Redheads ... Hot or Not?



  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Yes.. redhead women are hot.. of course, I am biased....
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Natural red head, although it's gotten a lot darker over the years. I like being different!
  • crystalstinson7
    crystalstinson7 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm a redhead and was teased mercilessly as a child. On a nearly daily basis there were insults tossed at me that really hurt (one in particular involving dog parts that I WILL NOT repeat). Not only was I redheaded, I was pale, freckled, and smart. Good grief. In elementary school it was the cruel teasing and inquisitive looks (like I was an alien or something), and in high school it was the rude jokes (carpet and drapes, yeah) and insults about being a nerd.

    Now, I get compliments out the wazoo!! "Oh, your hair is so pretty! Is that your natural color?" I get that ALL the time.

    So, redheads hot? Women, yes (98% of the time); men, um, sometimes. Not many guys can pull off ginger. However, I thought Boromir's little brother, Faramir, was sexy in LOTR!!
  • KimalaTheWarrior
    KimalaTheWarrior Posts: 85 Member
    lol....completely enjoying this thread! Red Heads...well...we are anything but ordinary! :))
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    My dad had hair to rival the Weasleys, but mine is more like an old penny. Still red, but more on the auburn side of things. I did inherit my mom's olive-green eyes, though. I'm tempted to do the testing to see if I'm a genetic redhead. Apparently auburn ≠ redhead from a gene standpoint (i.e. the associated pros and cons to having red hair, like needing more anesthesia and increased likelihood of skin cancer, whee!), so curious just how much of Dad I inherited. :)

    I just mailed in my 23andme; so did my husband, who is dark-haired (but has a red beard). We have 1 kid with light brown hair and 1 with strawberry blonde. He has to have the redhead gene since we ended up with 1!

    OK, srsly, I know like 3 people with dark brown head hair, and bright russet beards. What is WITH that?!? ;)

    It's called being a "secret ginger." I read an article that stated about 40% of British people are "secret gingers" (genetically); they carry the gene. And I'm not gonna lie...I like the dark hair/red beard thing. It's awesome!

    I must be a secret ginger then... never heard that expression before, but it sounds better than ginger carrier :laugh:

    I don't have a beard though, because I'm female... but apparently my hair has traces of ginger in it.

    the anaesthesia thing is interesting... the only time I had any serious dental work done the anaesthetic didn't work properly and he had to stop and give another injection. it bloody hurt :sick: and another time when I had stitches the anaesthetic didn't seem to work at all. also opiates seem to have no effect on me in terms of pain relief. All they do is make my speech slurred and make me seem in less pain. seriously, one time panadol worked better than the opiate painkiller (in hospital post c-section)
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Auburn hair color myself, I love redheads I am 50 and still no gray hair LOL We are super hot chics!!!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    We are not all hot heads! And I haven't stolen a soul in years!

    Lmao Love this. Yeah it's been a while for me too :tongue:
    As a redhead myself, I have found that some men are super into redheads (they are usually kind of weird men, including my husband).

    Redheaded women=hot.

    Redhead men=not (they ALL look like they could be my brother...gross).

    Hahaha maybe that's why I'm not into redheaded guys. I don't want to look like I'm dating a family member. :sick:

    Exactly! You will NEVER see a redhead man and woman together...ever! It's too creepy.

    LMAO....that's funny!
  • Maya0520
    Maya0520 Posts: 5
    I don’t think it’s the hair color that makes a woman hot or not it’s all about her confidence. I can’t speak for others but I have always loved being a ginger and till this day refuse to color my hair.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Red headed non-female here. And yes I like redheads. =)
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    This thread makes me giggle!
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    it would depend entirely on the quality of the person in question.

    take her^ for example. hot.
  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    From one red head to another, I think we're just the same as anyone else. It's a whole package deal. Besides, it's the insides that count. Any "beautiful" person can be marred by a terrible personality.

    Out of 5 kids, two of them are redheads. I sure hope someone finds them attractive some day because they are AWESOME!
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm able to find redheads attractive, but it can depend on whether it suits them or not. It's mostly about their personality for me though.
  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    I overheard someone in my Lamaze class saying my husband looked like my brother-we are both redheads. Our kids have red hair.

    He was born in another continent and is NOT my brother!

    Ha ha ha...I get that. Anyone who I happen to be around, or even NOT be around for that matter, that has red hair MUST be related to me. Seriously? There are 7 kiddos in my family and only two are red heads. Out of my 5 kids, on two are red heads. Crazy talk. I bet your kiddos are adorable!
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    engaged to a ginger and love him to death- sexy as all hell, too!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    My husband and I are both brown haired, we have four kids and three are red heads, and we now have an adorable red haired granddaughter. They too got lots of teasing when children, but they are standout-looking kids - as is my brunette daughter I have to say!

    When my red haired daughter was growing up and upset when teased, I told her that one day people would be dying their hair to get the gorgeous red hair she has - and they do!

    Another nickname my son gets called here in Australia is "Ranga" (orangutan)
  • kaylerrz
    kaylerrz Posts: 77 Member

    Red Headed from day 1. Lol
  • mrfreestyle
    mrfreestyle Posts: 1,293 Member
    Are you kidding me? Redheads are hot!
  • shawmutt
    shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
    I like them so much I put them on my bike! (that I had to get rid of because, well, kids :cry:)


  • Kaken21
    Kaken21 Posts: 78 Member
    My mom is a redhead, I'm a fake redhead :), my brother has a red beard and his three week old son is a redhead!!