Cow's milk is bad?



  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    How many other mammals drink animal milk past a very young age?

    How many have that option?

    A lot of adult male animals, lions, apes, cats, could if they wanted to.

    Ok I'll bite. I'm an adult male lion, where do I get my milk if I want some? Whole Foods or Publix?

    The harem of female lions you're protecting.

    What just pin her down and suck a tittie? Me thinks she may protest too much....

    Rape happens all the time in the animal kingdom. If they wanted some milk, they'd gang up if they had a problem one on one.

    This is one of the most bizarre series of responses I've read on this website.

    Anyway, yeah, a lot of animals don't drink milk after infancy because 1) It's impossible/highly difficult/impractical to obtain, 2) most cannot digest lactose after infancy. Fortunately, humans developed a mutation some many thousand years ago that allowed them to digest milk forever. If you're not lactose intolerant, there's no reason (barring some other medical issue) not to drink milk. Have at it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    OP said that they stopped drinking cow's milk in favor of almond milk because they think it isn't "good" for us, without defining "good" or offering any support. This thread never had any rails.

    Good point.

    What ? You haven't defined good, or offered any support. You looking to continue running without rails???

    [/smiley sarcasm]

    Yup. That's why I served up my "breast milk has antibiotic qualities" comment.

    BTW, my mammal milk did a little more than make my baby mammals fat, but where's the fun in that?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I eat low fat dairy with no problem, but I like almond milk too.
    Almond milk is for baby almonds
    Baby almonds are tasty.

    So, what you're saying... You like nuts.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    OP said that they stopped drinking cow's milk in favor of almond milk because they think it isn't "good" for us, without defining "good" or offering any support. This thread never had any rails.

    Good point.

    What ? You haven't defined good, or offered any support. You looking to continue running without rails???

    [/smiley sarcasm]

    Yup. That's why I served up my "breast milk has antibiotic qualities" comment.

    BTW, my mammal milk did a little more than make my baby mammals fat, but where's the fun in that?

    Did you ever spray anyone with it? My sister did this once to her husband and I think it almost ended in divorce. Not really but he didn't take it very well. We bought him a spray bottle for Christmas and filled it with cows milk right before wrapping it (he opened it a few minutes later). By that time, he'd gotten over the trauma and found it hilarious. He did spray her once. We all giggled.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    OP said that they stopped drinking cow's milk in favor of almond milk because they think it isn't "good" for us, without defining "good" or offering any support. This thread never had any rails.

    Good point.

    What ? You haven't defined good, or offered any support. You looking to continue running without rails???

    [/smiley sarcasm]

    Yup. That's why I served up my "breast milk has antibiotic qualities" comment.

    BTW, my mammal milk did a little more than make my baby mammals fat, but where's the fun in that?

    Did you ever spray anyone with it? My sister did this once to her husband and I think it almost ended in divorce. Not really but he didn't take it very well. We bought him a spray bottle for Christmas and filled it with cows milk right before wrapping it (he opened it a few minutes later). By that time, he'd gotten over the trauma and found it hilarious. He did spray her once. We all giggled.

    I probably did accidentally spray my husband with it - when my milk first came in, the reflex wasn't easy to control so I got it just about everywhere else. That is a great gag gift.

    I use it on surface scrapes and diaper rash all the time. Seriously, it's better than Neosporin. It's the one thing I'm going to miss when I go dry.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    OP said that they stopped drinking cow's milk in favor of almond milk because they think it isn't "good" for us, without defining "good" or offering any support. This thread never had any rails.

    Good point.

    What ? You haven't defined good, or offered any support. You looking to continue running without rails???

    [/smiley sarcasm]

    Yup. That's why I served up my "breast milk has antibiotic qualities" comment.

    BTW, my mammal milk did a little more than make my baby mammals fat, but where's the fun in that?

    Did you ever spray anyone with it? My sister did this once to her husband and I think it almost ended in divorce. Not really but he didn't take it very well. We bought him a spray bottle for Christmas and filled it with cows milk right before wrapping it (he opened it a few minutes later). By that time, he'd gotten over the trauma and found it hilarious. He did spray her once. We all giggled.

    I've warned my husband that he's going to get sprayed (if we decide to have kids). I figure he can't be mad if he's given advanced notice.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Depends. Has the cow dallied with the dark arts?

    The Unicow! I took my daughter to see that.

    Well it was probably a different cow with a horn. That poor thing looked so fat and miserable.

    Also, as a public service announcement, don't drink raw milk. There's a reason we pasteurize, it's not just for funsies. Raw milk can literally kill you.

    This anti-science stuff has to end, we're using the internet for pete's sake!

    Didn't you know that the internet readily encourages anti-science?
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    Organic whole milk is fine. It's also delicious. I grew up with only skim or 1% milk in the house and never liked milk much at all until I finally tried whole milk.

    Non-organic milk can contain bovine growth hormone, pesticides, and residue from antibiotics. Since it's probably not pasture raised, the omega 6 to omega 3 ratios aren't optimal. This is one of the instances where the organic version does make a big difference.

    The other problem is that the fat in milk is a good thing in that it helps buffer the sugar to prevent insulin spikes. It may not taste sweet, but milk has quite a bit of sugars in it. I think the fat may also help absorption of protein along with fat soluble nutrients that obviously get removed with the fat. Saturated fat is finally being vindicated of being the villain in our diets. Saturated fat is very stable and provides a great nutritious fuel source and as long as you burn all of your daily calories, there's no excess in your bloodstream anyway.

    Whole milk is around 4% fat, so drinking 2% milk denies you of the benefits and taste with minimal caloric reduction. 1% and skim milk taste like water and shouldn't even be called milk in my book.

