

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    so here I am again. p90x is the only diet/exercise program I ever saw such amazing results from, and I actually like it! I have pretty bad arthritis in both of my knees (my Dr said it'll get better when I lose weight, but mostly it's bad genetics...thank you mom) so I have to ice and stretch and use ibuprofen regularly, but I know I can do it. I probably won't post too much but I do enjoy reading. I really enjoyed reading stories of people who are on round 2 and 3 of p90x.
    Tomorrow, Plyo. I will bring it! and then I will bring on the ice pack (for my knees) :-) It's either move or get bigger, and getting bigger is not an option.
    Have a great night everyone!

    It seems to get better and to make your knees strong. All of the support muscle surrounding that area gets stronger. I became good friends with Aleve Gel Caps to get me through the first few weeks. Good luck with everything.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 6 DONE! What a week wow! I LOVE this program. Honestly I think I am going to get out of these 90 days more then I ever got out of YEARS of personal training (much to the chagrin of my personal trainer). There will be a blog incoming on my impression of this first week, my strengths, my weaknesses (we all KNOW I can't do a pull up to save my life but I will write about that as well!). If you are doing this program and decided to stop after just 1 or 2 days STICK WITH IT you will get stronger YOU WILL. For Kenpo next week though I am going to wear my knee brace for sure.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 9 Cardio X:

    My Biceps were very sore this morning when I got up, they were sore all day yesterday and the day before too. They are definitely getting worked hard, lol.

    The Cardio X seemed easier today than last week. Was able to do all the reps (or full time) for every exercise. My AVG BPM this week is lower than last week, 148 verse 155, even though I feel like I did a better job on the exercises this week. I guess that is a good thing :D

    Next week, I'll have to try and bring it even harder.

    Burned ~500 cals over 49 minutes

    Some stats:

    148 BPM AVG
    183 BPM MAX
    34% of the time spent between 162 - 180 BPM
    29% between 144 - 161
    19% between 126 - 143
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Day 9 Lean program - Cardio X done!!! I seem to be moving more and trying some of the "extras" this week. I felt like I was keeping up better. My pull up bar arrived yesterday - I can't wait to try it out Friday!!!
  • bmhatcher
    Good Morning Everyone! DId Yoga X (Week 13) last night and I absolutely love it!!! I rembered back to Week 1 and I only lasted 20 minutes!! Now I am doing the entire 90 minutes and including pushups before every "downward dog"!!! What a change! I still refuse to do crane, but everything else has improved so much! For those of you who are just starting and find the moves difficult, you WILL get better!!
    I had rotator cuff surgery a few years ago and I thought that this might aggrivate my shoulder, but it's just the opposite. After week 6 or so my shoulder has stopped hurting! I am still sore after all my workout but it's the good burn feeling!!!!

    Core Synergistics tonight!!
  • TheSuperSaiyan
    Day 9: P90x Plyometrics, and gotta make up for the last 30min of chest and back, going to do my usual qigong and some wingchun tonight.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    rest day for me today on the Classic program but I am SORE. I could hardly move out of bed this morning so I may do the stretch tonight to help. I don't think I am going to see any weight loss this week as my body is getting used to this new program.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Ok, figured I'd jump in here.

    Yesterday was my first C25k work out 5 mins walking, 2 mins jogging, 5 mins walking. Didn't see like much of a work out, so I followed it up with doing the Insanity Fit Test. Wow is that a crazy work out, lol! Today I will be doing Chest & Back w/ Ab Ripper X or another Ab Program (I haven't decided yet). Best of luck to everyone.....

  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    So happy to see everyone is still sticking with it and for the most part... enjoying it... even after week 1 (or wherever you are in the program).

    Karen: I agree, I am getting more out of this than any other program I have done in the past. I LOVE it.

    For accountability purposes, I had unexpected guests come over yesterday right before I was to do my work-out -- so I have to add that to today or add it to my Kenpo day. I was really trying not to be annoyed with my guests that just dropped in the late afternoon... this coupled with another friend who begged to me wait until the afternoon to do my workout because she really wanted to come over and do it with me and see what P90X is like outside of the infomercial... so I rearranged my schedule.. and guess what, SHE BAILED -- UGH. Mental note to self.. just do what you are going to do as planned when it comes to working out... let others rearrange their schedule to fit yours. Be selfish.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Be selfish, Sara, it's ok! :) I had to, it was too hard to coordinate with my boyfriend (his work schedule right now is super intense), so I cut him off. Ha, not really, we just agreed that I'd do it on my schedule and he'd join me when possible.

