

  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm envious you each only have a couple of foods.

    If my taste buds perk up and say "ummmmmmm" when I take a bite, then WHOOSH, that crap is GONE. Down the face hole.

    Peanut butter is the worst.

    And yup, whole jars, me, hiding in a room with a spoon, just taking "one spoon at a time"

    Or an entire box of granola bars, or little Debbies. Anything lunch-snacky

    A pan of brownies, one at a time.

    Cereal... who was it that said you can eat that stuff forever and not get full? I KNOW, right?! I'm a cereal junkie, and I will eat ANY cereal. ALL of the cereal. One bowl at a time, bowl after bowl....


    And Krispy Kreme hot donuts are made by Satan. Who mentioned them? Oh... so good. My daughter and I saw the hot donuts sign last week, u-turned, and got the dozen, which is 14. Six made it home to hubby and the boy. The rest were eaten in the car. Mostly by me.

    You are literally my twin

    THIS TOO. Oh man I need to get out of this thread before I start eating again, I already brushed my teeth for bed!
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member

    Cereal... who was it that said you can eat that stuff forever and not get full? I KNOW, right?! I'm a cereal junkie, and I will eat ANY cereal. ALL of the cereal. One bowl at a time, bowl after bowl....


    This! How could I have forgotten that if I pour one bowl of cereal, the entire box goes next.

    Or chips. Middleswarth BBQ Chips. You can't eat just one.......Weekender Bag....:love:
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
  • snapehbp
    snapehbp Posts: 64
    Pizza, salsa and chips at Mexican restaurants.

    I wish I could force myself to eat 3 slices, but I always eat 6 from a med pizza.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Craft beer. I'd be like 125 lbs if it weren't for those beautiful brews.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Definitely Chips! I can eat a whole bag of Wise by myself in one sitting! :bigsmile:

    Love me some chips!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Lotus biscuit spread... omg I could just eat it out the tub with a spoon!

    OMG that stuff is amazing. I'm not sure what my binge food would be? I haven't given up any food so at the moment none. When I used to think you had to cut out all your favorite treats to lose weight it would be cake with sugary icing.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    Sweets. Cookies, cake, candy, anything like that.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Bread and butter, any kind from rolls, sliced, baguette, whatever I can lay my hands on when the calling arrives!!! OMG my mouth is watering just thinking about it...
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,767 Member
    Oh god where to start. Chocolate cake. Chips (particularly the chicken variety). And let's not get started on the lollies: milk bottles, teeth, strawberries'n'cream, chikos, oh, I love 'em all. And to make it even worse, there's a McDonalds not even 1km from my house - and do I ever love their breakfasts...not to mention a soft spot for KFC.

    Yeah, I was in a pretty bad place...
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Oh god where to start. Chocolate cake. Chips (particularly the chicken variety). And let's not get started on the lollies: milk bottles, teeth, strawberries'n'cream, chikos, oh, I love 'em all. And to make it even worse, there's a McDonalds not even 1km from my house - and do I ever love their breakfasts...not to mention a soft spot for KFC.

    Yeah, I was in a pretty bad place...

    Mcdonalds hot fudge sundae is a major killer
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Bread and butter.

    I can slay a loaf of bread and half a pound of butter making toast. Easy.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member

    2) CEREAL.......... Crunchy nut cornflakes, Fruit & Nut, Shreddies, Cornflakes etc.... I will sit there literally eating it, until its all gone......!!!

  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh god where to start. Chocolate cake. Chips (particularly the chicken variety). And let's not get started on the lollies: milk bottles, teeth, strawberries'n'cream, chikos, oh, I love 'em all. And to make it even worse, there's a McDonalds not even 1km from my house - and do I ever love their breakfasts...not to mention a soft spot for KFC.

    Yeah, I was in a pretty bad place...

    Mcdonalds hot fudge sundae is a major killer

    Mmmmm I could eat that right now!
  • BraidedKitteness
    BraidedKitteness Posts: 21 Member
    Iccceee Creaaaaaam. If I want something sweet, it's usually ice cream. Luckily we don't keep it in the apartment or I'd be SOL. So when my craving hits I would have to drive to the ice cream parlor and spend money on the deliciousness. (Double deterrent... I hate wasting gas... and I'm saving for a wedding. Whoo!)

    Oh how I miss it though. *dreams*
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    Any kind of candy that comes in little paper cups nestled in a box. (Cuz I'm fancy like that!)

    This too! LOL

    Especially if it is made by See's Candy, though!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Jalapeno kettle chips, cheese-its, funyons... I just can't have them in the house.

    Also sourdough baguette. I will just dip in oil and balsamic until it's all gone.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Peanut butter. I love it so much, but it's so easy to take a spoon to the jar and rack up hundreds of calories. It's currently on a time out from my house.
  • misdreagus
    misdreagus Posts: 30 Member
    cookie dough ice cream..
  • Karissa_Clohan
    Karissa_Clohan Posts: 126 Member
    Any sort of chip... I can't eat a few then stop - I eat the whole dang bag.

    Edited to add:

    Any sort of fast food sets me off, too. Except for pizza, I can take it easy with that. Anything else (especially Chinese take out) and it's all over but the crying.