Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 8



  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    SO it could be an awkward moment or they may not even pay attention ( which is likely to happen).

    I have a feeling that they'll pay attention...they may not let you KNOW that they're paying attention, but attention will be paid :glasses:
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Uuuuugghhhhh sorry sorry sorry all for being completely MIA, ladies.
    Back in the game
    I missed everyone (and completely missed the weigh in on Monday)
    Sorry again :-(
  • brittanydaniel79
    Hey pin-ups! I've been rediculously busy this week as well. Working on a project and babysitting for a couple days. But I have been reading the thread.

    I have to say that the conversation from yesterday b/w Bru and Rach and everyone was so great and inspiring that I cried! It was just what I needed to hear as well. Thank you girls for having such amazing insight. I'm so glad I'm a part of this group!

    Pretty much everyone seems to be doing so well right now--despite medical issues, et al. everyone seems to be pushing through as best they can and putting themselves first. Congrats to all! Way to keep your priorities in line!

    When I finally admitted to myself that my number one priority right now is myself--my health--I initially felt a little selfish. But for so long, my priorities have been school work, work work, boyfriend, family. I wasn't even in the equation. Right now, it's all for me. Because I want to feel better about myself. And I think that's an awesome priority to have.

    BTW! Wish me luck! I'm going to the NC State Fair tomorrow--with all that delicious fair food: turkey legs, fried oreos, fried onions, chocolate bananas, cotton candy, candy apples, ice cream, apple cider, etc. Luckily, we'll also be doing a LOT of walking...wish I had a pedometer. And hopefully, I can stick to grilled veggies instead of fried everything...okay...maybe I'll have just ONE fried item....
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    When I finally admitted to myself that my number one priority right now is myself--my health--I initially felt a little selfish. But for so long, my priorities have been school work, work work, boyfriend, family. I wasn't even in the equation. Right now, it's all for me. Because I want to feel better about myself. And I think that's an awesome priority to have.

    YES!!!!! me too! this should be the theme of the week :)
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm so frustrated. :(

    I've worked my *kitten* off all week, (So far I've burned over 4,000 calories from working out) and my scale says I've gained 6.6lbs. How?! I've been eating pretty well, mostly soup (lap band doesn't allow me to keep down much more than that) and drinking lots of water. Could it be because I'm suppose to start next week or what?

    I just want to cry.
  • js775219
    Thanks everybody; I know it's not about a certain weight, but it's frustrating to think that after all this effort, I'll still be in a size 18 trousers. But I am not giving up, and if I'm meant to be in a size 18, I am going to be the most athletic and toned size 18 anybody has ever seen.

    Love it!! This is the attitude you gotta have! I know my butt will never fit into a size 2 jeans again, but thats alright with me. After I had a baby, my hips widened & there aint no movin hip bones no matter how much you exercise LoL. My goal is just to have a flat stomach. Flat tummy & nice plumped out booty is alright with me, and my boyfriend haha. Curvy is in anyway, who wants to have a body like a boy?? Not me!
    I took a peek at the scale today & was likin what I i just gotta keep it up through the weekend...which are always bad for me!!

    Girl ypu just described my ideal body...I have no intention of being a stick, in fact two of the areas I always ask my bootcamp instructor to target are my abs (make 'em flatter) and my butt (make it bigger lol); don't let fashion magazines fool you ladies, men like fat somewhere (Not EVERYWHERE, but somewhere)

    Okay so this is going to be a bit personal (but totally related) I usually drink a boat load of water, like 100 ounces a day and I love when my ahem..."water" (you know what I mean) is clear, but lately I have been slacking on my water intake and MY "water" is now yellow, and I hate it. I absolutely hate it. Oh and I didn't work out today and I was late to work, and I can't get any work done I keep surfing the internet

    BUT on the bright side, one of the secretaries today said, "you're looking kinda thin girl!" and my Nan said my butt is getting bigger (yes, i want a big butt...not wide, but round) so if I make it to the 6pm bootcamp class today, it will be alright.

    How are ya'll today?
  • js775219
    I'm so frustrated. :(

    I've worked my *kitten* off all week, (So far I've burned over 4,000 calories from working out) and my scale says I've gained 6.6lbs. How?! I've been eating pretty well, mostly soup (lap band doesn't allow me to keep down much more than that) and drinking lots of water. Could it be because I'm suppose to start next week or what?

    I just want to cry.

    Aww don't cry, I bet it's TOM...seriously. I weighed like 252 lbs on TOM and right after I weighed like 244; that damn TOM will have your mind playing tricks on you!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm so frustrated. :(

    I've worked my *kitten* off all week, (So far I've burned over 4,000 calories from working out) and my scale says I've gained 6.6lbs. How?! I've been eating pretty well, mostly soup (lap band doesn't allow me to keep down much more than that) and drinking lots of water. Could it be because I'm suppose to start next week or what?

    I just want to cry.

    How often do you give your body a rest from working out??

    My bf and I took a week off from running once due to a busy schedule and my weight went down more than usual!! I watched what I ate and stayed at my goal, but didn't workout. On top of the weight loss, when we started our run again the next week we both had a lot more speed and stamina!

