


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ^^ luzl- I wanted to love Thor also- but I felt it was a bit awkward.

    I've never been a HUGE portman fan- something about her feels weird and forced.
    Exactly..smoking hot...and SUPER potential...again DC gives an epic chance to a crap writer..

    seems normal at this point.

    It's like they have run out of talent or something.

    so lame.

    back to hating people and spider man- what was her name- she sucked too- Kirsten Dunsts. So glad she's not around any more- she was rubbish as well.
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186
    Speaking of Spiderman, amazing Spiderman 2 was awesome. So, so awesome.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Exactly..smoking hot...and SUPER potential...again DC gives an epic chance to a crap writer..

    seems normal at this point.

    It's like they have run out of talent or something.

    so lame.
    Aside from Batman, I feel like DC should start considering just sticking to television shows. While it has its idiotic moments, they've done an overall good job with Green Arrow, and I'm actually excited to see how The Flash turns out.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't mind Channing Tatum, but he is going to make a sh*tty gambit.

    No way this is going to work out good, so many other people suitable for the job and then they pick Channing...
    They must have been drunk when selecting him

    Or a horny, teenage girl...

    I've always thought Sawyer from Lost would be the perfect selection.

    I was just deep in thought trying to figure out who WOULD make a good Gambit and you nailed it. Sawyer is perfection for that role. Morons picked Tatum. Nothing against him but he's too pretty to be cool enough to be Gambit.

    Was discussing this with the hubby his choice would be Christian Bale...and after chatting I agree he's got "that look"...Sawyer from lost...perhaps...

    But there are a lot of times actors are cast in roles that they don't physically match...Wolverine is a great example...but nail it...I mean Hugh Jackman is Wolverine...even tho he is "tall"...

    I never liked the thought of Tom Cruise as Lestat...felt it should have been Val Kilmer for physical appearance but Tom Cruise made a very convinicing lestat...

    There are lots of others that have been mentioned as well that came out of know where and blew the audience away.

    If nothing else Tatum as Gambit will give us something pretty to look at...going to see it on Tuesday...
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186
    ^^ luzl- I wanted to love Thor also- but I felt it was a bit awkward.

    I've never been a HUGE portman fan- something about her feels weird and forced.
    Exactly..smoking hot...and SUPER potential...again DC gives an epic chance to a crap writer..

    seems normal at this point.

    It's like they have run out of talent or something.

    so lame.

    back to hating people and spider man- what was her name- she sucked too- Kirsten Dunsts. So glad she's not around any more- she was rubbish as well.

    Hahahaha what movies DO you like?
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member

    Just gonna leave this right here...
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186
    I don't mind Channing Tatum, but he is going to make a sh*tty gambit.

    No way this is going to work out good, so many other people suitable for the job and then they pick Channing...
    They must have been drunk when selecting him

    Or a horny, teenage girl...

    I've always thought Sawyer from Lost would be the perfect selection.

    I was just deep in thought trying to figure out who WOULD make a good Gambit and you nailed it. Sawyer is perfection for that role. Morons picked Tatum. Nothing against him but he's too pretty to be cool enough to be Gambit.

    Was discussing this with the hubby his choice would be Christian Bale...and after chatting I agree he's got "that look"...Sawyer from lost...perhaps...

    But there are a lot of times actors are cast in roles that they don't physically match...Wolverine is a great example...but nail it...I mean Hugh Jackman is Wolverine...even tho he is "tall"...

    I never liked the thought of Tom Cruise as Lestat...felt it should have been Val Kilmer for physical appearance but Tom Cruise made a very convinicing lestat...

    There are lots of others that have been mentioned as well that came out of know where and blew the audience away.

    If nothing else Tatum as Gambit will give us something pretty to look at...going to see it on Tuesday...

    Oh, he isn't in this film. 2016 in "x-men: apocalypse" and his own spin-off movie
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    ^^ luzl- I wanted to love Thor also- but I felt it was a bit awkward.

