The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss



  • tryskinni
    tryskinni Posts: 50 Member
    Someone already mentioned it but I'm always surprised how cold I am. Not sure if it's the smaller body, the lack of food in my system, or the ratio of water to food in my body, but I have to wear layers to work every day.
  • bellaphile
    bellaphile Posts: 20 Member
    that you won't quickly adjust to your body changes. Once i went to put my hands on my hips and it actually felt weird to have to bring my hands in further in (or closer?) than they had been when my hips were wider.
  • mistermoloney
    That after losing 50-60 lbs people say, "you look too skinny," but I still feel overweight and want to lose more... A bunch of people nailed it with saying the mind and your perception of how you look now comes much later
  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member
    That 1lb per week really is a good target to aim for at the beginning. Like everyone else I put in lose 2lb per week. Of course I ended up averaging 1lb anyway, especially once I realised the error of my ways and upped the calorie target :laugh:

    Bacon sandwich are ok on a "diet" and anything else, so long as it fits into your daily calories.

    Exercising is fun if you find the right activities. Going to the gym is not a horrible chore any more.

    Losing weight is simple, it just requires a lot of planning to make sure you stay on track.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Great responses by everyone.
    That one day you will be sitting and randomly cross your legs.. WAIT! That's possible now?

    This happened to me recently and it took me a few seconds to realize what I was doing. I'd just gotten out of the habit of even trying.

    that you can actually get tired of people noticeing your weight loss

    Heck yeah.

    That it takes a lot longer for your self-image to catch up to your actual image.

    So very true. People were noticing my weight loss (had been a secret) around thirty pounds. I didn't see it until at least forty. I didn't see any change in my face until I stuck a before MFP shot and one at 50 lbs side by side and was amazed. I'm just starting to actually look at pics of myself and not be repulsed. And even post a few. That's big for me (no pun intended).

    I learned that people can "compliment" you and you can be amazed at the rude and/or stupid things that come out of their mouths. I keep meaning to write them down.

    That I have a lot of food police and that I can say "yes, it's real chocolate and no, I'm not on a diet" several times in a work shift.

    That I can like lifting and that doing a "big girl" pushup is empowering.

    That I don't have to pretend to buckle my seatbelt on the flight or have the buckle digging a hole in my thigh. And not to have to slide the buckle all the way to the end to do so.

    That I don't have to use the barcode scanner in secret when I'm eating at a work party.

    That the word "skinny" is not attractive in the slightest. Fit, thin, healthy ... yes.

    That my clothes don't need to be baggy and it's okay for my shirt to actually touch all sides of my body.

    That I can run a mile without a creepy clown with a knife chasng me and actually like it. And I can climb 25 feet up a pole and walk across a log with just a harness. That walking daily is both physically and mentally rewarding.

    That my MFP friends (none of whom I know personally) are super supportive and the ones I prefer to go to for both the good and bad parts of this whole thing.

    And finally - that it's possible to change habits, lifestyles, food, exercise, mindsets etc for the long term. :flowerforyou:
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member

    My tattoos would shrink or become deformed. My midnight tattoo (my pet cat for 16 years, I call her my 1st born child RIP) doesn't look like a cat anymore, just a black blob :-(

    Where are your tattoos located? I got mine on my upper back and on my calf while I was still my top weight....on the assumption that gravity gets us all in the end and extremities and least fatty areas would be least affected by it. Now that I have all the extra skin I can see that my decision that these spots would be prime real estate was spot on and they look as good as ever. I did worry about shrinkage on the back though as it does seem to have gotten a bit smaller and there's some writing on it that I thought might have been less legible. I had someone check yesterday and she said it's still good to go though, so I'm in the clear. lol
  • Shesaid_destroy
    That I don't have to be a cardio bunny.

    That I don't have to eat my lettuce and be sad.

    That there is no magical formula of no carbs and micro greens that I have to eat.

    That pills are all a scam. So is "diet food" and 100 cal. packs.

    That I can move my body around doing things I enjoy, and eat all the foods I love, and lose weight. All I had to do was move more (and more often) and eat to live, instead of overstuffing myself like I was trying to win a contest.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Exactly. Thank you. ????
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    That raw honey, almond meal and coconut oil have the same, if not more, calories than their "evil" counterparts.
  • licorice_tea
    licorice_tea Posts: 59 Member
    That I would be eating more delicious foods and be more culinary adventurous when eating healthy than I ever experienced while supposedly having the freedom to eat whatever I want. I put it off for so long because I thought I'd have to eat un-tasty food!
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Weight loss will be difficult, it's generally publicised as an easy thing to do - just stop eating and the weight will fall off. I wish it was that easy!
    However, losing weight within a community is by far the best way to go. The support and motivation my MFP friends give me - and I give them - is the best thing of all!
    That the planned "splurge" on a favorite pre-weight lose food will cause untold gastric distress, and cause you to remain housebound for at least 24 hrs

    OMG this! My body hates me when I eat too much 'junk food' now - it leads to an explosive visit to the toilet!
    Bacon sandwich are ok on a "diet" and anything else, so long as it fits into your daily calories.

    And this! My bacon sandwich on a Sunday morning is a perfect balance of macros for me, and it's just so good! Might have one for lunch today!
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    That it was actually pretty easy when I didn't over complicate the process.
    this is probably the only thing that i didnt anticipate about it
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    That perfect strangers would be so supportive online. The wealth of knowledge, encouragement, & support would keep me going day by day.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    My tattoos would shrink or become deformed. My midnight tattoo (my pet cat for 16 years, I call her my 1st born child RIP) doesn't look like a cat anymore, just a black blob :-(
    Nooooo! I am hoping my tattoos are in places that won't be too affected by weight loss (upper arms and upper legs). Well, I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

    Unfortunately, unless your tattoo is on your nose, substantial weight loss WILL cause changes :(

    My tattoo looks exactly the same, but it is on my back
  • bkk40in2011
    bkk40in2011 Posts: 72
    I haven't lost a whole lot yet but one thing I notice is that I am not really into planning things that revolve around food anymore. I think more in terms of movement, activities and exercise. That is more fun now!
  • newb01
    newb01 Posts: 22
    Weight loss and maintenance are easy and straightforward. It just takes patience, consistency, and perseverance. :drinker: general all generalizations are crap.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Some of mine have already been posted but here are mine.

    The biggest surprise is the scale... Such a heartbreaker and learning to manage how that makes me feel...

    That weighing your food is so important. Once the weight starts coming off, you can't wing it.

    That my body will not keep up with my mental state around exercise. I want to go for hours!

    That I spend more on my running shoes and workout clothes than my work clothes.

    I'd rather wear workout clothes everywhere...

    I don't enjoy going out to eat anymore.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    That you could lose 70lbs and still be able to wear the same clothes you wore when you started...

    ^'s terrible!
  • Heatherybit
    Heatherybit Posts: 91 Member
    Invest in BELTS.
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    The scale doesn't matter as much as how you feel or how the clothes feel :)
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    It doesn't have to be miserable.

    Fitness is really important too, not just for weight loss purposes.