Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 8



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Ladies great job on week 7! Can't believe we're already into week 8!

    I have a trainer who I go to once or twice a week and I call her the smiling assassin! She is tiny and just muscle and kicks my backside everytime! I've also started doing classes at the gym - body combat, body attack and legs bums tums which all knacker me out everytime! I try and do my own thing in the gym when I can. At work I often have to go out and about so walk everywhere I can and usually walk to the further tube station to make it a little longer. I usually log that walking but not sure if I should. Any thoughts?
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Oh and I attempted to do 30 day shred but got busy doing other training. Am planning to get back into it tomorrow!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I've been doing Turbo Fire which i really, really like. I enjoy the fast paced cardio. I'm planning on starting TF and Chalean Extreme hybrid next month. I'll see how that goes.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Welcome js and bru!


    Thanks :)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Welcome new Pin-up's!!!

    "Walking Vargas Girl"-- I love that!!!

    Exercise, let's see. . . I started with Shred months ago and loved, (loved? well, I finished) it. Then did Jillian's other DVD's for about 5 weeks, those got me "ready" for Insanity, (Cina, I agree, everyone should do this) and got half way through and was diagnosed with Achilles tendonitis/plantar fasciitis. That was two weeks ago. Since then I have started rowing, (my new favorite thing ever) and since way back when doing the elliptical this whole time. I have also done Brazil Butt Lift, (it totally works) but seems to be completely off my radar these days. I have every intention of getting cleared to go back to Insanity next week. My foot is feels much better, I've been putting some miles on it over the last few days and today was able to do some circuit training, (Jillian NMTZ) including jumping, yay! Oh, I'm also doing the 100 push-up challenge, (which takes like 10-15 minutes every other day!). After Insanity is P90X, and then MARATHON TRAINING!
    Yep, girls, I'm putting it in writing! I'm going to run a marathon. I've never even run a 5k, but I'm gonna do it next year.

    Nam-- I'm not sure if you should log it. They could be your safety net cals, (if you are eating things that are though to track) and your days are tight. But if you don't log it and you're too far under, (and don't know it) it would work against you. This, of course, assumes you are eating some or most of your exercise cals. If it's more than 100 cals, my advice is to log it.
  • abbycat900
    Rach, I was about 167 lbs eight weeks ago.

    I walk, between half an hour and an hour every day. Sometimes that's all I do, but usually I get on the Wii Fit later and do some games just to make sure I've done an hour of exercise... Even if the exercises I'm doing on the Wii aren't burning a ton of calories. And that's it! I'm broke, haha, and my bike has a hole in a tire, so my options are sort of limited, but I get by!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I am currently working through the C25K a couple of days a week, at least 2 trips to the gym to work on the elliptical, curling 1 night a week and I try to get in a yoga class. DH and I discovered spin last week and both loved it, so I think we will go back next sunday. So far, its been something different pretty much every day which keeps it from getting boring!
  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    I am all about the dance workouts!!! If something looks like work or scary (Like P90x or insanity, I won't do it!!) I attempted the 30 day shredd and Jillain michaels pissed me off enough to get me to do push ups but I just sort of let it go. I do have to say, though, that I keep looking at insanity and p90x and turbo fire, and think hmmm.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I am all about the dance workouts!!! If something looks like work or scary (Like P90x or insanity, I won't do it!!) I attempted the 30 day shredd and Jillain michaels pissed me off enough to get me to do push ups but I just sort of let it go. I do have to say, though, that I keep looking at insanity and p90x and turbo fire, and think hmmm.

    If you like dance stuff go for Turbo Fire. But you should totally own one of these AWESOME programs
    ( I'm not a beachbody coach lol)

    You work your butt off but it truly shows within days. After I completed Insanity I thought why did I wait so longer to get into shape. I always viewed weight loss as something hard to do because I was famous for starting to workout but falling off the wagon.

    Also with these programs they want you to eat!! The cals burn you get from these programs are pretty high too. Although the smaller you get you do have to push harder to get that high burn lol. But it's all good cause I'm not taking as much breaks as I did during my first round lol

    Don't be scared!! LOL With Insanity, Shaun T encourages you to take breaks when you need it and to do it at your speed. Shoot the people in the video take their own breaks (another reason why I love this program because it just seems real to me). Hahaha when Shaun T stops to "talk" I think he is needing a small break! LOL. Whenever there is a move I can't do yet, I modify it or just jog in place.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm retaining water so bad since it's the week before my time of the month, any tips? Please and Thank you. :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm retaining water so bad since it's the week before my time of the month, any tips? Please and Thank you. :)

    I think the best thing for water retention is to drink more water... oddly enough.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I finally have a weigh-in. 199 lbs.

    Better than 202 lbs but still high.

  • sheilabennett
    ok, i think i am having a meltdown. I was doing so well. and now i have just stopped. I am not supposed to eat gluten, but for the last week i have been eating every bread product in sight. which makes me sick and halts any sort of weight loss. also i am just generally eating like crap and not exercising at all. I don't know whats going on!!! and to top if off there I am going to a halloween party next weekend and a boy I like is going to be there... I wanted to look fantastic, but at this point I'll be lucky if I don't gain everything back!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    ok, i think i am having a meltdown. I was doing so well. and now i have just stopped. I am not supposed to eat gluten, but for the last week i have been eating every bread product in sight. which makes me sick and halts any sort of weight loss. also i am just generally eating like crap and not exercising at all. I don't know whats going on!!! and to top if off there I am going to a halloween party next weekend and a boy I like is going to be there... I wanted to look fantastic, but at this point I'll be lucky if I don't gain everything back!

