The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss



  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    That having meal that you thought about all day and used to love didn't taste all that great!
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    That the closer you get to your goal, the more negative comments you'll hear from family and friends.

    ^This. Some people will be supportive. Others will be jealous.

    Ive noticed this more at work then at home, co-workers have called me stuck up because i wont have cake and donuts people bring in even though im very polite and tell them no thankyou and that i appreciate the offer but have no desire to eat it.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    That it takes a lot longer for your self-image to catch up to your actual image.

    This. I started out at 216.8 pounds. I made it down to 140. I'm fluctuating a little. But like someone else said. Even after losing 72 pounds I'm still not completely happy with myself. The mental image I have in my head of myself doesn't really match what's in the mirror. I still think I'm bigger when I'm not faced with the mirror. If you laid out different sizes of pants without the sizes marked, I'd probably choose a bigger size than what I need. It really is a mind over matter thing.

    This is so true!
  • dees425
    dees425 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with you 100%. No matter what you do it is a up hill battle.
  • kimkay1985
    kimkay1985 Posts: 73 Member
    bump for later
  • rudexvirus
    rudexvirus Posts: 52 Member
    For the people who are having problems with smaller sizes also being too short: look in to tall sizes. The place where I buy jeans (Eddie Bauer) has four different body shape cuts for women that are also available in regular, regular short, regular long, tall, petite, and plus. That gives you a lot of variety to find the right size! (I'm a curvy fit, regular short.)

    I think for me it's how much my husband trying to be supportive sounds like nagging to me when I'm tired (of course that could be him actually being bad at phrasing things).

    How big of a chunk of time exercise will take out of my day!

    How tiny changes in a recipe can make a big difference in calories. (My morning coffee drink went from 270 to 120 calories and is just as good.)

    How many cool things I will see when I'm out walking in open space with my dog (yesterday evening it was a fledgling bird still with fuzz on its body trying out its wings).

    Starting our journey, me and my fiance get to watch some baby ducks grow up, they still have fuzz and everything, and live around the lake we use for our runs. It never occurred to me that being outside so often would show me things like this.
  • inneedofanap
    inneedofanap Posts: 63 Member
    You guys are awesome! Thanks for sharing all of these.

    I'm a beginner but I've already learned the importance of logging what you eat BEFORE you eat it. Totally deters me from splurging.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    If you were very heavy when you started, you will start discovering new body parts, and not all of them in a good way... you will no longer have the luxury of cushioning when you attempt to sit on hard surfaces.

    SO MUCH THIS!!! Also, thinking you have a cancerous tumour, when in fact you have just discovered a bone that is no longer surrounded in fatty tissue
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    - That you can actually get REALLY upset when you're down with an injury and can't work out.

    - I have a hard time just sitting around now. The fitter I become, the more I want to move. My mom is happy about this - our house is much cleaner!

    - How much I'd regret the time I spent being fat. I want to learn every exercise, do every activity, and be the best at it all. I feel like I wasted so much time in my youth, and I want to go back and make it up.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    be honest with yourself - in logging, in telling yourself what to do - whatever. Lying to yourself will get you nowhere.

    a scale can be your best friend (in the kitchen) or your enemy (the bathroom)

    That even on sites that are there to help us -you can get some really nasty remarks - (I had one get mad because I posted my current weight - she had much more to lose than I - and said that it wasn't nice to those who had so much to lose to rub it in - which wasn't what I was doing - It was a 2 month challenge and I wanted to be able to find my started weight again)

    That I would love 'color' sales at the Goodwill and other thrift stores (tags of a certain color are $.99)

    That I can eat whatever I want - just not ALL that I want!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    If you were very heavy when you started, you will start discovering new body parts, and not all of them in a good way... you will no longer have the luxury of cushioning when you attempt to sit on hard surfaces.

    SO MUCH THIS!!! Also, thinking you have a cancerous tumour, when in fact you have just discovered a bone that is no longer surrounded in fatty tissue

    YES! Is the new bone you discovered at the bottom of your sternum? Because the first time I looked in the mirror and saw that bulge I said, "What the hell is THAT?" and poked it and discovered it was an actual bone. Where did THAT come from, LOL!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    No one really wants to tell people that weight loss does not have to be expensive or complicated.

    You hear people again and again complain they dont have enough $$ to buy healthy food and therefor cannot lose weight.


    Weight loss can be very, very simple and cheap. Just eat at a deficit. Plain and simple. Eating at a deficit = eating less food.
    Eating less food = less money spent on food.

    Weight loss is a billion dollar industry. They push books, plans, foods, shakes, supplements, pills, etc all in the name of getting thin. Those people arent in it to make you thin, they are in it to make $$$$ and in reality you dont need any of it.
  • cnickolem
    cnickolem Posts: 15
    Scale losses don't mean you're getting smaller. I'm only 8lb down and have dropped a dress size already. That took me around 20lb or more when I did WW with no exercise!

    I can drink 2-3l of water a day.

    I do have self control.

    I lost 4lbs and 1 size. I was kind of disappointed on the scales but when I realized I lost an inch I was way more excited about that.
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    That just because you've become a size <whatever> doesn't mean you'll automatically know how to dress that size <whatever> body.
  • lizc0616
    lizc0616 Posts: 68 Member
    I have way more energy when I drink enough water (1 gallon for me)

    Lifting isn't just training, it's therapy.

    Cardio is not the only answer, but it's still something nice to maintain.

    this! :flowerforyou:
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    That weight loss by inexpensive means (no gyms or classes....just running and cutting back on food) becomes expensive when NOTHING...including your bras, undies, and shoes NO LONGER fit. You want to be excited that you are smaller, but the cost of replacing literally everything you own is incredibly frustrating (and in particular if you do NOT like to shop).
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    So true!
  • azavala78
    azavala78 Posts: 74 Member
    - The confidence you gain is amazing. I feel like I can conquer the world!
    - It was easier to do this once I got it in my head that this was long-term. Not a quick fix. I would have to re-learn how to treat my body right, so that I can enjoy it as I age :) This makes everything reachable for me! :heart:
  • cnickolem
    cnickolem Posts: 15
    That just because you've become a size <whatever> doesn't mean you'll automatically know how to dress that size <whatever> body.

    Very true. I still have a long way to go so I'm not trying to worry about dressing for any size until I meet my goal.
  • lolomama_
    lolomama_ Posts: 14 Member