Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I had spotting with my last pregnancy and also with this one. In fact with this one I passed a large clot at about 12 weeks--but after that the spotting stopped. Some ladies have bleeding and clots all through their pregnancy... That is how we are all different. Have faith it will work out. I had to do that my first few months---I was always nervous and scared, especially before my first appointment...But the belief that everything works out for the best helped me through.

    Also straining for a bm and having sex can cause some cramping and bleeding/ have a lot more blood flow in that region now and the little capillaries can burst quite easily...

    Interesting now that you mention it DH and I
    had some ahem activity :blushing: the night before i found
    the blood clot. I'm staying positive and praying for the best.

    Thank you to everyone who has given me reassuring
    and comforting words. I am so thankful to be a part of this group
    I feel good today. Last night i felt nauseous for the first time
    but it was brought on by hunger and once I ate I felt better.

    Also, I agree with all who aren't eating for two. My SIL and aunt
    both took that to the extreme and ended up with 50lbs of extra
    weight after PG. My SIL would scare me she would go to
    McDonalds for fries and a large sweet tea, Wendy's for chicken
    nuggets, and Sonics for Extra long coney every other day. It was
    really gross! Oh I forgot and DQ for a banana split. I really don't
    think all that junk food was healthy for baby. So, I thought to myself
    I'm not going to do that I will eat more but be very picky about the foods
    i eat and make sure they're healthy for the both of us. :)

    Is it true that you shouldn't eat deli meats, hotdogs, and bologna
    during pregnancy?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Is it true that you shouldn't eat deli meats, hotdogs, and bologna
    during pregnancy?

    That is one of those things that you hear but who really knows. This time around is the first time I was aware of it but ate those things throughout my entire pregnancy with my other 2 babies and they were just fine. I eat them now as well as I don't think it hurts the baby. It is totally up to you and what you decide, some people give up caffeine because it's not good for the baby. Anyhow even when they say not to eat those things they say without heating them through so if it makes you feel better about eating them have your sandwhich toasted. Hotdogs are traditionally eating warm anyways
  • AmandaR910
    You should not eat deli meat.

    It CAN have listeria. It's not a moderation thing, either the piece of meat is contaminated or not. So someone can eat deli meat daily and have no issue and another can eat one piece and kill their child. Not worth it IMO. If you want it that bad, heat it up.

    I know of a woman who had a deli sandwich at 38 weeks pregnant and it killed her baby.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Is it true that you shouldn't eat deli meats, hotdogs, and bologna
    during pregnancy?

    It's in the same "category" as soft cheeses and the like.

    Some pretty indepth info on it here:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Thanks everyone! It stinks because I just gained 30 lbs in the past year due to health issues, and I never got a chance to lose it before pregnancy. Ill try to eat the best foods I can for the baby though, its not just about me anymore! This is my first baby btw, and Im wk 6.
    What about working out? I have read over and over that its good for the baby in moderation. I used to work out when I woke up, but now I feel like crap! Nausea, headaches, back, and super tired. Ive been getting extra sleep and not making it to the gym. Does this pass soon? I think the lack of caffeine is tough too, Im sleeping 10 hrs a night!! Whats more important at this point?

    I know how you feel. I had gained 30 over the past year after losing my mom last year. I was on my way back down when I got pregnant. Now i"ve gained 22 lbs. I'm almost at my original starting weight from 3 years ago.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Happy Friday ladies! Another week has passed and we are all another week closer to meeting our little bundles of joy. Almost half way there and already feeling the wear and tear. My muscles and ligaments are not what they used to be at all so I pull muscles all of the time. I also have lots of pain in the pelvis and pressure with contractions. The baby's movements are becoming a lot more noticable, I can't wait for my husband and my 2 boys to be able to feel! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and finds time to relax. I've had a sick child all week and insomnia so I am looking forward to a good nights sleep. 3am comes quickly on work days.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have been getting contractions with heavy lifting and pull muscles all the time too. It is amazing how much more muscle pain I have had this time. Once I pulled a muscle by yawning!