    I've never been a HUGE portman fan- something about her feels weird and forced.

    I agree about Natalie Portman and Thor...again..right casting (Chris Hemsworth made a convicible Thor) crappy writing..
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186

    Just gonna leave this right here...

    Awww! I like Zach Snyder! Suckerpunch FTW....

    DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member

    Just gonna leave this right here...

    Awww! I like Zach Snyder! Suckerpunch FTW....

    DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!

  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Exactly..smoking hot...and SUPER potential...again DC gives an epic chance to a crap writer..

    seems normal at this point.

    It's like they have run out of talent or something.

    so lame.
    Aside from Batman, I feel like DC should start considering just sticking to television shows. While it has its idiotic moments, they've done an overall good job with Green Arrow, and I'm actually excited to see how The Flash turns out.

    What kills me is DC does great stuff with their animated movies. Though i wish they'd stick to the cast from Justice League to voice the characters instead of constantly getting new folks. Meanwhile Marvel's animated stuff is horrid.
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186
    Honestly, I don't get the hate for this casting beyond the "lol, **** channing tatum!".

    Is he the best actor in the world? God no. But he's gotten progressively better. And besides that, he's actually from NO, so we know he can do the accent justice. And he has the look.

    I think this is one of those "wait and see" casting announcements. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, because the guy genuinely comes off like he's trying to go beyond the typical "look how sexy I am" style roles that he got saddled with.

    I agree with this.

    I remember people panning Heath Ledger as the Joker, and Michael Keaton as Batman, Tobey McGuire as Spider-man and Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and so on and so on.

    Those turned out okay.

    As A HUGE Gambit fan, I'll try to articulate the displeasure...

    From the very first X-Men movie, Gambit was teased as a character, but it never came to fruition. We saw some great casting decisions (Patrick Stewart, Alan Cumming) and some terribad casting decisions (Halle Berry), and we saw three movies pass with no Gambit. Which, really, is just as well-- did I really want the same people who turned the Phoenix storyline into a bad case of PMS casting Gambit? Not really.

    But when they finally did it, they did a pretty meh job of it. They went primarily for look, got lazy with the writing, and overall, just did a pretty lackluster job giving him a debut. So I huddled back down and decided that if they couldn't do it right, I'd prefer they just not do it.

    So now, they seem to have no particular plan for the character, and are snatching up an actor who has apparently begged for the role-- an actor who hasn't been a shining star in terms of acting talent, and whose roles have all gone along one particular line. Is it plausible he might do a decent job? Sure. But I find it hard to have hope for that, particularly because I straight-up dislike this dude. He's utterly unappealing to me, and while being unappealing, also manages to be completely overexposed because (I admit) tons of people seem to go nuts for him for some reason.

    The last part of my hefty sigh is probably a little bit of nerd snobbery. If the people I know who love him are any indication (coworkers, former classmates), they would go just to squeal over Channing Tatum and the character loses any sense of the actual character and just becomes a vehicle for Channing Tatum. And if they pull out gratuitous shirtlessness, I'll probably be forced to heave my $12 popcorn at the screen.

    All of this. I have a female friend who loves Channing Tatum but has never heard of Gambit until I expressed my feelings to her about this topic. Now, she wants to see the film. Not, because of the character, but because of who is playing it, even though he doesn't fit the role. It is becoming a popularity contest.

    Which translates into dollars, which is the only reason these films get made. They sure aren't up for any Oscars.

    I know we nerds like to claim ownership over the stories we fell in love with first, but we can't kid ourselves into thinking these movies are for us. They want as much mass appeal as possible. They're already counting on us to go to the movies. They need to work to draw in the middle aged housewives who've never read a comic and have no clue who Gambit is. But you tell them Magic Mike is in it and boom.

    It may not be artistically sound, but we're talking about comic book movies. They're trying to sell popcorn here.