    Milk is however, not a great calcium source which many people consume it for. The dairy association pushes it for that, but there's a big difference between what nutrients may be in a food and how much of that is bio available. You do get some, but it's not absorbed that well for humans. Much better calcium sources are dark greens, sea vegetables, and veggies in general.

    If you decide on almond or soy milk as an alternative, beware of the extremely high sugar content in most of the brands and be sure to factor that into your decision. I'd rather have the fat since essential fats are nutrients my body needs and sugar is well, just empty calories.

    Btw, you should try full fat organic yogurts. That's what yogurt is supposed to taste like instead of like instant pudding. I love the full fat plain Greek yogurt that Cabot makes with 10% milk fat. It's as thick as sour cream and I go through a couple 2 lb containers a week.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    OP said that they stopped drinking cow's milk in favor of almond milk because they think it isn't "good" for us, without defining "good" or offering any support. This thread never had any rails.

    Good point.

    What ? You haven't defined good, or offered any support. You looking to continue running without rails???

    [/smiley sarcasm]

    Yup. That's why I served up my "breast milk has antibiotic qualities" comment.

    BTW, my mammal milk did a little more than make my baby mammals fat, but where's the fun in that?

    Did you ever spray anyone with it? My sister did this once to her husband and I think it almost ended in divorce. Not really but he didn't take it very well. We bought him a spray bottle for Christmas and filled it with cows milk right before wrapping it (he opened it a few minutes later). By that time, he'd gotten over the trauma and found it hilarious. He did spray her once. We all giggled.

    I've warned my husband that he's going to get sprayed (if we decide to have kids). I figure he can't be mad if he's given advanced notice.

    I almost want to get pregnant just so I can do this. I'd probably find out I had one of those guys that's into 'mothering' and the joke would be on me.

    (Please, before anyone get's their panties in a wad, note that this is sarcastic and I would not let this be a main reason for having a kid.)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member

    Also, as a public service announcement, don't drink raw milk. There's a reason we pasteurize, it's not just for funsies. Raw milk can literally kill you.

    This anti-science stuff has to end, we're using the internet for pete's sake!

    Glad someone said it! Raw milk can cause horrible illnesses.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    people are so dumb

    That belongs in the people are mean thread.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member

    Also, as a public service announcement, don't drink raw milk. There's a reason we pasteurize, it's not just for funsies. Raw milk can literally kill you.

    This anti-science stuff has to end, we're using the internet for pete's sake!

    Glad someone said it! Raw milk can cause horrible illnesses.

    So can raw meat and eggs but people eat them all the time.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    people are so dumb

    That belongs in the people are mean thread.

    I dare you to start one....
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    people are so dumb

    That belongs in the people are mean thread.

    I dare you to start one....

    Why are you all picking on me?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Organic whole milk is fine. It's also delicious. I grew up with only skim or 1% milk in the house and never liked milk much at all until I finally tried whole milk.

    Non-organic milk can contain bovine growth hormone, pesticides, and residue from antibiotics. Since it's probably not pasture raised, the omega 6 to omega 3 ratios aren't optimal. This is one of the instances where the organic version does make a big difference.

    The other problem is that the fat in milk is a good thing in that it helps buffer the sugar to prevent insulin spikes. It may not taste sweet, but milk has quite a bit of sugars in it. I think the fat may also help absorption of protein along with fat soluble nutrients that obviously get removed with the fat. Saturated fat is finally being vindicated of being the villain in our diets. Saturated fat is very stable and provides a great nutritious fuel source and as long as you burn all of your daily calories, there's no excess in your bloodstream anyway.

    Whole milk is around 4% fat, so drinking 2% milk denies you of the benefits and taste with minimal caloric reduction. 1% and skim milk taste like water and shouldn't even be called milk in my book.

    Milk is however, not a great calcium source which many people consume it for. The dairy association pushes it for that, but there's a big difference between what nutrients may be in a food and how much of that is bio available. You do get some, but it's not absorbed that well for humans. Much better calcium sources are dark greens, sea vegetables, and veggies in general.

    If you decide on almond or soy milk as an alternative, beware of the extremely high sugar content in most of the brands and be sure to factor that into your decision. I'd rather have the fat since essential fats are nutrients my body needs and sugar is well, just empty calories.

    Btw, you should try full fat organic yogurts. That's what yogurt is supposed to taste like instead of like instant pudding. I love the full fat plain Greek yogurt that Cabot makes with 10% milk fat. It's as thick as sour cream and I go through a couple 2 lb containers a week.

    Please follow up with scientifically backed up sources that prove organic milk is better and why and prove that all almond and soy have a high sugar content (not all are sweetened). Also show how full fat organic yogurt is better.

    Make your own yogurt, it's much better than any store bought organic brand.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Milk is yucky. Wish I could kick cheese. Darn that yummy stuff.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Also, as a public service announcement, don't drink raw milk. There's a reason we pasteurize, it's not just for funsies. Raw milk can literally kill you.

    This anti-science stuff has to end, we're using the internet for pete's sake!

    Glad someone said it! Raw milk can cause horrible illnesses.

    So can raw meat and eggs but people eat them all the time.

    But the behavioral changes from Brucella are particularly fun.
  • ssmaling
    ssmaling Posts: 83 Member
    Leafy greens turn a 16lb gorilla into a 500lb gorilla. I better stop eating salad.

  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member

    Make your own yogurt, it's much better than any store bought organic brand.

    Yessss. Also I agree with your statement about almond milk. I drink the plain kind and it's actually better in sugar than "real" milk.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    people are so dumb

    That belongs in the people are mean thread.

    I dare you to start one....

    Why are you all picking on me?

    This thread is about me....because I have nipples. I heard that you can milk anything with nipples.