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40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!
    I'm actually feeling a bit discouraged today. I am on week 3 of c5k, and I have been feeling pretty good about it. Until I weighed in today. a bloody .5lb loss! This if after a .3lb gain last week! Party of me wants to give up the c5k and go back to previous cardio work outs, as I was seeing anywhere from a 1-2lb loss a week, but the other part of me is telling me not to quit. *sigh* I'm at a 18.5 weight loss and getting to a 20lb loss is my first goal, yet I can't seem to get there!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Claudia, don't get discouraged! The scale is driving you crazy. Micro-managing down to 0.3 lbs. is not good for your emotional health. Small ups and downs on the scale are the norm. In your zeal to lose weight, you are missing the bigger picture--that is, good health and fitness! The weight will eventually take care of itself. It is not the fault of the exercise program that you are on. Take a deep breath and relax!!! You WILL be fine!!!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all.....it's been a long couple of weeks, so I haven't read the thread.......maybe this weekend :yawn:

    After spending a few days home in MN for my aun't funeral I didn't feel good over the weekend and we got snow Mon-Tues, so yesterday was my first workout since Dec 28 :frown: :frown: Curves kicked my butt; as usual when I've been gone awhile. I'm still stuck at the stupid "fat" weight/measurements since early December, which is frustrating. I know the extra flab is from all the holiday goodies, but I stupidly keep expecting it to disappear quickly since theres's no more goodies around the office or the house for me to eat:laugh: :laugh: Will I ever learn? Probably not, but I think we all get into that mindset, especially in January. I'll keep trudging away on the neverending cycle of the same 10 pounds:ohwell:

    Got good news and not so good news yesterday................... my 72yr old dad with COPD, emphysema and prostate cancer (5 years, controlled with medication) was diagnosed in early December with an enlarged abdominal aorta and referred to the Mayo Clinic for a consultation with a vascular surgeon to discuss putting in a stent. His appointments were yesterday.
    The good news - 1) the "enlargement" isn't as large as the local clinic thought it was. It's actually a kind of "bend" in the aorta that made it appear like an aneurism on the ultrasound and 2)his enlarged stomach is not due to additional cancer or side effects of his prostate cancer meds.
    The bad news - 1)the aorta is "bent" because his abdominal muscle tone is gone, 2)his organs inside the rib cage are sinking down into abdominal area, which caused the "bend" in the aorta and the enlarged stomach and 3) his lungs are shot and he probably wouldn't survive surgery to put in a stent. Surgeon told Mom to bring him back in 6 months for another CAT scan. So.......it appears that Dad's 50+ years of smoking and not having a healthy lifestyle have caught up with him and he can't be fixed. I asked my brother if the surgeon recommended anything to try and improve Dad's lungs so he might be able to survive a surgery if one proved necessary and my brother's reply was "do something more than waking up, walking out to the living room and watching TV all day (and half the night)". So.......the unsaid answer was "nope, nothing Dad can/will do to improve his lungs and we're just going to have to watch him deteriorate more and more". So frustrating.........and scary. Dad was fairly active until he retired 12 years ago, but hasn't done anything at all to even attempt to keep himself healthy since his stroke in 2003. It was a minor stroke; nothing physical effected long term, but memory "cloudiness" and frustration that goes with it and minor speech impairment on bad days. Dad still kknows what's going on; he just can't process things as quickly any more and gets very frustrated when around multiple people. He FINALLY quit smoking about 5 years ago when he stopped driving and Mom refused to buy any more cigarettes for him:laugh: I really wonder how long it's going to be before something major fails on him...............

    Enough of my whining/venting............I know I can't fix him and this should just be more motivation to take better care of myself, right?
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Hey all...hope you're all having a good day.

    OK as much as I've fought it I gave in today. Breathing has become so difficult that I finally got my butt to the urgent care center. I have a sinus infection and upper respiratory infection and have been put on antibiotics. Not really focusing on food or fitness and can't wait to get back into it. Soooooo....I'm going to take care of myself and I'll see all of you in a couple of days. Have a great weekend!
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone. Thanks to Stiring and kadetr for the email exchanges and sharing your maintenance experiences - very helpful and encouraging. Always comforting to know there are people that REALLY understand because they have been in the same shoes. Looking forward to continuing our correspondence.

