November challenge !!!!!!



  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    I just have to say the the Total Body Workout class at my YMCA kicked my *kitten* but i am proud to say I kept up for the most part. I say most part because I am so uncoordinated and trip over my own feet. lol

    I am excited to read everyone is going in the right direction as for their goals!!!
  • runner915
    erikaj819 I love the chart! It gives me some extra motivation to work hard this week so I'm not at the same weight again next week!!

    Hope everyone is having a good week and is starting to adjust to this time change! I know I am still struggling! Left my internship at 430 today and it was already starting to get dark :(

    Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks and a day away! I can't believe it, I hope I will be down several pounds before then!
  • AmandaR910
    14 glasses of water and under on my sodium today!!

    Plus I made it to the gym and did my push ups/arm exercises. :)
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    Way to go on 14 glasses of water. I did upper body today too and my arms and chest are really feeling it now. Good job, way to go.
  • erikaj819
    my new goal for this start of the new week tomorrow....................................


    360min/week and or 2500+ burn heck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can do it! who's with me?


    poor week for my accountability....I have a friend that "TAKES ME FOR A WALK" everyday at work that was the extent of what i did for most of the week. not too good so this week will be better and i will work out more and i will not eat it just to eat it lol.

    hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    I am soooo pmsing..... hate it
  • erikaj819
    same here i feel awful! told my husband tonight, boy i hate being female sometimes!!!
    hope everyone has a good week!!!!! get those burns in however you can no matter how difficult it seems some days.
  • Anna19911
    I think I might have missed a weigh in!

    I weighed in at 204.4 last wedensday!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    I am getting so confused on which challenges I've joined... as of today 152. I am down 3 pounds yayay. If Ive already posted this, I am sorry
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Even after the weekend I had, I'm at 188.9. YEA!

    I went on a school trip as a chaperon for the weekend. A 3+ hour bus ride up on Friday, so I didn't drink much water. Didn't really want to use the bathroom on the bus. :wink: Then there the water didn't taste that great, so I had to force myself to drink some. Anyway, I was starving all day and I couldn't figure out why. If dawned on me the 2nd day it was because of the lack of water. I've read that sometimes hunger isn't really hunger, but that you are thirsty. It's really true.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    forgot to WI this morning! will do tomorrow morn :)
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Well thanks to TOM and my over-the-top sodium intake I am up 2 pounds this week! That 10 pound goal is not going to be met, but at this point I'll settle for 5.
  • erikaj819
    wow! everyone is dropping like flies around here guess that means i am doing a horrible motivating job! i will post weights tomorrow to let anyone else get their weights in. i have 1.2lbs gone this week im happy about that seeing that horrible monster greeted me again this month. hope next week goes better!
    i am not sure if anyone has thought about doing the 360 min workout/week and 2500cal burn but that has motivated me this week
    hope everyone is doing well!

  • runner915
    Hey everyone!
    I am down to 164. Only a .8 loss but I'm also PMSing which means a whole lot of water weight and a looooot of cravings for sweets this week. I am still going to work really hard to get as close to my goal of 160 by the end of November as possible. I have a really tough workout tomorrow and then my looong run on Saturday. Plus I am going to go stock up on more fruit to snack on this week instead of all the junk my parents have in the house. I'm in the middle of an internship for school and I am so not used to these long hours and an hour of commuting. When I get tired I have a terrible habit of overeating so I need to work on controlling that.

    Come on everyone! It is the middle of the month! We only have about 2 weeks left. We can work hard and eat healthy for two weeks (with the exception of Thanksgiving :) ) Even if we arent going to reach our original goals we can't give up. Lets work really hard and get as close to those goals as possible!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    My kids are recovering from a bug, fevers and everything. ugh so after my sleepless night last night I didn't weigh this morning. Will do it first thing in the morning!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    o.6 loss this week so far. so I'll take it. 26.6 lbs lost.... no wait, what was my challenge start? lol 227? ok so that's 1.6 lost for this challenge.
  • AmandaR910
    Happy with today's weight (215.4lbs) and doing great on calorie goals and push ups/strength training.
    Took 3 days off from cardio at the gym (we've been sick here) but getting back on today and going for hopefully 5k on the treadmill. :)
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    183!!! woohoo Heading to Zumba in a few hours.
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    For my chart can you put my start weight for Nov. at 187 lbs. 210 was my start weight with the begging of my journey in September.

    Start weight is 187
    CW: 183
    Goal for november is 15 but I think that is not going to happen so lets say 10.