    I know...this like the Hollywood version of X-Box One
  • MelonJMusic
    MelonJMusic Posts: 121 Member
    Channing Tatum as Gambit in the new X-Men film? Fml...

    Channing Tatum as anyone is a good thing...

    He would make a great Lennie from "Of Mice and Men". The role fits well within his range of acting.

    Isn't that the one that gets shot in the back of the head? :laugh:
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186
    Channing Tatum as Gambit in the new X-Men film? Fml...

    Channing Tatum as anyone is a good thing...

    He would make a great Lennie from "Of Mice and Men". The role fits well within his range of acting.

    Isn't that the one that gets shot in the back of the head? :laugh:

    Indeed it is :)
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member

    I know we nerds like to claim ownership over the stories we fell in love with first, but we can't kid ourselves into thinking these movies are for us. They want as much mass appeal as possible. They're already counting on us to go to the movies. They need to work to draw in the middle aged housewives who've never read a comic and have no clue who Gambit is. But you tell them Magic Mike is in it and boom.

    It may not be artistically sound, but we're talking about comic book movies. They're trying to sell popcorn here.

    Oh, I know WHY they do it. I just don't have to like it.

    This is like when Oprah had "East of Eden" on her book club and I walked into the bookstore to find copies of Steinbeck emblazoned with a "AS SEEN ON OPRAH" sticker. I get the why, but it still burns like a MFer.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't mind Channing Tatum, but he is going to make a sh*tty gambit.

    No way this is going to work out good, so many other people suitable for the job and then they pick Channing...
    They must have been drunk when selecting him

    Or a horny, teenage girl...

    I've always thought Sawyer from Lost would be the perfect selection.

    I was just deep in thought trying to figure out who WOULD make a good Gambit and you nailed it. Sawyer is perfection for that role. Morons picked Tatum. Nothing against him but he's too pretty to be cool enough to be Gambit.

    Was discussing this with the hubby his choice would be Christian Bale...and after chatting I agree he's got "that look"...Sawyer from lost...perhaps...

    But there are a lot of times actors are cast in roles that they don't physically match...Wolverine is a great example...but nail it...I mean Hugh Jackman is Wolverine...even tho he is "tall"...

    I never liked the thought of Tom Cruise as Lestat...felt it should have been Val Kilmer for physical appearance but Tom Cruise made a very convinicing lestat...

    There are lots of others that have been mentioned as well that came out of know where and blew the audience away.

    If nothing else Tatum as Gambit will give us something pretty to look at...going to see it on Tuesday...

    Oh, he isn't in this film. 2016 in "x-men: apocalypse" and his own spin-off movie

    *cries* there goes my eye candy...and it was in 3d...still going tho hubby insists...he is the "nerd" in this family...I just tag along for the action and shirtless Hugh Jackman...
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    So I found a website called texts from Superheroes...and I'm sitting here giggling insanely in my cubicle...


    I think I need to take Captain Morgan with me to the new Superman/Batman movie...LOL
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186
    So I found a website called texts from Superheroes...and I'm sitting here giggling insanely in my cubicle...


    I think I need to take Captain Morgan with me to the new Superman/Batman movie...LOL

    And then...d*ck pics...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Exactly..smoking hot...and SUPER potential...again DC gives an epic chance to a crap writer..

    seems normal at this point.

    It's like they have run out of talent or something.

    so lame.
    Aside from Batman, I feel like DC should start considering just sticking to television shows. While it has its idiotic moments, they've done an overall good job with Green Arrow, and I'm actually excited to see how The Flash turns out.

    My friend and I are 150% addicted to that show. Stephen Amell is amazing- in so many ways.

    It's a little corny- sure- but it's a comic... someone said it was terrible- I just don't understand how. Plus- HE DOES HIS OWN WORKOUTS ON THAT SHOW!!!

    I don't get celebrity crushes often- but I would do dirty dirty DIRTY things to that man.