    Based on everyone's advice and support, I have increased my calories by a bit this week to stem the weight loss recognizing that 100 calories or so per day is not going to amount to a gain - but hopefully will be just enough to maintain. It's hard to do more than that psychologically/emotionally at least until I know it is not going to cause a gain. We'll see the impact on Sunday when I weigh-in. The good news is that I did notice my energy levels were better...

    Does anyone struggle else find that is hard to substantially increase calories if you are a "clean eater" without feeling really full? I like the foods I eat and look forward to the foods that I eat now that during weight loss were "taboo" for me (i.e., nuts, granola, unsalted almond butter, etc.) but looking for some other ideas. Any thoughts or recipes to share?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening (yes, I'm STILL at work)!!!

    Will this day ever end??? I am now in my 15th hour at work, and I am getting very anxious to get out of here at 11 pm. I took a vacation day for tomorrow, so we are going to enjoy the day together. My wife wants to see the movie "The King's Speech" tomorrow. It's supposed to be a wonderful movie. I found a theater that has an 11:20 am showing. I figure that we can go to B&N for a coffee and bagel at 9 am, relax there for a while and get to the theater in plenty of time. After that we will go for a nice lunch somewhere. Sound good?

    On Saturday we are going to meet some friends for lunch. He is a retired college professor and a musical colleague of ours. We will be meeting his new wife who is also a retired college professor. He's originally from Wisconsin, so we better be finished with our visit before his Packers play on Saturday night. He even has a "Cheesehead" hat!!

    I might as well report right now, since it is just a few hours from Friday. As you all know, my eating has been really awful this week. On the bright side, I worked out every day and will do some cardio this weekend as well. I promise to do better next week!

    I will try to check in tomorrow...if not, have a great weekend and stay warm!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I didn't work out yesterday and today I hung out with my daughter all day. Hopefully I'll get some kind of exercise squeezed in before it gets too late. I have been super tired, which really isn't that uncommon for me I guess. I remember being the 5 year old who slept til noon even if I went to bed around 9. I dont understand how one person could need so much sleep.

    Sing.... I live in Sonora. Its really close to Yosemite National Park. The roads really went that bad when it came to the ice. They actually came out and plowed it really good for a change before the snow froze but I on the other hand didn't shovel everything because I though... Ehhh, there's hardly anything out there it will melt quick. What a mistake that was. As for the iphones, there great. I personally dont have one but both of my daughters do. I would love to get one but I got my blackberry just before the made the internet mandatory and I dont know if I could afford the extra money right now.

    Kadetr... Snow shoes... How much snow do you get?

    Claudia007... Take your measurements! There were plenty of times I didn't loose weight but I lost inches.

    mkwood... Oh my you have been going through quite a lot haven't you. I am so sorry.

    kbefit... Take care of your health first. If you dont you will just make yourself sicker.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Up early and off for a fun day with my wife. I feel pretty good after the work marathon, but I am glad for the day off.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Good Morning!

    mkwood, I'm so sorry to hear about your father!! You and he are in my thoughts. It's sad that an unhealthy lifestyle as brought him to this place. Sadly, it is a testament why it is important to be at a place like this. And I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. You've had a time of it lately. Take care!

    kadetr, my experience with wine is slightly different than singfree's experience. Well, that could be because alcohol effects women and men differently because of the release of estrogen (and we have more estrogen in our bodies already.) But I digress. I find that it does impact how I look (more than my weight) and makes me a tad puffier than I would be otherwise if I drink every night. So cutting back to weekends may be a great thing especially, as you indicated, if you aren't as active as you normally are. Enjoy that snow!!!!

    alf, good job on the workouts!!! I have no doubt you're a little sore. Take it easy, but good job on getting back to it!!

    claudia, if you are enjoying the running, don't give it up! There are few exercises better for fat and weight loss than running. It could be that your body is retaining more water than normal as a result of continuing to challenge your muscles. That is VERY common and happens to me ALL the time, especially when I change up my exercise routine. I will be able to fit into a pair of jeans one day and not the next, and that has all to do with water retention and not fat. So my recommendation is to stick with it if you like it and really push the water consumption. That will help. And give it some time. Really, you are doing great things for your body with this fitness regime. Don't give it up because of a number on the scale.

    kbefit, sorry to hear about the continuing illness. Take care of yourself and we'll be here when you come back!!

