November challenge !!!!!!



  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    Not a great day for me. Didn't do horrible, but I didn't really make great choices. Had chick fil a for lunch, which wouldn't have been so bad if I could have resisted the waffle fries! They were more calories than the sandwich! But I had a nice healthy dinner so I will strive to do better tomorrow.

    Good idea for a challenge!
  • cmsdives
    weighed in at the Dr's today of 285 down 7 from Oct 17th its a start!
    have a great day everyone and you are doing great!!!

    That is SO awesome! I'm really excited for you, that is most definitely a step in the right direction, goood job!
  • cmsdives
    Not a great day for me. Didn't do horrible, but I didn't really make great choices. Had chick fil a for lunch, which wouldn't have been so bad if I could have resisted the waffle fries! They were more calories than the sandwich! But I had a nice healthy dinner so I will strive to do better tomorrow.

    Good idea for a challenge!

    Hang in there my Friend, I believe you will make better choices tomorrow. At least you haven't thrown in the towel because of your not-so-wise choices today-good for you!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Thank you :) Here you go.

    Name: Sarah
    Start weight: 155
    Aim for November: 150
    What you are going to do to get there: Watch my calories & log them everyday, more water, workout at least 3x per week
    Your current motivation: getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my daughter & husband
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    I lost a pound!!!! Woohoo at 187 now.
    Had Pilates class this morning. I am still trying to do a lot of the moves correctly. I had like NO core whatsoever before I started this life change.
    Had a good day. I had two bunches of fresh Kale and made Kale chips with light sea salt.
    Getting my house cleaned as well for my MIL is coming to town to watch my girlies so my husband and I can go to a friends wedding this weekend sans kids.
  • erikaj819
    what does Kale taste like? ive never tried that........

    challenge this week......try a different veg. :happy: like kale....... :tongue:
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    If you do it it the way I do it, it taste like a chip. With the crunch and everything. We all know Kale from being those decorative pieces of leaves topping a high end dinner or salad bar. Now it's considered a superfood
    Buy 1 bunch or two. I bought two because like spinach it shrinks. Wash and dry them. heat oven to 350. Cut or tear leaves from their spin. Place them on cookie sheet. Don't overlap them. Drizzle EVOO on them. Sprinkle sea salt on them and pop them in oven for no more than 15 minutes. I say keep an eye on them with oven light. You don't want them to get too crispy.
  • cmsdives
    Yippee! 1.2 more pounds gone...not lost, GONE!! I've decided that I'm not using the phrase "lost weight" because that connotates (sp?) something you want to find again and I don't EVER want to find those pounds again once they're gone!!! :noway:

    Patti - I'm gonna try those kale chips! They sound good. I like kale cooked (like spinach) so I think I'll like the chips too. Thanks!
  • AmandaR910
    Yippee! 1.2 more pounds gone...not lost, GONE!!

    Yay!! Great work!

    The scale is going in the right direction here as well. :)

    I had a great work out yesterday, right at 400 calories at the gym on the stair climber, treadmill, and bike. I did the stairs for 20 minutes once and 15 minutes the other time. HUGE for me because I used to only be able to do them for about 3 minutes before I quit.
    For today I'm doing Week 2 Day 1 of the 100 Push Ups Challenge and back to stair climber at the gym!! Going for 25 minutes today. In a row. :)
  • erikaj819
    ok so im computer illiterate today really bad i cant figure out how to make a table that the lines will stay when i copy it to here. any help would be appreciated :tongue: this is what i have found so far if things are wrong please let me know and i will change them. Reminder weigh ins are on Tuesday of every week this month. everyone is doing a great job!
    I will be out of town this weekend so i wont post any changes until sunday night possibly.

    Keep up the awesome work!!!!

    Name Start Weight 11/2/10 11/9/10 11/23/10 11/30/10 Weight gone % gone
    Erika erikaj819 285 285 0 0
    Taren gibbsgirl 140 139 1 0.719
    Tasha polliesgirl 227 226 1 0.442
    Andrea asallen7 269 269 0 0
    AmandaR 215.8 216.4 +.6
    Lindsey runner915 165 164.8 0.2 0.121
    Chelsy chelsytan 124.3 123.4 0.9 0.729
    Carla cmsdives 235.4
    Patti deepseadocwife 210 187 23
    Shawn poodlepaws 202
    Leia lkwilkey 170
    Anna anna19911 209 209 0 0
    Lucie lucielu2 159.5 159.5 0 0
    Sarah sarahp43 155 155 0 0
  • erikaj819
    lets try this

  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    good stuff thanks for making a chart! :)
  • AmandaR910
    How come my start weight is different than 11/2 and most people's are the same? lol

    I vote we change it. :)

    Is it original start weight or what?

