40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    oh my gosh, amazing news about Duffy--Stiring thanks for sharing that news! Wow.

    Also, so nice to hear after all the last few months of being in transition, it seems like you are finally getting a routine established with life and exercise. Cudo's to you!

    Sing--enjoy the weekend with your grandson, and hope he has a great birthday! How old is he now? Kids are so cute when they are young, birthday's are so special. Oh, and laundry must be something all kids like too. I have to throw our laundry down from an upstairs loft into the main room to get it down to the laundry room and one of my son's favorite things is to lie down where I throw it and get pelted with all the laundry on the way down. I'm not sure where the fast food conversation came in, but YUCK. i can't believe as you said, all the soccer mom's are at MD's. Where I live, I just don't see it. I am proud to say my kid has never stepped foot in a FF restaurant and won't for as long as I can help it!

    Quick check in. I'm not really happy with my eating these days, and for some reason my HRM has been telling me I have been less efficient on my exercise burns. Well, I find them less efficient because I burn fewer calories but I suppose the way the thing calculates, it tell me my fitness and fat % are improving...I just don't see it that way when I go over my calorie goal every day. Well, I think someone said last week the goal should be to just make it through the holidays without gaining....so I'll subscribe to that one as well.

    Sofaking and Zebras--good luck on resisting the TG parties. Co-workers are really not good for dieters are they?

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I am THRILLED for Duffy!!!! I was not able to follow her blog with any regularity. Thanks, Stiring, for the wonderful news!!!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all - just a quick Friday check in.

    Spent most of the last 2 weeks fighting upper back/shoulder/neck issues :frown: I've seen my chiropractor twice a week the last two weeks and am really hoping that I'm on the road to recovery. However..............I still have an appointment scheduled for next Tuesday before he closes for the long Thanksgiving weekend. Fighting these issues has really restricted my working out. Chiro's advice is to not work out on the days I see him, and to only work out on the other days IF I'm not hurting majorly. Unfortunately, the hurting's been returning within a day of seeing him, but, seems to be lessening, especially the end of this week. Trying hard to watch my diet so the weight doesn't creep back up while I'm "resting". The hubby's been very good about helping with meals, clean-up, etc., which is amazing! :laugh: I guess he's realized that I'm really hurting if the first thing I do after I get home is grab the Aspercreme (like Ben Gay, only doesn't stink) and ask him to rub it on my upper back and shoulder. Planting myself in the recliner after dinner with the massaging heating pad is probably another sign to him..........

    So....I'm sorry I haven't been in the site lately - looks like I've missed a lot of things going on with everyone's lives. Work has been crazy and doesn't look to slow down until sometime in January. :grumble: We just had someone resign, so once again I'll be supporting a search soon. I asked my supervisor if there's an unwritten rule that I MUST support a search in December - this will be my 3rd December here and once again I'll be supporting another search!!

    Have a good weekend all, and a safe long Thanksgiving weekend if I don't make it back into the site next week!!!

  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello all - Sunday morning here. Sorry this is long.....and a little bit of a rant/vent/babble

    I am in official protest mode! I did not work out this morning and I have no intention of working out later today! I am frustrated with this month! My eating hasn't been great - I know I lose weight the best with proteins and vegs....but I was/am needing carbs - so I ate them! The leftover Halloween candy didn't help nor will the holiday baking that I am so excited to do. Since we have been out of the country, it has been hard to holiday bake. I am thinking of just maintaining until after the holidays are over.....

    There are a number of other stressors that I am sure are contributing to this months' frustration. I am going to list them here in hopes that it will help me deal with it. I am sorry if this is not the correct place (my most wonderful husband has heard this all and is very supportive) .

    Not really in any order
    1) My Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell carcinoma last January. The cancer has now moved to every organ except his brain. He is very alert, etc but his body is shutting down. He smoked since he was 13....so this diagnosis is no surprise to anyone. However it is still hard to watch and explain to my kids. This will be the last holiday season with him.