    altushe, I suffered that problem of feeling too full as well when I was trying to increase my calories. I think that's why I always reverted back to peanut butter or almond butter as my calorie staple because it didn't give me that feeling. Hopefully somebody else will be able to provide better guidance than that! I forget that not everybody shares my addiction to nut butters. :laugh:

    tron, listen to your body and ease back into this exercise program slowly. Like I said the other day, you may want to aim at every other day for 30 minutes each session for a little while until your body adjusts.

    singfree, sounds like you've got a great day and weekend planned! Glad you are off those long days now. Good job with the workouts this week. And just tell yourself your eating will be better next week. Don't worry about the week that's already gone by. Enjoy your day!

    Friday check-in.....had a great week for eating and exercise. Not a piece of chocolate consumed all week! :drinker: I feel much better. I also really pushed the workouts this week, and I feel leaner already. My clothes are still fitting the same (which isn't particularly good), but I feel better and that's important to me. I did an Insanity workout this morning and will do a Total Body workout later today.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning, not much to report since I just did yesterday but just wanted to say Hi on this nice Friday morning.

    Just came in from another snowshoe with the pooch. I typically do not log in exercise calories for these everyday walks but boy, walking in 2 feet of snow really gets your heart going more than a typical walk. This afternoon I am going to get on ice skates for the first time in I-have-no-idea-how-long. My little boy is learning, they get out of school half day and can either do skating or skiing. Well, last week the program was so disorganized, all the first timers like my son were out there by themselves because they only had 1 instructor and like 50 kids of all levels out there. Weird. The good news is that if they are out there they will eventually learn to skate. The bad news is that I feel like I'd better be out there in case he falls and hurts himself. So.....I'm nervous I'll be on my bum like the kids. Other moms tell me it's like riding a bike...it'll all come back to me. Anyway, maybe that'll burn a few extra calories too?

    Altushe, for extra calories, like stiring, I tend to go for seed butters. Since we can't have nuts in the house, my go-to one is Sunbutter Natural. It's so good, and a ton of calories for a tablespoon or two, and doesn't fill you up. I also like regular 2% milk. I will make a cappachino w/milk and feel good, not too full, but it adds some nice protein and calcium. Fruit is good too--bananas and clementines. I'll think some more and send you a note....

    Sing, so glad you have a day off today...enjoy!

    Stiring---great chocolate free week--it's a good feeling to be back in control. Thanks for your note about wine. I figure it will never be evil in my book--love it so! But, cutting back can't be a terrible thing.

    Anyway, I don't have as much time today to play around since the boy has a 1/2 day, I had better go work out.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Well, sitting here debating whether or not to go see the Dr, again!!! Geez, I am sooooo frustrated!!! Last night when I got dressed in my Zumba clothes and took a step I felt pain on top of my right foot. I couldnt believe, it was sharp but sort of didnt hurt if I didnt bend my foot as much...I decided to teach my class and didnt hurt while teaching, I was very careful with my movements. I put some icy hot on it and also took some naproxen. There is no swelling, etc. It does not hurt so much and now it is not on top but inside foot right below ankle...I took another naproxen and iced it, I have my feet up right now while I am typing. I called the appt line and they referred me to a civilian urgent care clinic since they dont have any appts at the military clinic. I am not sure if I should go or not....yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know what to think about it. What is going on with me???? I cant stand it!!!!! My hip has felt fine after the steroids shot but today I have felt the pain coming back. :sad: Eating going well, at least.

    kadetr, I dont remember the last time I put on ice skates. You will get a good core workout trying to stay upright, that is for sure!! Enjoy your time with your son.

    Stiring, do you ever take a day off from exercise? Impressive!!!:happy:

    Sing, have a wonderful time with your wife!!!!

    Mkwood, I am so sorry to hear about your father. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Tron, how is your daughter doing in LA? Her husband deployed?

    Claudia, please dont beat yourself up for gaining less than a pound or any at all!!! How often are you weighing yourself? If you are weighing yourself daily it will only frustrate you more than anything else. There are many factors that affect your weight. Maybe take your measurements instead and do so once a week or use a pair of pants to use as measurement. How about weighing yourself once a month instead? Remember that you will also gain muscle weight. The best thing is to focus on being healthy as Sing said, continue exercising and eating healthy. Do your best and forget the rest!!

    kbefit, I hope you feel better soon!!

