

  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 11 Yoga X:
    Felt better than last weeks Yoga X. Still had to modify poses, but I got further into the 90 minutes before I started getting really tired. Made it all the way through though :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Day 11 done!!! It was much easier to do the Yoga this time. I think the Yoga blocks really helped. I could feel the muscle burn more and didn't fall over as often.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Arms and Shoulders + Ab Ripper X yesterday = amazing. I really felt the burn in my arms and my lower abs yesterday. It feels really good. I had my heart rate monitor on and I saw a pretty good calorie burn between the two programs. I'm a little sore today, but nothing like week 1. I can see progress! I love it!

    In response to those that looked at measurements this week, I saw a drop in measurements pretty quickly. I'm not really trying to lose weight so much as I am trying to change body composition. My doctor even told me to expect to gain some weight. So I am more focused on inches rather than pounds. I saw a pretty drastic change of an inch being lost around my waist. I don't know if I was just retaining a lot of water or what, but it's gone, and my pants already fit better.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yoga done and also 60 minutes on the elliptical...running a little behind the schedule I set for myself. This workout is so dang long...but man I love the calm when I'm finished...I always feel very centered...
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Yoga done and also 60 minutes on the elliptical...running a little behind the schedule I set for myself. This workout is so dang long...but man I love the calm when I'm finished...I always feel very centered...

    So far I just feel relieved when Yoga is done, lol I'm sure the centered feeling will come eventually though.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I did 25 bicycles last night! So proud of me!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I did 25 bicycles last night! So proud of me!

    Wo0t! Nice Maya! I get so mixed up doing the backward bicycles LOL I am sure I represent a comedy of errors when I am doing that particular exercise haha
  • ermommy08
    I have a quick questions does p90x legs and back count as general circuit training?
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    I have been hearing about this program. I just saw the infomercial last night. I am really considering purchasing it. I usually workout four days a week because I work 10 hr days on the weekends. What accessories do I need (besides the P90X dvds lol )? How do I log in the workout? Thanks!
  • ermommy08
    Does anyone know where I can find the calendar for P90x and Insanity hybrid workouts, I want one with more cardio than strength training, thanks...
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    gatedialer--Aside from the dvds, you'll need some weights (or handled resistance bands) and a pull up bar (they demonstrate using bands instead of a pull up bar, but I tried that and found it WAY less effective). And you'll definitely want a yoga mat, especially if you're on a hard surface. I think you can probably get by with just those things.

    ermommy--If you sign up at the beachbody.com website, click on the WOWY supergym and then the auto schedule tab, and it'll show you the different programs. p90x Lean has more cardio, I think. It might be easier to just google it, though, I'm sure many people have posted the schedules on various blogs and things.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I have been hearing about this program. I just saw the infomercial last night. I am really considering purchasing it. I usually workout four days a week because I work 10 hr days on the weekends. What accessories do I need (besides the P90X dvds lol )? How do I log in the workout? Thanks!

    As mcjabber said, some weights or bands are essential. The pull up bar would be helpful but there are a lot of people, myself included that don't have much of a good place to use it without feeling like we would be pulling the house down on top of us so they have a different way to work out with the bands on those exercises. And a yoga mat is really, really nice since there is a nice yoga workout in the program. Also, a water bottle you like. I personally like the one that you can just squeeze during the workouts because it doesn't take as much time as it does to open a different bottle.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I have a quick questions does p90x legs and back count as general circuit training?

    It could. If you have an HRM and an estimate your calories burned from that you can create an exercise by typing in P90X Legs and Back, nothing will come up, scroll down and add the exercise. It will then be in your personal database to use throughout the program... and of course, the same for the other work-outs as well.

    You should be able to find the Insanity P90X hybrids on the Beachbody website. If not go to the message boards, I am on the one with Lou360 that started p90x on Nov. 1, there are several people there doing the Insanity P90X hybrid, I am sure they will point you in the right direction.

