40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • Texssippian
    Hi All! Merry Christmas!

    We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Day. Had our friends over Christmas Eve for gumbo. Just our foursome for Christmas Day. Now that the kids are in their 20s, it is more about spending time together versus getting the latest toy, thank goodness! Rainy on Christmas Eve and in the 30's on Christmas Day. Yesterday, it was 23 degrees when we got up. Supposed to get warmer as the week goes on.

    We went to an exhibit on Maya culture at the Kimbell in Fort Worth yesterday. Very interesting. The Kimbell always has great special exhibits.

    Getting ready for the second wave of Christmas: My nephew and mother are flying over from Mississippi on Wednesday. I am at work today, but it is very quiet. Please keep my boss in your prayers: She has been supporting and taking care of her elderly mom who is in Pittsburgh. She has spent a good part of December up in Pittsburgh with her mom who was in and out of the hospital, placed in a nursing home and then moved to a hospice facility. Her mom died on Christmas Day. With all the nasty weather, the rest of her family may not be able to get there for the funeral. I am so sorry for the family.

    All the more reason to enjoy the time you have with family friends and try to get yourself in the best, most healthy shape possible. Take care all! TxMs
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    We have your snow here in 'CT I was just so happy that it snowed through the night, so my office actually cancelled. They have only closed for snow twice now in nearlyh ten years. It was very blizzardy when I woke up this morning.

    We had a lovely Christmas at a friend's house, and spent Sunday restoring our house after the heat/hot water unit got replaced. As the ceiling had to get torn up and repainted, etc.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful new year holiday too!
  • pepper06
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I was thinking of you guys, but could not get to it. It was a bear at work-worked allot of extra time. Thurs night I even had to log back in and work from 6-10-yuck..had to input my year end review...fun, fun.

    Well, I did have cookies last week...not as many as last year, but after eating them-I did not feel as well....like that sluggish, blah feeling. Gees....why do that...because it is the season. :noway:

    Well, my inlaws came down Christmas afternoon and then got in a panic about the blizzard, so they left yesterday morning(originally they were going to leave this morning). Well, my husband was furious with them. The older one gets the more nervous one becomes and one worries more.....just a fact of life. Fun, fun.
    I wish the wind from the blizzard would chill......brrrrrr. My office was open-was shocked, but I am off this week. We still have 2 birthday parties(1 is my son), and New Years left. I am trying to get some projects finished up this week too. On Thurs my dau and I plan to to go to Yankee Candle and then to festival of lights in Springfield MA.

    Hope everyone has a restful week..:bigsmile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    The wind is not as strong this morning, just enough to let you know that it is indeed winter! Nothing much to report today. Yesterday I was able to do a heavy upper body workout. My arms are really feeling it now. Today will be lower body and some rowing for cardio.

    We are going to see some friends tonight. Hopefully I can stay away from the goodies. Our grandson is going back to his mother today. He is a joy to be around. It makes us sad that he is being influenced in a negative way, just by some of the things he says. He is a good little boy, and we want to exert as much love and positive influence on him as possible. We insist on him being polite and to say please and thank you, to say yes please and not yeah or mm-hhmm, or to mumble some obscene lyrics from an "Usher" album. Doesn't his mother realize that what she is teaching him now will have a profound effect on how he behaves as he grows older? As children we were taught to love and respect people. I don't think it's as important to some people as it used to be.

    On Friday we are going to Arlington VA to spend New Year's Eve with some friends. I am also planning to visit another dear friend while I'm in the DC area, who is a frequent contributor to this thread. I'm very much looking forward to this weekend!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Am I that person you're planning on visiting, singfree! :bigsmile: I'm looking forward to it!!!!

    I'm running a little late today and trying to get my workouts in before some lunch plans. It didn't help that I couldn't get myself out of bed this morning. :blushing: I rarely sleep past when my husband leaves at 5:15am, but not this morning. :ohwell: At least I've got my cardio in, and I'll go do lower body in a minute. And then I have to run out the door.

    kadetr, congrats on the new bread machine!! I make all kinds of things in my bread machine including bread rolls and pizza crust. The calories ARE higher than in store-bought bread, but I also make my slices very thin, so I can get the calories down to about 110 calories a slice. I happily accept the calories given that my bread doesn't have the outrageous amounts of sodium and preservatives that so many store-bought brands have. If you need some lower calorie recipes, let me know because most of my wheat bread recipes have lower calories per slice than 200. I love my bread machine!!

