NSV - Non Scale Victories



  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    1. Its been 2 weeks that I drank water every day.....before I never drank water and I cant beleive how different and better my entire body feels....

    2. I'm actually eating fruits....I was never a big fruit lover well besides bananas and grapes....but now I am trying out new fruits everyday :flowerforyou:

    3. My mood has definitely improved.......if work stresses me out I cant wait until 4:00 to hit the gym....what a mind shift
  • meeshers
    meeshers Posts: 73 Member
    i've had a tough week and haven't been sleeping very well so was all ready to cozy up for the night at home in my pjs after work. i was doing just that when i started reading this thread, put on my workout clothes and burned 400 cals at the gym! thanks guys :)
  • My most recent one is that I did a 1 mile V02 max walking test and was told I had a V02 Max of 46(considered excellent) with a speed of 4.88MPH and shaved 34 seconds off my previous time. I was quite happy about that.
  • I'm not scared of showing my legs off and my back is looking really sleek! Only just started a couple of weeks ago but already the other half is saying I look skinnier.
  • My wedding ring fits for the first time in about 7 weeks!!

    I'm 36 weeks pregnant and have never had my wedding ring fit past about 28 weeks!!
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Great thread!

    I have lost 1.5 inches in my hips, 1 inch from each thigh, and 1 inch from waist.
    I turned down a root-beer float last night.
    My work pants are starting to feel a little bigger.

    Yet notice that my ticker hasn't moved........ still no lbs. lost!!??

    GoGo, Do not be discouraged by the scale not moving. You are most likley losing in inches and other measurements (really, 1.5 in the hips and also the thighs? thats HUGE and should definitely be celebrated) , you body is in the process of converting fat to muscle, which is a good thing :) makes you stronger and more able to keep going...



    Do not fret at the scale
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I did 30 push ups , the same amount as the guy I was on a date with did...

    He challenged, I stepped up... LOL
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I did 30 push ups , the same amount as the guy I was on a date with did...

    He challenged, I stepped up... LOL

    Good for you! I haven't tried a pushup since the beginning of October, cuz my shoulder would hurt and pop everytime I went down.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I been able to completely give up my favorite drink (sweet tea);

    I joined a running club - and I hate running! lol;

    My trainer recently complimented me, saying that I she loves how I'll do whatever exercise she assigns, regardless of the difficulty, and that I never cheat my way through an exercise (so glad she noticed!); AND

    My favorite snack now consists of baby carrots and hummus! :o)
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    today i was able to put on my boyfriend's belt. on my belt (originally his) i put it to the 2nd notch.
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Yesterday I pulled my jeans down, and up again..without unbuttoning or unzipping.... =)
  • jezebeliii
    jezebeliii Posts: 4 Member
    Great thread! My NSV's are:

    1) Making much better choices when I'm forced to eat out and eating out a lot less.
    2) Down a size in clothes ... I even have two pair of pants that I like enough to have them altered to a smaller size so I can still wear them and it was cheaper than buying new pants.
    3) I have lots of clothes in my closet that I haven't been able to wear for a long time and they represent different stages in my gradual weight gain ... now I have organized them so they represent goals for weight LOSS. So every time I get to a certain size I get to go closet shopping and get a new wardrobe for free!
    4) I work out 4-6 times per week which is up from ... never. :-)
    5) Now when I get dressed to go out with my boyfriend I look in the mirror and am starting to actually like what I see.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I did 30 push ups , the same amount as the guy I was on a date with did...

    He challenged, I stepped up... LOL

    That is awesome!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I love this thread!

    Today I ran ten sprints on the treadmill for one minute each--set at 7.0 speed! When I first started, I was struggling at 4.5 speed. 5.0 was so painful, I was sick on my stomach. But today, 7.0 felt effortless! This is the first time I've tried 7.0 too. I've come a long way.

    My knee hurts a lot less when I walk and jog. I can go three times as long without the slightest twinge of pain!

    Also, my t-shirts are turning into tunics. *lawl*

    Now, if only I could have a cute boy running beside me in the gym, eh? And way to go on those 30 pushups too!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I can run 3 miles in 36 minutes 30 seconds! Whoohoo! And I've only been running again for 2months!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I love this thread!

    Today I ran ten sprints on the treadmill for one minute each--set at 7.0 speed! When I first started, I was struggling at 4.5 speed. 5.0 was so painful, I was sick on my stomach. But today, 7.0 felt effortless! This is the first time I've tried 7.0 too. I've come a long way.

    My knee hurts a lot less when I walk and jog. I can go three times as long without the slightest twinge of pain!

    Also, my t-shirts are turning into tunics. *lawl*

    Now, if only I could have a cute boy running beside me in the gym, eh? And way to go on those 30 pushups too!

    Very good job! The interval runs burn more calories, cuz you'll peak and settle, peak and settle. I SUCK at the intervals. I'm going to train with them when I get into longer distances. Keep up the good work!
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I have a cute boy who WALKS next to me on the treadmill... at like a snails pace .. while I run... good boost to the ego though... he's cute, he notices me, and in my opinion he only gets on the treadmill to try to make me notice him.......... I'm calling that a NSV too =)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I have a cute boy who WALKS next to me on the treadmill... at like a snails pace .. while I run... good boost to the ego though... he's cute, he notices me, and in my opinion he only gets on the treadmill to try to make me notice him.......... I'm calling that a NSV too =)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That would definitely be an ego booster. :bigsmile: :glasses:
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    my friends and i were worried about missing the bus last night. so we RAN to the bus stop (in the ice even!) and i was able to keep up with them!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Awesome thread! I love this! I have a bunch:

    *My wedding rings are falling off. When I first got them, I had to force them on. I had to buy those "snuggies" the other day so that I wouldn't lose them!

    *One of my good friends keeps saying how skinny I am. It makes me smile.

    *I can fit into ALL of my husbands clothes- from pants to belts to boxers to shirts to jackets. I haven't been able to wear his clothes since we first started dating, which was almost 8 years ago!

    *I can shop at a normal store. I was shopping at Kohl's the other day ($10 off card!) and happened to be in a fitting room where someone had left 4 pairs of pants. 2 of them were a size 14, 2 of them were a size 12. I'm in a 14 now (started off in a 20), but noticed that some of the 14s I've been trying on are getting big. I was not ready to try on the smaller size (didn't want the disappointment!) but I thought it was fate that they were there and I couldn't resist. Aaaaaaaand they fit! Similarly, found a really cute, cheap shirt on clearance the other day, but all they had was a medium. I thought, no way will it fit, but tried it anyways. It did. I now have a few medium sized shirts, and even bought a size small in one shirt!

    *My feet don't hurt like they used to when I walk a lot. Whether it is teaching in heels or walking all day at Disney, I can handle it. Walked a few miles around this park twice within a month and it was great.

    *My rolls are shrinking. I always had two big rolls, one above the belly button and one below. So when I started taking my measurements after a few months on this site, one of mine was the largest part of the largest roll. Now, they are just about even, so when I went to measure them the other day, I wasn't sure WHICH I had been measuring as the largest!

    *I have a face again. I'm horrified to look at pics of myself from even a year ago. My face was non-existent- it was just like a blob of fat!
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