40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Welcome back, singfree! Happy to hear you had a good trip. Sounds like you enjoyed some good weather. I think the SW is about the only part of the country right now that is doing that. Not that its bad in these parts because at least we haven't had any snow. But it is chilly!

    pepper, good to see you! Sounds like you've got a great plan for your Christmas Eve party. How fun!! Thanks for asking about my Christmas plans. We aren't going home to family this year. We did get a chance to spend Christmas with my in-laws two years ago, so it hasn't been that long since we've spent the holiday with them. My family....well, it's been 18 years since I've had Christmas with my family. Hopefully that will change in the next couple of years since it looks like we'll be in the US for some time now.

    All here is well. Still getting some good workouts in....but the eating is another matter. It's Christmas.....what can I say?

    Hope you all enjoy your day!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning from Vermont, where it is 3 degrees, and my labrador forced me out there for a walk along the river. So very glad I have no neighbors to see how ridiculous I look all bundled up like an eskimo. Anyway, I'm indoors now and about to work out and looking for more excuses not to start.

    Pepper, good to hear from you. Sounds like a fun Xmas for you! We are having my mother-in-law over for 3 days over the holidays too. But the big feast will be Xmas eve where we are meeting my step-daughter's fiances family. They only speak spanish, and I personally don't. I know my MIL who is socially awkward to begin with doesn't speak Spanish either and is going to hate it. My husband can get by. Anyway, the best I can do is just smile alot and prepare a wonderful meal, and hope the lovebirds can translate the big event.
    Oh, it's great to hear how your hubby is getting into exercise--I so wish mine would. He is 15 years older than me but eats like he's 30 and doesn't exercise. he has so little time as it is but really needs that wake up call about the importance of keeping in good shape. I know he wants to but thinks he has no time. I can't say anything because I wouldn't appreciate it if he said that to me :). I'm hoping maybe the next time he goes for a physical that his Dr. recommends it, but I'm not sure when that it.

    Stiring, thanks as always for your encouragement. Speaking of not eating right around the holiday's, I'm going out for Mexican today with my girlfriend..why in the world did I suggest that? I know I'll just eat tons of chips......but they are so good!

    Welcome back Sing--glad you had a good trip!

    have a good day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Here at work so it has to be short...all is well, colonoscopy went well, normal results. I also had an endoscopy and they found a hernia but no biggie. I still have my other aches and pains, have appt with specialist on Monday about my torn anterior labrum. Yikes!!! Continue with my Zumba classes, I had 35 people last night!!! On Sunday we did the halftime show at the Spurs game to raise fund for AHA, that was a lot of fun!!! My eating is well considering we are in the middle of the Holidays and there is food everywhere. :laugh:

    Sing, welcome back!!!! The weather in San Antonio has been great lately!!! High 78 today!!! I think it is getting colder at the end of the week but we like the change...and no snow for us, that is for sure. :laugh:

    Stiring, I would love to visit the White House during this time. Did you see the President?

    kadetr, 3 degrees???? OMG!!!!!!! But the doggies have to go when they have to go...stay warm!!!

    Pepper, how are you? Good to hear from you. Enjoy the time with family. I dont have any family coming in this time, not that I know of...we have plans to go to my brother's on the 24th. Other than that it will be pretty quiet.

    MK, good to hear from you. Glad you are feeling better!!!!:drinker:

    Have a good one!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Another cold one here in balmy PA...17 degrees.......

    Can't complain, though. I'm back in my office since our inventory is officially out of the way. Yesterday was brutally cold here with a lot of wind. It looks like the coastal storm is going to miss us this weekend. Good thing, because we are going to Harrisburg on Sunday to hear the Susquehanna Chorale's Christmas Concert. As some of you recall, that's the group I sang with for the past few years. I did not sing this year because of my heavy work schedule. Tomorrow evening we are going to the Evergreen German Club for some good music and Gemuetlichkeit, which means Schnitzel and Bier for me! Heck, I might even dance a bit (awkwardly but generally upright and with rhythm). Wishful thinking to be sure, but i always enjoy the evening.

    Now that most of my activities are complete, I need to begin concentrating on diet and exercise, both of which have been on the back burner for the past month or so. I promise I will get back to the gym today and monitor my diet a bit more closely. I can make some progress even a week before Christmas.

