bfs who hit on your younger sister



  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    OP, your bf is obviously trying to setup a threesome, how can you not see it?! He'll probably take crappy cell phone video of the act, too, send it to all his buddies to show off.

    I like your bf, he's sounds awesome. I'd like to buy him a beer.

    I will treat him to an open bar.

    Because yah for incest!

    Seriously, am I the only one who finds the idea of having a threesome involving two sisters at the same time just plain wrong?


    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't see what the problem is. You should get off your boyfriend's case and let him have fun with your sister. Give the guy a break. He's old after all. Don't be a nag. He might leave you if you nag.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I think you should just bang all of his friends. And maybe all of your MFP friends, too. Not to 'punish' him or anything, but just 'cause you can.

    Just one more reason why we're friends.

    IK,R? :bigsmile:
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member

    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.

    Two twins? As opposed to one twin?

    Also, did you mean sentiment?
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.

    Two twins? As opposed to one twin?

    Also, did you mean sentiment?

    as I was..

    sentiment* and yeah only one twin.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.

    Two twins? As opposed to one twin?

    Also, did you mean sentiment?

    my thought exactly. well, I think he meant "sediment' because it's dirty. :laugh:
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Just curious... is threesome completely off the table?


    And if you're the one to suggest it, you'll definitely beat your sister for coolest sibling status. :glasses: would be a threesome involving her and her own sister!

    I'm pretty sure that's illegal. Maybe not in Utah but being British I clearly know nothing of such things...

    Yeah, Utah allows a lot of weird things to go on in their state.
  • caquandt2012
    Don't be sad. That just means he is a crappy bf and you need a better one. It's better than finding out later when you are married that he likes to snapchat with 18 yr olds.

    Agreed completely.

    DEAD ON!!! Time for you to upgrade. :happy:
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.

    Two twins? As opposed to one twin?

    Also, did you mean sentiment?

    my thought exactly. well, I think he meant "sediment' because it's dirty. :laugh:

    lmao.. MFP you are a witty lot.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    OP, your bf is obviously trying to setup a threesome, how can you not see it?! He'll probably take crappy cell phone video of the act, too, send it to all his buddies to show off.

    I like your bf, he's sounds awesome. I'd like to buy him a beer.

    I will treat him to an open bar.

    Because yah for incest!

    Seriously, am I the only one who finds the idea of having a threesome involving two sisters at the same time just plain wrong?


    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.

    Dude, I don't let just anyone share my sediment you know...
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member

    You might be right that a 30 year old, more experienced, man who is constantly texting and snap chatting an 18 year old woman who he now calls "legal" at the clear distress of his 22 year old girlfriend may be perfectly innocent.

    However, given everyone's respective ages don't you think he could at least give his girlfriend the courtesy of clearly letting her know what he is doing and why before he does it and he bears at least some if not most of the responsibility here (in the absence of other evidence which is not yet known)?

    Whatever the situation he doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer your Honour.

    Constantly? OK - The OP says they text all the time, but given the title of the article it's fairly obvious the OP has decided that something bad is going on and is really just looking for validation of her worst fears. Internet is, admittedly a good place to get that.
    Buit the point I'm making is the assertion that they're " constantly " doing anything is, at best, hearsay and an opinion that is clearly coloured.

    Does he now call her legal? Or did he make one admittedly poor joke about her being legal around her 18th birthday? Also, context. Had he had a few drinks and just misjudged it? Did he mean legal as in " we'll have to watch her now? "

    You say he should give his girlfriend the courtesy of letting her know what's going on. How do you know he hasn't? If he was up to something bad, I doubt either he or the sister would tell her they were chatting. But the GF knows, so how?

    It's very easy to jump to comclusions without actually knowing anything.
    All we really know is that the OP doesn't like her BF and her sister being in contact or the nature of their relationship. That's fair enough and she's entitled to her feelings - but tha doesn't mesan there's anyting wrong with the relationship at all.
    Does the sister have a mature male role model in her life?
    She's 18 - does she see the BF as someone she can ***** about her family to, who knows the family but isn't IN the family etc.
    Is the sister popular or does she appreciate ANY friend she can get

    Look, maybe he does wanna *kitten* her, I don't know, but the point I'm making is that you don't either.

    I'll admit I may be taking this a bit personally, my friend's daugter is 17 and I'm 36 we talk / text every day.
    He passed away a few years ago and I've made an effort to make sure she has an older man in her life that she can come to with her problems, for advice or just for a different perspective on things. I'm sure people who don't know the details would think it's odd - especialy if someone just told people the bare minimum.
    I'm 36, she's 17.
    We're not related.
    We talk most days.
    But with a little colour, things make more sense.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    It is unsurprising that so many of you have relationship issues.:laugh:

    There does seem to be a general tendenc to go straight to worst case scenario.

    That is MFP genpop relationship advice for you. The advice is always this bad.

    Totally sharing this sediment bro...
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Multiple choice question:

    If you have a problem in your relationship you should...

    A. Pretend it doesn't exist

    B.Go post about it on the internet.

    C. Both A and B

    D. Sit down with your partner and discuss your FEELINGS as rationally as possible. Make sure your partner understands why you are feeling how you are feeling. Come to some resolution that results in the ends of those feelings or if they are intense enough feelings that cannot be resolved, discuss the end of said relationship.