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • well good news is I hv lost almost all the weight frm the holidays...just about bk!

    What are your favoriate vices that you reach for? Kad=wine, mine when I am stressed=twizzlers, do we give in=yes why????

    Are we spending enough time doing our workouts? Think about quanity and quality time.

    well, 3 day weekend-yippeee going to the gym in the morning, and if we don't go anywehere on Mon will do a class then.
    boy is is bitter cold out....brrrrrr!

    just thought I would provide some ponderings:indifferent:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you all for your words of encouragement, it really means a lot! I still have not decided if I should continue with the c5k or not. My main goal is to lose weight, the second is just to be able to keep up with my daughter, so we can go running together. I know that I do want to complete the program, but I am thinking that I should put it on hold for a bit until I lose more weight. mkwood, I so sorry to hear about your father. you and your family are in my thoughts. alf, I only weigh in once a week. But you are right, I need to take measurements. I hope everyone has a great weekend! It's going to be in the mid 80s here in California and I am looking forwrard to it! my daughter has 2 games on Saturday and 2 on Sunday, so it will be a nice change from freezing!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Friday check in and of course I'm up .4lb. So annoying! :grumble:

    My husband told me that he wants to hike to the top of half dome this summer and of course wants to start from the valley floor. I told him they had a camping spot halfway and he said he wants to do it in one day. When I said I wouldn't go he looked at my son and his friend and said "Can you guys hike that far in one day"? Who cares what my 17 year old son and his 17 year old friend can do in one day. Its not like I wouldn't go I just get so irritated that he feels he has to push me so hard that I hate the whole experience. I told him I today I want to go I just dont want to go with him...

    Alf... My daughter is great. They've gotten a house, really nice and sense they have been tearing down old buildings and building new ones she thinks they are the first ones to even live in it. Her husband gets deployed on the 24th I think. Coming up really soon. So as the time creeps closer the more emotional she is which is understandable. I guess mountain unit is talking about going back to their original base which is in New York so maybe they will be moving again once he gets back.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    We had a fantastic day yesterday. First we went to B & N for a coffee & bagel and just to unwind a bit. Then we went to an early (11:20am) showing of "The King's Speech". The movie was great. By far the best movie I've seen in years! Wonderful acting and cinematography, first class production. We then found a nice Italian place for lunch..They offered 1/2 portion sizes on their menu. The plate was still very big!

    Today we are meeting another couple for lunch. We've not met the wife yet, but I'm sure we will like her a lot.

    Hopefully I will get an Insanity workout in today and tomorrow so I don't get too sluggish. I may venture out to take a walk later as well.

    Take care and have a great weekend!
  • Hi all! Back from a fabulous five days in San Francisco and the wine country. Flew out early Tuesday morning with our son (26) and daughter (22). This trip is our celebration of my husband's 60th birthday (He is MUCH older than me....) We did one day of hop on hop off bus tour. Our son wanted to see the post-impressionist exhibit at the de Young but it was sold out until Saturday. We went to the California Academy of Sciences instead. They have a great penguin exhibit.

    We did a one day tour of Muir Woods and Sonoma Valley. It is easy to understand why the redwoods were not cut down in Muir Woods. It was quite a scary ride up and down windy mountain roads in the rain with no guard rails and a tour bus driver more interested in turning around and talking to us or playing with his ipod than keeping his eyes on the road. The woods were beautiful even the rain. My favorite sound in whole world (besides my loved ones' laughter) is the sound of water over rocks in a mountain stream. Even with umbrellas and rain panchos we got wet. We then went on to Sonoma Valley and went to three wineries for tastings. None of us had ever done that before. We now know how to volitize the esthers! (Or aerate the Endas as we started saying that night.) The area was beautiful but hard to see due to the rain and fog.

    On Friday, we took a long ferry ride to Vallejo. I would love to be able to take ferry commute each day instead of driving. The day was beautiful. We took a shuttle bus into Napa and boarded a restored 1915 to 1918 train for a ride up and down Napa valley with lunch in the dome car. My husband said he wanted to eat a nice meal on a moving train for his birthday. It was quite the gourmet meal. With wine... We all decided that this was the nicest (and most expensive) meal we had ever had. The lobster bisque was probably a day's worth of calories. I will be hitting the gym and pool hard now that we are back.
    The views were spectacular. The vines are dormant now but the vineyards grounds are blooming with wild mustard. It was a fabulous trip.

