November challenge !!!!!!



  • erikaj819
    weighed in at the Dr's today of 285 down 7 from Oct 17th its a start!
    have a great day everyone and you are doing great!!!
  • AmandaR910
    weighed in at the Dr's today of 285 down 7 from Oct 17th its a start!
    have a great day everyone and you are doing great!!!

    Great job!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    have you already got your 15 people signed up? if not, id love to join
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    I don't think so. We'd love to have you.

    So I went back to the gym today for the first time in forever! I wanted to take it slow so I just walked for 10 minutes and ran for 20 minutes. I'm also doing the 100 push-up challenge so I did my initial test today.

    Having turkey spaghetti for dinner! Mmmmm.
  • erikaj819
    come join us!!!!!! we just weighed in today please fill out the form so we all know who you are and what you want to accomplish this month.
  • erikaj819
    Im so sorry for your loss.
  • Anna19911
    Can i join?? I've never done a challenge before. My CW is 209. I'd like to loose 10 this month.
  • runner915
    Hey everyone!

    So my starting weight was 165. I weighed in today at 164.8... not much different but at least its a loss!

    November goal is 160.
    And another one of my November goals is to not eat any candy or drink soda. A bunch of coworkers brought in Halloween candy today but I resisted :) Now if I can just do that for the rest of the month!
  • erikaj819
    how did everyone do today?
    what was one hard thing that you had to get through today?
    what was something you accomplished?

    my day went well, i had to get through the baby shower that i held for a coworker we ate at GreenMill but i figured out ahead of time what I could and couldnt eat it was hard because i sure wanted something different but after seeing 7lb gone this morning why do that to myself! something that i accomplished today went on 2 walks with a coworker up and down a lot of stairs (man i hate stairs)
  • chelsytan
    jus weighed in. my weight for today is 123.4 lbs. a loss of 0.9 lbs since the last time. got to persevere till the end of the month and resist sweets.
  • AmandaR910
    how did everyone do today?
    what was one hard thing that you had to get through today?
    what was something you accomplished?

    I had a GREAT day. There was some lingering Halloween candy around, but I resisted eating too much of it (had two fun size packs, counted in my calories and was still under).
    I did about 3 hours of cleaning, which I counted as 1 hour on my exercise.
    Then I went to gym and did 45 minutes of cardio machines for 245 calories burned. Did my crunches and also did Week 1 Day 2 of the 100 Push Ups challenge (completed 43 modified push ups total!).
  • cmsdives
    Hi Erika! I lost track of how many you have, if you've still got room & I'm not too late I'd love to join y'all. I could really use the motivation.

    My name is Carla
    Goal for November = 220 by November 30th
    How I'm going to get there = at least 2 cardio sessions & 2 weight sessions @ the gym each week as well as staying below my daily calorie goal
    Motivation = scuba trip to Turks & Caicos January 21st (goal is to be no more than 200 when I get on that plane on the 21st.
  • erikaj819
    we'd love to have you Anna & Carla!!!!!
  • AmandaR910
    Welcome Carla!!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    how did everyone do today?
    what was one hard thing that you had to get through today?
    what was something you accomplished?

    I think I did pretty good, down one, kept to my cals despite working in the tc tonight (pop, chocolate everywhere lol), i haven't had any diet pop in a few weeks or any caloric drinks (excluding when I make a smoothie for breaky)

    hard thing... mobility today! LOL after all the walking lunges i did yesterday my legs HURT... and i live on the 3rd floor of an apt lol! OUCH!

    I accomplished not giving in to any cravings, sticking in my cals, getting my water in...OH! i resisted the oatmeal choco chip cookies at work!
  • Anna19911
    How did everyone do today?
    what was one hard thing that you had to get through today?
    what was something you accomplished?

    I had an OK day. I didn't get time to have a work out but i'm alright with that. I didn't go over in the calories! And I didn't eat any halloween candy! Thats a big accomplishment for me!! Oh, also i've decided to join weight watchers!
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    How did everyone do today?
    what was one hard thing that you had to get through today?
    what was something you accomplished?
    I did well today. Been sick with the kids all weekend so rested last two days. Went to workout class today and it gelt great. I was surprised with my endurance thinking my chest cold would slow me down but ti didnt!

    I am going through my hard part of the day now. kids are in bed, and sitting on couch and i am fighting my temptations to get a snack.

    Today I accomplished on upping my weights in the class and completed all the strength exercises. I really pushed it towards but the end but completed it!

    BTW I weighed 188 in morning weigh in. I weigh everyday in the morning.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    Im in too if you will have me , i know few days late.

    Name: Lucie
    Start weight: 159.5 lbs
    Aim for November: To loose about 7 lbs
    What you are going to do to get there: work my butt off and eat really good
    Your current motivation: To fit in clothes that I have not for
    years, my fitnesss pals is such good motivation too.also I want to really be healthier and just feel good.

  • nomoremuffintopness
    Where do I fill out a form? Below are my stats:

    Pre-preg weight 135

    Day of delivery 184

    Current weight 155

    Goal Weight 145 (just my 1st goal)
  • erikaj819
    Here you go Sarah....
    Fill out the form below and lets get started!!!!!!!!

    Start weight:
    Aim for November:
    What you are going to do to get there:
    Your current motivation:

    My challenge for the group tomorrow is do something for exercise you wouldnt normally do or havnt done in a long time. Today I did 40 sit ups its a start is what i think. My other challenge with myself that i started yesterday is at lunch to go for a walk, and my friend up'ed the challenge to using the stairs all the time! man i hate stairs! lol
    good luck and let me know how you did!!!!