
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Plyo... oh how do I love thee....
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Plyo... oh how do I love thee....

    Plyo was a beast! Feeling good though. And hungry too...
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 17: Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X

    Hit a bit of a wall this morning. Had a hard time getting up when my alarm went off at 5am. I went to sleep last night at 8pm (was sooo tired), so got lots of rest. Managed to drag myself out of bed at 5:30am. Had a bigger calorie deficit yesterday than usual, not by design but by accident. That may have had something to do with it. Today I will make sure to eat all my cals, maybe a little extra too.

    Shoulders & Arms was great this morning, did the bonus 2 sets of 3 exercises at the end too. First time using real weights and it feels so much more satisfying than the bands. Have to skip Ab Ripper X this morning due to my late start, no time before I have to go to work. Will do the ARX when I get home after work, something to look forward to, lol.

    For the Shoulders & Arms workout:

    69 minutes at an average 137BPM
    Burned 600 cals
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Whoo hoo, P90X Classic Day 3 complete! I'm loving it!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    wow.....had myself a workout today...funny how a few hours can make such a difference. I was feeling pretty bad this morning with a headache and overall unmotivated self....got busy anyway.....and

    completed shoulders/arms/ab ripper plus a 5 mile speed walk with a friend...had lunch...showered and ready for the rest of the day!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Shoulders and arms done... I increased my weights on most of the exercises... Ab Ripper X is getting better and better but still not 100% on all the exercises... close but not there... as long as I consistently improve I guess I have nothing to complain about. I still have my cardio to do at lunch today... going to hit the Arc Trainer with intensity to see what kind of burn I can get since I am going to see the Reverand Horton Heat tonight. which will involve a beer or two but nothing crazy since I have to get up early for Yoga X.

    Taking my measurements today...hoping to see some more loss since the scale hasn't really budged ... but again, I am not going to allow myself to be concerned about that ... yet. :noway:
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Taking my measurements today...hoping to see some more loss since the scale hasn't really budged ... but again, I am not going to allow myself to be concerned about that ... yet. :noway:

    Ugh, it's been frustrating for me too. I haven't lost any lbs and so far my measurements are the same, although it's obvious from the progress in my workouts that I'm getting stronger. I was just trolling the beachbody site, and the consensus there seems to be that the noticeable physical results happen around phase 2. Which we are almost in!

    I have a question for the group: who is following the p90x nutrition guidelines vs who is just counting calories on mfp and adding in exercise cals? I've been doing the latter, but I'm wondering if I should switch... just wondering what ya'all are doing.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Taking my measurements today...hoping to see some more loss since the scale hasn't really budged ... but again, I am not going to allow myself to be concerned about that ... yet. :noway:

    Ugh, it's been frustrating for me too. I haven't lost any lbs and so far my measurements are the same, although it's obvious from the progress in my workouts that I'm getting stronger. I was just trolling the beachbody site, and the consensus there seems to be that the noticeable physical results happen around phase 2. Which we are almost in!

    I have a question for the group: who is following the p90x nutrition guidelines vs who is just counting calories on mfp and adding in exercise cals? I've been doing the latter, but I'm wondering if I should switch... just wondering what ya'all are doing.

    I am doing the P90X nutrition guidelines in addition to the workouts. However, like today when I snuck off to Arby's for lunch, I have been known to do something that isn't within the diet plan. I don't know how it would go if I wasn't doing that and just generally watching what I eat, but it seems to be working pretty well. I lost an inch around my waist in the first couple of weeks.

    Has anyone else lost their starting place? What I mean is... this morning I think I accidently threw away the paper that I wrote all of my starting measurements on. I did it based on the measurements on Beachbody.com, but I think it didn't save there because it wanted my cholesterol numbers, and at the time I didn't have that information. It wouldn't save without all of the info. So now I think I am out of luck with starting measurements...
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    Plyo... oh how do I love thee....

    Me too. Especially now in week 3 and I don't hurt the next day....
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Taking my measurements today...hoping to see some more loss since the scale hasn't really budged ... but again, I am not going to allow myself to be concerned about that ... yet. :noway:

    Ugh, it's been frustrating for me too. I haven't lost any lbs and so far my measurements are the same, although it's obvious from the progress in my workouts that I'm getting stronger. I was just trolling the beachbody site, and the consensus there seems to be that the noticeable physical results happen around phase 2. Which we are almost in!

    I have a question for the group: who is following the p90x nutrition guidelines vs who is just counting calories on mfp and adding in exercise cals? I've been doing the latter, but I'm wondering if I should switch... just wondering what ya'all are doing.

    I am doing the P90X nutrition guidelines in addition to the workouts. However, like today when I snuck off to Arby's for lunch, I have been known to do something that isn't within the diet plan. I don't know how it would go if I wasn't doing that and just generally watching what I eat, but it seems to be working pretty well. I lost an inch around my waist in the first couple of weeks.

    Has anyone else lost their starting place? What I mean is... this morning I think I accidently threw away the paper that I wrote all of my starting measurements on. I did it based on the measurements on Beachbody.com, but I think it didn't save there because it wanted my cholesterol numbers, and at the time I didn't have that information. It wouldn't save without all of the info. So now I think I am out of luck with starting measurements...

    First: I am just doing MFP stuff and eating well. I don't eat that horribly to begin with and frankly, I don't know how they are accounting for portions also makes me leary ... telling me that an apple is 50 calories (as a hypothetical example as I don't have the books in front of me) doesn't tell me what kind of apple, how big the apple is etc. Anyway, just doing what I am doing here for now and adding exercise calories

    As far as the other site goes: i didn't have any of that HDL or whatever info for cholesterol and it let me save.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    In other news; Can't wait to start WEEK 3 of this. As it's working out Week 4 is thanksgiving week and therefore a "rest" week :)
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Regarding the nutrition plan: I started out following it but the fat shredder option left me feeling like a crankmonster. I need the carbs since I do cardio or run 5 or 6 days a week in addition to the P90X. Like Karen, I don't eat that poorly and I think I am better off using MFP and making wise choices. I try to go with 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat. The other thing I don't like about their portion plan is that a carb is 200 calories but I make my turkey sandwich with the Arnold sandwich rounds which are only 100 calories. BB doesn't allow you to have a half portion. With that said, I think during rest week I am going to try to go with a 60% protein, 20% carb, and 20% fat to see if that gives me a little kick start. Thanksgiving day will be excluded from this master plan of mine... but on the bright side, I told my parents I would bring three sides and the pumpkin pie (the one I posted that only has 125 calories a slice... I will tell you IT ROCKS -- but in counts a slice as 1/12th of the pie... and I will realistically cut them into 1/8 slices).

    Did the ARC... I really wanted to hit 800 calories in the 55 minutes but only hit 675-- so better luck next time.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I did it based on the measurements on Beachbody.com, but I think it didn't save there because it wanted my cholesterol numbers, and at the time I didn't have that information. It wouldn't save without all of the info. So now I think I am out of luck with starting measurements...

    Mine saved on that site with no cholesterol or blood pressure info.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I have posted this on my main page but; I am thinking of upping my calories a tad bit. I want to try to get more fruits and veggies in but feel restricted with the 1200 calories / day plus variable exercise calories. I may try that starting tomorrow and see how that works. I think yesterday and today were the first times I was REALLY HUNGRY but that could be that yesterday was my "day off" and I didn't really eat a lot and I am sure that carried over thru today. Maybe I should only up my calories on my "rest" days since my metabolism is obviously running higher.

    Tonight I start Week 3 Day 1 (overall day 15) and ARX and Chest/Back. I have worked out making my shake FIRST then starting ARX between that and C/B I drink some of the shake. During water breaks I sip off the shake in addition to getting water. I am going to shoot for 1 pull up of each type today unassisted but not push myself. Breast Implants make this upper body work a tad tricky. I am also going to not use my push up stands tonight as I felt more range of motion with out them. I will reserve them for when I get stronger and can go lower. As always 1 more then last week!

    As for ARX ... I am going to try to do the first 10 mason twists with both legs up and the Last 10 (bonus) the other 30 I will alternate left leg up and right leg up ... this will at least give me 10 more with both up ... and the V oblique thingy, going for 13 each side today (which is one more then last time).

    Between the gym though and home to press play I have to stop at Trader Joes and maybe ralphs, they have lobster tails on sale and I think I want to make a lobster tail with Orozo scented with vanilla (recreating a dish I had in Greece). Like 300 or so calories ... maybe 375 :) Friday night treat IMO.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I've been doing 55% carb, 25% protein, 20% fat. With a net calorie goal (after exercise being deducted) of 1800 calories. MFP says my maintenance calories are 2500, so that's a deficit of 700 calories. I eat back all my exercise calories, so some days I am eating a total calorie count of close to 2800 and other days closer to 2000, depending on the workouts that day.

    I lost 1.5 lbs the second week and 1 lb the first week of P90X. That's right about where I want to be, 1 to 2 lbs per week.
  • I did not like the P90x Nutrition guide. I just felt like I was eating entirely too much!!
    I chose to go with a 40% Protein, 40% carb and 20% fat ratio. I count calories on MFP and total at 1350. I have been eating my exercise calories as well. Also, I DO NOT use any salt!!!!!! I switched to Splenda and I avoid white breads.
    One thing I try to do is eat all of my carbs before I workout. That way I am burning them off in my workout and they are not turning to sugar overnight. I love an egg white veggie omelet for dinner!!! And don't eat 3 hours prior to bedtime. DRINK YOUR WATER!
    I noticed I have slept alot better since I switched my carb intake to earlier in the day.

    I have averaged out to almost 2 lbs lost per week. This works for me but everyone has to find there right fit....
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Thanks for all of the input on how you guys eat. I eat fairly responsibly, and I have not been following the p90x plan, but counting calories with mfp. I've been doing 1200 plus exercise calories, although to be honest a lot of times I haven't eaten all of them, especially since I seem to be doing a lot of extra cardio (not really on purpose, some friends think I'm a good workout buddy so I keep going on hikes and runs with people--not that I'm complaining!). I think I should probably up my calories because I've been feeling a little sluggish, but I simply haven't been hungry enough to eat much more. Maybe I'll throw in some avocados or olive oil or something, some calorie dense but still nutritious stuff, so I don't feel like I'm overeating but I'm still upping my intake. I also probably don't eat enough carbs--wheat gives me an awful tummy ache, and all of the easiest carbs are usually wheat-y. Maybe I'll work on getting more brown rice and quinoa and stuff.

    I just discovered a recovery drink solution that I'm really digging, by the way, if anyone's interested: I got the Whole Foods brand (365) vanilla whey protein powder, and I've just been mixing a scoop with 8 oz of skim milk. It ends up tasting (to me) like white chocolate, which I don't normally like but it's really hitting the spot after the workout! The 365 brand was the cheapest on the whole foods shelf, although I'm sure there are cheaper ones at regular stores. I should give you the disclaimer, though, that after training for marathons and ingesting all of those horrid gu's and gels and stuff that endurance runners eat, my taste buds are probably pretty forgiving!

    Just finished shoulders/arms and arx (along with an accidental 90 min hike earlier--wasn't supposed to last that long but we took a little bit of a wrong detour and then encountered a rattlesnake and had to retrace!). I'm proud to say I improved on either weight or reps on every single move! Yay! And did 100% of ARX again!

    So excited that tomorrow is yoga day! Happy day 17, everyone! :bigsmile:
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Definitely felt stronger today. Time to invest in heavier weights. I rocked ARX! Did most of the reps and felt good. Did 20 min of Insanity afterwards. Good burn today!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 15 in the books ! I did more of the mason twists with my feet up then I planned but I tanked on the Oblique V Ups and did the plank raises.

    I did up weights on most of the weighted exercises in chest and back and I am doing less chair cheating so I ended up doing less reps then weeks 1 and 2 of the program. I only did girly push ups on the 2nd set of military press but the rest were on my toes :) I am increasing reps there as well. All in all I am feeling stronger. Plyo tomorrow and ... are you sitting down? I am looking forward to it!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 18: Yoga X

    I'm trying to stay positive about ALL the workouts. For most of them it's pretty easy. When I get done, I feel like I accomplished something. I can see how I did better than last time with more reps and/or heavier weights, higher avg BPM, etc. Except for Yoga X :(

    I endure Yoga X, not enjoy. I feel relieved it's over and done with instead of satisfied that I completed it. I feel frustrated through most of the 90 minutes.

    About all I can say about today's workout is that I plugged away at it the whole 90 minutes and did my best.
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