    Alf, I'm glad that your colonoscopy was normal. How many years before the next one? I'm currently on a 5 year schedule. You better make sure your hubby isn't getting jealous with all of those guys looking at you at the Spurs game!!!!! Those 20-something guys have a thing for older women...I know I did at that age. :wink: Anyway, I hope your injuries heal very soon!!

    Kadetr, yes, winter in New England is beautiful, but the cold is another story. Keep warm and throw on another layer of LL Bean.

    Stiring, i sure hope the weather holds for the next few weeks. Unless there is a major storm, we are still planning to arrive in Arlington on the morning of the 31st. I hope the weekend storm does not hit the DC area. I think it will be in Southern VA and the Carolinas.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    singfree, we're supposed to get some snow today (1-3"), which is coming from the south. But the storm that was predicted for this weekend is going to miss us. That was supposed to be the big one. I'm okay with that right now. I like the cold, but I don't want to see what the driving is like around here in the snow. It's bad enough on dry pavement. :noway: But last I checked, it's supposed to stay pretty cold through Christmas, and, again, I like that. I have my fingers crossed for your trip on New Year's Eve. And enjoy the dancing!!! That sounds like so much fun!

    alf, I really hope you get some answers (finally!) next week about your hip flexor. No doubt it will heal with the proper therapy. Like I said before, I can't believe it has taken this long to diagnose. :grumble: Sounds like your Zumba is going well though. How fun to perform at the basketball game!!

    kadetr, I hope you have a good time with your step-daugher and her fiance's family this holiday. I've had more than a few meals with people with whom I don't share a common language, and, surprisingly, the communication barrier isn't that big. It's really strange. This past summer, my husband and I spent a day with a couple in Korea, and they didn't speak English. But that day became one of my favorites of all of the time we spent in Korea because we had SO much fun. So don't worry about it. And I hear you about husbands and exercise. My husband will be committed with it for awhile....and then he won't do it for long stretches of time. The thing for me is I really see the difference in him when he isn't working out (less energy, seems to get sick more, etc). But, like you, I stay quiet because he's an adult. The decision is his and his alone.

    All here is well. I started noticing yesterday that my jeans are getting a bit tight, so I'm thinking it's time to put the Christmas chocolate away. We'll see if that happens or not. :blushing: But I'm continuing to get some good workouts in. I did the toughest (for me) Insanity workout this morning (Max Interval Circuit) and I'm going to do a lower body workout later today. Other than that, my full intent is to stay away from the roads today if it is snowing. Shopping and all that is just going to have to wait.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    How everyone doing so far? I've been sick all week.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!! I went to Ihop with my son today and his behavior therapist so I ate a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is "lunch" time and I am not even hungry. :tongue: :noway: I had the pumpkin praline pecan pancakes, OMG, they are so yummy!!! :laugh: :laugh: Oh well...:noway:

    LadyPersia, I hope you get better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Sing, are you calling me old???? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Just kidding!!!!! :laugh: My husband has become more jealous as time goes by...it is weird. I thought it would be the opposite as we get older...I am not the jealous type. I do find the younger guys reactions to me pretty funny though...LOL I think, hey, I could be your mother, stay away from me!!!!! LOL :laugh: :laugh: Hey, maybe your wife can videotape you dancing tomorrow evening and put it in youtube. We'll be the judges!!! :laugh: Enjoy!!!!

    Stiring, thank you for your concerns. I do hope I get better soon from all my ailments. They keep adding up...:noway: :grumble: I'm afraid I might need some surgery to repair the tear, I sure hope not...dont want to cancel my Zumba classes. My classes give me more than just a workout, I just love to be around my students and they would be heartbroken if I couldnt teach. I also know they would support me and wait but...stay warm and safe!!!! I've seen footage of all the snow and ice in some places and it is scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have sunny and clear skies and high 69 degrees!!!! Beautiful!!!!

