Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Weigh in day, 19 weeks tomorrow and up an even 10lbs now. Sort of disappointed but okay with it because I usually loose a good 30-35lbs when I give birth. Hubby is freaking out a little because we are half way there, our two other babies were born at 38 weeks so the rest is going to go super fast. So excited but nervous, we've never been parents to a little princess!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Weigh in day, 19 weeks tomorrow and up an even 10lbs now. Sort of disappointed but okay with it because I usually loose a good 30-35lbs when I give birth. Hubby is freaking out a little because we are half way there, our two other babies were born at 38 weeks so the rest is going to go super fast. So excited but nervous, we've never been parents to a little princess!

    My c-section was scheduled during my 38th week, so I'm like you and see it as half way there too when I hit 19 weeks. We are in the process for c-sec again, so I can only assume they will take him a week shy of due date.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    anyone here have had or planning to have a VBAC? I am bound and determined (providing no medical emergencies like last time) and hope my Dr allows it.
  • AmandaR910
    anyone here have had or planning to have a VBAC? I am bound and determined (providing no medical emergencies like last time) and hope my Dr allows it.

    I've had two c sections. If I go into labor this time I might try to VBAC but I was fine with my c sections and had a super easy recovery both times, so.
  • Mamatoabunch
    anyone here have had or planning to have a VBAC? I am bound and determined (providing no medical emergencies like last time) and hope my Dr allows it.
    I have had 8, all at home. Are you aware of the new ACOG guidelines regarding VBAC? You also need to visit ICAN online. It isn't about hoping your dr "allows" it, it is about educating yourself to make it happen and having a care provider that is truly supportive of VBAC. You are hiring your dr to provide a service, they aren't your parents. Have you thought about a midwife instead? What was the reason for your c/s?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    anyone here have had or planning to have a VBAC? I am bound and determined (providing no medical emergencies like last time) and hope my Dr allows it.
    I have had 8, all at home. Are you aware of the new ACOG guidelines regarding VBAC? You also need to visit ICAN online. It isn't about hoping your dr "allows" it, it is about educating yourself to make it happen and having a care provider that is truly supportive of VBAC. You are hiring your dr to provide a service, they aren't your parents. Have you thought about a midwife instead? What was the reason for your c/s?

    I had one because of "fetal distress". His heart rate was going so low and sometimes stopping with each contraction and I was only 7-8cm dilated. I sometimes wonder if they may have done it too preemptively, but when they are there saying "your baby needs this NOW" you don't want to stop and think. I know that my health center "allows" VBACs but I have not gotten paperwork back from my ins company yet allowing me to see a DR, so I haven't been able to talk with him yet to see if he supports them. If he doesn't, I have 2 or 3 other Drs my health ins will cover in this area, so hopefully one of them does. I don't think my health insurance would cover a midwife so I think that's out of the question. (at least I dont think there are any that are covered in my area, I have thought about looking, but still, waiting on the ins OK to get started and find out who they will accept me to go to.)

    Give the low incident / risk of my last preg (it was SO uneventful in ANY way up until 1/2 way through labor) and my physical condition now (in pretty good shape including rather strong abdominals) and the length of time since my C/S (it will be almost 4 yrs when I am due), I think I am a pretty good candidate.

    I had an awful time with the C/S last time - not healthwise, it healed fine, but it was just awful for me. Mostly because, though I am married, I am the sole child care provider of any sort, including getting up at night (i remember standing 1/2 way down my stairs (we had a 3step walk down to the living room) crying the first night home because I could not step up or down it hurt so bad and my husband so sound asleep he did not wake up for ever) and because I went back to work in 2 weeks - this time maybe I'll take the full month off, but it's 100% unpaid, so it may not be possible. I just really don't want to do it again. Especially with a then 4yr old too.
  • Mamatoabunch

    I had one because of "fetal distress". His heart rate was going so low and sometimes stopping with each contraction and I was only 7-8cm dilated. I sometimes wonder if they may have done it too preemptively, but when they are there saying "your baby needs this NOW" you don't want to stop and think. I know that my health center "allows" VBACs but I have not gotten paperwork back from my ins company yet allowing me to see a DR, so I haven't been able to talk with him yet to see if he supports them. If he doesn't, I have 2 or 3 other Drs my health ins will cover in this area, so hopefully one of them does. I don't think my health insurance would cover a midwife so I think that's out of the question. (at least I dont think there are any that are covered in my area, I have thought about looking, but still, waiting on the ins OK to get started and find out who they will accept me to go to.)

