

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    June already, Wow, DD wedding is just a month & 1/2 away. Sure am looking to the day after! Too much stress for me but basically all we have left to do is finalize the decorations for the reception. Right now I wish I had laid out the money to hire my friend who is a wedding planner but alas we are basically blue collar working people, comfortable, but we don't throw our money away.

    DH Auntie is in her final days and I've been stressing out over that situation. I went & stayed with her last week so her DH could get out for a few hours. He looks like a lost boy. They never had any children & I don't know how he will fare without her. I'll be spending the day over there tomorrow. Another one of the nieces is going today & I hope she can help him with some funeral arrangements.

    Changed my profile pic to the Fruit Baby my son carved for the Baby shower this past weekend.

    Well off to do gardening and a little housework before I go out on errands.

    Have a blessed day,

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Fruit Baby pic
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    I want to do lower carbs what is everyone doing? I tried really low carbs like 25 a day and that was not going to work, I felt SICK. I think carbs are a killer as I get older. I see a lot of people only do 1300 or 1500 calories. There is no way I can or am wiling to do that. I think 1800 to 1900 is much more realistic for me. Is anyone else doing a higher calorie count and finding success? Thanks..Have a great day!drinker:drinker:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, a dunking kit is just a mesh bag with a drawstring. They put their dishes inside and hang them up on a clothesline to dry. Of course the Girl Scout office was out of the real ones so I made one out of a lingerie bag and a shoelace. The instructions were online. It's not great, but it seems to work.

    Kim, Cynthia and DeeDee, the trouble with calling when my BP is low is that it fluctuates so much. It can be 148/41 one minute and 114/60 the next. I thought it was the machine, but it doesn't do that with hubby. So I'm trying to take it three times about 30 minutes apart and average it out.

    Nena, I'm on 1200 and manage ok. Some days I go over a little. I don't eat my exercise calories.

    I have tiny tomatoes in my garden! And baby peppers too. And my corn is tall enough to see which are corn plants and which are weeds. Has anybody ever seen round zucchini? It's like a ball. I saw it at a farmers market and they said it is sweeter. I'm not sure, but the little stick on the zucchini I planted says Balls Zucchini but there's no picture, so I don't know what I planted. Oh well, I don't eat zucchini anyway. I planted it for my son but I will try it myself too.

    It looks like a beautiful day here. I hope you are all getting the same. Have a great day!

  • MaryC0705
    MaryC0705 Posts: 1
    I'm just getting started on this journey in myfitnesspal. I've tried many things over the years, all with some success but have never been able to keep the weight off. I've learned I'm diabetic and am highly motivated to get my blood sugar under control. My goals for June are to track everything every day (2 day streak!) and get 30 minutes of some kind of exercise at least 3 days each week.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I've just added a new goal, but it's not just for June. I am studying for the Ace Group Fitness exam and I decided that I COULD do the studying in the recommended three months. I'm a couple of weeks behind, but I've decided to just extend it to my personal three months.

    Nice to see everyone so active. I'm not familiar with most of you all as this is my first month of trying to post every day.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Katla - Thank you for the condo advice! It was practical and what I needed to know! The two complexes that I am most interested in are in good neighborhoods, but I need to be inside a unit during "home" hours to see how noisy it is. I would prefer a top floor unit, but the place I like the most doesn't have an elevator and I'm not sure I trust my knees to hold out. On the other hand, I don't know if I could tolerate people walking over my head all of the time. I'll keep pondering and checking.

    Nena - My calories (before exercise) are 1400 or so with the setting at losing one pound per week. I eat back part of my exercise calories. I had set my MFP settings to lightly active so that I could ignore the exercise calories and just eat the base amount, but, as usual, life fell apart right after that, so I'm back to sedentary.

    I have an appointment with an orthopedist on Thursday to have my knee checked out. I am hoping that it can be treated with a shot and a brace instead of surgery. I'm already wearing the brace leftover from my other knee and it definitely helps. However, that also means no exercise except for upper body weights. Does anyone have suggestions for exercise that doesn't involve legs? :ohwell: I'm wondering if I will be able to bike...

    I finally slept last night. After falling asleep at my desk yesterday, I was hoping I would get a good night's sleep. I truly wonder just how long I would have slept had the alarm not woken me.