    Not working tomorrow. I normally check in from work. I have errands to run and then in the early evening I'm taking my son, daughter, granddaughter and my son's attendant to Six Flags for the Holiday festivities. It will be cold in the 40's, well that is cold for us, but we will bundle up and have fun!!! On Saturday, my wedding anniversary (civil wedding), my husband and I are going to Austin until Sunday for a little getaway. So if you dont hear from me, you know why...:laugh:

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, if you are old, what does that make me????:noway: What I wouldn't give for 40 degree weather right now!!!! As far as young guys eyeing you up, take it as a compliment...you are looking mighty good to them! There is NO WAY I would let my wife video my so-called dancing. You've heard the saying, "...white guys can't jump"?? Well, white guys can't dance either (at least the straight ones)!!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Friday check in again! Nothing much to report...finally exercised yesterday after my trip to CA & Utah. Eating is ok at best. Too much holiday goodies to tempt me, both here and at home. Like Stiring, my pants are a bit snug, which is never a good thing, but it is managable if I act now to reverse the condition. Simple willpower is all it takes, but I am woefully lacking in that area.

    I need to be a good boy today, because we are going to the German Club tonight, and they have all the good German staples: Schnitzels, Wursts, Beef Rouladen, Sauerbraten, etc...and a few German Biers on tap. My wife and I will be just about the youngest couple there. The last time we sat next to 2 older couples. The wives were from Germany. They met when the husbands were in the Army and stationed in the old country. It was really nice to speak with them and practice a little German, too. It was fun to watch the wives sing EVERY song "auf Deutsch"!!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend (schoenes Wochenende)!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    I've put on a more 'seasonal' look for the page today. The photo was taken in the Blue Room of the White House in front of the official White House Christmas tree. Kinda cool for me, to be honest.

    Anyhow, it's Friday.....so check-in. Not the best week I've had eating-wise. singfree, you aren't alone in struggling with the whole willpower thing right now. I'm doing great with my meals, but I just can't leave the sweets alone right now. At least I'm also doing great with my workouts. Two out of three isn't bad.....but I really wish I could get rid of the chocolate thing right now. I'm not seeing it get better until after Christmas though. I mean, my sister just mailed me the best chocolate brownies ever. She makes them for us every Christmas, and through the years when we've been so far away, they've always been the taste of home. So I'm going to enjoy those for a little while.

    singfree, your night tonight sounds great. I love being able to practice my German. I recently got an email in German from a hotel we used to visit in Switzerland, and it was so fun for me to try to read it. I've forgotten more German than I remember, that's for sure. But I still enjoy trying. And Germans love to sing, don't they? Always makes me smile. Congrats on getting a workout in. I have no doubt you'll be back to a more normal routine after the New Year.

    alf, I hope you enjoyed your time at iHop. I haven't eaten at iHop in 8 or 9 years (being overseas or in Alaska most of that time prevents the iHop visits :tongue: ). We have one about three miles from our house here, and the commercials are killing me!!! I so want to try some of the items they have now, but I've been avoiding it. But I think it's great you did that with your son and his therapist. Changing subjects, I really hope you don't have to have surgery. I've got my fingers crossed for you. Enjoy your weekend and Happy Anniversary!!

    LadyPersia, I hope you're feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    I don't have big plans for the weekend...probably do a few more things for Christmas. They keep going back and forth on whether we are going to have a big storm on Sunday. It changes by the hour. If we do, that will impact our plans for Sunday. We're hoping to get over to Mt. Vernon sometime over the next week because it is supposed to be beautifully decorated for Christmas. But the weather will have to cooperate. I hope you all enjoy your weekend!
  • pepper06
    :heart: Good Moning.....snow is coming,snow is coming-yipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeee!:love:

    I love snow if you can't tell.....it is so refreshing, and love a white Christams.

    :sick: Lady-hope you are feeling better....I hear it is that time of year where people are getting sick interesting that 2 stars have recently passed of pneumonia complications!

    Kad-are you hosting the spanish group at your house? One year we hosted Taiwan boys for a few weeks-it was the best time even w/o english. Do you have 1 step dau? Will you be doing grab bags or anything too?

    Stiring-I like your festive pic-I was wondering if that was your tree :happy: , but see you explained below.

    Alf- thought of you when our church had the holiday auction as zumba lessons were auctioned off. Hope you won't have to have surgury....keep us posted.

