

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 11 in the books. Pulled a double to make up for Plyo thursday. Did that this morning and ROCKED IT. I think the difference was I ate breakfast and waited 2 hours rather then last time doing it after work and having a protein bar right before. I didn't have to stop and only did a couple modified moves.

    Just got done with Yoga and I didn't sweat as much this time and I wonder if that's because I waited for about 4 hours between ... Last week I did a hike then came home and did yoga within the hour of coming home. I guess we will see next week!

    I can't wait for tomorrow!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 14: X Stretch rest day

    Today is a scheduled rest day. Will just be doing the 60 minute X Stretch DVD. And once again, I really need it, lol. Sore all over, but especially the glutes.

    Lost 1.5lbs since last week, also lost 1/2" around the belly button waist since last week.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I really wasn't feeling it yesterday. I skipped Kenpo X and took the day off. I really love the Kenpo workout, but I just knew I wasn't in the mood. This morning, I woke up early, so I started the day off right, and I went to the gym. I did a short workout, and I might do Kenpo later today too.

    I also had a small smile today. I tried on a skirt that I have had in my closet for awhile. It's a size 6 petite (I'm short....what can I say?) and it fit perfectly. :-)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I really wasn't feeling it yesterday. I skipped Kenpo X and took the day off. I really love the Kenpo workout, but I just knew I wasn't in the mood. This morning, I woke up early, so I started the day off right, and I went to the gym. I did a short workout, and I might do Kenpo later today too.

    I also had a small smile today. I tried on a skirt that I have had in my closet for awhile. It's a size 6 petite (I'm short....what can I say?) and it fit perfectly. :-)

    Isn't closet shopping the BEST?! Also it gives you motivation to keep pressing play!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    P90X Lean Day 14: X Stretch rest day

    Today is a scheduled rest day. Will just be doing the 60 minute X Stretch DVD. And once again, I really need it, lol. Sore all over, but especially the glutes.

    Lost 1.5lbs since last week, also lost 1/2" around the belly button waist since last week.

    I am not going to measure again until day 30 but I did measure after my first complete week and I had taken a 1/2 inch off of some areas in just one week. I love this program!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I really wasn't feeling it yesterday. I skipped Kenpo X and took the day off. I really love the Kenpo workout, but I just knew I wasn't in the mood. This morning, I woke up early, so I started the day off right, and I went to the gym. I did a short workout, and I might do Kenpo later today too.

    I also had a small smile today. I tried on a skirt that I have had in my closet for awhile. It's a size 6 petite (I'm short....what can I say?) and it fit perfectly. :-)

    Isn't closet shopping the BEST?! Also it gives you motivation to keep pressing play!

    I have a pile of pants (jeans and dressier pants) as my Motivational Pile. On the top of the pile are a pair of pants that I can fit into but are too tight to wear comfortably, then under that a pair I can just barely fit into and is way too tight to wear, and on the bottom of the pile a pair that I can't button at all (yet).

    Since I started watching what I eat and exercising back on Sept. 4th, that pile has gotten smaller and smaller, and the pile I can wear comfortably has gotten bigger :D
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member

    I have a pile of pants (jeans and dressier pants) as my Motivational Pile. On the top of the pile are a pair of pants that I can fit into but are too tight to wear comfortably, then under that a pair I can just barely fit into and is way too tight to wear, and on the bottom of the pile a pair that I can't button at all (yet).

    Since I started watching what I eat and exercising back on Sept. 4th, that pile has gotten smaller and smaller, and the pile I can wear comfortably has gotten bigger :D

    That's awesome! I WISH I hadn't gotten rid of my too small jeans. I found the donation slip today and I had gotten rid of everything in July ... big mistake but then again at that time I didn't know I COULD lose the weight so I had sorta given up. Now with MFP and P90X I would have had to donate those clothes anyway LOL. I counted my pairs of Jeans in Size 12 ... 15 pairs ... yikes. Thankfully many of them I got on sale at Old Navy so I won't be so sad to get rid of them when the time comes. I swear I am NEVER going to be that size again ever.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I don't think I have ever owned 15 pairs of jeans at one time before, lol.