    I'm doing the exact same thing. Wish I had an answer for you. I'm just eating and eating and I don't know what my problem is. :sad:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    PROGRESS NOTE: I'm REALLY stressed out this week (GRE on Saturday and organizing some big events at work), and today I thought, ":explode: AHHHHHhHH!:explode: So stressed right now, I just need to SWEAT!"

    Then I paused for a moment in amazement that that thought really just went through my mind. In the past, SWEAT was always replaced by EAT LOTS OF ICE CREAM!
    malpal - ^5 that is awesome, your body and mind are truly in tune. Keep up the good work. Best of luck for Saturday, try not to stress too much things always have a way of working out.

    Great job on the wide variety of workouts Pin-Ups!

    jaspersmommy - try drinking some hot water with a wedge of fresh lemon juice. It's suppose to help with water retention and removing toxins from the liver. I know the bloated feelling too well from the past couple of weeks.

    Sheila & Rach - *hugs* Try making yourself a nice cup of green tea and reflect on how far you have gone. Rach didn't you find some relief in looking at photos of your journey. Sheila it's still not too late, if you start fresh right now and put down the bread you may see a nice difference by the time of your party!

    keki - Congrats on your loss!

    cina - I meant to say your job sounds rather arousing! lol.....sounds like an interesting and fun line of work. I'm sure you have some great stories of parties you have hosted.

    I am down 5 lbs of water this morning and I must say I feel great. I put on my pretty lingerie, high heels and lipstick. The past couple of weeks I have been feeling frumpy and have been slacking in my appearance.

    Enjoy hump day!

  • js775219
    Woohoo, my first chat post, but seriously:

    On another forum I like, a member posted how at a size 10 (and about 5'8") she can feel her bones; as in she won't get any smaller so I started thinking that I have always been able to feel my hip bones, is this it? Are my hips always going to be freakin' 50" around?!?!?!? This makes me want to just throw the towel in, I can't imagine doing all this work and STILL having gigantic hips. Somebody please tell me this isn't true?
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    js - You can't throw in the towel now! Everyone's body is different. Right now I am 145 lbs and 5'2". The ideal weight for my height is 115 lbs to 135 lbs. I have a medium size frame so I know that 115 on me would make me skeletal looking (hmmm.....ponders if that would be a bad thing).

    You can't judge or compare your weight with someone else the same height as our frames are all different.

    Hope this helps.

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Woohoo, my first chat post, but seriously:

    On another forum I like, a member posted how at a size 10 (and about 5'8") she can feel her bones; as in she won't get any smaller so I started thinking that I have always been able to feel my hip bones, is this it? Are my hips always going to be freakin' 50" around?!?!?!? This makes me want to just throw the towel in, I can't imagine doing all this work and STILL having gigantic hips. Somebody please tell me this isn't true?

    Don't quit!! This is not the end!! Remember, this journey isn't about a certain size or weight, although I'm sure everyone has an ideal goal, but it's about becoming healthier, doing things you couldn't do before, and feeling wonderful! Keep your head up. Think back to before you started your journey, what could you not do before that you are noticing you can do all or some of now?

    And that goes for everyone, if you feel like quitting think about before you started this journey.. what can you do now that you couldn't then? Be it big or small, it's something!

    For me, I honestly 'jogged' for 30sec and fell to the ground out of breath in May... I ran/walked my first 5k in Sept after completing Couch to 5k! I started 30 day shred and only could do the first 10min, today I did my first day of level 3 and never stopped! It's great to have others praise you for the things you have accomplished, but don't forget to praise yourselves!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Don't quit!! This is not the end!! Remember, this journey isn't about a certain size or weight, although I'm sure everyone has an ideal goal, but it's about becoming healthier, doing things you couldn't do before, and feeling wonderful! Keep your head up. Think back to before you started your journey, what could you not do before that you are noticing you can do all or some of now?

    And that goes for everyone, if you feel like quitting think about before you started this journey.. what can you do now that you couldn't then? Be it big or small, it's something!

    For me, I honestly 'jogged' for 30sec and fell to the ground out of breath in May... I ran/walked my first 5k in Sept after completing Couch to 5k! I started 30 day shred and only could do the first 10min, today I did my first day of level 3 and never stopped! It's great to have others praise you for the things you have accomplished, but don't forget to praise yourselves!!

    Thank you so much for posting this. I REALLY needed to hear it today. :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Sheila & Rach - *hugs* Try making yourself a nice cup of green tea and reflect on how far you have gone. Rach didn't you find some relief in looking at photos of your journey. Sheila it's still not too late, if you start fresh right now and put down the bread you may see a nice difference by the time of your party!

    You're right. I need to take a step back. I need to stop blaming myself every time I make a mistake. It's like, I go over my maintenance calories, and it's like a switch flips and I start torturing myself. It's almost like I say I DESERVE to be this way, since I keep 'screwing up'. We're so cruel to ourselves.

    I need to shake myself!!! I'm aware that they way I'm treating myself is ridiculous, yet I still don't seem to have the tools to change it. I recognize it, and know it's wrong, but I do it again, and again, and again. Gah!! :cry: