

  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    So I decided to take yesterday off, had to listen to my body. Will make up yoga x on sunday. Honestly, I don't love yoga x but I will tell myself I do until it's actually true lol.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Oh Maya ... I LOVE Yoga X and I am so not flexible ... I am better at the strength moves and the ab moves KILL me at the end but I feel so ZEN after doing it. I think tomorrow I am going to wait till it get's dark, lower the lights, light candles and rock the incense and just create a full atmosphere so I can sweat my *kitten* off.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I did Legs and Back this morning along with ARX. I was a little lower in a couple of the lunge series than last week... but I also did better on others. I think it has more to do with me doing my beloved Arc Trainer with a 30 pound resistance for 45 minutes straight yesterday. Normally, I increase from 25lbs to 30 for the last 5 minutes - but my legs felt so strong and the 25 was too light... thanks to P90X.

    I am doing progressively better on the ARX. I have to admit when I read on the BB thread that people aren't finding it challenging and wanting to "up" it or find something more difficult -- I am like... you have got to be effing kidding me! But in all honesty, after seeing my progress in two weeks with it; I think I can see what they are saying. Oh fat please melt off my midsection so I can rock some beautiful abs like the chicks on the legs and back DVD. Of course everyone looks great but I was really noticing their abs today and the definition.

    I was going to do some intense cardio at lunch but instead I think I am just going to walk 5 miles .... and I may practice some more of the yoga tonight. The stretching and the balance part I am very comfortable with because Ive always been very flexible but some of the strength stuff kills me.

    Karen: I like your peaced out approach to doing the Yoga.. I may do the same... and I am thinking about turning up the heat to make it Bikram like....
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Sara ... that's a good idea and my wall heater is in the living room so I can probably do the same.

    I have to say that ARX you and I are probably going to be looking to challenge in the 3rd month. I have YET to do the V ups but I am going to try tonight. I think out of all the reps I am only missing MAYBE 10. That's a lot of Ab work.

    going to do ARX first again tonight though. After I come home from Cardio and make my recovery shake.

    I am sorta dreading Plyo tomorrow LOL
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey--anyone have any advice on being sick and still pushing play? Or not? I think I'm on day worst of my cold today. I did yoga yesterday and it made me feel better, but I am not getting those kind of vibes when I think about doing legs/back. I slept really poorly last night because of the congestion and stuff, so I'm extra wiped. And I've got a show tonight (acting in), so I don't know how much I want to exert myself if I'm gonna be even close to on my game for tonight... I was thinking I could do a rest day today and kenpo tomorrow and then just throw legs/back to Sunday? I guess I'll patrol the BB site and see if there's any good advice on there... Karen, I know you've swapped things around a bit, is that based on research or are you making it up as you go?

    Because I do NOT want to fall behind!

    Happy day 12, to everyone else!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    One thing I am curious about is what everyone is using as their recovery drink. I must admit I don't have one after every workout... I would say its about half and half. I am currently using Pure Protein mixed with milk and a banana or with lite yogurt. I could probably go with something a little lighter but generally speaking this serves as my breakfast too because I can't eat before a workout. If I feel tired I have a cup of iced coffee black and then half a banana or apple or a prework out drink - I use Nitro NCG.

    I am also curious to know how many of you are using Shakeology. I am considering it... but I have a hard time with the price... and I know what they say regarding it comes out to about $5 a serving and people drop that on coffee drinks etc. I guess I just want to know that its "worth" it -- when I buy something frivilous, if I love it great, if not, its not like I am out a month of frivality. I am sure I could return it... like all the other things I have never returned.... :blushing:

    Just curious to know your thoughts...
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    MC- If I were you I would just swap out the rest day for today and make Sunday your Leg/Back day especially since you have other activities going on that will be zapping your adreanaline etc. I have had to make a change here and there.. just because it is what it is... I know you are commited and not a slacker. Give your body the break to fight the virus. Load up on Vitamin C, Zinc and echanacia (sp) - (I prefer the liquid kind - it tastes NASTY but it is very potent.)

    .... and break a leg! :laugh:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    One thing I am curious about is what everyone is using as their recovery drink. I must admit I don't have one after every workout... I would say its about half and half. I am currently using Pure Protein mixed with milk and a banana or with lite yogurt. I could probably go with something a little lighter but generally speaking this serves as my breakfast too because I can't eat before a workout. If I feel tired I have a cup of iced coffee black and then half a banana or apple or a prework out drink - I use Nitro NCG

    Here's my morning routine:

    Wake up and get out of bed (always an important 1st step, lol)

    Immediately start munching on a Protein Bar (usually a Cliff's Peanut Butter Builder Bar) and sipping water.

    While munching on the bar (making sure to chew thoroughly and not eat too fast), I set up the workout area and DVDs, get my breakfast dishes and ingredients ready for after the workout, and I also check my Email and Forums. This gives me time to eat the bar and have it settled before I work out.

    If I know it's going to be an intense workout (like Legs/Back or Kenpo), then before I start the work out, I make an Instant Breakfast (chocolate) drink with skim milk. I stick a straw in it and take a *small* sip of it between each exercise. By the time the DVD is done, the Instant Breakfast drink is long gone. I also sip water during the work out, of course.

