What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Painted my toenails today with no added effort! YES!
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    Painted my toenails today with no added effort! YES!

    this is fantastic! the little things are always so important.

    today i told myself to man up and took a nice long hike in the woods before work. it definitely improved my mood at work (which is something that has totally taken control of my life, I'm not the biggest fan of my job sometimes.) i love the benefits of a healthy life!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Did my first ever spin class. Dod not fall off, did not get off, did not stop pedaling!!!
    Working toward doing my first triathlon next June.:bigsmile:
  • pippaw21
    pippaw21 Posts: 22 Member
    a few here :)
    since i began working out again, i've gone from hating the elliptical to it being the favourite part of my workout. i really, really enjoy it, and i'm maintaining higher speeds on it for the entire duration. sometimes i'll do an extra 10 mins for fun because i don't want to get off it yet. also, really importantly, i'm able to to do this - higher speed, longer duration - without my asthma being aggravated. woo! i've also upped my weights and increased my speeds on all the equipment i use, which feels great.
    my gym uses datakeys for each user and records all our workout data for us to review. this includes total distance covered during a workout. last time i hit my personal best total distance covered, beating my previous by a whole 0.7km, whilst still doing exactly the same times on machines.
    the scale has hardly been moving for me (especially compared to last time i used MFP to lose some weight) and i got a little discouraged, as i also wasn't seeing any difference with my measurements. well a week or two after that point, i still hadn't seen any movement on the scale (i'd actually fluctuated +2kg) but all my measurements were smaller - a couple of inches off my waist and hips, one off my thighs, a couple off my bust. i've actually had to go buy new smaller bras because my old ones were too big - that felt great!
    i've also noticed particular clothes feeling either more comfortable or too big, which is nice!
  • G2xo
    G2xo Posts: 2 Member
    My mom and I are practically best friends and we're practically the same height and like the same things so we share jeans all the time. When I gained weight, it was nearly impossible to fit into her jeans anymore and it really bummed me out; this totally meant I had to invest in my own jeans.

    Last night I was in desperate need for a pair of skinny jeans and tried hers on, expecting them to not fit and the button to pop off and Surprise ! they fit me perfectly. A month ago, the exact pairs of pants wouldn't even close.
    Small accomplishment but it made my whole day.
  • pwhite3
    pwhite3 Posts: 5 Member
    My most recent NSV is that when I went shopping for clothes, I was able to fit into a large shirt. I have never been able to wear a large anything as an adult. When I started losing weight I was in XXL and that was really too small.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    I've noticed that my calves and thighs have developed some really nice definition. Everything just looks really cut and tight. Definitely encourages me to keep running and biking.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I had one recently, this is a re-post of something I posted on my feed a short time ago...

    As many of you who have lost a lot of weight know, sometimes making your head understand that your body has changed is a more difficult thing than one might imagine. I’ve been pretty happy about buying some T-shirts for work and just for general wear, these have been in mostly 2XL’s. I’ve been buying that size because my head tells me that’s what I need. While at the store today I decided to pick up another shirt in XL so I could try it on and use it to gauge how much I needed to lose to make it fit properly so I had a goal to shoot for. I got home and for whatever reason I decided to try it on instead of throwing it on the washer and getting to it “later”, Sonofa***** it fits… It fits like a shirt is supposed to fit, not the kind of fit that you gotta pull it on and it’s stretched out and the seams are screaming but fits properly and is comfortable. Well I’ll be damned, I never expected that.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    Ran a 5k in 27:43! I was very excited about it!
  • 00Allie00
    00Allie00 Posts: 243 Member
    A random young aesthetician at the place I was yesterday to get a pedicure thought I was 25. Losing 80 pounds also took years off my face, methinks. So that's all good :) Made me feel happy to be mistaken for someone almost 20 years younger :heart:
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Two of my friends in TOPS told me that the weight loss is obvious in my face.

    Sort of scale related but it's a goal - finally got past the 260 pound mark. The reward was to get my hair colored - I got mistaken as my daughter's grandma twice in the past month.
  • Anahita_Swims
    Anahita_Swims Posts: 4,127 Member
    fitting in designer clothes! :)
  • tubbytwinmummy
    tubbytwinmummy Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, it's so inspirational reading through all of these!

    Today I'm wearing a pair of size (UK) 12 jeans with no love handles! And I can officially say I'm back in pre-baby jeans as I bought them before I got pregnant :D (they're actually a couple of sizes bigger than I used to usually wear, but hey!).
    Very proud of myself as I was a size 18 in May :D
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Today I went biking with my 2 teenagers. They are both athletes, yet I had to slow down so they could keep up! Score:drinker:
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Husband said he can see my back muscles through my shirt.
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    pretty friendly with all my coworkers, but i haven't brought up that i'm working on losing weight to them... today one of them commented that i looked great, and that i was looking 'slender'. *beam*
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    My husband and boys were visiting friends and I came later to meet them. When I walked into the yard my husband's friend was shocked and said that's not Michelle, that's half of Michelle!! LOL I felt amazing when my husband told me that later.
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