    Back to work I go! My day will be broken up by a WordPress class held at my church. It is for my church and paid for by my church, but one of my work church's also needs me to learn it, so they're more than happy to pay my wages while I attend. LOL I hope I can learn it and am not completely mind boggled by it.

    Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 477 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Not much time today but I wanted to pop into say hello and save my spot. Have a wonderful day and be good to yourselves. Welcome all new ladies!

    Cindy in OK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello all,

    Welcome newbies. Have a full day ahead, so I will not be able to write much right now.

    SueinSD............I think I forgot to say "Congratulations" on your retirement.............hope you enjoy every second of it!

    Sylvia............Glad to hear your GGD so enjoyed her first day at GS camp; hope she makes some great friends and continues to love it.

    NenaC............I am on 1200 cals............I had reached goal on 1200 cals. about a year ago in 7 and a half months and even gone 2lb below it then learned my maint. was only 50 more cals.; got totally bummed out and regained a bit; so now I'm back at it with a LOT less enthusiasm and many slip-ups. I think it all depends on age (62) and height, I'm only 5'3"..........and of course, exercise. I never count my exercise cals as I am not consistent or a fan of it............I really am more of a very happy to curl up in a chair with a book type or get exercise by volunteering for some event or charity. I do try to get to a women's light exercise group which is three days a week (haven't been there for about 3 weeks though, lol), yoga, tai chi (now and then 2 times a week), and lately, line dancing. Everybody is different in approach to this.

    Hoping that Mariah's chemo goes well and is successful.

    Robin............Give that Bodi dog a big hug from me too.

    The bird feeder was full this am............blue jay, cardinal, chickadee, brown thrasher, cat bird...........quite the variety, suppose they all have babies around. Had to chase those awful squirrels several times.

    DD had her first day off yesterday and drove to Charlottesville; very put off by the crazy traffic there but did buy some clothes and found a nice coffee shop (with free wifi so she could check and answer email). She is moved from the main house into her apt. and was cleaning it last night. They gave her a mattress so she is not sleeping on the floor
    not that it would bother her, she spent years sleeping on the carpet in her room by choice. When I moved away from home, I will never forget that green shag carpet I slept on for months until I got a bed.

    Have a healthy day everyone,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Nena: I used the MPF site for determining my calories. I certainly didn’t start out at 1200 calories, but my allowed calories were reduced as I lost weight. MFP doesn’t set anyone below 1200. Currently I’m set at 1280 with the goal of maintaining, not losing.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I can add to my google calendar from my phone and DH can see the entries. I ran an experiment just now and had some trouble getting it to post until I found that I’d set the time to end before it began.:noway: I fixed that and solved the problem. It posted right away. I see his stuff, too. Our accounts are color-coded so we can tell who posted what. We choose our own colors.:flowerforyou:

    Moondogz: Our diet is relatively high in protein because we feel best that way. High protein seems connected to higher fat. Carbs are not evil, when they’re healthy carbs. Sweets don’t fit the good health requirement. Yesterday I had 30% carbs, 41%fat, and 29% protein. I feel good this way and my doctor is delighted with my blood work. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I have two tiny tomatoes on my sweet millions plant already, too! There are lots of flowers and also on my sugar snap pea vines. Balls Zucchini sounds like it will produce round fruit. I enjoy zucchini but don’t have space to grow my own.:flowerforyou:

    MaryC & 47Jaqueline: Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! We’ll take the fishing boat back to the canvas lady this afternoon. I’m really happy that her health has improved enough to do more work on the boat top. The old engine is currently running much better and I’m praying we don’t have to replace it. We got it up on a plane the other day and DH clocked us at 33mph. We didn’t hold that speed for long. Not too bad for a 43 year old boat and engine. The water was choppy enough that my phone “counted” an amazing number of steps. :glasses: :wink:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks DeeDee, June's gonna be better, I just know it :glasses:

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I'm still searching for those seeds, need a trip to the nursery. I can pick up a few new plants while I'm there, more flowers for the yard! I'm out of my mind, lol.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, nice garden you have there! I'm envious of your cantaloupes...I've tried growing them here but they usually don't ripen since Oregon summer nights are too cool. Okra? :sick: Haha, I've never even tried it. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Katla, you're right about distress and the immune system. whew. If we could only learn to control those emotions that beat us down!! About gardening, I sure hope you're able to get a plot in the community garden next season!