    TxMs, hope you enjoy your second wave of Christmas!! That sounds like fun. I'm so sorry to hear about your boss. I hope things are clearing out up there to allow more family come in to support her. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

    zebras, so good to see you!! Hope you enjoyed your day off!!

    pepper, sorry to hear your week last week got so crazy....but it's great you are off this week. Enjoy!!

    singfree, I don't know what parents think about some of the things that they teach their children. I am a very cynical person, though, and I often wonder if manners will be a thing of the past in the not-so-distant future. If people can get by without manners (and it has been proven over and over again they can with certain sports and entertainment stars who often get rewarded for 'bad' behavior....and who unfortunately have a large influence on many younger people who are parents), then it is actually hard to argue to some why manners and decency are important. It makes me so sad because they ARE important. Who wants to live in a world full of unpleasant people? I don't. I love that you're giving your grandson another view. No doubt he'll remember that as he grows older.

    Well, off to do my next workout. I hope you all enjoy your day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning all!!! Good to hear from so many of you. I am glad to know that all of you are doing well and were not affected by the storm.

    Tex, so sad to hear about your boss's mom. It must be really hard for her and her family. I know people die every day but there are days that I wouldnt want to lose a loved one. Years ago, when I was working at Lackland AFB, my boss had her parents visiting from Puerto Rico. Her dad just had a minor procedure done days before Christmas but there were unforeseen complications and he died on Christmas Eve. That was really hard for them.

    Stiring and Sing, you guys better take a picture together and post it here if you meet this weekend!!!!

    I too feel very sluggish!!!! I havent exercised since Thursday. I am teaching Zumba tonight and until Thu, so I am very happy about that. I too need to get back to my healthier ways. I need to stop all this eating. I havent weighed myself but I can tell I have gained. Dont even want to know how many...my husband, supposedly, went back to his low carb diet. I think I might have to do something drastic, going on a strict diet, when the year starts.

    I am working this week at my research job. I am supposed to be cleaning the house...:laugh: :tongue:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello all - Happy Holidays to all!

    I have maintained (been within 2 lbs) all month....so I am happy with that. I did not expect to loose any but I am very happy with the no big gain.

    My son (with lots of help from my husband) gave me new workout stuff - shirt, sweatshirt, gym bag, headband - all from the lance armstrong foundation (and pink). I have already worn it all to the gym! This is the first year that I was not offended that I received workout wear....

    Didn't work out today...but the tree, trimmings and all the decorations came down - and then the house cleaning...so that counted as my workout ...right??

    We are having the neighborhood NYE party at our house.....so I better get back to more cleaning!

    Keep safe all those who are driving/traveling!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I must still be in holiday mode. I don't have a whole lot of ambition to work this week!!

    I was watching a program on History Channel last night about the selection process to become a Ranger. Even those guys in seriously good shape were having trouble getting through it. It's amazing what the mind and body can do when it is pushed to the limit. I was thinking about my complete lack of drive when it comes to fitness and nutrition. I need some motivation to really get back on track. Maybe it's old age...no, it's just being lazy!

    Tonight we are going to a place called Christmas Village. It is a farm out in the middle of nowhere that is decorated in a sea of Christmas lights. It's mostly an outdoor display, but there are some buildings and shops that offer a respite from the cold. It reminds me of an earlier, more innocent time. I like that.

    I'm planning to do another heavy workout today, since my arms are not sore from the last workout.

    OK, back to work. See y'all later!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    alf, don't do anything drastic!!! You've been maintaining your weight SO well over the past year, despite your injuries. After the holidays, when your eating has settled a bit, you will probably start feeling like yourself again in a couple of weeks. If you don't and need to shave off a couple of pounds (I can't imagine it's any more than that) then only cut a few hundred calories a day out of your diet. You are so thin right now that any more than that might do more damage than good. You are amazing, and don't forget that!!!

    cef, congrats on maintaining your weight through all of this. I got workout stuff for Christmas too (including a kettlebell). My husband made a point when giving it to me to let me know he gave it to me because I asked for it....not because he thought I needed it. :laugh: The funny thing is I never would have thought to be offended by it because working out is my hobby (and drug) of choice, but once I read that, I realized how those kinds of gifts could be interpreted. Glad you've turned that corner too!!

    singfree, this is a tough time of year for motivation. Our weather has turned around though, and it feels like spring here. We're supposed to be close to 60 degrees this week (which should make for a great trip into DC to see you on Friday!!!!). That is really helping me right now because I'm thinking that I'm not going to be able to hide under big baggy clothes forever. I know we'll be back into winter before long, but, right now, I'm finding my motivation in the sunshine.

