled "Taco Bell." The OP simply asks what people order when they go there. First page of the thread:
    Nothing. It's garbage.

    From the Artificial Sweetener Demonizing post:
    Everyone should be against artificial sweeteners because they are part of the reason we are experiencing an obesity epidemic, whether they are low in calories or not, everything from high fructose corn syrup to aspartame has been linked to obesity. And if they are consuming sweets despite knowing that they are unhealthy, they likely are making other poor nutrition decisions as well.

    Those are just two examples of people preaching clean eating or the avoidance of certain foods. There are examples of these types of posts all over MFP. Please cut the sanctimony and have a look around, because it's not just clean eaters being bashed and people bashing them because they hold them in high regard. There are plenty of clean eating warriors running around here telling people that the choices they make in regards to food are not good ones or that a person is eating crap, junk, garbage, or is making themselves fat and/or sick.

    I've found a lot of them stick to IMs so they can't get quoted on their behaviour.

    Uh-huh Please don't take this as any sort of personal attack, but I'm having a real hard time believing anyone has a single **** to give about what you eat. Certainly not enough to send these mythical private messages, that are conveniently easy to claim and nearly impossible to prove or disprove.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297

    The difference is that clean eaters sprinkle pride or shame on their food, depending on the source or number of ingredients...

    Agreed! I also got hammered for mentioning the possibility of orthorexia being attached to some methods of eating. The replies basically amounted to "we don't develop orthorexia and if we do, other people are just as bad." The idea of methods of eating being "clean" or "dirty" just makes me very nervous (but, sadly, will probably provide me with no end of clients after I sit for my licensing exam).

    With all that charm and tact, I can't even begin to imagine why people would get set off by your posts.

    I would hope I don't need to add a sarcasm tag on this post.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!

    Oh really? :huh:

    Here's a response from a thread on this forum entitled "Taco Bell." The OP simply asks what people order when they go there. First page of the thread:
    Nothing. It's garbage.

    From the Artificial Sweetener Demonizing post:
    Everyone should be against artificial sweeteners because they are part of the reason we are experiencing an obesity epidemic, whether they are low in calories or not, everything from high fructose corn syrup to aspartame has been linked to obesity. And if they are consuming sweets despite knowing that they are unhealthy, they likely are making other poor nutrition decisions as well.

    Those are just two examples of people preaching clean eating or the avoidance of certain foods. There are examples of these types of posts all over MFP. Please cut the sanctimony and have a look around, because it's not just clean eaters being bashed and people bashing them because they hold them in high regard. There are plenty of clean eating warriors running around here telling people that the choices they make in regards to food are not good ones or that a person is eating crap, junk, garbage, or is making themselves fat and/or sick.

    I've found a lot of them stick to IMs so they can't get quoted on their behaviour.

    Uh-huh Please don't take this as any sort of personal attack, but I'm having a real hard time believing anyone has a single **** to give about what you eat. Certainly not enough to send these mythical private messages, that are conveniently easy to claim and nearly impossible to prove or disprove.

    Especially seeing as it's against the CG to share IMs on the forum and messages are deleted after so many days. I think 30 is the limit. But go on..please continue. I didn't realize we had a man with psychic powers that knows everything on the boards.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    My takeaway from these types of threads is that food has feelings, and calling a food bad is not only hurtful to the food, but to the people who (for some reason) care about the reputation and mental well-being of food.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    The difference is that clean eaters sprinkle pride or shame on their food, depending on the source or number of ingredients...

    THAT"s what my steak's been missing... damn

    that little dash of guilt!!!! thank you so much!!! can't wait to try it now with the amended seasonings!

    No need to ruin a perfectly good steak with guilt :noway:
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    My turtle's name is Quirtle.

    My turtle's name is Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third

    My turtle's name is soup.