40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi!!!! Wow, so good to hear from a lot of you!!!!! This is going to be short...have to leave soon to my med appt, will let you know what they say. This is for my hip problems but will discuss the foot problems as well. I did get an appt last Fri for that and they took xrays but havent heard anything regarding the results. The Dr. thinks it had to do with the talus? So wanted xrays to make sure there is nothing lose, broken etc? I need to get a Dr outside...crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I taught last night but took it "easy", not much jumping, so it didnt bother me.

    Julia, congrats on losing 50lbs, amazing!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Duffy, good luck with the next round. I am inspired by your positive attitude!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Will get back with you after my appt, maybe tomorrow...too many things to do today. :grumble: :noway:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Alf, how did your appt. go? I'm not sure what talus is either. If you are like me, some of those problems are associated with overuse. I know that I simply cannot go at the intensity I did when I was younger. The body responds by breaking down until you give the area sufficient rest. Take it from an older guy...when it comes to heavy activity, getting older stinks!

    Tron, I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts during this difficult time!

    Stiring, i'm glad you were able to enjoy some of the nice weather here in the East before winter. True, the weather people tend to blow everything way out of proportion (a ratings ploy, I'm afraid). When I was a kid, everyone got around just fine in the snow. Schools were rarely cancelled. Today, if a flurry is in the air, everyone panics, bread and milk fly off the shelves, and government and schools shut down. That real progress (and being afraid of liability lawsuits)!! Plan to visit next summer, we can do a real German beer garden ($15 for gas is a lot cheper than $2000 airfare)!!!

    It's aother cold one here. Right now it is 21 degrees and windy. Brrrr. Have a great day!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Wanting to join in the "fun"! lol
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    kimmiebear, jump right into the fun!

    alf, please let us know how your appointment went. I hope all is well. You've had quite a year with injuries, and I hope you finally get some answers.

    duffy, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    singfree, I'll be there this summer!! You can count on it. Regarding the weather, yesterday morning the weather guy said it was more like Fairbanks Alaska here than Washington DC. I've lived in Fairbanks.....not even close. Why do they do that? I have a tendency to think if they don't make it sound so bad here, people won't think it's that bad here.....because it isn't. Yes, it's chilly and windy, but my nose hairs don't freeze when I go outside (like in Alaska), I won't burn my lungs if I take a deep breath (as I could in Alaska), I'm not going to die if I'm stuck outside for more than 10-20 minutes (as I would in Alaska). The sun is shining and with a good coat, it's actually perfectly fine being outside. I just don't get the drama.

    Okay, enough of that. All here is well. I got a good step cardio workout in this morning, and will do a shoulder/tricep/bicep workout later. My eating was much better yesterday, which is good. Hope you all have a great day!
  • pepper06
    Tron-that was really wierd....did you get to the point where you just laid down w/your eyes closed? Hope you are feeling better.

    We cut our tree down Sun. and have it all decorated....drinking water like crazy...another year w/o all the ornaments(I have soooo many). Last night we were going up to tk our dau out for celebration meal(she passed her praxis II exam-on to grad school:bigsmile: ), so before we left I went out to make the wreath for the door frm the tree trimmings-well I had an allergic reaction! :cry: My hands started feeling funny. I finished the wreath and went to take a shower-they started itching, getting red, hives-as soon as I got out of the shower I had to put anti itch cream on them over and over several times. Now when I make the swags I will wear gloves....I never had that happen before!

    Gees......so many parties-I was pretty good at Applebees last night(oriental salad-hd 1/2 and will hv 1/2 today). Tomorrow is a wine tasting party near Boston, and Friday is Christmas meal at nice restaurant w/gym girls......for this week.

    In our area it seems that more homes are decorated more than usual-people that hv nt decorated before are-odd w/the economy.:indifferent:

    Stiring-have you done any holiday festivites in the city? How do you like your place, neighbors etc? Do you decorate?
    I don't think exercising was as big in our parents era as it is now,gyms nt heard of,internet nt around to access info etc. diff times. Now that my Mother had strokes she exercises on her own faithfully doing what she can.