    Sing-glad you had a good trip..yea CA home prices have always been nuts, so selling a small place out there can get a hugh home elswhere.......but do we reallllly NEED it:wink:

    I have been maintaining-which isn't so bad-I said a few months ago when I reached the top portion for age/height that if I didn't loose anymore I was fine(I was at least in a healthy range, but not thrilled ot be at the top most), and then I lost another 10, pants are still so loose (just pull them up and put a longer top on).

    Off to another party this afternoon....gees!:yawn: Cookie baking tomorrow-after the gym class-he,he.

    Happy holiday shopping to all...I need to wrap some more.:ohwell:
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Yay--Friday at last....

    Time for Check in.........

    Pants Fit == Check!
    Eating Well ==Check! (Aside from one splurge of maple bread pudding on Tues. for date night w/hubby)
    Good attitude == Check!
    Scale still in Closet== Check!

    Life is good, eh? :smile: Actually, yes, this has been a good week. For some reason I have been a super good eater with zero cravings for sweets or snacks. I have no idea why but I wish I could summon these powers when I need to more often! Just hoping it lasts throughout the holiday season. That may be a little much to ask, but it sure would be nice to start the new year right and without the need to "eat better" as a resolution...wow...what a concept!

    Anyway, Stiring--nice festive picture! It was funny I saw that before reading your note and was impressed that your house included ornate paintings of your ancestors as well as the biggest tree ever!

    Alf--enjoy your Anniversary weekend! Sounds so fun. I hope you don't have to have surgery and can keep on w/zumba....sending good thoughts your way!

    Pepper, good job maintaining- and good luck at the party!

    Sing, the German night sounds like a trip..enjoy!

    Everyone else, hope you all have a great weekend!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    HI Everyone:

    Sorry I've been away so long, we've had one thing after another happen, with our year end culminating with having to replace our heating/hot water system, and by the time its done, it will be over two weeks without steady heat and hot water.

    Looks like everyone's doing pretty well. I'm going to have to do the classic new year's resolution of getting back on track starting at the beginning of the year.

    If I dont post soon, please everyone have a great Christmas and New Years!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Friday check in................
    I refuse to step on a scale, so don't have anything to report in that area :tongue: :tongue: Clothes are still fitting OK, so it can't be too horrible.

    It's been a bad week for eating :embarassed: :embarassed: - everyone has Christmas goodies in their offices, and sweets are really hard to resist :frown: . Last night was our division "holiday" party, which I organized. We had brisket, rotisserie chicken, scalloped potatoes, green salad, fresh veggies and homemade cheesecake catered by one of our local grocery stores.........all of it delicious!! I was too busy last night making sure everything was alright for everyone to eat much of anything, but I'm sitting here in my office with a piece of cheesecake with raspberry topping beside me. :embarassed: Bad girl................bad bad girl!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: One more Christmas party tonight and then done celebrating with others until Christmas Eve.

    We'll have an addition to our house for Christmas; our oldest daughter is bringing her boyfriend home. Poor guy has to work until 8:30pm Christmas Eve (I thought Wal-Mart had a national policy of closing at 6:00pm???), so they won't get to our house until almost midnight. She was worried I'd be upset because we usually open up family gifts on Christmas Eve, but I told her no worries - we'll celebrate on Christmas morning instead:smile: . This will be the first time he's ever spent Christmas anywhere but with his whole family at his grandparents' house in Arkansas (he's 29), so I'll have to find out if there's anything special I can make so he'll feel more at home.

    Back, neck and shoulders are feeling good, which is wonderful!!! :happy: :happy: The chiropractor told me he'll see me again when I feel I need to come in, no need to schedule an appointment right now. Workouts have gotten slowly better - I'm now able to use all of the machines at Curves again and only hold back on two that concentrate on upper back, arms and shoulders. It'll be good to be able to go full force in a couple of weeks, if I keep feeling alright.

    Christmas shopping is done.........finished..............fertig............finito........etc etc!!! I am so relieved - now all I have to do is wrap stuff, which for some dumb reason I hate doing :huh: :huh: . I'll have to shut myself in the sewing room and wrap them all tomorrow - I told myself there was no way I was going to wait until Dec 23 to wrap, which is what I usually end up doing!:laugh:

    I hope everyone has a safe and non-eventful weekend; the weather forecast looks lousy in a lot of the country!! We have nothing in our forecast, which is very unusual for Kansas at this time of the year.