    E. Your mom didn't have a problem last night , so STFU.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Multiple choice question:

    If you have a problem in your relationship you should...

    A. Pretend it doesn't exist

    B.Go post about it on the internet.

    C. Both A and B

    D. Sit down with your partner and discuss your FEELINGS as rationally. Make sure your partner understands why you are feeling how you are feeling. Come to some resolution that results in the ends of those feelings or if they are intense enough feelings that cannot be resolved, discuss the end of said relationship.

    E. Your mom didn't have a problem last night , so STFU.

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member

    Constantly? OK - The OP says they text all the time, but given the title of the article it's fairly obvious the OP has decided that something bad is going on and is really just looking for validation of her worst fears. Internet is, admittedly a good place to get that.
    Buit the point I'm making is the assertion that they're " constantly " doing anything is, at best, hearsay and an opinion that is clearly coloured.

    Does he now call her legal? Or did he make one admittedly poor joke about her being legal around her 18th birthday? Also, context. Had he had a few drinks and just misjudged it? Did he mean legal as in " we'll have to watch her now? "

    You say he should give his girlfriend the courtesy of letting her know what's going on. How do you know he hasn't? If he was up to something bad, I doubt either he or the sister would tell her they were chatting. But the GF knows, so how?

    It's very easy to jump to comclusions without actually knowing anything.
    All we really know is that the OP doesn't like her BF and her sister being in contact or the nature of their relationship. That's fair enough and she's entitled to her feelings - but tha doesn't mesan there's anyting wrong with the relationship at all.
    Does the sister have a mature male role model in her life?
    She's 18 - does she see the BF as someone she can ***** about her family to, who knows the family but isn't IN the family etc.
    Is the sister popular or does she appreciate ANY friend she can get

    Look, maybe he does wanna *kitten* her, I don't know, but the point I'm making is that you don't either.

    I'll admit I may be taking this a bit personally, my friend's daugter is 17 and I'm 36 we talk / text every day.
    He passed away a few years ago and I've made an effort to make sure she has an older man in her life that she can come to with her problems, for advice or just for a different perspective on things. I'm sure people who don't know the details would think it's odd - especialy if someone just told people the bare minimum.
    I'm 36, she's 17.
    We're not related.
    We talk most days.
    But with a little colour, things make more sense.

    This is a good post. You must be new to the internet...

    You are right of course. Context and information are needed to make an accurate assessment, no doubt. It may in fact be an innocent scenario.

    That said there is seemingly a clear power imbalance her given the ages of the man in question and the two ladies involved. Of course he may be a little immature and they may be mature for their ages. In this kind of scenario however, on the face of it, the older person being the one who presumably holds more of the power should be acting with some increased degree of responsibility. As such I think the boyfriend should make some allowances for his girlfriend's age and step up and make this clear to her and it seems he has not.

    Asking the OP to change, make allowances or make it good is the wrong starting point here in my view.

    My gut feeling is this guy is still a knob though...
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    [This is a good post. You must be new to the internet...

    You are right of course. Context and information are needed to make an accurate assessment, no doubt. It may in fact be an innocent scenario.

    That said there is seemingly a clear power imbalance her given the ages of the man in question and the two ladies involved. Of course he may be a little immature and they may be mature for their ages. In this kind of scenario however, on the face of it, the older person being the one who presumably holds more of the power should be acting with some increased degree of responsibility. As such I think the boyfriend should make some allowances for his girlfriend's age and step up and make this clear to her and it seems he has not.

    Asking the OP to change, make allowances or make it good is the wrong starting point here in my view.

    My gut feeling is this guy is still a knob though...

    He may well be a knob - let's be honest, lots of us are. I'm suggesting that EVERYONE ELSE ONLINE maybe stop for a sec and realise that we all know basically nothing about the scenario before deciding best how it should be handled.
    As I said though, this one has maybe touched a nerve for me, because remarks have been made before in real life regarding my own unconventional ( purely for want of a better word ) friendship and it's not easy.
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    Best thing about high school girls is i get older and they stay the same age...
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    OP, your bf is obviously trying to setup a threesome, how can you not see it?! He'll probably take crappy cell phone video of the act, too, send it to all his buddies to show off.

    I like your bf, he's sounds awesome. I'd like to buy him a beer.

    I will treat him to an open bar.

    Because yah for incest!

    Seriously, am I the only one who finds the idea of having a threesome involving two sisters at the same time just plain wrong?


    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.

    Dude, I don't let just anyone share my sediment you know...

    Lucky for you Pops.. I'm the last thing from an 'anyone'.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    OP, your bf is obviously trying to setup a threesome, how can you not see it?! He'll probably take crappy cell phone video of the act, too, send it to all his buddies to show off.

    I like your bf, he's sounds awesome. I'd like to buy him a beer.

    I will treat him to an open bar.

    Because yah for incest!

    Seriously, am I the only one who finds the idea of having a threesome involving two sisters at the same time just plain wrong?


    my buddy did it with two twins..

    ..but yeah I can share your sediment here.

    Dude, I don't let just anyone share my sediment you know...

    Lucky for you Pops.. I'm the last thing from an 'anyone'.

    Thanks for the Public Service Announcement grasshopper.


    Time to ride.

    Woo hooooooo.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Ok cant believe no one has asked this... Pics of said hot funny sister or ban from MFP