    All here is well. Most of the Christmas food is out of the house now, and I feel like getting back on track with my eating. I got up and did a good Turbo Fire workout this morning (I really like these workouts, btw). I'm going to do some endurance resistance training in a little while....and then I may give that kettlebell a few swings. I picked up Bob Harper's kettlebell workout this past weekend, and I might give a little bit of that a try to see how well I handle the kettlebell. I want to start out slowly with it because of my shoulder and back issues...but I really want to give it a go since kettlebells seem to work the core so well.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Hello everyone! I just joined the group a week or two ago, but really haven't kept track of the thread. Hope to do better and get lots of motivation.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Stiring, thank you so much for your encouragement. I truly appreciate it. I already decided to get back to my healthy habits on the 1st and see what happens. I am also considering starting ChaLean extreme again but with a lot of caution. I still feel my shoulder injury here and there and of course my hip problem. I feel I need to do something more than Zumba. I really miss lifting.

    Sing, I really think you are just getting old...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: just kidding!!! We are all in the same boat...well, except Stiring :happy: , I am feeling sluggish. I had a good workout last night but it seemed I was the only one with a lot of energy. :grumble: My students did not seem very energetic at all. It was a small class also, only 17. :noway: Lots of people are out of town or are just taking a break from the normal routine. That's what I hope...

    Cef, great to hear from you and that you are doing so well!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Its been a busy few weeks for me. Xmas eve we went to my sister in laws house and afterward my daughters. It was nice but we didn't get home til late. So instead of waking up early Christmas so my husband could open gifts with us we decided to open them around 2am Xmas eve. Christmas day we got up and my husband cooked us brunch before he had to go to work so I spent the day cleaning up all the wrapping paper and watched Xmas shows while my son played his new video game. Then made a nice ham dinner for the two of us.
    The rest of the week has been filled with going with my husband on some lighting jobs and a late Xmas dinner with my mom and step dad as well as trying to get my house in tip top shape. I don't know why but we haven't been going to bed the past week or more til around 3 or 4am and that means getting up late too. I absolutely have to change that.
    My son has been working out the last month which is great for me because when I'm not busy I can go in there and workout with him. I think I need to try to start running. I heard that gets rid of belly fat and that's my main issue. There's no reason to weigh 115 and still have a pot belly.
    So what did you all get for Christmas? I hope Santa was good to you all....
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    The plan is set for tomorrow! Stiring and I will be meeting tomorrow at noon in DC. Being the intrepid world traveler that she is, I never thought it would be possible. I hope that she and her husband won't run away in horror when they finally see the old guy! I'm thankful that it's going to be a nice day for travel here on the east coast.

    Alf, we will take pictures...no jealousy, please!! :happy: And yes, I am getting old! One good thing about being 56...it's one year closer to retirement!

    Tron, it was good to hear from you. Santa was good to me. He brought me the pair of (expensive) bike shorts that I asked him for. Hopefully the high cost equals performance. Santa said my butt is worth it. :laugh:

    Stiring, warmer weather, or the anticipation of it, is great motivation for me. That, and my tighter-fitting clothing! See you tomorrow!

    I'm not sure if I will be able to check in tomorrow (Friday). We are leaving early for our trip to VA & DC. I hope that everyone has a happy, healthy and safe New Year!!! Prost!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Good morning! I can't wait to meet you tomorrow, singfree!! And, no, we won't run away! But you might take one look at me, though, and think to yourself that I have no business being on a site with the word 'fitness' in the title. :blushing: :wink: Safe travels!!

    tron, good to see you! I was wondering if you'd been caught up in the California storms. I remember you being without power for some time last winter, and was hoping the same thing wasn't going on this year. Sounds like you had a good Christmas. I'm glad you'll be able to workout with your son. That's a huge motivator. Running really is one of the best exercises around as long as your body can handle it. But diet plays a very big part in reducing belly fat so watch the sodium and processed foods as well. But running is a great thing.