    :laugh: LOLA!!! hahahahahaaaaaaaaa

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, your birds --- ahhhh, so beautiful! And those pesky squirrels....:grumble: we have 'em, too.

    :heart: Thanks to all for your prayers and good thoughts for Mariah. I'll keep you posted.

    :smile: jb in Portland who's feeling better and not-so-snotty this morning :glasses:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.Told Violet we would go swimming today as rain is coming in tomorrow.Pool opens at 11.630 she`s up and ready to go to the pool.lol
    have a good one!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Just woken up from a nap! I needed it because I was awake in the night worrying about DS#1 who has slipped back into severe depression. Only found out about it as he posted on Facebook and DDIL emailed me with the post.:brokenheart: He tries to be upfront about this and has won county wide awards for his sport coaching as "a coach with depression". He is now back on meds and on the list for counselling. Sounds as if his doctor is good. Poor man. :brokenheart: He split up with a girlfriend and her dogs recently and then had a rebound relationship that didn't work out. He has a series of relationships that he takes very seriously and then it always ends. Sometimes it's because he is adamant that he doesn't want children and sometimes it just doesn't work out.:cry: I have often thought he's a bit Aspergers, but it's not enough for him to be diagnosed. We went to family therapy and child therapy when he was a child for several years, but I didn't think it was much use. I have a long history of episodes of depression and had a very bad episode of post natal depression when he was two and a half. At the moment his 'drug of choice' is weightlifting:tongue: , but he has always been obsessive about something.

    Went to yoga this morning. Met a nice, new person who has just come back from a walking holiday in Crete. Then a minute sgo I was rung by my friends who live in Cornwall and they have booked themselves in for a meal at my house :tongue: on the 17th! They are going to be on a cycling holiday in The New Forest, which is half an hour's drive away. One of my favourite places. So it seems everyone is going on active holidays ! ! ! ! ! ! I am more than happy to feed them :happy: as those of you who know me might have guessed!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    I've put back that extra holiday pound I lost so now I'm two pounds over my lowest attained weight.:cry: Will have to "pull my socks up" as my grandfather used to say. As he had a tin leg it was quite funny to see him miming that when I was a little girl. I have been a little bit slack, so a few days of being more rigorous should sort me out. Don't want to gain it all back.:cry: I will leave my ticker where it is and hope I can get those pesky 2 lbs off asap! ! ! ! !

    DH at cricket again. It's going to rain tomorrow so he will be home. Last night we watched a DVD of "Borgen", the first two episodes. Did you have it in the US? I didn't watch it until the 2nd series, so now I am catching up with the first. I ADORE it.:love: I should be going to the Women's Institute tonight, but as it's something to do with sausages (?) I think I'm better off out of it.:laugh: Also it's the last episode of my favourite current tv series.:embarassed:

    The bell has just rung for my Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie. Yum! skinnytaste.com.

    Bye for now! Ain't retirement wonderful, Sue!:drinker:

    Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I love this one! Here's the joke of the day:


    A student comes to a young professor's office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door, and kneels pleadingly."I would do anything to pass this exam," she says.She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, and gazes meaningfully into his eyes. "I mean," she whispers, "I would do anything..."He returns her gaze, "Anything?""Anything."His voice softens, "Anything?""Anything," she repeats again. His voice turns to a whisper. "Would you ... study?"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm diligently working on losing those few lbs that I gained in the last month or two. I know it's just a blip and I'll be back down again and still seeing that 100 lb loss in my near future.

    My DB & I have set a date to meet up again. July 6th. My kids want to come with me to meet him as it's been over 20 years since I've seen him. So far he's been respectful and not given my contact info to anyone else. I'm a bit nervous about it but excited too.

    I've decided that I'm giving up Aquafit on Sunday mornings and in place I am going to take the cardiofit boxing class. I really love that class on Thurs nights and wow what a workout it is. I will still do Aquafit on Saturday morning as that class is a great workout and I can ride the bike afterwards.

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Top of the Tuesday to everyone,
    and welcome to the newcomers!

    I have read all the posts, but am a little low on energy today; thanks for all the written "tea and sympathy", I am better, if still tied to a defined radius from the washroom ;-)

    For all the dog owners, including Bodi's mom, hurray for them! They are so dear to us.... My pooch cuddled up all day with me yesterday, even though his very favourite person was outside, and could be throwing him a ball, which is his top obsession.
    Loyalty. Gotta love it.