    We said goodbye to our son that night as he is staying in SF for graduate school. Our daughter flew back to Texas with us yesterday. She left this morning for Austin and her final semester of her senior year. The house is very quiet. Now no excuses to get back into the swing of working out. I am hoping to do a real triathlon in May. Need to get cracking.

    Tron: Sorry you are feelling like your husband is pushing you too hard. I was getting snappy with my family in the mornings while in SF because I did not think they were moving fast enough. I figured out that it was easier for me to get ready and go downstairs and walk up and down the street than gritch at them. Good that you are looking for an alternative. I know a couple who go to airport separately because one likes to get there super early and one likes to get there last minute. Works for them.

    I will read all the posts I missed and comment soon. We still don't have all the Christmas put away. I also need to spend the afternoon catching up on work. My boss emailed me on Friday saying everyone missed me! Nice to be appreciated.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    A new week and a new beginning! I am realxed and refreshed from my long weekend. Now I know what it feels like to be retired. I'm getting tired of 70 hour work weeks!!! Maybe in a few years I can begin to think about it.....only a dream right now...

    A new week means a fresh start to my exercise and diet. Time to concentrate on cleaning up my diet a bit. Cut out all the junk food and eat ONLY healthy choices. My fitness is going well, but I feel the urge to add a bit more cardio to my routine. I'm just not sweating enough. If I'm not drenched in sweat, I don't feel as though I've worked out hard enough. Of course, doing mostly resistance exercises, I'm certainly not sweating as much as when I do Insanity. I sweat buckets with that. I guess I am a "cardio bunny" at heart!!

    Tex, it was good to hear from you! Glad you had a good trip! My BIL is 16 years older than his wife. Differences in age really doesn't matter much. My wife is 4 years older than I. At least I can joke about age with her!!

    Tron, sorry about your husband. I don't think he is thinking about you as a partner right now. He needs to realize that everyone has different capacities and capabilities. My wife is in great shape, but I would never belittle her because she can't keep up with me when we hike in the mountains or do a tough bike ride. Best wishes to your daughter and her husband as he deploys.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Good Morning!

    TxMx, so good to see you. The San Francisco area is beautiful. Sounds like you had a great time out there.

    tron, I think it's right for you to stick up for yourself. Your husband may not understand, and that's when it is best to do what is best for you. Don't let him push you into something you are uncomfortable with. It's not right.

    singfree, I'm glad you had a good relaxing weekend. I hear you about cardio. A day without cardio, to me, just isn't a great day.

    All here is well. I had a good weekend with some good workouts. My eating has remained very clean, and I feel like I'm finally leaning down a bit. My clothes aren't telling me that, but the mirror seems a little friendlier.

    I don't know if I'll be able to check-in tomorrow. I'm headed up to the Pentagon to do some things with the Air Force tomorrow. If not, I hope you all have a great day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    A very interesting and exciting ride to work this morning, indeed. Several inches of snow combined with sleet (and not a snow plow to be found) made for a fun commute. Whacky weather we're having! At least we did not yet get the freezing rain that they are predicting.

    Well, Stiring, it looks like it's just you and me here! I hope you have a good day at the Pentagon. Safe travels!

    It was a pretty good day for me yesterday. I ate generally well. On Sunday night I made a large stock pot filled with veg.-barley soup. I could eat soup every day. It's basically chicken broth, lots of veg, barley and seasoning. It's the kind of guiltless food that you can eat all day. I did a tough upper body workout yesterday and finished with a quick but intense session on the eliptical. Today is lower body and rowing. I've increased my cardio a bit because, frankly, I can't stand NOT doing any!! If I don't sweat hard, I don't feel like I've done anything. I am also being careful not to overdo it because I still have some mild after-effects from my concussion and I don't want another episode again.

    Alf, what's the weather like in SA? I hope you are able to enjoy some decent weather. For us, what can I say? It's winter in the Northeast! I love looking at snow, only if I don't have to go to work in it!! Right about now I am getting Spring Fever!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great day!
  • jimmie
    jimmie Posts: 1
    hello I am trying hard to loose the weight the scale isent moving help give me input please.