NSV - Non Scale Victories



  • Excellent topic.

    I can eat only two squares of chocolate and think 'that's enough, I enjoyed it but don't want any more'. This is a victory. I've spent so long thinking 'it's better to finish it off and then it won't be there tomorrow to tempt me.'
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I love having an NSV thread!!!

    My favorite Non Scale Victory is that just within the last week or so, I've started to feel sexy now. I am nowhere near my goal weight (not that near getting out of obesity...) and I know that I am not gonna be on a magazine cover anytime soon, but this last week I am always doing a double take when I see myself in the mirror. I just like what I'm seeing, and I feel vital, capable and strong. I can do things with 80 pounds of extra fat on my body that so many of my thin friends can't do period. I just realized that it doesn't matter that I haven't lost all the weight yet, because the bottom line is that I am going to. So yes, all that Justin Timberlake "Sexyback" I listened to as motivation music when I first started walking has started to pay off.

    Sexy is as Sexy does!!! (Maybe that should be my new slogan for my profile....hmmm.)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    NSV for yesterday-Drank only water, no COKE ZERO!
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    NSV for yesterday-Drank only water, no COKE ZERO!

    Good For you... and the less Aspartame does a bit of good too:) stuff gives me a nasty Migraine.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    NSV-managed to get my ab workout yesterday.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    In January a friend visited and we went on a hike. I huffed and puffed the whole way, and we took frequent breaks so I could catch my breath. Yesterday I did the same hike for the first time since, and it seemed so short and easy! I didn't need any breaks, got a little out of breath on some of the uphill parts but recovered immediately once the incline decreased. I even had enough oxygen getting to my brain that I could enjoy the views! If they hadn't just cut back the poison oak and left a bunch on the trail (which meant a bath for the dog) I'd be going back today.
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    My NSV is realizing that it is not as hard to stay within my calorie limit as I thought it would be, that I can eat a little bit of "treat" and stop well within reason, that I do have the willpower to watch others eat something that I would love to eat and not partake myself. My mom asked me if I was losing weight yesterday. Considering the number lost on my scale isn't very high yet, I was shocked to realize that someone would notice.
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    My long term NSV goal is to eventually toss out all my size 16 pants.
    When I moved to Idaho over 3 years ago, I was down to a 14 and I tossed out the 18s (and have never brought any into the house!)
    I have, of course moved back into 16s and that's where I've hovered, but some day!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    NSV: 1. down a pant size 2. down a hole in belt 3. I need to wear my pants with a belt 4. feeling comfortable in girl t-shirts (I used to only wear guy t-shirts) 5. seeing my abs 6. being able to run 4.5 miles 7. feeling better about myself :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    MY NSV:

    Last night at the movies I snuck in apple slices so I would not purchase any movie theater popcorn. I absolutely love movie theater popcorn especially w/butter. After I started snacking on my apples I no longer had the desire for popcorn.
  • My NSV: Working out consistently 6 days a week and breezing through fitness videos that I could barely get through a few months ago.

    I can't resist adding this one: A few weeks ago I found a guy I had went to high school with on Facebook and sent him a message. He wrote me back and went on and on about how good I looked and how I hadn't changed AT ALL. Did I mention we had graduated in 1991? That gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. :blushing:
  • Can do push-ups, pull-ups now! But my scale are on the same number!
    And also I run for 30 minutes before teaching my Zumba class! Before I did not think it was possible!!!!
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    I always had a hard time resisting Sprite and Iced tea at restaurants.

    As of late, I am able to sit down, easily ask for, and enjoy an ice water with a wedge of lemon.... It it's TASTY to me :)

    2nd one -- I find that I cannot finish my meals now... I always have something left cause I am too full to finish... I used to ALWAYS clean my plate and then nibble of the SO's --- NO MORE!!

  • CDresp
    CDresp Posts: 201 Member
    I have discovered that I no longer have to call in heavy lifting equipment to get myself off the floor. This morning I realized I jumped right up and barely had to use the couch as support. That is HUGE I tell ya!! :happy:
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    This morning I fit into a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in months. Two weeks ago I tried and still couldn't get them on. Today they fit nicely :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Awesome topic!!

    My NSV is that this past Sunday, when I was playing soccer, I was able to run down some of the faster guys from the other team. I'm finally getting my speed back!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I was EXHAUSTED last night and recognized my INSANE carb cravings for what they were: fatigue. I didn't nosh. I waited until my BODY was hungry and had a salad with an apple chaser :)

  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Wednesday I ran 1.6 miles in 20 minutes...I've NEVER ran more than 8 minutes at a time, nor have I ever ran a mile even.... I'm still thrilled about it =)
  • My wedding ring fits!!!! No longer is it jammed on my finger in a "fat notch" (for lack of a better description!).... and the notch is starting to disappear.... Woot!

    (Did My Food Diary last year losing 40 lbs. but "converted" to MFP this month (Free is good!) to finish my journey to lose the last 15 lbs.... )
  • ntp0826
    ntp0826 Posts: 95 Member
    I have a couple
    1. I can fit into clothes I haven't fit in since my sophomore year of college (5 years ago)!
    2. I can run a mile (and even at my skinniest I never ran!)
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