    Stay warm! :drinker: :drinker:

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Christmas is almost here... Can you believe it. As I reflect back upon this year I can honestly say I dont like how little time and effort I gave to my fitness... I was doing so well the few years before I just dont know what happened. BUT tis a new year soon and its never too late.

    So on a brighter note... Stiring... I love the picture of you. You are such a beautiful woman.

    Alf... Same goes to you. And as for the younger men checking you out.... Strut your stuff, you look amazing!

    mkwood.... I am so happy to hear that your pain is so much better. Take care not to over do it.

    My daughter decided to go back onto the housing waiting list. She said it would be better to get a house now instead of waiting for all of mountain division to get back because of the fact that they might be waiting a very long time for a place and they cant afford to stay in a hotel for very much longer. She's still planning on coming back home for a few months, but we will see what she decides when the time gets closer.

    All of my Christmas shopping is done. I didn't get a lot this year mainly because we couldn't afford it but now that the girls are on their own I dont find it necessary to buy for them like I used to. I would have liked to get my son a few more things but oh well.
  • JuliaSoCal
    I am here and...

    I am in PANIC mode with holiday eating. I do not think it is reasonable to expect to lose weight this time of year without hating life.

    On the other hand I do not like the guilt/panic/shame/hate/ feeling I get when sampling the holiday treats...

    bah humbug!

    Maintain in my montra :)

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    OK ladies, it's our final chance to make something happen before Christmas. Allow me to be the first to officially say that I am going to be a good boy this week and watch my intake and exercise daily. I need to do something before this weekend. I've been way to lenient with my diet, combined with very little exercise over the past several weeks can make for a big problem: That is, my ever-expanding waistline! Let's keep it simple...lots of water, strength training and cardio daily, and above all...just say NO to junk food!!! I become very lethargic and sluggish when I eat junk. I happens every year! I know that I will have some goodies over the weekend, but I certainly can control my bad habits during the week. This goes for next week as well. If we can control ourselves MOST of the time, we've got a fighting chance!

    We had a very nice weekend. On Friday we went to the Evergreen Club for some good German fun. We had a very nice traditional German meal, my wife had some Riesling and I had Franziskaner Weissbier. Singing and dancing with an Austrian-American, Walt Groller, on accordian. The only thing missing was a Christkindlmarkt outside. One year I would like to go to Germany during Advent to visit the beautiful outdoor displays.

    Yeaterday afternoon we traveled to Harrisburg to see (hear) the Susquehanna Chorale's Christmas concert. It was very good.

    Is everyone finished with their Christmas shopping? We just have to buy a few things for Christmas dinner, but that will be on Friday. We've invited our Pastor and his wife for dinner on Saturday, and our son & hopefully our grandson on Sunday.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning all!

    We had a pretty good weekend. We decided to spend most of Saturday out and about, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I think most people would have opted to stay home given how busy everywhere was, but we had a great time. I missed this last year when we were in Korea, so it was fun for me. Having a little snow on the ground from last Thursday's storm helped out. I also finished up the last of the shopping. :drinker: I still need to get some groceries for the weekend, but not much. Since it is just my husband and I, we opt to have a nice breakfast on Christmas morning and no other 'big' or labor-intensive meals on either Christmas Eve or Christmas. We both like it that way because it allows us to enjoy the day outside of the kitchen.

    singfree, thanks for your inspiration this morning. Yesterday, while workiing out, I realized I'm completely ready to get back to a healthier eating plan. Like you, I feel like I have so much more energy when I'm eating better (as long as I'm eating enough....something I also struggle with from time to time). I don't know how well I'll get through this week given I still have my sister's brownies sitting on my counter, but I'm going to try. At least I've been keeping up with my workouts. I think that's the only thing that has helped me from gaining a huge amount of weight recently.

    mk, SO happy to hear you are continuing to feel better. Good job at getting back to the workouts. It sounds like you are doing it very wisely. Did you get your wrapping done? I actually like wrapping the gifts in paper.....but I hate doing the ribbon/bows parts. :ohwell:

    tron, thank you so much for the compliment. It sounds like your daughter is taking her time to make the best decisions for she and her husband. It's probably smart for her to get a house now, but I'm also glad that she is planning on coming home for awhile too. What a tough time they must be going through right now.