    Baby is more noticable for me too. My daughter keeps asking if she can feel it yet.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Weighed this morning at 158.8...which would mean a 3 lbs gain this week..?!? I went from gaining nothing to 3 lbs in a week! I'm going to check again tomorrow to see if it was just one of those flucuating days though. I know this is about the time where I will see it start to add up, but I don't want to start with 3 lbs a week! I did eat really late last night, so that may have something to do with it. Anyway, I'll check again tomorrow and I'll see. If that is a true gain, I will have gained 5.4 lbs so far (at 18w5d)...which I know is still good, according to my doctor.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hello everyone, I would love to join your group!

    I'm 25, been married to my handsome husband for just over 3 years. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I am starting my pregnancy at 182 lbs. I had been down to 172, and have slowly crept back up..... :frown:

    But, I am rejoicing in the positive changes I have already made :bigsmile: As soon as I found out, I quit smoking, quit drinking soda, cut out fast food, and have been drinking tons of water.

    I have been doing some low impact (walking, stationary bike) workouts to try to stay in shape. My question is, is it crazy to think that I could only gain 15-20 lbs for my pregnancy? One of the books I'm reading says that if you are overweight/obese, this is all you should gain. Is that even possible?
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    But, I am rejoicing in the positive changes I have already made :bigsmile: As soon as I found out, I quit smoking, quit drinking soda, cut out fast food, and have been drinking tons of water.

    I have been doing some low impact (walking, stationary bike) workouts to try to stay in shape. My question is, is it crazy to think that I could only gain 15-20 lbs for my pregnancy? One of the books I'm reading says that if you are overweight/obese, this is all you should gain. Is that even possible?

    Congratulations! :flowerforyou: That is AWESOME that you have made all of those changes! You and your baby will thank you :wink: It sure is hard for me to cut out fast food though.... lol

    I don't know this personally, only going off of what I've read as well, but I think it may be possible to only gain 20 lbs...? I think it depends on what your weight is to begin with, your height, etc to determine what exactly you should gain. Have you had an OB appt. yet? That was one of the first questions I asked mine, and they will be able to tell you what is best for you and your little miracle.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Hello everyone, I would love to join your group!

    I'm 25, been married to my handsome husband for just over 3 years. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I am starting my pregnancy at 182 lbs. I had been down to 172, and have slowly crept back up..... :frown:

    But, I am rejoicing in the positive changes I have already made :bigsmile: As soon as I found out, I quit smoking, quit drinking soda, cut out fast food, and have been drinking tons of water.

    I have been doing some low impact (walking, stationary bike) workouts to try to stay in shape. My question is, is it crazy to think that I could only gain 15-20 lbs for my pregnancy? One of the books I'm reading says that if you are overweight/obese, this is all you should gain. Is that even possible?

    Welcome and congrats! I weigh the same as you and I am 9 weeks. I have gained about 4-5lbs. I have had several pregnancies and usually just gained what I was meant to gain. One I gained 11lbs and most 25lbs, but one 40lbs. I needed to gain more w/ him b/c I had had a subchorionic hemorrhage at 11 weeks. I gained 42lbs w/ my twins. It can vary, but some of my friends always end of at the same weight at the end of pregnancy regardless of where they started. I think concentrating on what you put in your mouth and watching portions is the best way, plus exercising. Are you seeing or going to see an OB or midwife? I have found midwives have more realistic ideas about eating and weight gain in pregnancy and actually look at what you are eating by a food diary you keep instead a blanket statement since you are overweight only gain 15lbs or do not gain any more weight that I have heard others mention that their OB said to them.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I had a stabbing pain in my lower abdomen yesterday that wouldn't go away. So I saw my docs practitioner, and yay, got to hear the heart beat again, and she checked me and my tee tee (TMI). Looks like a slight bladder issue from the baby growing so fast and my stomach muscles being loose.

    She recommended a maternity belt. as I go along, no caffiene, and lots of water.

    I had to weigh and was not happy with their new digital scales that show me even .2's of gain. Yuck.

    So today I lowered my calorie target to around 1760, I have just been eating too much and gaining to fast.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hello everyone, I would love to join your group!

    I'm 25, been married to my handsome husband for just over 3 years. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I am starting my pregnancy at 182 lbs. I had been down to 172, and have slowly crept back up..... :frown:

    But, I am rejoicing in the positive changes I have already made :bigsmile: As soon as I found out, I quit smoking, quit drinking soda, cut out fast food, and have been drinking tons of water.

    I have been doing some low impact (walking, stationary bike) workouts to try to stay in shape. My question is, is it crazy to think that I could only gain 15-20 lbs for my pregnancy? One of the books I'm reading says that if you are overweight/obese, this is all you should gain. Is that even possible?

    If found this about where the weight goes:

    Baby 7-8 pounds
    Placenta 1-2 pounds
    Amniotic fluid 2 pounds
    Uterus 2 pounds
    Maternal breast tissue 2 pounds
    Maternal blood 4 pounds
    Fluids in maternal tissue 4 pounds
    Maternal fat and nutrient stores 7 pounds

    So, when you think about gaining 20 lbs, that's not 20lbs caused by "eating for two". Note that only 7 total lbs are what we'd think about as "gaining weight". If you are overweight you might not need these at all, since you would have stores (though your body may still try to put them on as it's natural reaction). The rest of it will probably be over 20 lbs - hell, I think I gained 3lbs per boob with my last! :laugh: Figure out what your calorie goal is and eat healthy and stick to it. Ask your Dr, but do some research as well, many of them will throw a blanket stat at you like "don't exercise above 130 heart rate" - that is SUCH a personalized item that 130 for one person is completely different than 130 for another. Do know that depending on your weight, you might, healthily loose some weight (or some fat at least) over your pregnancy and be fine. Basically, eat when you are hungry and eat something healthy.

    I have been eating probably literally every hour and a half for the last 3 weeks (sometimes at 2am!) and still barely reach by 1950 maintenance weight goal. I've gained abut 1.5-2 lbs and just finished week 9.

    I'm only about 10 lbs over where I should be (or want to be) and in an "avg" or healthy weight overall (I'm on the somewhat higher end of the range for my height and body fat %) so I want to gain only 5lbs max of food related weight - or about 25 lbs overall - Though I do sometimes eat a craving. Yesterday I ate 1/2 a McDonalds burger and it was awesome! (now, keep in mind, I have not had one in over 3 yrs and the thought of one usually makes me nauseated!). But, I ate just 1/2 and had been to the gym for 450 cals that morning so the 370 splurge was OK to me. I actually ended yesterday with 700 extra cals due to a nice bought of evening nausea (unrealted to the burger :happy: )

    Anyway, just keep in mind that when you look at your weight gain and goals, and think - Gain 30 lbs!!! - it's different than a non-preg person gaining 30 lbs. Eat healthy and be cognocent (I can't spell that) of the weight #s, but don't be obsessive. If you are hungry, don't NOT eat because you are over your cals for the day, just eat smart.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I was getting bored w/ my routine so I went and bought the Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism w/ Jillian Michaels. I had started it just before I found out I was expecting, but returned it thinking it would be too much pregnant. Anyway, I don't see why I cannot do it. I did three circuits this morning, slightly modifying by not jumping as high, etc. It was fun!
  • jessdawn1982
    jessdawn1982 Posts: 31 Member
    Don't worry too much about the weight gain if you are in the right ranges for gain. I'm way over so I'm concerned.

    I read the other day if you aren't gaining you aren't eating enough and if you are gaining too quickly (me) you are eating too much.

    I guess as long as your baby is nourished and you're both healthy. I think the weight gain for the end of the first trimester is an average of 10 lbs, then 1 lb a week for the second trimester depending on your starting weight.

    I know a lot of you are concerned about weight gain so I thought I would post this as a refresher for some and to help those who don't know :) Last time I gained 40lbs and lost 30lbs when I gave birth. Next time I plan to do better but considering that I ate double cheese burgers w/fries and ice cream 4-5 days a week I would say 40lbs wasn't to shabby. ;P

    Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy by eating a healthy, balanced diet is a good sign that your baby is getting all the nutrients he or she needs and is growing at a healthy rate.

    It is not necessary to "eat for two" during pregnancy. It's true that you need extra calories from nutrient-rich foods to help your baby grow, but you generally need to consume only 100 to 300 more calories than you did before you became pregnant to meet the needs of your growing baby.

    Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain during pregnancy. A woman of average weight before pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Underweight women should gain 28-40 pounds during pregnancy. Overweight women may need to gain only 15-25 pounds during pregnancy. You may need to gain more or less weight, depending on what your health care provider recommends.

    In general, you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during your first three months of pregnancy and 1 pound a week for the remainder of your pregnancy. If you are expecting twins you should gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy. This would be an average of 1 ½ pounds per week after the usual weight gain in the first three months.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Thank you for all of the replies! I have an appointment with an OB on Nov 30th. I called the Monday after I found out and they make you wait until you are at least 9 weeks, and then gave me the first open appointment after that. Is it normal to wait that long to go in? I have sooo many questions to ask and have been relying on the book I have, the internet, and friends.

    That is basically what I am doing right now. Eating when I feel hungry, and stopping when I feel full. I would say I've been averaging between 1400 - 1900 cals. I wasn't much for fast food to begin with, though I did have a weakness or two :laugh: but it wasn't as hard as I had suspected to give up the McD Frappes. I :heart: those sinful things!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna get all Nazi crazy about gaining weight. I just want to keep my body as healthy as possible.

    Ah... I'm so excited :bigsmile:
  • Mamatoabunch
    Thank you for all of the replies! I have an appointment with an OB on Nov 30th. I called the Monday after I found out and they make you wait until you are at least 9 weeks, and then gave me the first open appointment after that. Is it normal to wait that long to go in? I have sooo many questions to ask and have been relying on the book I have, the internet, and friends.

    That is basically what I am doing right now. Eating when I feel hungry, and stopping when I feel full. I would say I've been averaging between 1400 - 1900 cals. I wasn't much for fast food to begin with, though I did have a weakness or two :laugh: but it wasn't as hard as I had suspected to give up the McD Frappes. I :heart: those sinful things!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna get all Nazi crazy about gaining weight. I just want to keep my body as healthy as possible.

    Ah... I'm so excited :bigsmile:

    Not much can be done early on so 9 weeks sounds right, I have never gone in before 12 weeks myself.
  • AmandaR910
    There isn't much reason to be seen before 9 weeks unless you have issues.

    I always get seen at 6 weeks on the dot to check for viability because I've had a 3 losses (back to back to back) and I take medicine to stay pregnant, so I was in the DR pretty much since conception (actually before).

    Just went to the gym, not a long trip, just a 1 mile uphill walk. Was having the WORST contractions so I stopped.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member

    Just went to the gym, not a long trip, just a 1 mile uphill walk. Was having the WORST contractions so I stopped.

    Good job for trying! I have the same problem when I try any exercise so I gave it up, between my miscarriages and pregnancy complications in the past it is just not worth it to me. I don't know if pushing it would force me to be on steroids again and I do not want to find out, full time bed rest and being on steroids was an experience I do not want to repeat
  • AmandaR910

    Just went to the gym, not a long trip, just a 1 mile uphill walk. Was having the WORST contractions so I stopped.

    Good job for trying! I have the same problem when I try any exercise so I gave it up, between my miscarriages and pregnancy complications in the past it is just not worth it to me. I don't know if pushing it would force me to be on steroids again and I do not want to find out, full time bed rest and being on steroids was an experience I do not want to repeat

    Ugh that sounds awful I'm sorry.
    I have the worse contractions starting around 12-13 weeks. Like regular painful contractions, 10 an hour sometimes, but I never dilate. Ever. It's weird and extremely annoying lol.