    The pair on the bottom of the pile is a pair of Bugle Boy jeans, waist 32", that I haven't been able to wear for many many years. I was finally able to button up a pair of waist 33" jeans this morning, and that felt great. Ways to go yet before I can wear them for longer than a couple minutes though :D Felt good to be able to put on (however briefly) a waist size smaller than my 34" inseam again.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I don't think I have ever owned 15 pairs of jeans at one time before, lol.

    The pair on the bottom of the pile is a pair of Bugle Boy jeans, waist 32", that I haven't been able to wear for many many years. I was finally able to button up a pair of waist 33" jeans this morning, and that felt great. Ways to go yet before I can wear them for longer than a couple minutes though :D Felt good to be able to put on (however briefly) a waist size smaller than my 34" inseam again.

    I remember Bugle Boy jeans! Excuse me, are those Bugle Boy jeans you're wearing?
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I don't think I have ever owned 15 pairs of jeans at one time before, lol.

    The pair on the bottom of the pile is a pair of Bugle Boy jeans, waist 32", that I haven't been able to wear for many many years. I was finally able to button up a pair of waist 33" jeans this morning, and that felt great. Ways to go yet before I can wear them for longer than a couple minutes though :D Felt good to be able to put on (however briefly) a waist size smaller than my 34" inseam again.

    I remember Bugle Boy jeans! Excuse me, are those Bugle Boy jeans you're wearing?

    hahaha, ya, flash from the past :D Late 80's. I liked those jeans, fit great...back then :D
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I am just soooo happy that we all remember the 80s... I remember when the 60s made a comeback and my Mom was thrilled to "help" me be authentic.... and now... our hayday is nostalgia...at least we are in this together...
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    12 down ... I did ARX first and I think I am going to keep doing that. The V's at the end I did 12 this time and the balance was side plank obliques, getting there! Still not doing the jumpy bit during the last lunge thingies but I am doing all of them. I got thru the groucho's this time ... all in all LEGS/BACK DONE ... bring on Kenpo X and hopefully my "white girl lack of coordination" isn't as bad as it was last week!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Karincakes--I am feeling better and my show was awesome, thanks! Where are you going on vacation?

    Just finished Kenpo, and it is way fun. I should be back on track for next week now that the sickies are 95% out of me!

    My legs are furious with me, though. As it turns out, I probably shouldn't go for a 50 minute run on the same day as legs/back. This is a new kind of torture!

    On the bright side, the weight gain I was whining about last week seems to have evened out. So that's good!

    Happy day 14, and here's lookin' forward to week 3! Bring it!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 15 Core Synergistics:

    Once again, Bow to Boat and Superman to Banana are still hard for me, but once again did better than last week. I added more reps and more weight to most of the exercises and ended up with a lower avg BPM than last weeks 154 BPM with a 140 BPM AVG today.

    I'm glad I'm writing down my reps and weights used and keeping track of my heart rates, 'cause it didn't feel like I was doing any better this week. But the numbers show otherwise :)

    Burned ~550 cals over 65 minutes

    Some Stats:

    140 BPM AVG
    182 BPM MAX
    16% of the time spent between 162-180 BPM
    33% 144-161
    24% 126-143
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Holy snow Batman! It's really coming down out there today.... at least where I am at. This makes me so glad P90X is something I do indoors! :-)
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yesterday a relaxing StretchX, I needed it and I love that dvd

    Today, Core synergistics....also would like to try some extra cardio...but I have house cleaning first!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Chest/Back and ARX is complete and guess what... I actually LIKED it... yes, I said that... I LIKED it... (not loved... but maybe one day I will learn to!) :bigsmile: In week three I have almost tripled my performance. I am really, really happy about that... I can actually do a few dive bombers... this coming from the girl who had little to no upper body strength.
  • bmhatcher
    Hey everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing great! I start P90X Day 1 today (secound round of 90 days). Looking forward to see how much improvement I can make over the 90 days.
    Overall results from first round were 25 lbs lost, 2.5 inches off of my waist! Went clothes shopping and dropped from a size 14 to a size 10 (with a little wiggle room!!) That was very nice!!!
    Hoping to lose my next 25 lbs over the next 90 days and get down to a size ???
    1350 calorie intake is working very well for me!
    Good luck everyone!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Gidget--awesome results!! Did you post any before/after pics?
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Howdy all, I just started P90X this morning. This is my first time doing it. I was a little scared I wasn't going to be able to hang this morning, but I did better than I thought I would.