    After the work out, I immediately make a Protein Powder drink with Skim milk and drink it. I use Body Fortress - Super Advanced Whey Protein- Chocolate. Mostly 'cause it's fairly cheap, has decent user reviews, and appears to at least cover the basics of what I need. I'm sure it's not the "optimum" protein powder, but it's what I can do at the moment.

    Then I take a nice hot shower.

    After the shower I make myself some traditional oatmeal with honey and ground cinnamon in it. I also eat a banana.

    That's a grand total of 1110 calories. Yes, that's a lot! But my workout this morning was 1000+ cals. And I was super hungry again 2 hours later, lol. I had a banana as a snack then. My goal is to make breakfast my biggest meal of the day, followed by a smaller lunch, then dinner a very distant third place in the calorie standings. Some days I do better than others at it, but I try.

    Now, if I know the workout will burn closer to 400-600 than 1000, then I don't drink the breakfast drink during the work out, I wait till afterward, and drop the protein drink all together. That gives me about 800 calories. I may drop the cliff bar as well, depending on how I feel.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 10 DONE! Tonight I did the ENTIRE ARX including the bonus 10 at the end. I did modify the Mason Twists 1 leg up for each 10 to 40 (alternating legs) then the last 10 I did with both legs up. The V ups obliques I did 10 each side the proper way then finished out the last 15 in a plank raise. I am getting there. I think I have to up some of my weights for the Shoulders and Arms, it's kinda easy for me.

    I am NOT looking forward to Plyometrics tomorrow but I AM looking forward to Yoga. Doing Plyo about about noon thirty tomorrow then waiting till about 415 to do Yoga.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Sara, I am using Isopure Zero Carb in creamy vanilla. I googled recipes for Isopure and it gave me a page with about 6 or 7 really yummy recipes that I mix up when I get home from work before I press play so I have it handy to take sips off of while I am working out. It's not that expensive for a 3lb jar ... 2 scoops will do you. If I don't do a mixed shake I just use a shaker (that I got from my friend who sells the Isopure) and use 8oz of almond milk ... it's really good. The thing I love about the isopure is that a) it's zero carbs and b) it dissolves COMPLETELY so even if you wanted to dump some in your water while you are working out it doesn't leave a gritty consistency.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Well, I napped today instead of bringing it. I NEVER nap, so I must have really needed it. And my show went well. :)

    Tomorrow I'm training a bunch of people for a 5k, and I wanted to take them on a very cool 5.2 mile course, but that might be too much for me, since I'm still kinda goopy! We'll probably just run for time instead of distance and do about 40 min. It's kind of cool being the boss and making those decisions. :tongue: After the run I'll do Kenpo, I'm looking forward to it! If I feel like a superhero maybe I'll also do legs/back, but I'll probably wait for Sunday. Maybe ARX tomorrow, though, so my tummy gets a rest day before ARX again on Monday.

    Thanks for the advice, Sara :)
  • TheSuperSaiyan
    Ah sorry for not being here, had a family issue and twisted my ankle again when I fell off the bed (lame I know), but ah well... Been doing qigong, x stretch, ab ripper x, and yongchun training in replace of my workouts, hopefully by next week I'll be able to do 'week 3" and just make up for week 2 another time.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Everyone is doing a great job! It's nice having a group of people to share the experience with :)

    P90X Lean Day 13 Kenpo X:

    Glutes were very sore this morning from yesterday's leg workout. I imagine they will be even sorer tomorrow morning after today's Kenpo X workout, lol.

    Had a great Kenpo workout today. Took fewer breaks, was able to do the moves better this week too. Able to bring it harder all around than last week.

    Burned 711 calories over a 61 minute workout (including warm up & cool down)

    Some stats:

    60% of the time spent between 162-180 BPM
    16% 144-161 BPM
    8% 126-143 BPM

    168 avg BPM for the 45 min workout
    157 avg BPM including the 16 minute warmup/cooldown and workout combined
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Here are some recipes for the week... I haven't figured out the nutrition yet on the sandy pasta but its one of my favorites for the cooler weather... I tried to keep them budget friendly since the holidays are upon us -- the chicken dish is great for company, it has good flavor (sometimes I had a little red pepper to it for some kick... or you can get a spicy curry)

    Chipotle Bean Burritos

    1 tablespoon canola oil
    2 garlic clove, minced
    ½ teaspoon chile powder
    1 or 2 chipotle peppers with adobe sauce (found in the ethnic section of grocery store in a small can)
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/3 cup water
    1 (15-ounce) can organic black beans, drained
    1 (15-ounce) can organic kidney beans, drained
    3 tablespoons refrigerated fresh salsa
    6 (10-inch) reduced-fat flour tortillas (such as Mission)
    1 cup (4 ounces) pre-shredded reduced-fat 4-cheese Mexican blend cheese
    1 1/2 cups chopped plum tomato (about 3)
    1 1/2 cups shredded romaine lettuce
    6 tablespoons thinly sliced green onions
    6 tablespoons light sour cream or plain Greek yogurt

    1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add garlic to pan; cook 1 minute, stirring frequently. Stir in chile powder and salt; cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add chipotle peppers, stir in 1/3 cup water and beans; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in salsa. Partially mash bean mixture with a fork.