    Just finished Plyo, and I've gotta say this is by far my favorite of the routines. I thought it'd be yoga, since I'm totally a yogi at heart, but... I. Effing. Love. Plyometrics. I was able to do all of the hot feet jumping today, too, which is an improvement from last week! :bigsmile:

    On an icky note, I've gained a few pounds within the past few days, despite meticulous tracking of what I'm eating. And I really don't think it's from eating too little. It could be that elusive 'muscle is heavier than fat' thing... but I kind of doubt it. Could definitely be from not drinking enough water, so I'll work on that. Ah, the human body, the ever changing science experiment.

    Happy Day 9, for those of you on this track!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Cardio X today and a 2 mile elliptical warm up...also did my workout yesterday...Core synergistics...just been busy and forgot to post yesterday.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    On an icky note, I've gained a few pounds within the past few days, despite meticulous tracking of what I'm eating. And I really don't think it's from eating too little. It could be that elusive 'muscle is heavier than fat' thing... but I kind of doubt it. Could definitely be from not drinking enough water, so I'll work on that. Ah, the human body, the ever changing science experiment.

    Happy Day 9, for those of you on this track!

    Here's a link you might find interesting. It's about *temporarily* gaining weight after heavy exertion:

  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Thanks, Chris. That's along the lines of what rational me was thinking, I just have to get emotional me on board :) Strangely, though, I never noticed this when I was training for marathons, but it is totally possible that I am working out harder during p90x than I ever did on my long runs. Those runs took forever, but the idea there was that slow and steady will get you across the finish line, not all out exertion (which is what my friend Tony Horton is getting out of me).

    But it's always a comfort to read that this is a very common issue!
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Plyo today, definitely my favorite workout of the week! I am sore in my chest and back from yesterday, but that's to be expected.

    Random question, I added an exercise ticker to my sig. to show the days left for p90x, but it doesn't seem to be subtracting from how many days left. Does it not automatically do that, or did I do something wrong when I created it?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member

    Random question, I added an exercise ticker to my sig. to show the days left for p90x, but it doesn't seem to be subtracting from how many days left. Does it not automatically do that, or did I do something wrong when I created it?

    It says you have 82 days left.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Whew! I'm just here to agree with everybody else about how much I'm loving this program and Plyo! Today's workout went WAY better than last weeks because I waited 2 hours after I ate today to workout. No cramping, more calorie burn, more sweat!

    I also wanted to chime in on the weight gain or no weight loss thing. I didn't expect to see any loss last week because I never do when I switch routines, especially adding weight training. Most of last week I was up 2 pounds from my Monday weigh in. Sunday, I must have downed around 100oz of water, (most of it in the evening). I woke up twice in the night to pee. Anyway, I was down 2.2 by Monday morning! Giving me a .2 loss for the week. I know it's not much, but I know most of us will take what we can get. My point is this, water water water!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    P90X Lean Day 9 Cardio X:

    My Biceps were very sore this morning when I got up, they were sore all day yesterday and the day before too. They are definitely getting worked hard, lol.

    The Cardio X seemed easier today than last week. Was able to do all the reps (or full time) for every exercise. My AVG BPM this week is lower than last week, 148 verse 155, even though I feel like I did a better job on the exercises this week. I guess that is a good thing :D

    Next week, I'll have to try and bring it even harder.

    Burned ~500 cals over 49 minutes

    Some stats:

    148 BPM AVG
    183 BPM MAX
    34% of the time spent between 162 - 180 BPM
    29% between 144 - 161
    19% between 126 - 143

    I'm with you! I feel like this workout got so much easier this week.

    Yesterday, I had a rough workout day. I spent 12.5 hours at work, and when I got home, I was yawning. But I still wanted to try to do the Core Synergistics workout. It was a pretty lame attempt.

    Today, I had a ton more energy after a good night of sleep and plenty of food in my belly. Cardio felt great.

    Tomorrow, I have my appointment with my cardiologist. It shall be interesting! I've never had an ultrasound of anything! :-)
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Emmy--I think you have to go to the exercise ticker site and log each day, which is sort of annoying. That's what I did. It makes sense for people who have tickers for how many miles in a month or something, that they'd have to manually log it each time they make progress. Hope that helps!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Plyo done... and yes, it is still my favorite work-out! I waited until after work to do this (out of consideration for my downstairs neighbor) -- but I don't know if I will be as considerate next week. I need to ask him if he can hear me jumping around.. because I am pretty good at landing on my toes very cat like. Anyway, it is a little more difficult to do after working all day and doing cardio on my lunch hour....

    Looking forward to tomorrow.....
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I opted out of Stretch X tonight ... my mouth is so sore from a crown and a filling (next to each other) so I am going to rest so I can BRING IT for Day 1 Week 2 tomorrow Chest and Back! I can't wait ... As we all know I am going out on Thursday so Plyo is going to be done on Saturday morning and Saturday night I am going to do the Yoga!