    2) I am still dealing with the "re-entry culture shock" and we are not completely sure we won't be moving again during the 2011 year.....I do not feel settled - but I am trying to

    3) I have a Freshman in High school who is a great kid.....but is driving me nuts!

    4) My husband is traveling - this last trip was hard because he went to back to China and saw a number of our friends there that I really miss!

    5) I still don't know if I will be back in the classroom this winter.....I haven't heard back from the school regarding the long-term sub position.

    Now what I am thankful for!!!

    1) My husband and kids who do make me smile every day

    2) My friends that make me smile even if they don't realize they are doing it.

    3) I have managed to lose 21.4lbs (as of today) since August and I do feel better and I like my clothes

    4) My crazy family

    5) Santa Margarita Pino Grigio

    I will be back on the exercise bandwagon tomorrow......
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Week All!

    Special Thanks to Stiring :flowerforyou: for keeping all updated. Yes, praise God my last PET Scan was normal. I teased my son that now I have proof that I'm normal. Of course being a teenager he said, That just means your cells are normal.:laugh:

    In order to guarantee success, I still have to endure the last two rounds of chemotherapy. I had number 5 on Thursday. It was bad but not quite as bad as Round 4. I convinced the doctor to let me try a new antinausea drug and it seemed to work better. The good news is my last round of chemo will be Dec. 9th. That means I should be feeling really well by Christmas.

    I can't wait to get back to life among the living. Although it is going to be quite a shock to my system to be eating and exercising regularly again. I hope to schedule a spring run to give myself extra incentive.

    Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Duffy, dear lady, you are a miracle of God! I am so very happy for you and your family. Your faith and courage has served you well, and shines as an inspiration to all. My best wishes go to you at this time of real Thanksgiving.

    As I sit here on night shift once again, I feel ashamed for even complaining about anything. Our lives are so good, and yet I complain that I am eating too much. No, I am thankful for food on the table. I complain about not exercising enough. No, I am thankful that I am physically capable of exercise. You see, we can put a positive spin on life...it's just in the way we look at things.

    We had a wonderful weekend with our Grandson. He is such a "deep" young boy. Some of his thoughts and questions he asks makes us scratch our heads and wonder, "where did that come from?". We had a small party for him on Friday evening. We all had a great time. It was a simple meal and a cake from Wally World. Nobody seemed to notice that we did not go "all out". It's not our style. That's what bothers me about Christmas. Way too commercialized and Santa-centric. Don't get me wrong, I love the jolly old fellow, but there is a child in Bethlehem whose birth I'd rather focus on.

    Thanks, Duffy, for keeping us centered, and to all, have a wonderful and peaceful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    singfree, what a wonderful post to wake up to on a foggy Monday morning. I am going to take that and the fact that this is Thanksgiving week to focus on the positive. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And I totally agree with you about Christmas.

    duffy, so good to see you!!!! :flowerforyou: Like I said, you simply amaze me. I echo everything singfree said to you. And no doubt your body is going to continue going through some 'shock' long after the chemo is over, but I love your idea of training for a run. Goals are always good! Take care and glad to hear this last session of chemo wasn't quite so bad. Just one more to go!! :drinker:

    cef957, don't beat yourself up!!! I have alot of sympathy for you since I, too, just moved back from Asia. Living with change and uncertainty is NOT easy, and you should give yourself GREAT credit for being able to lose weight right now. I can't say the same, and have never been able to say the same through our many moves. Having the goal of maintaining for the rest of the year may be a great thing. It will give your body AND mind a break, won't make you feel 'deprived', and will take the pressure off you with regard to food that may allow you to celebrate the holidays more eagerly. I'm so sorry to hear about your father and his diagnosis. Allow yourself to enjoy this holiday (within reason, of course). You've proven to yourself in losing that much weight since August that you CAN lose weight so trust in yourself that you'll get back on track after the New Year.

    mk, I'm so sorry to hear about the pain. Have you ever seen a doctor about it? The fact that it seems to be chronic concerns me. Take care of yourself! :flowerforyou:

    All here is going well. I had a good weekend. A good friend of mine from CT came down to visit. Hopefully she'll check in here later because she is a friend I met here at MFP. She is the lovely 'zebras'. :heart: Her DH and she came to visit my husband and I on Saturday, and we spent a great day in DC with them. Yesterday was all about getting ready for the holiday on Thursday AND Christmas. I did get a good workout in yesterday and am headed down to do a heavy chest/back workout this morning (followed by some cardio). So all of that is going well.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I want to thank my friend Stiring for hosting my husband and I down in her area this weekend! Stiring's husband was especially gracious guiding two complete strangers around D.C. for the day. Stiring is as wonderful in person as she is on MFP!

    duffyz, I am so pleased to hear about your good news! I think its a testament to your fitness going into this situation and your positive attitude that you are doing so well.

    Sing: I'm not surprised to hear your grandson is so deep. He is definitely like his grandfather!

    We were already hearing Christmas music on our way back this weekend on the radio. Way too soon. As Eric and I were walking down King Street in Alexandria, I couldn't beleive the number of stores that were already decked out for Christmas. We live behind a Wally World ourselves and its the beginning of a stretch of big stores, and starting on Black Friday we almost always have to drive the back roads around Route 1 to get anywhere the road gets so crowded.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening or very early morning!

    It's just before 1 am here at work. I had a pretty good day today. I was able to take a nice hike on the Appalachian Trail today. I took my morocycle to the trailhead. I never thought that I would still be riding on Nov. 22!!! I make sure I wear something red when I am walking, because it is now small game season in PA, and the hunters might get startled as I pass by. The trails are within the PA State Game Lands, so hikers really need to be careful.

    Zebras, it was great to hear that you met up with Stiring. We are hoping to do the same in the not-too-distant future. We are very familiar with the DC area, since we have good friends in Arlington, and visit them often.

    Stiring, I'm glad you were able to meet Zebras. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

    We are making our big turkey meal on Friday. So, on Thursday we are going to eat lighter. We're making a pot of soup(mushroom-leek) and some salad with a crusty sourdough bread...and maybe go to a movie. I like football, especially in Hi-Def. But even I need a break from non-stop action on Turkey Day. A movie sounds like a nice diversion.

    My 6-month Dr. appt. is at 8:15 am today. I am hoping that she will take me off my BP meds. I'll keep you posted.

    Have a great day!
  • Peejay13
    Hey all, I am new to the boards but not to dieting! I had been putting on weight for the last few years but stopped smoking a year ago and the weight gain accelerated! I'm now left with almost 3 stone to lose! I've dieted most of my leftbutdespite many halfhearted attempts havenever really got into exercise! I'm conscious though thatat47, I. Can't keep messingwithmy health by crash dieting and binging together with almost complete inactivity! I started this site on Sunday and am on 1200 cals and have startedthe30 day shred! Eurgh! So sore!
    I am a Mum of 2 ,a 18 and a 16 year old both at Uni and only the wee onestill at home in term time! Iam married 3 years and live in Scotland! What else? Oh I am an animal lover and have two we sties!
    I look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    Welcome Peejay! Sounds like you've got a good start right now. You are right about the importance of a workout routine and a stable diet as opposed to bingeing and starving. I love Scotland!! I lived in England for four years (about 14 years ago now!), and really enjoyed our visits to Scotland. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    singfree, I hope all goes well with the doctor!! I have my fingers crossed you will be off your medication in time for your Thanksgiving dinner on Friday. Your Thursday plans sounds great. I agree that a movie would make for a nice break from the constant football. I think we'll be watching part of all three games on Thursday, but I'll be busy cooking during a good part of at least one of those games. And I, too, hope we get a chance to meeet soon!

    I got in a good cardio workout this morning and am getting ready to follow it up with a leg workout. I'm going down to my husband's office later today for his holiday lunch with his staff. It will be my first time in the Pentagon. I'm looking forward to it! For lunch, we're going to an Italian restaurant, which looks really good.

