

  • bmhatcher
    Gidget--awesome results!! Did you post any before/after pics?

    Thanks! I have before pics, but not after yet. I will try and do some this week.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Howdy all, I just started P90X this morning. This is my first time doing it. I was a little scared I wasn't going to be able to hang this morning, but I did better than I thought I would.

    Yeah they scare you into thinking it's EXTREME! It is extreme but it's doable if you are motivated! Welcome to the fray!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Howdy all, I just started P90X this morning. This is my first time doing it. I was a little scared I wasn't going to be able to hang this morning, but I did better than I thought I would.

    Yeah they scare you into thinking it's EXTREME! It is extreme but it's doable if you are motivated! Welcome to the fray!

    Thanks :) I had done 30 DS 2 weeks before starting P90X and I am glad I did...kinda prepared me a little for this. I wish I had gotten the DVDs at the beginning of the month to start, but I only got them last week.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yeah, I found the 30DS is a great precursor to P90X. All those planks!!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Yeah, I found the 30DS is a great precursor to P90X. All those planks!!!

    Oh ick yes, those horrid planks! :) I couldn't do a decent push up until after I completed the 30DS...now I can do real ones! Not the girly kind...and not that there's anything wrong with the girly kind...I had to start the 30DS doing the girly kind.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Howdy all, I just started P90X this morning. This is my first time doing it. I was a little scared I wasn't going to be able to hang this morning, but I did better than I thought I would.

    Yeah they scare you into thinking it's EXTREME! It is extreme but it's doable if you are motivated! Welcome to the fray!

    Thanks :) I had done 30 DS 2 weeks before starting P90X and I am glad I did...kinda prepared me a little for this. I wish I had gotten the DVDs at the beginning of the month to start, but I only got them last week.

    Extreme but doable. I love that! I also did 30DS right before I started, and I thought it prepared me so well! P90X seemed like a perfect amp up. Welcome! Bring it!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I did the 30DS too ... all 30 days, 10 days per level. It was a great precursor but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the P90X program. I can't wait for "rest" week.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Has anyone added cardio to their P90X routine? I feel like I'm craving cardio at this point.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Has anyone added cardio to their P90X routine? I feel like I'm craving cardio at this point.

    I add in extra cardio with P90X. In my first round of the X I lost 24 lbs. I was doing some double workouts. So, I did P90X in the morning and would hit the treadmill at lunch or after work. The manual also recommends an extra session of Cardio X if you want to do doubles at home.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yesterday, I managed a 3 mile run at 13:40 pace and 3 mile walk. Today walked 3 miles and did day 15 of Lean - core synergistics.

    Welcome to the new faces!!! Great results Gidget!!! I'd love to see some pictures.

    @ missmaya - I too am missing cardio (esp running) but between work and the time P90X takes, I haven't been able to fit more in.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes and for the encouragement :) I love this place!
  • bmhatcher
    Has anyone added cardio to their P90X routine? I feel like I'm craving cardio at this point.

    I also feel the need for more cardio. I try to do my strength training in the morning and add some cardio in the evenings. I just started back to running as well. I use the NikePlus app on my phone and keeps track of pace, distance and calories burned.
    Just don't overdo the cardio to the point that you are to tired to do the strength training....
  • bmhatcher
    P90X Round 2 Day 1 Chest and Back and ARX!!! I love this program!!
    So I went back and compared my Day 1 with today and was amazed at the difference!!! First round almost all of my pushups were on my knees and I only managed 6-8 reps. Today I did all reps off my knees and doubled almost all the reps!!!

    PS - I still don't like dive bombers!!!! Ouch!! :wink:
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Just finished chest/back and ARX and GUESS WHAT!!! I did ALL of ARX! 100%!!! I'm SOOOOO proud of myself! This is a first, if that wasn't obvious. It makes up for the fact that chest/back was a little less than stellar... I think it's because I did legs/back on Saturday instead of Friday, so my pull up muscles only had a 2 day break instead of 3. And by less than stellar I just mean that I did the same as last week, no improvement. But that's ok. Because I did ALL OF ARX!!! WAHOO!! :bigsmile:

    I've been doing extra cardio, but fairly moderate stuff. Like, today I did a couple mile brisk walk with a girlfriend, some days I'll do a 45 minute jog (although never again on legs day!) or an hour hike or something. Nothing as intense as, say, plyo. The level I've been doing feels pretty good, especially considering that before this program I did almost entirely cardio with very little strength training (aside from the few weeks of 30DS, which is circuit stuff).

    Happy day 15! Keep up the good work!
  • bmhatcher
    Just finished chest/back and ARX and GUESS WHAT!!! I did ALL of ARX! 100%!!! I'm SOOOOO proud of myself!

    Good job!!! It's an awesome feeling when the Mason Twists are finally over!!!
  • bmhatcher
    Okay, just updated all of my measurements, and I was off on my previous report....
    In my 90 days I lost 3" from my waist, 3" from my hips, 1" from each thigh and .5" from each arm for a total of 9" lost!!!!!!

    I LOVE P90X!!!!!!!!
  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    Make sure to STICK TO THE DIET. You can "bring it" all you want but the reason a lot of people won't get the results they want is because of the diet. I would say 80% of any program is how you eat. And don't look to get through these next 4 months dreading not being able to eat your favorite foods, because if you want to get ripped and stay ripped, you have to adjust for the rest of your life.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Has anyone added cardio to their P90X routine? I feel like I'm craving cardio at this point.

    I added a little work on the elliptical. Nothing extreme. Just a mile or so.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Just found Tony's fan site on facebook. You bet I clicked like! I think I have a little crush...:wink:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 13 in the books ... Kenpo X IS my friend LOL. I got the moves better this time but lesson learned. I have to "re goo" before doing the workout as my HRM 00'd out so likely I burned MORE calories then I thought