"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 1



  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member


    Before pictures with my article of clothing - size 14 levi jeans. My highest size was size 18/20. My SW is 186, GW is 174.

    Yay! I think I figured the picture thing out!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow, look at us! We've already got 57 members!

    I just want to remind everyone to please post your starting weight. I'm missing numbers for 15 people. If you need me to send you a private message reminder I totally will, just let me know!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks, April, but I won't be putting my pics up. You all are at least 100 lbs lighter than I am and I just don't want to see pics of me up there with all you small people. lol I hope that doesn't mean I'm disqualified from the challenge. :) I take pictures every 25 lbs lost or so for my own records. But from experience there will be no change in how I look between now and 12 pounds from now. Someone my weight has to lose A LOT before it's even noticeable.

    I hope everyone had an excellent Halloween! *hugs*

    Im barely under 300 hun.. Ive been struggling lately with all the craziness.. but im trying.. i dont like seeing pictures of myself at times either.. I am FAT.. and i know ill still look FAT when its done.. I have that nasty fat that hangs because of all my start stop diets.. i hate it.

    Yeah, I have the hanging fat too, but it's not from yo-yo dieting, as I've never really been on and off of diets. This is actually the only time in my life I've seriously worked on losing weight. I tried slim fast once but that lasted like 2 days and I don't think I lost anything. lol

    At least you're UNDER 300 though! hahah It's crazy, as much as I've lost and I'm still way over 300. I've never been under 300 lbs in my adult life and was 300 by the time I was in high school.

    What scares me is that I used to love my body, and love being a big girl. But the longer I am on a weight loss journey the more and more self-conscious I get about my body. It's making me crazy that it even bothers me that most of you all are a lot smaller than me. It shocks and disappoints me that I don't even want to post pics of myself. When did this happen? It seems I'm reverting back to a time in my life when I was ashamed of my body and I don't like it one bit. I'm disappointed in myself for feeling embarrassed about my size. I shouldn't be. People come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and that's ok. It angers me to realize that I'm starting feel differently about my body.

    Youre a beautiful person Stacy.. I think we all go thru a phase like this that makes us feel "horrible" about ourselves. You can make it out of this whatever it may be. Although I am under 300, im at risk of going back over.. Im not too far away from 300 pounds again. I dont want to be there.. but lifes been stressful over the past few weeks,. im ready to get to some kind of norm with my life.

    Dont feel different about yourself. If anything feel stronger. Do you fear as I do? what to do with all the extra skin.. once your major journey is done? I know it will never be done.. Just like mine never will be.. keep your chin up.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    I would like to join too! I'm a newbie to this website. I joined just over a month ago. I have lost so far 18 pounds. I'm a little disapointed since I tought I would lose a lot more since I'm so heavy. My challenge would be to workout alot more... at least take a walk everyday for at least 45-60 minutes... This isn't much but It's alot for me since I'm not moving at all... I know this is the thing that I'm lacking since I started. I'm just not motivated. By Christmas I want to be fully motivated in exercising everyday. I also want to fit in my last year Xmas clothing. I would also like to be under 300 lbs but that might be asking myself a little too much. I just want to do it right this time. I don't want to be here next year wanting to be under 300 pounds again... I want to lose weight and lose it for good!!!

    (I'm a little shy posting messages on websites since English is not my first language... I am French... so sorry If I don't use the right terms):blushing:

    I just hope I'm not too late...:smile:
  • Kandra09
    Today is my first day on here. I would like to join if it is not too late. I'm currently 328.8 and would like to be able to walk for 45 min without stopping. How do I post a picture?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Welcome to all that are just now joining.. NO you are not late, you are NEVER too late to join in on my challenges..