    Maybe your body needs a little recovery. Try taking just a couple days off from exercise and just focus on keeping your calories in check. Maybe your body needs rest. :flowerforyou:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I'm so frustrated. :(

    I've worked my *kitten* off all week, (So far I've burned over 4,000 calories from working out) and my scale says I've gained 6.6lbs. How?! I've been eating pretty well, mostly soup (lap band doesn't allow me to keep down much more than that) and drinking lots of water. Could it be because I'm suppose to start next week or what?

    I just want to cry.

    I agree with previous posts, it could be TOM or that you need a rest. Also, if you're on a mostly-soup diet, it might be sodium. Even if you go for "low sodium" soups, there's probably still more than what you average when you're not eating soup all the time.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm so frustrated. :(

    I've worked my *kitten* off all week, (So far I've burned over 4,000 calories from working out) and my scale says I've gained 6.6lbs. How?! I've been eating pretty well, mostly soup (lap band doesn't allow me to keep down much more than that) and drinking lots of water. Could it be because I'm suppose to start next week or what?

    I just want to cry.

    I agree with previous posts, it could be TOM or that you need a rest. Also, if you're on a mostly-soup diet, it might be sodium. Even if you go for "low sodium" soups, there's probably still more than what you average when you're not eating soup all the time.

    Ooooh yea I didn't think about all the sodium in soup. That could be part of it.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    jaspersmommy - check out this thread I just came across, I know you have been doing killer workouts with great burns

    I know how frustrating it is. I went through a sudden large weight gain in the past couple of weeks and we are still trying to figure out the cause.

    Stay positive hun, it's hard but you are doing so well.

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm actually really excited about this weigh-in on Monday!! I probably won't be back down to 173, but oh well!

    I started realizing that everytime I step on the scale I focus too much on how it compares to last WEEK! Instead I'm starting to focus on the fact that the number doesn't start with a 2 like it used to!! And remember the time when it spent weeks stuck at 198!! Now I step on it and its in the 170's!! THAT in itself is amazing!! Whether it's a little higher than last week or hasn't dropped enough as I feel it should, shouldn't matter as much as the fact that it's not 203.4 anymore!!

    It's so easy to forget where I started!!
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    I would love to join the challenge too.

    SW: 260
    I last weighed in last night: 252
    Mini goal: 200
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I would love to join the challenge too.

    SW: 260
    I last weighed in last night: 252
    Mini goal: 200

    Welcome!! :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just thought you gals should know that since we started this...we've lost 321.3lbs as a group!!!! That's about 46lbs a week!!!

  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I have had NO willpower lately, proven by the Chocolate Mousse Cupcake that I'm about to go log. :frown: The problem is that I usually work out so much and then eat so much, that I would feel starved if I ate just the regular calories without all those extra exercise calories, because that's just how much food my body is used to consuming. So I'll go over my calories, no matter how "good" I eat, so I have little incentive to be good. It probably doesn't help that my post-cervical-surgery mood is "I'll eat what I want, when I want it, and I'll enjoy it!" combined with the fact that I'll get my TOM on Sunday--I'M CRAVING FOOD CONSTANTLY!! There's been a couple times in the last few days where I've told myself that I'm not really hungry or don't really need EXTRA food, but I only have so much willpower!! :sad:

    That cupcake was SOOOOO good though... :devil:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I only get reduced sodium soup. :)

    I'm going to take the weekend off and see if that helps. Just watch what I eat as usual and see. I know the TOTM is coming so hopefully that has something to do with it too. I could definitely use the rest too. After kick boxing today my ankle and left side were pretttty sore. So I'll just keep my fingers crossed that Monday brings something better. Thanks, loves!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have had NO willpower lately, proven by the Chocolate Mousse Cupcake that I'm about to go log. :frown: The problem is that I usually work out so much and then eat so much, that I would feel starved if I ate just the regular calories without all those extra exercise calories, because that's just how much food my body is used to consuming. So I'll go over my calories, no matter how "good" I eat, so I have little incentive to be good. It probably doesn't help that my post-cervical-surgery mood is "I'll eat what I want, when I want it, and I'll enjoy it!" combined with the fact that I'll get my TOM on Sunday--I'M CRAVING FOOD CONSTANTLY!! There's been a couple times in the last few days where I've told myself that I'm not really hungry or don't really need EXTRA food, but I only have so much willpower!! :sad:

    Giiiiirl, I bake at least twice a week. I force myself to bake stuff I won't eat though. I want to open a bakery. :laugh:

    That cupcake was SOOOOO good though... :devil:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I just thought you gals should know that since we started this...we've lost 321.3lbs as a group!!!! That's about 46lbs a week!!!


    WOW!! We lost 2 people! LOL
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay this may be TMI...

    This morning I had a headache....then started getting the runs...and am now feeling a bit nauseous too. Since I've gone from drinking NO water, AT ALL, EVER, to drinking 8+ cups the last 2 you think my body may be detoxing?? Sounds like it's possible. It's not flu-like feelings just like my body is getting rid of some yuck.