    alf, have you been doing any of your Jillian workouts lately? I was just wondering if they might be a little easier to ease into than CLX when to comes to weights. I've never done 30 Day Shred, but I was under the impression the weights are pretty light whereas I know some sections of CLX use some pretty heavy weights. You might want to do a week or two of very light weight lifting before jumping into CLX just to get your body used to the movement again. Just a suggestion, of course. But I totally understand missing lifting. Whenever I go through long periods of not lifting, I go absolutely crazy. There is nothing for my body like strength training.

    kimmiebear.....welcome back!!!! :flowerforyou:

    So all of this talk about growing old recently has gotten me thinking. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I have felt aged this year as well....mostly mentally. I feel all grown up, and it isn't necessarily a feeling I'm liking. :tongue: So the other day I was thinking about a New Year's resolution because I do like to have a resolution every year. A great line from the silly movie 'Mamma Mia' came to mind. There is a part in the movie (for those who haven't seen it) where the main character is upset, and her friend asks what happened to her youthful, fun-loving self. The main character answers "I grew up", and her friend tells her to 'Grow back down". I've decided that's my resolution for this year....to grow back down. I want to find my youthful exuberance again. I also want to stop thinking to myself 'Well, I'm doing okay for 45' and instead just say 'I'm doing the best I can' without reference to age. I also want to get back to my healthier ways because, no doubt, that helps me feel younger. So....there you have it. My resolution for this past year was to find balance, and I think I have achieved that in the past few months (oddly...the move back from Korea helped). So wish me luck on this new resolution!!! I'm just not ready to be 'old' yet. I hope I never am. :happy:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sing and Stiring, I will be there in spirit!!!!!! :wink: Ok??? Jealous? Why would I be? I am so excited about you guys meeting I feel I am going as well...LOL And yes, please post a few pictures. What do your spouses say about the meeting? I cannot imagine my husband's reaction if I were to meet with someone I met online. He IS the jealous type. :grumble: :noway:

    Stiring, I know what you mean about wanting to feel young again. Sometimes people, including my husband, tell me that I need to act my age. What the heck is that???? I will act the way I feel!!!!!!! Despite my aches and my fine lines, I do feel young and have lots of energy. And Ms. Fitness, I guess you still have some "issues" you have to deal with...you are truly the perfect example people in this site and elsewhere have to look up to when it comes to being fit and eating healthy. And you have figured it all out on your own!! :drinker:

    Tron, nice to hear from you. I second Stiring about her suggestions to get rid of belly fat. Running is a wonderful exercise but you really need to listen to your body and also get really good shoes. I felt so healthy and powerful when I was running last year and I did have a flat belly. It has grown since I stopped but not much. I have been able to maintain some with a healthy diet and continuing with Zumba. Of course these past few weeks my diet has been awful but it will all change in a couple of days!!! Gifts? I never ask for any but my husband gave me a nice watch and a nice perfume. I also received other gifts from family and friends. I recently got a new laptop, which I am using right now, and I love it.

    Kimmie, I hope you continue checking in with us.

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, if your husband wants you to "act your age", buy a rocking chair and ditch the bikinis and form-fitting clothing. He will soon appreciate a wife who wants to act "young"!!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Alf, if your husband wants you to "act your age", buy a rocking chair and ditch the bikinis and form-fitting clothing. He will soon appreciate a wife who wants to act "young"!!

    I agree!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    Stiring and her lovely husband didn't run away from me and my husand, so she won't run away from you. She is as wonderful in person as she is on this site.

    You kids have a wonderful time! LOL Stiring, I hope we can all grow down a little bit in the new year.

    On that note, everyone have a wonderful and safe New Year! I am vowing to get back on track in 2012.
  • JuliaSoCal
    Here are some before and after photos...

    needed kick up my motivation :)

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Stiring... We did have some power outages this year too and can you believe our electric company paid everyone for being out! First time that has ever happened!!!!

    JulieSoCal... Great job! You look amazing!

    Alf... I've seen your pics... You with a belly?!?! So not true! And tell your husband acting old = BORING!!

    Sing... I'm happy to hear Santa was good to you. Do the new shorts have padding in the rear? I've seen those before so I was just curious.

    It snowed last night, not much but right after it cleared up and we all know what that means... ICE! I hope it warms up and melts the ice. Its more dangerous than the snow to travel on.