    So glad Bodi is recovering well. Hope the rest of you are all recovering your health, "One day at a time" too!

    BJ, SWOnt.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I LOVE today's joke! I read it to DH and he laughed out loud. Thank you for posting.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks Katla, I will focus on my carb/protein ratio
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Tuesday, Well the storm chasers are in town and they are saying we are to get bad weather later today. 34 years ago today is when Grand Island got hit bad. I am at work so will see what happens. Went to see my heart doctor yesterday for my annual visit and he said everything is looking good and will waite until next year to repeat the stress and echo. He was pleased with the weight loss this last year. Weigh in this morning I was down 2.5 pounds and an inch off my waist for the last month. So things are moving and I am happy about that.
    DH got the new seat for the motorcycle so we went for a ride of around 100 miles yesterday afternoon and I can sure tell the difference. So it was money well spent. When we got back in town stopped at Best Buy as wanted to see about getting a different color band for my fitbit. I did not like the ones they had I was looking for something bright. I know I am sure enjoying my fitbit and I have found I am sleeping better then I thought.

    Sue--congrates on being retired. Hope you enjoy and do all those things you planned.

    Beth--hugs to you and son. Sounds like you have alot to figure out with what he can eat and such. Take care of you also.

    Sandy--so glad to see you back. Missed you.

    Gail--beautiful flowers. Sorry to hear you lost your fitbit. I know several have said they called customer service and were very happy with the out come. Doesn't hurt to try.

    Cathy--welcome and just take it One Day at a time.

    Welcome Charlotte--you have come to the right place for support and friendship. Glad to have you join us.

    Kim--congrates on the root beer float. Does sound good. I do like the taste of A & W diet root beer. Hope the lady who lost the wallet is found. Thanks for the advice and I checked to make sure my number is in mine. Good idea. Want to do my checkbook when you are done with yours?? I hate that job and space it off, so best put that on my list for Thursday my day off.

    Allison--prayers for you and DB. Hugs to you. I agree the important thing is do not give up and take it one day at a time.

    tara--hugs and remember One day at a time, one step at a time.

    Cindy--congrates on the loss!

    Meg--so far we have not had really bad weather, but they are saying tonight. Last evening we saw the storm chaser trucks in town and now this moring here at the hospital we have radios out and things ready in case bad weather hits. I just hope it waites until after I get off work at 6 pm. I would so much rather be home if it gets bad. This morning I thought I sure hope we do not have to roof or side the house again soon. Last year about put me over the edge.

    Sylvia--I know what you mean about memory cells gone. I have to make notes and I keep putting them in my pockets and in the evening I put them in order on my desk by the computer and then throw them away as needed. I have a book in my purse I write things in, but I have found the sticky notes work best. Made my heart smile hearing DGD enjoyed camp. I pray that she does everyday.

    Last evening DH and I took the 3 dogs for a walk. They were so excited, but have to go out this evening and find a harness for Jake. He is the pug and he gets so excited and pulls on the leash and then acts like he can't get his breath. I know we need to make this a regular thing so will get what we need and then not have any reason not to go.

    BJ--So sorry to hear about your being ill. Hope it is better today. Not a good way to lose.

    Robin--glad to hear Bodi is getting better. Good Luck with the walking challegne. I am just finishing one at where I work of 200,000 steps in 30 days. I have just over 190,000 and have until next Monday. DH reached it yesterday. We each get up to $200 off our insurance for the year. I carry both of us on insurance from where I work.

    Well ladies hope you have a nice and safe rest of the day. Our weather radio just started going off so time to get things ready.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,884 Member
    Hello to all: Thanks to all of you for the congratulations on retirement. So far (2 days) it is great! I am going this evening to church to work with a group on prayer shawls. One of our clients at work cleaned out his sister's house after she died and gave me four huge garbage bags of yarn. I am having fun coming up with different designs with so many colors to choose from. I took my dog to the off-leash dog park this morning. She ran and ran and now she is crashed on the futon. I got in some steps too while we were there, but no running for me.

    Vicki - Hope the weather holds until you get home. Things here have gotten really dark and cloudy after a beautiful morning.:frown:

    Sandy - Glad to see you posting again. You were missed.:smile:

    I wish the best of luck to those doing walking challenges. I know you will do well!:flowerforyou:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD