OK Ladies...Be HONEST!!



  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    Bahah this is really funny! Hellooo, there are tons of hot bodies at the gym, men and women. Let's be real, women probably check out other women's bodies at the gym more than they look at men! I agree with other comments though, a glance or a brief moment of eye contact is totally fine, but not long term staring, no whispering or pointing with your buddies and absolutely NO eye contact while a woman is using the thigh machine and has awkward spread legs! That's my only rule :)

    Great response!!
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    Thanks.. I do get that. I just wasn't expecting this type of forum.

    Dude, you posted a thread asking how much is it ok to ogle women in the gym.

    Don't blame this place for the responses you got. Honestly you got off lucky. People were very kind.

    I in no way asked for permission to ogle women in the gym. I just asked their feelings. I'm not blaming anyone, I just thought this would be a quick, easy and possibly funny post. Someone got people up in arms and the majority of the dicussion became about rape culture.
  • dsm1991
    dsm1991 Posts: 156
    they love it
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    If all women had the same mentality things would have been so much easier
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I had a cute boy looking at me in the gym while I squatted 135#...I gotta say he was a little distracting. All he could see really was my big fat *kitten* squatting, which I don't know maybe that's what he's into...so then all those thoughts start going thru my head, and that's how it's distracting.

    I think this hits the nail on the head for me. I don't care about a glance and a smile here and there, just don't lear and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T WATCH ME SQUAT. Or dead lift. Or bench.

    One time I was testing my ORM squat and some guy decided to stand near me and watch me just as I was descending and it was so distracting I lost my focus. Just back off the ladies who are working hard, mmmmkay?

  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I think the same rules apply at the gym as they do in the rest of life. A glance or a smile is ok, but leering is just downright creepy. Although I've probably been guilty of staring myself if someone is moving an enormous amount of weight or has really awesome form (or is just doing something absurd).
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Also, what men seem to forget sometimes is that we are at the gym to work without interruptions not there to be stared at all day.

    This is true when it's true and false when it's false. I'm guessing the girl at my gym who wears a sports bra and spandex shorts that creep up her crack wants to be noticed just a weeeeeeeee bit more than the girls in baggy shorts and a t-shirt. Also, because the phrase "I just dress this way to be comfortable" is bound to come up I'm going to throw the BS flag already. If I can be comfortable in a tshirt and basketball shorts so can a girl. Tight close are optional and you're wearing them for a reason beyond any sort of function or comfort. It's not even bad that you're showing off but it's silly not to admit it.

    I dress this way so I can see myself in the mirror. Not to attract unwanted attention.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    This what I've heard: If women aren't attracted to you, yes it bothers them. If you're her type, she doesn't mind.

    This is me exactly. Although I still feel somewhat self-conscious...mainly worried Im being compared to the hot chicks in the gym. But if youre super cute and obviously appreciate what youre looking at, then it gives me a little boost to work out even harder. If youre fugly though.... I feel violated. Lol. Sorry...just how I operate.

    At the risk of being a fugly heteronormatist, you would not be compared to the hot chicks because you are one.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    If all women had the same mentality things would have been so much easier

    This. Every woman is going to react differently in every situation. Use your best judgment when gawking.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I had a cute boy looking at me in the gym while I squatted 135#...I gotta say he was a little distracting. All he could see really was my big fat *kitten* squatting, which I don't know maybe that's what he's into...so then all those thoughts start going thru my head, and that's how it's distracting.

    I think this hits the nail on the head for me. I don't care about a glance and a smile here and there, just don't lear and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T WATCH ME SQUAT. Or dead lift. Or bench.

    One time I was testing my ORM squat and some guy decided to stand near me and watch me just as I was descending and it was so distracting I lost my focus. Just back off the ladies who are working hard, mmmmkay?


    yes this! Plus I make very unattractive faces when I lift - no one wants to see that. (also, please don't steal weights from my rack while I'm in the middle of a rep - blows concentration!)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I don't care what you do, just don't interrupt me. Chances are I'm not even paying attention.

    ^ This! However, don't stare like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time between women's legs when they are on the hip abductor/adductor machine. That is beyond creepy.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Definitely! I'd be uncomfortable with the staring, but not react.
  • WhizGidget
    WhizGidget Posts: 62 Member
    You know... if you're doing it subtly, then chances are that I'm not paying attention to you (and I won't likely care). If you are really obvious about it, then I will notice (and so will most people who can see you and can see me).