    My husband is still going to the gym:smile:

    Stay warm........baby its colllllllld outside! BRRRRR:drinker:
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello all again! Sorry it has been awhile. I have enjoyed hearing everyone's progress and life successes! WAHOO!

    Welcome to the new members!

    It has been a roller coaster week (and it is only wednesday.....)

    My low.....My dad passed early Sunday morning. He is no longer in any pain (and he was in A LOT) towards the end!). If you know a nurse - hug them! They are the best people on earth (along with the nurse assistants!)! Since it was a long illness, my family has had time to understand and grieve a little each day. My daughter who is 9 is having a hard time with it and that is the hardest for me.

    My high....I got the long term math sub job at my former school! The call came Monday morning....YIPPEE!!! I start next Monday. It will be so good to get back in the classroom! Think of me on Monday when I teach 8th graders about Barbie Bungee. It is an algebra lesson that deals with best fit lines, extrapolation, and barbies! It is so fun!!

    It will be interesting to see how I can fit in exercise and full time working again. I know I should get up at 4:45..........UGH! I don't want to lose the progress I have gained so far.

    It is supposed to snow again tomorrow......

    I have already been to the gym today - so I am going to finish up the christmas shopping...so that is not hanging over my head too!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    cef, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

    Tron, I'm sorry to hear about your son in law deploying so soon. I had thought about that since Ft Polk is a major deploying post but I thought he would have been safe being in the medical field and just getting there. Is your daughter staying in Ft Polk? She doesnt have to. She can go home with you and still use her medical benefits with doctors in the area that accept Tricare and also utilize her benefits at Travis AFB. Why stay in Ft Polk if she is just getting there and him leaving so soon.

    kimmie, welcome!!! :drinker:

    Well, my appt yesterday was to discuss my hip problems, he didnt have "time" to discuss other issues...do you believe my luck??? So I guess I need to call for another appt regarding my foot, which by the way is feeling a little better but still hurts some. Dr. couldnt figure out the pain on the side of my hip but MRI did show an anterior labral tear so I was referred to a specialist regarding that and see what treatments can be done to repair the tear. Sing, what's funny about my injuries now is that I am not really working out as heavy since last year when I was doing P90X, running, other workouts, ChaLean Extreme etc. All I've been doing for at least 6mos or more has been teaching Zumba, I am not even doing any heavy lifting as I used to last year. So as far as "rest" is concerned I've been doing a lot of that, believe it or not. So that is why I am so frustrated right now...but again I cannot complain when I compare myself to what others are going through. The Dr. questioned me regarding my pain after I told him I teach Zumba 4 times a week. He said that I must not be in that much pain when I do that. I told him that I just work through it but that I am definitely in pain. Not so much when I'm teaching, the adrenaline high is too much :laugh: , but I do feel it afterwards and everytime I get up after sitting for a while. :sad: Oh Sing, maybe I can plan to go to Disney the same week so we can finally meet in person. :happy: But my son's birthday is on 13 May so we might go during that week.

    Pepper, I hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou:


    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, I am only working 4 hours today, since I have a lot of things to do before I leave for California tomorrow. It is a very cold morning here, 16 degrees! When I change planes at Chicago Midway next Tuesday, that will be their HIGH temp!! At least all of my travels should be in decent weather.

    Alf, I hope you can get some answers very soon. I know that you're frustrated, as any active person would be. It would be great if we were to meet in Disney!!! Maybe it will work out that our vacations at least overlap a bit.

    Stiring, when we come to Arlington on the 31st, I need to take the Metro to Faragut Sq. (Orange Line). I want to see someone at T. Rowe Price and discuss some things about my 401k. If you think that you might be in the area, I would love to meet my long lost sister, even for a short time!

    Cef, my condolences on the loss of your father. I lost my mother early this year, and it is always a difficult time. And yes, my hat is off to all caring health care professionals who take great pride in their work to comfort and care for the sick.

