

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    In the four pages of comments, did we ever figure out what polics are?

    And in.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    i think the mfp community doesnt realize that for us, sugar may not be "bad" because we count calories and account for it in our daily totals, whereas someone who doesnt count calories doesnt necessarily know what is going into their bodies calorie wise, so a bit of sugar can make a large difference for them. this i believe is the main reason for the demonizing of sugar, if producers and institutions (schools ect.) cut back on the sugar output then I'm sure we would see a decrease in obesity rates.

    though i definitely agree moderation should be the emphasis of any nutritional based documentary

    This applies to everything. A bit of fat can make a huge difference. A bit of protein can make a difference. Excess carbs will make a difference.

    I can easily take down a 10-12ounce steak and if I did that constantly I'd put on weight and yet I don't see documentaries about how steak is making me a fatass. (Or at least not one people take seriously. :indifferent: )
    i definitely agree, its just sugar is so easy to hide in almost anything without being noticed by the average person, and the fact that it can be addicting makes it easy to over consume

    Yeah mean like fat?
    fat is necessary for us and has nutritional value, sugar does very little for us in a positive manner

    That means it's not easy to hide in everything, isn't easy to over consume, and isn't so damn tasty that people add it to everything? Or are you just throwing out other stuff to take away from the fact that what you said about sugar also applies to fats?
    what i said about sugar applies to everything. but you dont see producers adding in fats to their products, they add sugar

    There's a reason for that. Years ago, fat, particularly saturated fat, was demonized as being the thing that caused obesity and heart disease. Food producers who wanted to stay in business were forced to find a way to eliminate or reduce fat while still making their foods palatable. Enter sugar and sodium. That's why it happened.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.
    he wont, but i will, due to boredom
    1. i agree scare tactics can be the best way to motivate people, lies and manipulation aside sugar isnt the greatest for you

    2. they never said overweight people are dumb. alot of people are confused about why they are overweight due to lack of knowledge about nutrition

    3. sugar (among other foods) can trigger a dopeamine release in the brain (the same hormone release during sex, and yes, consumption of drugs) which gives the feeling of pleasure, which can be addicitive

    4. this one i wont touch, i think they were referring to corporations in general

    5. dont know much about monsanto, but they were referring to the genetic modification and chemical enhancement of seeds for crops that does occur. just look at corn stalks, before humans tampered with them they yielded 1 cob per stalk, now we can get upwards of 4

    if you want people to respond, dont act like an asshat
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I still find it hilarious that the "reasoning"and "arguments" to demonize sugar are identical to the ones used to demonize fat in the 70s. All it takes is a little critical thinking to realize that this whole concept is simply scare mongering to make profit. Look at the people interviewed in this documentary. Taubes, Lustig, etc. They all stand to make money off of this, because they've already monetized this viewpoint, and now Katie Couric's documentary will boost their profits higher.

    Just like the "low fat" craze from the 80s wasn't based in real science, but was instead based on the massive amounts of money people could make pushing "low fat" products, now we have people making a killing off of "low carb" diets, books, paleo diets, and hundreds of other ways they can profit off of fear.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member

    if you want people to respond, dont act like an asshat

    This works really well too ;-)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
    The government doesn't produce food. Please explain how the government adds sugar to food it doesn't produce. You talked about "research" earlier in your post. If this is the conclusion you reached, then you may need to learn how to actually conduct research. Also, a major study was recently released proving once and for all that sugar is not addictive. Biased research leads to biased conclusions.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
    The government doesn't produce food. Please explain how the government adds sugar to food it doesn't produce. You talked about "research" earlier in your post. If this is the conclusion you reached, then you may need to learn how to actually conduct research. Also, a major study was recently released proving once and for all that sugar is not addictive. Biased research leads to biased conclusions.
    i for one would like to see this study, because by the mere definition of the word addictive, anything can be addictive
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
    The government doesn't produce food. Please explain how the government adds sugar to food it doesn't produce. You talked about "research" earlier in your post. If this is the conclusion you reached, then you may need to learn how to actually conduct research. Also, a major study was recently released proving once and for all that sugar is not addictive. Biased research leads to biased conclusions.

    I work for the united states goverment goverment at a research facility. I make food. I grow things in petri dishes that end up in MREs and feed our military personel. So, I guess you can say that the goverment produces food.