    Karen: glad to know I am not the only one that gets "confused" on the bicycles in reverse! Kinda like a pat your head and rub your tummy exercise for me... oh well.... my legs are moving and my abs are working which is the bottom line...
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I have been hearing about this program. I just saw the infomercial last night. I am really considering purchasing it. I usually workout four days a week because I work 10 hr days on the weekends. What accessories do I need (besides the P90X dvds lol )? How do I log in the workout? Thanks!

    In addition to what everyone else said, I recommend a yoga block. I prefer free weights to the bands but tht is just my personal preference. Depending on what your goal is for muscle development , I would say you need a set of 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and maybe 20 (higher weights if you are male) for toning/lean muscle. If you want some bulk you may want to add a 25 to that.

    The nice thing about the bands is they travel well, you can store them under your couch, and by adjusting the length in the exercises to create more tension (demonstrated on the videos) eliminating the need for multiple weights.

    The dvds last between 60-90 minutes. On the days you are working specific muscle groups you also do Abs so those are approximately 75 minutes total. Yoga is 90. Stretching, Kenpo, and my personal favorite Plyometrics are all an hour.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Was it someone in this thread who recommended using a weight as a stand-in for a yoga block? I did that today and it worked really well (I would need the block for added flexibility, not help with balance--I just put a weight at the edge of my foot and magically had many more inches to stretch :happy: ).

    Just finished Yoga X--Huzzah! It was AMAZING. And not to be selfish, but it was WAY better doing it by myself instead of with my boyfriend, like I did last week. Last week I was trying to help him and root for him the whole time (since I'm the more experienced yogi between the two of us), and I wasn't focusing on myself at all. Today it was just me and my mat, and it was glorious. It's funny, because part of what I love about yoga classes is the communal experience with the other people in the class, but I guess in that case there's a teacher walking around babysitting, so I don't have to think about other people during class either.

    Today my balance was KILLER! And I know a lot of it is due to how much stronger I've gotten just since the last Yoga X. I'm so psyched! I have a kind of gnarly cold today, too, and I told myself I'd give it a try and didn't expect much, but I think the routine actually helped decongest me a little bit!

    Happy Day 11, everyone! :love:
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Round 2 Day 4 done!! Yeah baby! Bring It!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yoga done and also 60 minutes on the elliptical...running a little behind the schedule I set for myself. This workout is so dang long...but man I love the calm when I'm finished...I always feel very centered...

    So far I just feel relieved when Yoga is done, lol I'm sure the centered feeling will come eventually though.

    :laugh: :laugh: , I hear ya Chris....I feel that way all the way until around 43:00 on the count down timer....the first part for me is the hardest..then I feel I can relax a little for the last portion...the balance is easier for me and I can see an end coming!:wink:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 12 Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X:

    Whew......that was a major work out for me. Think I pushed myself the farthest so far on this one. Was actually nauseous a couple times. More resistance, more reps, just bringing it harder all around. Took longer breaks between exercises to get BPM back down again. Those pull ups are killer.

    Same with the Ab Ripper X, was able to do more reps with fewer breaks. Very encouraging to see the numbers go up each time :)

    Burned 938 cals on the Legs & Back workout, 152 BPM average over 86 minutes. Also, 100 cals on the Ab Ripper X. Total of 1038 cals this morning.

    Forcing myself to eat a big breakfast, although I'm not feeling hungry atm, lol.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    20 min elliptical, ab ripper and legs and back. I DID NOT eat enough before working out...I was lightheaded a lot through out the whole workout. I am using a stool for assisted push/pull ups and I am barely able to complete 10 each time...the last ones my reps went down to 6-8......really enjoyed my protein shake when all was said and done.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I opted out of X Stretch last night and will be making up Plyo tomorrow so tonight is my "regualar" Shoulders and Arms and ARX. I am going to go to the gym to do Cardio before hand for 40 minutes though. I have salmon for dinner tonight and am looking forward to that. My strat with my calories is I put all the stuff in my diary, I see what I am over and try to do that at the gym on the elliptical. The calories I burn doing P90X is for residual stuff ;) ...

    I AM SO READY TO BRING IT TONIGHT! I missed the X last night :(