    As far as checking in goes, it's going to be hit and miss for me. I only have my ipod touch and need a free wifi hotspot to check email and the web. I will continue to monitor our thread throughout the day and chime in as needed! I will be back to PHL on Tuesday at 3:45 pm, and home about 5:30 pm.

    Have a great day friends!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    cef, I'm so very sorry to hear about your father. Please take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you and your family. And congratulations of getting the new position. No doubt it will be difficult adjusting to your new schedule, but I have all of the confidence that you'll be able to do it. You've been doing so great!

    pepper, I'm sorry to hear about the allergic reaction. Hopefully you are all better from that. I had an attack of hives a few years ago, and it was NO fun. But mine lasted a few weeks. Yuck. We've been down into DC once since the Christmas decorations started coming out and hope to go down again on Saturday. But our neighborhood is very nicely decorated, and we've gone all out on our house this year (at least inside) by putting out ALL of our Christmas decorations for the first time in years. It's been fun!! Thanks for asking.

    alf, you've had a tear for over a year? And this is the first they've been able to diagnose it? Yikes! I'm sorry to hear about that, but I hope having a diagnosis means you can finally begin to heal from it. I hope you get some answers on your foot as well. I had a long conversation with my sister last night who, at 54, was told she can't run again (due ot damage to her knees). She was so upset because she doesn't want to be 54. What could I say? Aging sometimes just isn't fun. I really do hope you can get some answers, though, so you can start living without the pain. :flowerforyou:

    singfree, regarding New Year's weekend, let me know what your plans are because, as of right now, we don't have any plans for that weekend. If you are going to Farragut West (which is on the orange line), that is very easy for us because it is also on the line (blue) that we take into the city. So just let me know because I'd love to meet you!!! Have a safe trip to California and enjoy the warm air while you're there!

    All here is well. I got up and did a quick Insanity workout this morning. I think I'll probably do some yoga later and go for a walk if the winds stay down. My husband is taking in the goodies I made for his staff tomorrow, so I have to spend a portion of the day boxing up cookies and bread and wrapping those boxes and such. The good thing is when I work with food like this, I don't want to eat it....so, hopefully, that will keep my eating in check. I had a nightmare last night about my weight, so I think I'm finally getting to the point where I know I need to turn these bad eating habits around. It's about time!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sing, have a wonderful trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Stiring, I feel for your sister already. I am not 50 yet (47) but I already feel the downside of getting older. :grumble: :noway: I normally feel content about getting older and cannot complain but the other day I was watching this show about celebrities talking about turning 50 and above and I just started crying!!!!! :noway: Out of the blue, weeping!!!! What's up with that????? :noway: :ohwell:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, 50 is not so bad...just a number to me!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    alf, I completely understand what you're saying. I certainly don't mind aging because, to coin a phrase, it is better than the alternative.. But, for whatever reason, I feel like I've crossed a line over the past year that definitely takes me out of anything resembling 'youthful'. It bothers me, not because I want to be young again (I don't) but because I want to feel young again. And until about a year ago, I did feel young, despite my age. I really hope I get that feeling back because I agree with singfree.....physical age is just a number.

    Friday check-in....not the best week of eating ('tis the season I suppose) but got some great workouts in this week. I seem to be holding my own, though I'm feeling pudgy lately. I finished my seven month undulating periodization workout series this past Wednesday (where I alternated the intensity of my strength training every week in order to best 'shock' my body), and I really enjoyed it. I definitely want to do something like that again. This morning, I did a Turbo Fire workout, and I'm going to do a new total body strength training workout later. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to focus more on endurance training than I usually do. I'm doing this for a couple of reasons: I think it will be best for keeping the fat off during the next few weeks when I know I'm not going to be eating great; and I've been lifting really heavy all year so I have some nagging injuries to my forearms and such that I think will disappear with a few weeks of lighter lifting. I'm looking forward to the break from heavy weights for awhile though I have no doubt I'll be itching to get back to them shortly after the new year.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!! Sing, where are you now??? Please dont get me wrong!!! I am not worried about getting old and turning 50 etc. That is not the issue. The issue is the way I am feeling right now and I am worried that with getting older I will continue to have more physical issues and I don't want that. I don't want to be limited due to pain, etc. That is all. I am one to quickly admit happily my age. As far as looks are concerned I am very happy that I am "aging gracefully". I guess I am just frustrated with my body right now...Last year from Jan-Nov I was feeling very strong, energetic, just plain healthy but this year has been another issue. Again, compared to others, I cannot complain and shouldnt be complaining...

    Stiring, I am sure your body will thank you for the nice break you will be taking. You will be rested and ready to hit the heavy weights in January. I miss lifting heavy. I love the feeling after a good heavy lifting workout. How is the turbo fire workout? How does it compare to P90X? Or is it more like Insanity?

    This week, I think it has been pretty good as far as eating is concerned and taught all my Zumba classes. I also feel a little pudgy myself but no biggie, most clothes are fitting the way they should. I am having a colonoscopy on Mon, yikes. So I start the prep on Sunday. I guess the pudginess will go away for at least those 2 days LOL :laugh: :laugh:

    I hope everyone else is doing great. ((((((((((((((((((Duffy, thinking of you!!!!)))))))))))))))))))))))) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all..............here for Friday check-in.

    I agree with Alf.............my age (48) doesn't bother me at all; I just hate the aches, pains and other physical issues that seem to have developed over the past year, won't go away and limit what I can do without hurting big time!!:grumble: :grumble:

    Happy to report (I'm almost afraid to type this) that I've felt pretty good all week!! :happy: The back/shoulder/neck pain hasn't completely disappeared, but has diminished in intensity and location - it's just my neck and sometimes both shoulders that are reminding me that they're still not completely healed. But........compared to the last month or so.......much improved!! Will hit Curves on my way home for the (gasp!!) 3rd workout this week!! :laugh: It's been a LONG time since I've felt good enough to work out 3 times during the week.............. never make it to Curves on the weekend, but do enough around the house with cleaning, etc. to make up for it.

    My eating has been pretty good since Thanksgiving except for Sunday brunch. Our oldest daughter didn't make it home Thanksgiving weekend, but came home last weekend instead, so we had to introduce her to the weekend joy of brunch at The Chef.....................bloody marys really kill the nutritional value of a "good" breakfast of scrambled eggs, crisp bacon, hash browns and an english muffin! :laugh: :laugh: I didn't even get the munchies all afternoon..........made grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and cornbread for the youngest for dinner..........yummmmm! Haven't been on a scale in about 2 weeks, but clothes are fitting alright, so I'm not going to look for a number.:wink:

    I'm over half done with Christmas shopping - which is really good for me! I hate shopping in stores, so I'm really happy I can do most of my shopping online and just have everything shipped to me at work. I have a bunch of gifts to take out of the car and wrap tonight. It'll probably be the earliest there's ever been wrapped gifts under the tree!!! Really want to get the gift cards for nieces and nephews bought this weekend and get them mailed so I'm not going crazy Christmas week. Trying really hard this year to not stress out over the holidays and just enjoy having my husband around this year.

    Everyone........enjoy the weekend and I hope you're able to avoid the rotten weather headed for the eastern half of the country - right now it's supposed to miss us; oh darn!!!

  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Have a wonderful week. My weighin is still at 138. Phew. Not motivated t workout with the cold and wind here. Going to kick it up today
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    singfree, I hope you have been enjoying your time in warmer weather. I think you're going to be returning home to some cold. We even have a very little snow outside this morning, but it is so insignificant to what I've seen in the midwest. I hope everybody impacted by this last storm is warm and safe!

    We had a good weekend. We got to tour the White House on Saturday evening, which was all kinds of fun, especially since it is decorated for Christmas right now. We spent some time after walking through DC enjoying the lights....but it was pretty cold, so that didn't last as long as I would have liked. As Christmas gets closer, my eating is getting worse, but I'm keeping it under control right now. I got a good workout in yesterday (and this morning), and that helps. I'm officially done with all of my Christmas shopping, so, hopefully, I can sit back and spend some more time over the next couple of weeks enjoying the simple pleasures of the season.

    mkwood, so glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope that continues.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! I missed check in on Friday but here I am, just a few days late...