    I hope you all enjoy your day.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello, my name is Annette. This seems to be a wonderful group to join since I am 47 (as of Nov 11)... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hello my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I know I know, Sing, you can insult me...I give you permission :wink: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: The cruise was FANTASTIC!!!!! I spent my birthday and Veteran's day in Nassau at the Atlantis Resort. I enjoyed Key West and Freeport as well. I managed to exercise most days on the ship and also at shore. We walked all over Key West. In Freeport, we took a bike excursion to the beach. That was a lot of fun. The weather was fantastic. I did think about all those poor people on the other cruise off California, yikes!!!! I ate healthy and in moderation 90% of the time. The only thing I did that I usually dont do was to have a drink everyday...but I was on vacation and on a cruise. I didnt overdo it, though. So I am proud of that!!! :drinker:

    Stiring, I thought of your friends in Korea after hearing the news. Have you heard from them? Arent you glad you are not there anymore? It's gotta be scary.

    Sing, Stiring, kadetr...I want to join you in the no weighing lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I really dont want to mess with my head anymore. I know that a couple of pounds and even a few here and there is not going to hurt as long as I am on the healthy range and I feel good inside and out. And so far so good...I did weigh in after I came back and had only "gained" a little under 2 lbs the week of the cruise. No biggie at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do need to concentrate in keeping my "junk" intake in moderation, I am starting to feel a little thick in the waist and some clothes are starting to tighten up due to extra Holiday food consumption. Need to increase my water intake, fruit and veggie intake and learn to say NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

    Duffy, glad to hear you are cancer free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You continue to inspire me!!!!

    My sister is on her way over here. The crazyo is driving from Sacramento with her daughter and boyfriend!!! They should be here tomorrow night. So it will be a nice Thanksgiving with two of my siblings and my beloved family.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Dayby Day....Congrats!!! On your walk!!!! Yeah I wanna do a 5k

    Hi Im new here. I'll be 43 in a few weeks and looking for support to stay fir for life.

    Just completed the 10lbs by Dec challenge and my weight is now 140. My next goal is 130. I would like to maintain 130 and exercise 5-6 days a week min. of 45 minutes a day.
  • Amerann
    Oh wow an over 40 site-fantastic!!!! I'm new to the whole program so really happy to see this!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Are there any people on here that are under 5'2"? I am barely over 5 feet tall. I'm just curious what your weight goal is if you are short like me.

    Yesterday, we got our new elliptical machine at our home (early Christmas). I haven't weighed since last week but I am starting to get a lot of comments from people which is really nice!!

    Yeah, it's cool there is a place just for us that are 40+!! We rock!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone who celebrates and have a great day for those who do not!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Alf, that was one loooong cruise! I haven't heard from you in what seems like a few weeks! You can't get rid of us that easily!!!! I'm glad you are coming over to the "sane" side of fitness. No weighing is definitely the way to go. As you said, you can tell just by how "thick" you feel that you need to watch the food intake. Same with me. We are so in tune with small fluctuations that we don't really need a scale to confirm the obvious. I totally agree that we need to be very careful from now through the holidays with junk food and portion control. Have a great time with your family!

    Stiring, my Dr. was not in today, so I had to see an associate. He said to stay on the meds for a little while longer and come back in 4 months. I was disappointed that I did not see the Dr. who was very familiar with my concussion, but those things happen I guess. This is my final night of night shift for a while...yay! At 6 am I will be off until Tuesday morning. This is the longest holiday weekend of the year. The company gives us Thurs, Fri and Mon off. I can use the rest. On Sat., Dec. 4 is our big year end inventory. Since I oversee the whole thing, I will be working at least 12 hr. days next week. After that I can relax for a week before I fly to CA for the big move to Utah with my BIL. I will fly home from Las Vegas, so I'm going to treat myself to a night in Sin City. I've never been there and I don't gamble. So, the next best thing is to find a good restaurant and take a long walk on the strip. It won't be as much fun, since my wife can't make the trip out west with me. I found a good rate at the Luxor Hotel (the big pyramid shaped hotel), which is close to the airport...I have a 6 am flight...

