Go Team October - Hundred Push-up Challenge



  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Did ya think I'd run away with the circus? Really, I'm still here. Just have some sinus, sore throat, cold type issues. However, I did do some pushups yesterday in my circuit & I'm gonna tell ya', I totally thought about y'all. SO sorry to let ya' down. BUUUTTT, the good news is I'll be back at this after some sweaty yoga tonight. I think it's W3D2 (??), but I'll see how well I do & then let y'all know where I'll pick back up at. Promise I'm still with you girls. Not gonna leave ya', I just get a little side tracked sometimes!

    P.S. Wow, look at you Meag! I see some def in your back & bi area! Like the pic.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Yesterday was all sorts of crazy - so I did D2 today instead.

    W3(c)D2: 10+12+8+9+17 = 56 knee pushups. Don't know how I pulled off a max set of 17! :noway: I barely got through the first and second sets - but after those, it got way easier

    wooo! good to see you back here, Vet :drinker:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Thanks Meag...important thing is that we are still doing it! oh and great new pic btw!!

    ok i didnt have my computer when i did it this morning so i did a set i remembered which turned out being a repeat of
    WK3D3!! LOL
    11-13-9-9-13=55 knee push-ups

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meredith - Same thing happens with me! 1st/2nd sets are horrible and then it gets WAY easier. Unfortunately my muscles are usually killed by the max set... Grrr. Short lived, that's for sure. Great job on your challenge today! Keep it up!!

    Vet - Glad to see you back, darling and thank yas for the compliments :happy: I am definitely seeing a change! And hoping to see some more in the next month. Can't wait to see you back on track and kicking *kitten* in this challenge soon!

    Tara - Thanks! Glad that folks are still in on this with me because I am sticking it out to the bitter end. Going to hit 20 push-ups consecutive by 01/01/11 if it freaking kills me! Great job on your sets today - keep doing what you're doing!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    OK today was super super hard!!! I repeated WK3D1!

    10-12-7-7-12=48 knee push-ups!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey all -

    I'm still here and still doing these- I did all knee push ups this week but honestly, even though I don't think my form was bad/off on the full, I feel like the knee ones really worked my arms idk- better? That's not quite the right word, but I felt all of my muscles on each rep which I hadn't quite felt with the full push ups. I think I am going to mix up knee and full push up workouts a bit.

  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    W3D2: 14 + 19 + 14 + 14 + 19 = 80 toes

    Back in the saddle again - yeah, I'm back, back in the saddle again!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Gonks-maybe it feels that way since you don't have to engage your core so hard?? regardless good job!
    Fit4Vet-welcome back and phenominal job!

    AFM-repeat of WK3D2: 10-12-8-8-14=52 knee push-ups :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Great job everyone! Glad you're all keeping up - Since I've fallen OFF TRACK this week! Back on track Monday morning with W3 - ONCE AGAIN! I need to get this down before I can move on...

    Keep it up, folks!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    Don't worry, I'm still working through w3 too! Mixing knee and toes until Iget through it!

    Tara- it might just be cuz i'm more in control (i do them real slow for the knee ones) but I also noticed that when i went back to the toe ones Iwas working harder again, so maybe my form was off. Que sera- they seem all good now.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Woot! Great workout for me this morning & I am feeling fine! (well, aside from a nasty cold, but it's leaving now, I have faith!)

    Anyway, I did my W3D3 today - 16+21+15+15+21 = 88 push ups! on the toes.

    That last one was definitely a doozie but I'll be moving on to week 4 this week. Plan is to do an exhaustion test Monday & then do my 3 days on T-T-S ...we'll see how well that goes, but that's my plan.

    Glad to see you girls are still here & pushing through (pun intended)!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-I haven't left and I will be redoing week 3 again too!!! I also just do not feel comfy moving on til I get better at that week!

    Gonks-It is just very cool that you can do both...I won't even move on to regular push-ups until i can do 100 knee push-ups first!!

    Fit4Vet-that is awesome!! I think you are the first in the group to move onto Week 4!!! wtg!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I think starting tomorrow I am going to do W3 once more, on my knees really slow and deliberately to make sure my form is spot on. I am hoping to see some really decent max set numbers.