    Eating and exercise I would say are pretty fair. I feel like I'm going through the motions but I'm not seeing any super strength in either. Clothes are fitting but when I look at myself I feel like I could lose a few lbs--again, I'm not sure why there is always this disconnect with me. Maybe I can gain a little more momentum this week.....

    Alf, good luck with the colonoscopy today!

    Stiring--glad everything is on track. The White House tours sounds great. I'm sure it was beautiful. My step-daughter lives in DC now and works for a ngo. My husband went to see her in May, but we have yet to visit as a family--I'd love to see that again. The last time I think was when I was in middle-school on the typical yearly band trip....kind of a long time!

    LadyPersia---hope you gained some momentum this weekend!

    MK--glad you are getting some relief from your shoulder.

    CEF--I'm so sorry to hear about your father. So nice to hear you had some good news mixed in with the sad news and have a new job to look forward to.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    kadetr, you're doing great. Just keep reminding yourself of that. Nobody is 100% enthusiastic about eating right and exercising all of the time. The key is to work through those times as best you can confident that it is just one of those times in life. And it sounds like you're doing just that. You've been maintaining your weight now for quite some time, so celebrate that....and forget the rest. :flowerforyou:

    All here is well. Got in another good workout this morning which helps make up for the bad eating habits I've got right now. It's all good right now. We're a tad chilly this morning, but I can't even remotely complain about the weather when looking at the rest of the country. Everybody out there....take care, be safe and stay warm!!
  • pepper06
    cef-soooooooo sorry to hear of your loss. Glad to hear you also received good news right away in regards to a job! Hopefully help to ease the pain.....glad you are excited about it :)

    Stiring.....you are talking like you have lived there for years already....knowing what lines to take. My husband grew up taking the T into Boston.....we never had that, so could nt live in the city. I get all confused w/connections.
    This year we really scaled bk our decorating inside-left the tubs in the attic.
    Will you be getting together with any family since you are in the states-your side or your husband's side?
    Does anyone else have family coming for Christmas?

    my inlaws will be coming Christmas day, and I host a party on Christmas Eve-I plan to make a variety (3 diff kinds) of chicken wings this year for the party-I will not eat allot of them-I promise.

    This weekend we are making cookies-that is going to be a tough one-homemade sugar cookies and kiss cookies.
    I made those 100 cal cupcakes at Thanksgiving-they were ok-I think cream cheese frosting doesn't cut it. I am hoping to make a pie crust tonight which I will fill with berries(rasselberry pie) and have for Christmas day. The cookiies are for the party.

    I did the treadmill yesterday to burn a few calories, and today I am going to head to the gym-tomorrow will be class.
    Boy....my husband is hooked-some days he goes 2x....he won't listen to slow down.....one extreme to another! He is loosing very quickly.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I MISS the warm weather already!!!!! On Friday and Saturday it was 80 degress in S. California. Even when we got to Utah on Sunday it was in the 60s. On Monday I took a shuttle van from St. George UT to Las Vegas, a distance of 120 miles. I stayed at the Luxor, because it was close to the airport and I had a 6:10 am flight. This was my first time in LV and I enjoyed walking the Strip. I don't gamble, so that was not a problem for me. I walked through a few casinos though, and the smoke was enough to make me gag. I had to be in bed by 10 pm, since I had a 3:15 am wake up call. I arrived back in Philadelphia around 4 pm.

    My BIL's house in not yet finished, so they are staying in an apartment until Feb. 1, when the house will be ready. WOW, what a house this is going to be!! It is large and extremely beautiful, with views of the mountains. MY BIL was able to build this house for less than the older house he sold in CA. My wife is very anxious to go out and see the place.

    Enough of me...how is everyone? I will try to check in later, AFTER I attack the mountain of paperwork on my desk!

    Have a great day!