    On Friday morning I'm going to roast the turkey early, then carve it up and put it in an electric roaster to keep warm until dinner. I like to get all of the yucky work out of the way and discard the carcass so the kitchen is not a total wreck while my wife is preparing the rest of the meal.

    I might not check in on Friday, as I am anticipating a Turkey-induced hangover!!!!! Gobble gobble friends!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning All!

    alf, so good to see you back. Sounds like you had a great cruise. And WOO-HOO on throwing the scale away. It really will make you feel better. There are so many better ways of tracking your health and fitness levels than obsessing over numbers. Regarding South Korea....kinda scary. But our friends over there aren't concerned from what I can tell. This is just another episode in a long list of episodes where North Korea does something like this to get international aid. Since he attacked civilians this time, he might actually get it. It's a sad situation.

    Welcome LadyPersia and Amerann!! LadyPersia, congrats on your weight loss to date!!! Sounds like you have a great plan in mind for your future.

    daybyday, I noticed you started a thread about goal weights, so I won't go on for long about it. I'm 5'2" and my goal was 120. I got down to 98 at one time. Right now, I would wager I'm somewhere around 110 or so. I think the most important thing in setting a goal weight is making it a goal that you can maintain. My body likes 120, though it seems to be maintaining pretty easily at 110 right now. My body looked better at 98, but it was impossible for me to maintain without the absolute cleanest diet and fiercest exercise regime. So find a healthy weight you and your body are comfortable with and go for that.

    singfree, I'm sorry to hear about the doctor's appointment. So four more months of wait? That's got to be frustrating. I hope you get to see your doctor next time. That will be getting close to a year since your concussion won't it? I'm glad you have a long weekend before you have to push through into another long week...and your trip to Utah. I think you'll enjoy your time in Vegas, most especially since you don't gamble. It's a fun city to walk around. Or maybe you can find a show that would appeal. It's too bad your wife wont' be there.

    All here is well. I already got my cardio workout in this morning and will do an upper body workout later. I've got alot to do today getting ready for tomorrow. We're planning on pulling the Christmas stuff out this weekend, and I'll probably do some early prep work for that. We're still enjoying good weather today though it is supposed to be cooler/rainy the next couple of days. So I want to take advantage of these nice days while we've got them.

    I don't know if I'll be here Friday either. If not....I'll just say as far as a check-in that my workouts have been good this week. As far as eating....well......it's Thanksgiving week. I think that about sums it up. :blushing: But I'm holding my own right now.

    I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. In this year when I have much to be thankful for, one of the things I am very thankful for is all of your here....your support, your wisdom, your humor, your inspiration....for it all. So thank you! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Just wanted to pop by and say Happy Thanksgiving.

    Sing: Doctors really are a pain sometimes huh? I had to smile when I read your post about Las Vegas. We had a great trip there last year and hubby and I are neither big gamblers. The food in Vegas is amazing. Plus, people watching is an excellent non gambling past time.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Here at work...can't wait to see my sister tomorrow!! :drinker: I teach Zumba tonight!! Not much to report. Might check in tomorrow before we go over to my brother's. If not, I want to wish all of you, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Have a blessed day with your friends and family.

    Duffy, good to see you. I am with you as well regarding Las Vegas. My husband and I are not gamblers but love going to Vegas. We love people watching as well and walking up and down the strip. It is quite a workout in itself. We also like watching the shows.

    Sing, I've stayed in The Luxor. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chris Angel has his show there. He also has a penthouse there as well. That is our next plan, to go to Vegas to watch his show. We really would like to run the rock and roll half marathon there. It is in early Dec, so maybe next year.

    Stiring, Muah!!! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new members!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone...

    We had Turkey day here at my house by candle light. A bad snow storm came though our area and left us with over 2 ft of snow and No power or cell service from Sun-Thurs night. Oh so much fun... But it was a nice gathering. Grateful that my family trekked all the way over here to brave the icy roads and eat dinner in the dark with me...

    I am also grateful to read that DUFFY is doing so well. Good health and family are the most important thing in life.