    Julia, don't panic!!! Look at your ticker and remind yourself that you have more than proven that you can enjoy life AND take care of yourself. You've been on a cruise and you've lived an entire year's worth of life, and look at what you've accomplished!! Two weeks of Christmas/New Years that include sampling some holiday goodies isn't going to wipe all of that away. Just be confident in yourself. Select goodies mindfully (in other words, choose those things you really want and don't just eat what's there because its there), ENJOY them, and know that you'll be right back on track in two weeks without any real harm. Don't feel guilt or shame or anything over what you choose to eat because there is no reason whatsoever to give food that kind of power over your emotional state. It's just food. Choose it wisely and enjoy the taste. No emotions or guilt trips involved. :flowerforyou:

    I already did a Turbo Fire workout this morning, but will do an upper body workout later this morning as well. Other than that, it looks like it is going to be a relatively quiet day here. I hope you all enjoy your day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Counting down the days until Christmas. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by! It's the after-the-holidays time that seems to slow down. You know, the time between New Year's Day and Easter, when the weather is cold and the nights are still long. That's a great time, though, to make health a priority. I always think of it as a "Spring Tune Up". If I get moving right after the 1st of the year, by March I am in really great shape. I'm not quite sure why I let myself get out of shape in the first place. Really, I'm never in terrible shape, just a bit lazier and a touch more body fat than I'd like. Speaking of which, I'd like to shed about 10 lbs of Chrismas cheer right about now!

    Stiring, your picture looks wonderful! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the weekend. Yes, it is fun to join (in a limited way) the hustle and bustle of Chrismas time. Just don't ask me to stand in line for any length of time! Patience is not one of my stong points. We usually go to the malls early, before the big crowds attack. On Christmas Eve we have 2 services. My wife is our Church organist, and she must play for the 5 pm "Family" service. The 2nd service is at 11pm, and our choir sings at that one. Between the services we go to our Pastor's home for a light meal. Before that we are dropping in to a friend's open house for a glass of wine. It's nice that we can stay in Pottsville and not have to drive home between the services. Did I tell you that our Church is only about a block from the old Yuengling brewery? Now that's what I call fresh beer!

    Julia, I know exactly what you mean about holiday eating. However, if you employ some strategy you should be ok. The holidays fall on the weekend this year. So, use the weekdays as you "good" days and the weekends as your "indulge" days. We all get those guilty feelings, especially when we either see the scale creeping up or our clothes don't fit quite as well. Don't give up! Enjoy those treats, but make an effort to exercise and eat right when not in Holiday Mode!!

    I did a strong upper body workout at the gym yesterday. 10 different exercises, each with 3 sets. My arms and shoulders really feel it today! Speaking of today, I will do some lower body strength and cardio today at the gym. I always plan to do some exercising after work, but either I am busy doing something else or just plain tired. I think my diet has a lot to do with my mood and energy level.

    I guess that's about all from here...have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    singfree, I really don't look forward to the January/February time of year, and I have struggled through them in the past. But this year, I've decided to really focus on getting back into shape. I've historically always had to diet during those months (which may be one of the reasons I don't like them) but this year I'm going to focus more on the fitness than the diet. Hopefully one will inspire better trends in the other, though.

    Sounds like you've got some wonderful plans for the weekend. Our weekend is going to be pretty quiet. I'm thinking of going to Arlington Cemetery on Friday to pay respects to a general we served with in Alaska who is buried there. His birthday is actually on Christmas Eve. There is also a mall in Pentagon City with an outdoor skating rink, and I thought it might be fun to stop off there to have a cup of tea and watch the skaters. There is talk of snow on Friday night here, so I'll want to be home before that happens (if it does happen at all). I'm really looking forward to spending the weekend with my husband. This is the first Christmas since 2002 where we will be at home, just the two of us, and where he doesn't have to work.

    I got in a really good high intensity workout this morning and will do a lower body workout a little later. My mother-in-law sent an email yesterday letting us know that she's mailed us a box of Christmas cookies. Yikes.....more food. I'm so appreciative of people think of us like this, but at this point in time, I feel like I've had enough sugar to last me a life time. But I also know when they get here and I see them.....I'll be digging in. She makes good cookies. :blushing:

    Hope you all have a great day!!