    At the end of the week/beginning of next week I'll do another exhaustion test and see if I feel good about moving up to W4. I am doing more weight training these days, however, and I can feel the muscle fatigue affecting my push-ups. Hopefully if I do my push-ups first I can avoid some of that... We'll see how things go this week and take it from there!

    Great job on your sets, Vet! Really impressive results!

    Same to you Gonks :happy:

    You ladies are always such an impressive bunch! You keep me pushing, that's for sure!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I definitely fell off for the end of this week. It's Sunday night and I decided to do W3D3, even though it was on Wednesday that I did W3D2. Something feels off about my form, I'm not sure what, but it just doesn't feel right for some reason.

    Great job on your sets ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    tj - I feel you about the toe pushups!! Part of me is curious to see how many I can do (haven't tried them in a month or so because the results were always so discouraging) But the other part of me wants to prove that I have gotten stronger. So far, the ignorance is bliss side is winning.

    So my W3(c)D3 results: 11+13+9+9+15 = 57 knee pushups!!!

    I'm happy with my progress this week. I've seen a definite improvement in my max sets (pushed out more than the minimum on each max set this week - when I usually barely make it to the min.) So I think I'm going to try to start W4 on Tuesday. Though having taken a peek at it already, I am perfectly open to the possibility that I may not be ready for it quite yet. Never know til I try though!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I've decided to play around a little, and gone ahead to w4 with my knee pushups for today. Wed I will go back to w3 and do toe pushups. I like this because I get kind of impatient doing pushups, which is only enhanced by the exertion that they take. So by doing the knees like a week ahead, I kind of get a feel for my tempo, which makes me feel really good.

    Great job ladies!! Meredith, I wish I had some good advice for you about form but sadly I'm kind of just barely holding onto that thread myself :-) Good luck!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK... W3D1 once again, but this time on my knees. Slow and deliberate, really focusing on form and pushing all the way and all the way up. Man was it hard! My arms really felt it. Seemed like it was harder on my arms than usual, but not so bad on my core. Kept my core strong the entire time. I guess it pays to switch things up...

    10+12+7+7+15 = 51 total knee push-ups

    Great job everyone! Glad to see your progress and good luck to those moving up to W4! You are all going to rock it! :bigsmile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    repeat od WK3D3: 11-13-9-9-15=57 knee push-ups!

    Stuart-seems that you and I are pretty level to each other as far as this challenge goes...tell ya what, if you try week 4 for the 3 days starting Wed I will too!!! worst that could happen...we go back to wk 3 after we've done 4 right?! so whatcha think??

    Gonks-i give you lots of credit for moving forward to week 4, great job...i think I may be joining you on Wed just to see what happens!!

    Meag-i think that is a fantastic idea switching...i really do feel knee pushups focus on your arms more and regular pushups focus on your core more!! great work as usual!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Tj - it's a deal! :bigsmile: I went ahead and started W4 tonight. I'm pretty relieved that my roommate wasn't home because I was grunting pretty loud by the end of the sets :laugh: I could NOT get through the entirety of the max set. The program called for at least 16, and I pushed out 14. The rest of W4 looks kinda scary, especially since it's working up to those max sets that's the major challenge for me. But I'm definitely game for trying!!!

    SO here it is - W4D1: 12+14+11+10+14(max was 16) = 61 knee pushups!! :drinker:

    Still unsure about my form, so tonight I really concentrated on holding my core up (my feeling has been that I feel like I'm sagging sometimes). I was thinking that I really wish that I could see what my back looks like when I'm doing my pushups - and then I thought, well, I could film it and look! Maybe that'll give me some piece of mind about my form.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    W3D2 once again - did it on my knees and I am SHOCKED at how much it works my arms. Much easier on the core, though. But yea - my arms are burning! Maxed out 20 push-ups on my knees at the end and felt awesome about it!

    10+12+8+8+20 = 58 knee push-ups

    Hope everyone's kicking *kitten*! Keep up all the hard work, ladies (and Halo, if you're still lurking :wink:)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Stuart-glad you decided to do week 4 with me :) i will be doing mine in un momento and then i will post!! its funny that you said you should tape it!! i do mine in front of the pation door so i can see my reflection and make sure my form is good!! LOL

    Meag-WTG girly!! :)