    Not sure what reserach you are refencing... again, I said IN MY OPINION sugar is addictive to ME, personally. Look up the definition of addictive - thats what sugar was for me. Not sure why so many people are having a hard time understanding this...it has nothing to do with any one other than me, though i would argue there's probably someone else on this planet that has found themselves in the same situation I was in.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
    The government doesn't produce food. Please explain how the government adds sugar to food it doesn't produce. You talked about "research" earlier in your post. If this is the conclusion you reached, then you may need to learn how to actually conduct research. Also, a major study was recently released proving once and for all that sugar is not addictive. Biased research leads to biased conclusions.
    i for one would like to see this study, because by the mere definition of the word addictive, anything can be addictive

    Please post the study I would like to see that one as well. :smile:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
    The government doesn't produce food. Please explain how the government adds sugar to food it doesn't produce. You talked about "research" earlier in your post. If this is the conclusion you reached, then you may need to learn how to actually conduct research. Also, a major study was recently released proving once and for all that sugar is not addictive. Biased research leads to biased conclusions.
    i for one would like to see this study, because by the mere definition of the word addictive, anything can be addictive

    And thus the word is meaningless.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    So Couric's show should only be about topics she is an expert on? That's never been a requirement for documentaries before, not sure why it would be now.

    I'll watch this because it's a topic that's of interest to me and I have an open mind to see the various viewpoints presented.

    Absolutely. Here however, at lovely MFP it's a total split if you talk about sugar-you're either for it or against it, love it or hate it, won't kill you or slowly kills you bit by bit. That seems to be the only view points (or so some would have it portrayed that way) and I'm sure this thread will turn into another ridiculous "good vs bad" issue when in reality your right, it's just a documentary.

    Well there are some of us that don't give sugar much thought...well at least one.

    I rarely am over on my sugar unless I eat watermelon!

    I don't avoid sugar...I just tend not to eat high sugar items.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
    The government doesn't produce food. Please explain how the government adds sugar to food it doesn't produce. You talked about "research" earlier in your post. If this is the conclusion you reached, then you may need to learn how to actually conduct research. Also, a major study was recently released proving once and for all that sugar is not addictive. Biased research leads to biased conclusions.
    i for one would like to see this study, because by the mere definition of the word addictive, anything can be addictive

    And thus the word is meaningless.
    how so? its a descriptor. by your logic meaningless is a useless word because anything can be meaningless
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    Oh I'm so sorry... An "Unhealthy Dependence" is much better


    And this back and forth is getting just a bit annoying, don't you think? As I said before, agree to disagree. I'm out. Enjoy your blizzards :drinker:

    I had one Sunday afternoon....Chocolate Xtreme, it was fantastic. :drinker:
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)

    Why should I personally message you? You made your statements here, do you not want to discuss them here? Personally I prefer educating people who might read your post as to how inaccurate it is, so others don't fall for the same lies you have.

    Again, the government does not add sugar to food. Private companies make and sell food. This is a fact, it's not up for debate. You're just wrong.

    I am a happy, non-miserable person. I called your beliefs dumb, because they are. Same as I would to someone who thinks the Earth is flat. You being wrong about something does not make me an unhappy, mean person.

    All the name calling in the world won't make what you said right. And while I may not have held your hand and said, "Aw honey, it's ok. You go right on believing any false thing that makes you happy!" that doesn't make me mean. If anything you could probably use more people in your life who are straight and honest with you, as opposed to feeling that manipulating the facts is ok so long as it inspires some kind of change in your life.

    Learn more, believe facts. :)
    you havent backed up any of your claims either i see. what she said has alot more merit to it than anything you have said.

    and calling someones thoughts and opinions dumb is different than being straight and honest with someone. telling someone calmly and cooly that they have been misinformed isnt babying them. thats why people think you are miserable, because the way you treat others reflects upon your own personal life
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    Oh I'm so sorry... An "Unhealthy Dependence" is much better


    And this back and forth is getting just a bit annoying, don't you think? As I said before, agree to disagree. I'm out. Enjoy your blizzards :drinker:

    I had one Sunday afternoon....Chocolate Xtreme, it was fantastic. :drinker:
    I just realized that the route from my new gym to the grocery store has a DQ on the way...

    I eat sugar in moderation and when it fits into my calories (mostly). It has not hindered my loss in any way.

    Yes, excess sugar can be bad, as can excess complex carbs, excess fat, and excess protein. I think the biggest reason that people become obese is that they are not consciously aware of what they are putting in their mouths, how many calories it contains, and if it has the correct macro breakdown to sustain satiety and prevent overconsumption at a later time (when they're hungry again in 2 hours).
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)

    Why should I personally message you? You made your statements here, do you not want to discuss them here? Personally I prefer educating people who might read your post as to how inaccurate it is, so others don't fall for the same lies you have.

    Again, the government does not add sugar to food. Private companies make and sell food. This is a fact, it's not up for debate. You're just wrong.

