November challenge !!!!!!



  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I know I'm late, but it looks like you have 14 and can take 15. If so, I'd love to join you.

    Name: Laurie
    Start weight: 190.0
    Aim for November: 184.0
    What you are going to do to get there: Walk 45 minutes during lunch at work. Lift weights 30 minutes Mon, Wed, & Fri. Elliptical 30 minutes Mon - Fri.
    Your current motivation: I am going to be mother of the groom on Jan. 1, 2010. My oldest is getting married.

    My biggest problem, and why I need this group, is that I have no time. I work full-time and coach a swim team right after work. Then I have the wedding things to do. This past weekend we hosted a shower for my son and fiancee, which included not good food choices and alcohol.
  • erikaj819
    welcome laurie, we will weigh in again on tuesday.
  • erikaj819
    so how is everyone doing on this day light savings whole thing? cause my day just was crappy!!! lol. i literally had to guilt myself to workout i have been tired all day!!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt get enough "SNACKS" today either....................anyone got any suggestion?
  • AmandaR910
    so how is everyone doing on this day light savings whole thing? cause my day just was crappy!!! lol. i literally had to guilt myself to workout i have been tired all day!!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt get enough "SNACKS" today either....................anyone got any suggestion?

    I had a rough day as well. Not sure if it's the time change or what.

    I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day.
  • chelsytan
    gosh i feel so guilty. haven't went to the gym for a week cos of my mid terms, just controlled my calorie intake. weighed in just now at 121.9 lbs, so lost around 1.5lbs. just curious, does anyone other than me gain weight during their period? i often gain around 0.5-1 lb and lose them after my period.
  • AmandaR910
    gosh i feel so guilty. haven't went to the gym for a week cos of my mid terms, just controlled my calorie intake. weighed in just now at 121.9 lbs, so lost around 1.5lbs. just curious, does anyone other than me gain weight during their period? i often gain around 0.5-1 lb and lose them after my period.

    I always did.
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    Hey everyone. I been busy busy all weekend. MIL came into town to watch kids so hubby and I can go to wedding. I couldn't log calories because I didn't know what all the food entailed. I did well though. Had one glass of red wine, few sips of champagne (toasting) and one bite of my husbands cake and danced. I totally have "white girl" syndrome when it comes to dancing. I suck at it.

    I weighed last Friday and I weighed 185!!! 2 pounds gone.

    While my MIL was here we went to have Sushi. Of course they didn't have brown rice rolls. I was a little let down by that. Ate ok. i didn't overindulge and really enjoyed my seaweed salad. Trying to get back into routine with eating. It's hard when you are the only person watching food intake and trying to make better choices. Oh well. I did drag my MIL to Pilates with me and fitness yoga though.

    Daylight savings is sucky here in my household. My kids are just so tired by the time it's dark. Now that it gets dark earlier they think it's bed time. They are 2 and 1. So, unfortunately, keeping them up an extra hour is hectic and they still wake up at the crack of dawn. Yay for me. ::sarcasm:: I still get my rear to the gym though. I cherish my hour of "me" time.
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    Morning Girls. It's weigh in day. I really did not want to get on that scale because I didn't do too well this week. It's the end of the semester and I'm really stressed! Plus, I have IBS and it's in high gear :mad: so I'm pretty bloated.

    However, I did lose one pound! Yay. So I'm at 138 this week.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • chelsytan
    i weighed in at 121.9 lbs today, lost 1.5lbs. its actually around 12 hours later in singapore so its night time here. i feel really guilty because i haven't stepped into the gym for a week since i was preparing for my mid terms, only controlled my calorie intake. will strive to go to the gym tomorrow!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    I am down 2 pounds, 153 :)
  • AmandaR910
    Morning Girls. It's weigh in day. I really did not want to get on that scale because I didn't do too well this week. It's the end of the semester and I'm really stressed! Plus, I have IBS and it's in high gear :mad: so I'm pretty bloated.

    However, I did lose one pound! Yay. So I'm at 138 this week.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Weight is stable here (that's my goal, I'm pregnant) and I only have 5 weeks until I can start losing!
  • runner915
    Hey everyone!

    So I am at the same weight that I was last Tuesday :( Kind of a bummer, but I'm actually happy I didn't gain. I just started my internship last week and I am not used to working 50 hours a week plus commuting so I was tired and when I was home I didn't feel like making dinner so I ate a lot of junk last week, and I felt too tired to work out. Guess I really am lucky I didn't gain anything. But over the weekend I stocked up on a lot more fruits and veggies so that I can snack on those this week instead of all that junk food. Also I ran 7 miles last night without stopping so this week is off to a much better start :) Hopefully next week I will be down a few pounds! Thanksgiving and my Turkey Trot 5k are just a little over 2 weeks away so I need to get to work!

    Congrats to everyone that lost weight this week and keep it up!
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    So I went to the bathroom and re-weighed myself and it was 136.8 lol. I told you guys I was bloated!

    Runner915- what are you in school for? I have 3 semesters left for my dietetics degree, then I have to do an internship to become a registered dietitian.
  • erikaj819
    great job to everyone so far everyone has either maintained their weight or has "gone" weight.
    2 more are gone from me this week making it a total of 9 yeah! i get a little discouraged when i looked at the scale then i have to realize that it was only a week and that i did do a great job!

    tonight i will write everyones weights in to the chart
    again GREAT JOB!!!!!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm at 190.4 - up .4
    I'm actually happy with that after last weekend. I'm back on track though and worked out twice yesterday. Better food choices yesterday and I've packed lunch for today.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Name: Deb
    Start weight: 214.5
    Aim for November: 210
    What you are going to do to get there: make all trainer meetings + add 2-3 aerobic workouts/week
    Your current motivation: Kids want to come to the club with me & starting off the holidays right.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    no change here still 226... well i was 225 sat lol then carbo over loaded on sunday, and slacking on the water... so not bad over all. my personal weigh in is Friday so I have time to change that,

    worked out and walked the dog yesterday, no time to workout today (i work 2 jobs today) but am going to walk ze beasty, and under cals so far :)
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    I'm at 267. That's two pounds down. I could hardly believe my eyes! lol
  • erikaj819
    While my MIL was here we went to have Sushi. Of course they didn't have brown rice rolls. I was a little let down by that. Ate ok. i didn't overindulge and really enjoyed my seaweed salad. Trying to get back into routine with eating. It's hard when you are the only person watching food intake and trying to make better choices. Oh well. I did drag my MIL to Pilates with me and fitness yoga though.

    i totally understand where you are coming from! its hard when my husband is like 6foot and 150dripping wet so he is the complete opposite as me he needs all the food he can get. just not fair sometimes lol but we are doing an awesome job!!! :)
  • erikaj819
    this is what i have so far ladies! great job............sorry if i made any mistakes please let me know. everyone is doing awesome!!!!