    This impressive, how many people who are in on this already.. Everyone feel free to spread the word and get your friends to join in.. :) Lets see how we can make this challenge rock!! :)

    Its been a crazy couple days for me. Hoping to get myself back on track tomorrow. I have been bad lately. Been just outta wack.. :( But it happens I guess. Gotta get that weight back off that ive gained that i lost in the first challenge.. I hope I can make it to the 289 again, and lost 12 pounds ontop of that by Christmas.. :) Wish me luck ladies. I gotta get serious about this. I just say im going to do this, then i do it and i get bored and stop.. I cant be doing that.. Ontop of everything TOM is running late. Again. we will see how that goes. ;)
  • Kandra09
    http://s1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff418/Kandra_Wood/.. I hope this works. I dont know if it will....
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    .. I hope this works. I dont know if it will....

    you need the code that says your url when you copy and paste it make the & lowercase
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    cmc020301, your English is great! Welcome to the group. :) Never let that shyness get in the way of posting in here, please! We're all here to support and encourage each other.

    AprilVal - you'll find your groove, lady. I know you will. And let us know how TOM decides to sort itself out. ;)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    cmc020301, your English is great! Welcome to the group. :) Never let that shyness get in the way of posting in here, please! We're all here to support and encourage each other.

    AprilVal - you'll find your groove, lady. I know you will. And let us know how TOM decides to sort itself out. ;)

    Oh I will Pinky!! :)
  • YogaAli
    I like the concept! I'm going to think of something.
  • Kandra09

    Hopefully this worked and its not HUGE
  • Kandra09
    Well, it worked, but its huge. LOL I want these clothes to fit comfortably and not look like I'm bursting out of them. :-(
  • Kandra09
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Kandra, did you upload the photo via photobucket? You can resize it there so it isn't as large on here if you would prefer that. :)
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    am back!!
    sorry Ladies~

    edited=I do not have any current photos that would show all of me.(I hate having my picture taken)
    my new activity increased=bending and stretching..I would jump rope if I wasn't afraid of falling.
    okay..treadmill=increased time to 10 minutes.
  • meixey
    Yes-is it too late for me to join?? Just started here at the end of Oct and still trying to figure out the site. 12 lbs sounds like a lot but I am willing to try. I just wish someone would tell me what to eat everyday but I know its not that easy!
  • rachelc96
    Hey guys! I would love to be in this group... if it's not too late? Recently, I've gained some unwanted weight in all of the wrong areas so 12 pounds in 9 weeks is going to be a challenge for me, but I'd love to try it (:
    Oh, and how do you post pictures? I'm a noob.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning everyone. They have decided on a date for Grandmas' services (this weekend) however, I have no update on Grandpa yet. I'm not sure if he will make the funeral or not. I'll be glad when this week is over and everyone can start picking up the pieces and try and move on.

    I decided to start my own personal challenge by doing 14 days straight of the 30 day shred. Starting yesterday and do days 1-4 at level 1, then days 5-10 at level 2 and then 11-14 at level 3. I plan on measuring myself after those 14days ae up to see if there's a hint of change, we'll see! I just finished 2/14...I ache!! I know it's *mostly* a good ache, but still! I woke up and my butt muscles were killing me, lol! I'm still sick-ish. My sore throat is long gone, but I still have a horrible cough and running and stuffy nose, which is driving me crazy! So I posted a pic of my jeans and made a side note about my anklet/bracelet, but I also bought a pair of new undies from Fredericks that I'd like to fit into by the new year as well.

    I made my first ever 'seafood' dish last night, Super Scampi from Rachael Ray. I did everything (but the anchovies, I just COULDN'T add those!) and it turned out great!! My picky hubby who doesn't like to try new dishes LOVED it! It was my first time trying shrimp, I didn't like that part of it, but the pasta and flavors itself was fabulous. I recommend it to anyone, it's got a great flavor.

    On that note, it's time for me to cook up my lunch, Whole Wheat Chicken Helper (honey mustard---YUM!) and some carrots and maybe a banana or apple, not sure yet. Have a good day all!!

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    ok here goes the attempt at pics :)