    I am a happy, non-miserable person. I called your beliefs dumb, because they are. Same as I would to someone who thinks the Earth is flat. You being wrong about something does not make me an unhappy, mean person.

    All the name calling in the world won't make what you said right. And while I may not have held your hand and said, "Aw honey, it's ok. You go right on believing any false thing that makes you happy!" that doesn't make me mean. If anything you could probably use more people in your life who are straight and honest with you, as opposed to feeling that manipulating the facts is ok so long as it inspires some kind of change in your life.

    Learn more, believe facts. :)

    I got to go have a meeting with the research leader - apparently my job here doesn't actually exist! All this time... I've been driving all the way here and going through the motions for nothing - I must have been dreaming this entire time - this entire government facility is a facade, a huge holgrame, a figment of my imagination?? Who knows, Im just glad there are so many better educated people out there than I who can point out that what i do for a living is actually just a scene from the god damned movie the matrix. Im going to go eat a candy bar and see if i can fly.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    IMO - just watched the trailer and I like it.

    A. its a "documentary", the only way to get a good portion of people to actualyl WATCH something is by using scare tactics (see "any news station" for an example)

    B: I'll generalize here and say that a good portion of people who are obese have no idea how they got that way, and they might need to be "scared" a little to make a change... it's a learning process, change is the first step, they will learn more and more about truths as they go (just like all of us on here ;) )

    C. I, personally, think sugar is addictive, if you look up the definition of addictive - IMO

    D. The trailer I watched opened to discuss that a good amount of foods have "added sugar" - I didn't feel it was attacking sugar AT ALL, but more attacking the goverment for "adding sugar' where its not necessary - I totally, 100% agree - the government does a lot of F-ed up *kitten* to get us to consume, Im not a a parent, but if I was, I think I would feel ashamed if the only way I could get my kid to drink milk was by adding nestle strawberry syrup to it.... sugar is good, sugar is great, kids can have sugar - but theres something to be said when it becomes NECESSARY to add it to foods just to get kids to eat it.... again, IMO

    E. I hate, hate, hate, Monsanto and wish I knew a lot less about what's happening to our seeds than I do - these two items are unrelated, but, I like to think that this news documentary is just setting a table to get people talking about bigger issues... I mean thay have to start somewhere - why not sugar - its something everyone, regarless of "class" can relate to and everyone can afford... if that makes sence, it does in my head, not to go all conspiracy theory, but i hope Im on to something here...

    To sum up your views:

    1. You need to scare people to get them to pay attention. If this involves lies or deceitful manipulation that's alright.

    2. You think overweight people are dumb and don't know why they're overweight. (so somehow blaming things that aren't the reason for them being overweight will help them...something)

    3. You put sugar in the same category as drugs and alcohol.

    4. You think the government adds sugar to the foods produced and sold by private businesses. Because... honestly I got nothing for that one. That's just really dumb.

    5. Monsanto's bad, because seeds. So the government needs to stop putting sugar in the food we buy.

    You desperately need to educate yourself beyond propaganda. It's made you believe in complete nonsense.

    Sure buddy, thats your opinion of my views - I don't agree with your "summation", and I find your comments rude and false, but you are totally entiteled to believe what ever crap about me that you want! Smile more! Be miserable less :-)

    So nothing about how government adds sugar to the foods we eat? I mean you said it, it's right there.

    Nothing about obese people not being smart enough to know that eating too much has made them obese?

    If you can't be bothered to defend your views, don't state them in the first place.

    Is there anything more cowardly then putting forth your view on things and when challenged on them saying, "Smile more!" I'm not miserable. It's dishonest of you to infer that because unlike you I understand how food works.

    "You're rude" = I can't back up the outlandish claims I make.

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)
    The government doesn't produce food. Please explain how the government adds sugar to food it doesn't produce. You talked about "research" earlier in your post. If this is the conclusion you reached, then you may need to learn how to actually conduct research. Also, a major study was recently released proving once and for all that sugar is not addictive. Biased research leads to biased conclusions.

    I work for the united states goverment goverment at a research facility. I make food. I grow things in petri dishes that end up in MREs and feed our military personel. So, I guess you can say that the goverment produces food.

    Not sure what reserach you are refencing... again, I said IN MY OPINION sugar is addictive to ME, personally. Look up the definition of addictive - thats what sugar was for me. Not sure why so many people are having a hard time understanding this...it has nothing to do with any one other than me, though i would argue there's probably someone else on this planet that has found themselves in the same situation I was in.

    MREs aren't food. Anyone who has eaten one could tell you that.