    Anyways, off to a good start today with my calories. About to do my push ups and then hopefully get a work out in during nap time.
  • erikaj819
    Im sorry Amanda, i was having a time trying to figure things out to begin with anyway, i just put what we had done the first day we talked about the challenge and then 11/2 weights when we weighed in. some people didnt "sign up" until 11/2 so that is why there was not change, and some people didnt weigh in, and some people didnt have a weight change. i can sure change things i think i have it down now what i need to do to get this up on here again lol there were a lot of technical difficulties lol!
    Open for suggestions just thought this would be nice so everyone knew how everyone was doing so they could cheer them on even more!!!!!
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Hi, everyone. I guess I will vent here since we're in this challenge together. I worked very hard to eat well and work out for over 40 days straight, but at day 55 I feel like I"m losing momentum! It seems that as soon as I set out to lose 10 pounds for this month, everything became a struggle. I missed a few workouts last week and even more this week. Come sense tells me that a few days doesn't negate 40 days of hard work, but that little evil minion in my mind tells me that I have FAILED and that there is not point in trying.

    Arggghhh! I hate this feeling. Just wanted to get this out. It seems like my mentality is all or nothing. I guess that is something I need to work on because it is self-destructive.
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Im down 1 pound:)
  • AmandaR910
    Im sorry Amanda, i was having a time trying to figure things out to begin with anyway, i just put what we had done the first day we talked about the challenge and then 11/2 weights when we weighed in. some people didnt "sign up" until 11/2 so that is why there was not change, and some people didnt weigh in, and some people didnt have a weight change. i can sure change things i think i have it down now what i need to do to get this up on here again lol there were a lot of technical difficulties lol!
    Open for suggestions just thought this would be nice so everyone knew how everyone was doing so they could cheer them on even more!!!!!

    Oh don't apologize!! It's fine. Not your fault my scale moved the wrong direction lol.
  • erikaj819
    Andrea- you cant stop now! you have done great so far 9 lbs thats awesome! this month make a low, mid and high goal for yourself. I made a goal of i want to lose 5lbs this month, striving for 10lbs and an ultimate goal of losing 15lbs for the month but realistically we should only lose 1lb a week by the "recommended" way of doing things. Watch what you are eating more, be honest on here what you are eating down to a little piece of something you ate. I know a lot of times before i was thinking well i only had just a bite of this well a bite here and a bite there of stuff adds up. Dont give up on yourself you are doing awesome!! this week jump start it by going to work out today or even turn your music on an dance around your house!!!! you'd be amazed what some dancing will do for you and just close the windows up if you dont want others to see you lol like i do.... then you can be as crazy as you want and not have a care in the world what others might think! Turn your radio on while you are doing the dishes (if you have to hand wash them like myself) and move your legs at least to it while you are washing them its something! Go take your dog for a walk or your kids.......if you have either, or just go take yourself for a walk for YOU!
    REMEMBER YOU are doing great and You are making a change!

    Sarah-great job!! remember to weigh in on tues too so i can get your numbers in.

    Amanda-lol honestly the scale should be moving in the wrong direction for you lol how many weeks left??? do you know what you are having??
  • AmandaR910

    Amanda-lol honestly the scale should be moving in the wrong direction for you lol how many weeks left??? do you know what you are having??

    My DR actually doesn't want me to gain anything else. I'm up quite a bit for the pregnancy lol. But don't worry, she looks over my food and exercise diaries each appointment and is closely monitoring it. Also, I'm having growth ultrasounds (for another reason) every appointment and Jack is growing just fine, measuring 2-3 weeks ahead.

    I have 5 weeks and 2 days left. :) It's our second boy.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Thanks Erikaj! I appreciate it. I'm feeling much better today. I try to be 100% honest about my food. I went out for lunch with my colleagues and things just went downhill from there. In my mind, I'd ruined all my hard work and kept making stupid decisions thereafter. I'm about to get a great workout in and go to bed early. Again, thanks!