    Personally, if you're there to check out women then you're not there for the right purpose. If you're there to work out and you happen to notice someone in good shape, that's fine, just don't be gross and obvious about it. Or revert to the behavior of a teenage boy.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    Also, what men seem to forget sometimes is that we are at the gym to work without interruptions not there to be stared at all day.

    This is true when it's true and false when it's false. I'm guessing the girl at my gym who wears a sports bra and spandex shorts that creep up her crack wants to be noticed just a weeeeeeeee bit more than the girls in baggy shorts and a t-shirt. Also, because the phrase "I just dress this way to be comfortable" is bound to come up I'm going to throw the BS flag already. If I can be comfortable in a tshirt and basketball shorts so can a girl. Tight close are optional and you're wearing them for a reason beyond any sort of function or comfort. It's not even bad that you're showing off but it's silly not to admit it.

    I dress this way so I can see myself in the mirror. Not to attract unwanted attention.

    Yup - I'm very sensitive to the way clothes feel and if things are moving and rubbing around my arms or legs I get distracted. Therefore, compression pants and tight tanks and no I'm not trying to show off my body I just hate chafing.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Thanks.. I do get that. I just wasn't expecting this type of forum.

    Dude, you posted a thread asking how much is it ok to ogle women in the gym.

    Don't blame this place for the responses you got. Honestly you got off lucky. People were very kind.

    I in no way asked for permission to ogle women in the gym. I just asked their feelings. I'm not blaming anyone, I just thought this would be a quick, easy and possibly funny post. Someone got people up in arms and the majority of the dicussion became about rape culture.

    Can you stop with the "over-sensitive", "PC", "up in arms" bulls*it? It's really starting to piss me off. I've been a kitten in this thread so far. Instead of dismissing opinions in a demeaning way, how about you acknowledge their points and simply disagree with them?
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    I don't care what you do, just don't interrupt me. Chances are I'm not even paying attention.

    ^^^^^ THIS x1000
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    That's the 10%. You do see fitter guys in it. Just like you see big guys with ripped shirts that are so ripped their not really shirts anymore. The more average to chubby the guys get the less you see that. On the female side of things you see women of all sizes wearing tight stuff. It's just a thing.

    It's a "thing" for good reason.

    Couldn't it be a "thing" for many reasons? I'm sure the guy that buys a Ferrari did so because it's a fun car to drive. He probably likes the way it looks too. Also, he probably likes the attention it gets him and the statement it makes (look at me, I'm rich!).

    I'm sorry. I realize that you really, really, really want to make this about women trying to get attention from men. Although, I'm not sure why you are so obsessed with this fact. It's pretty creepy, actually.

    I'm pretty comfortable saying that the majority of women wear tight clothes to workout because it's more comfortable and it improves workout performance.

    It's really not about you.

    In what I think is relevant (oh no, I'm going there!) in Seattle in the last year there was an attempted rapist who justified his actions of attacking women runners with "they were skin tight clothes. they are practically naked. they want me to look at them."

    Just sayin'.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    If all women had the same mentality things would have been so much easier
    The same goes for men. Lol.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    That's the 10%. You do see fitter guys in it. Just like you see big guys with ripped shirts that are so ripped their not really shirts anymore. The more average to chubby the guys get the less you see that. On the female side of things you see women of all sizes wearing tight stuff. It's just a thing.

    It's a "thing" for good reason.

    Couldn't it be a "thing" for many reasons? I'm sure the guy that buys a Ferrari did so because it's a fun car to drive. He probably likes the way it looks too. Also, he probably likes the attention it gets him and the statement it makes (look at me, I'm rich!).

    I'm sorry. I realize that you really, really, really want to make this about women trying to get attention from men. Although, I'm not sure why you are so obsessed with this fact. It's pretty creepy, actually.

    I'm pretty comfortable saying that the majority of women wear tight clothes to workout because it's more comfortable and it improves workout performance.

    It's really not about you.

    In what I think is relevant (oh no, I'm going there!) in Seattle in the last year there was an attempted rapist who justified his actions of attacking women runners with "they were skin tight clothes. they are practically naked. they want me to look at them."

    Just sayin'.

    THANK YOU! You have just proved so many arguments on this thread.

    Isn't it a shame that we live in a world where women have to think about not wearing compression gear or under armour because it's tight? I think so.