    2. Warm tortillas according to package directions. Spoon about 1/3 cup bean mixture into center of each tortilla. Top each serving with about 2 1/2 tablespoons cheese, 1/4 cup tomato, 1/4 cup lettuce, 1 tablespoon onions, and 1 tablespoon sour cream; roll up.

    Nutritional Information
    Fat:10.3g (sat 3.8g,mono 3.1g,poly 2g)

    Apricot Lemon Chicken

    1 teaspoon curry powder
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    4 (6-ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
    Cooking spray
    1/3 cup apricot spread (such as Polaner All Fruit)
    2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    2 tablespoons water
    2 teaspoons grated lemon rind

    1. Combine first 3 ingredients in a small bowl; rub mixture over chicken.
    2. Place a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Cook chicken 6 minutes on each side or until done. Remove chicken from pan, and keep warm.
    3. Add apricot spread, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons water to pan, stirring until smooth. Cook over medium heat 1 minute. Spoon sauce over chicken; sprinkle with lemon rind.

    Nutritional Information
    Calories:245 (8% from fat)
    Fat:2g (sat 0.6g,mono 0.5g,poly 0.5g)

    Sandy Pasta with smoked turkey sausage

    1 package of Jeanie-O lean smoked turkey sausage cut into 1 inch bites
    1 lb. spaghetti
    4 cloves of garlic, slivered
    2/3 cup olive oil (not virgin)
    1 cup coarse bread crumbs
    salt and pepper
    Fresh parsley, chopped

    1. Boil spaghetti according to package instructions.
    2. Preheat oven to broil. In a small skillet, sauté sausage and garlic in oil, 3 to 4 minutes, or until slightly brown. Remove garlic; discard. Place bread crumbs in a bowl and drizzle with 2 tbsp. of the garlic-infused oil. Toss.
    3. Spread crumbs onto a baking sheet; broil in oven to lightly toast, about 6 to 8 minutes.
    4. Drain pasta, then toss with remaining oil and toasted bread crumbs. Season liberally with salt and pepper. Garnish with parsley.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yesterday was day 12 and I did leg workout. DH came upstairs to check on me - I guess I was making noise as if in pain trying to the pull ups. I could only manage 8 even with 2 legs on the chair helping. Next week will be better!!! My glutes were super sore as well this morning.

    This morning I completed day 13 doing Kepno X and the make up Ab Ripper X from yesterday.

    I'm really looking forward to the break tomorrow. If it's nice out, maybe I'll run.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Great recipes..Thanks

    today I replaced Kenpo with an alternate kickboxing dvd. I like this one..it is a touch longer than Kenpo and works my inner thighs a touch longer and a little more plyo with the kicks, it's called strikezone...wow, 2 weeks behind me. Today I feel good.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    That apricot chicken recipe looks awesome, can't wait to try it.

    Took yesterday as my sick rest day, so today I decided to do legs/back/ARX. It was pretty hard, but that's probably because I led my 50 minute run this morning so my legs were already a little spent. For a minute this morning I thought I'd also do Kenpo X today, inspired by Karincakes doing both, but I think I'd better save it for tomorrow. I've got another show to perform tonight, so it'd be good to have some energy left!

    Feeling really good today, though! Happy 13! Just one more week of phase one! I'm super excited to change things up during recovery week, looking forward to some core synergistics action and extra yoga!
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I haven't been the most disciplined P90Xer this week so I'm playing catch up this weekend. I took Thursday and Friday off so today I did legs and back and will do yoga x this afternoon. Tomorrow is kenpo x. I have stuck with the eating plan so I'm feeling good despite the lapse in workouts.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Picked up a pair of Gold's Gym 25-lb. Adjustable-Weight Speed Pack at Walmart tonight. They look pretty solid and very easy to change out the weights.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    What a day! I can't remember being this tired! I missed yesterday Legs, etc., so I wanted to make it up today, plus not miss my favorite Kenpo. Glad, I did legs and ARX first, Kenpo was my reward and I never would have made it through if I had reversed it. I really have no idea how I'm supposed to eat all of these calories though.
    For recovery I've been drinking Myoplex Lite. 20g protein & 20g carbs. It's not the 1:4 ratio that P90X suggests, but I have to wait on purchasing the recovery formula. We are leaving for vacation in 19 days and every single penny is going into the "FUN FUND".

    @Saratn, I do like Shakeology. The chocolate is very rich, and adding fruit makes it delicious, (to me, some don't like it and I will say that I am not a picky eater). I like to add fruit + extracts and it tastes like dessert. Yes, it's pricey but I think if I was to cost out a thing of Greek yogurt, fresh berries a scoop of protein and fat free milk it would be a little less and not have all the other good stuff that Shakeology has. I am NOT a coach or anything. I don't sell the stuff, but I do think it's convenient and tasty.

    @mcjabber, I hope you're feeling better and your show goes well!