    Give the low incident / risk of my last preg (it was SO uneventful in ANY way up until 1/2 way through labor) and my physical condition now (in pretty good shape including rather strong abdominals) and the length of time since my C/S (it will be almost 4 yrs when I am due), I think I am a pretty good candidate.

    I had an awful time with the C/S last time - not healthwise, it healed fine, but it was just awful for me. Mostly because, though I am married, I am the sole child care provider of any sort, including getting up at night (i remember standing 1/2 way down my stairs (we had a 3step walk down to the living room) crying the first night home because I could not step up or down it hurt so bad and my husband so sound asleep he did not wake up for ever) and because I went back to work in 2 weeks - this time maybe I'll take the full month off, but it's 100% unpaid, so it may not be possible. I just really don't want to do it again. Especially with a then 4yr old too.

    Were you induced? Were your waters broken for you? Did you receive pitocin? Did you receive an epidural? Were you confined to bed? Did you have continuous fetal monitoring?

    Lovely horse in your pic BTW. My dd's have a horse.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I talked to my doctor about doing Vbac this time, she said she can't make a recommendation for it until I get further along and she sees how big the baby is. I have a flat pelvic something or other and my baby's head was extremely large. To the point where they thought he migh have water head. So my section was scheduled at around 7 months, then at 8 they weren't sure, then as it got closer and closer she wanted to try vaginal, but after monitoring head size with maternal fetal health they decided it would be safer to do the c-section. I actually went into labor the night before my scheduled section and didn't dialate more than a 2. They even had trouble getting his head out with a c-section.

    My c-section recovery was a nightmare, my incision got infected and I ran a fever and didn't sleep for several days, One day after no sleep I handed my baby to my husband and said I don't want him anymore. I think my section intensified my post partum depression. The next day when my doctor finally decided to see me..I had been calling for days...they drained my incision and I was like a new woman. I am prepared for that this time and will insist on better care. I was so stupid and naive back then. Plus I have a new doctor. I had to drain my incision 3 times a day for over 4 weeks until it finally stopped coming out. It was not fun at all.

    I was lucky and my mom and sister took time off from work to stay with my husband and I until we got used to getting up at night, but because of my depression, my husband got up at night with him and then went to work the next morning. I don't know what I would do without a husband that helps.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I was lucky and my mom and sister took time off from work to stay with my husband and I until we got used to getting up at night, but because of my depression, my husband got up at night with him and then went to work the next morning. I don't know what I would do without a husband that helps.

    You poor thing, I have never experienced a c-section. With #1 I had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia and was unconscious for several hours. When I woke up both me and baby were in poor health, most likely because of my weight. I had the preterm labor and preeclampsia. My husband says it was the scariest day of his life because he though he was going to loose both of us.

    When baby was just about 2 weeks old I got a horrible infection and had to be hospitalized for a week. It was the hardest thing because all I wanted was my baby. I am very fortunate because I have a very close family and my mom took care of the baby while my husband slept with me at the hospital and my mother in law sat with me during the day while he went to work.

    Baby #2 went perfect, I had perterm labor but no other complications. Anesthesia was perfect and no delivery complications, I hope that this one goes as smooth. I have a totally supportive husband who will do anything for our family and I know that I am super lucky. Most people I know do not have the support that I do and so I feel like the luckiest girl alive.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member

    Were you induced? Were your waters broken for you? Did you receive pitocin? Did you receive an epidural? Were you confined to bed? Did you have continuous fetal monitoring?

    Lovely horse in your pic BTW. My dd's have a horse.
    Not induced. No pitocin. Went into labor the day before my due date (I guess technically 2 before because I delivered the day before). They broke my water though. I had contractions all day at work, mild, but 3 mins apart for 12+ hours. Checked in to the hospital at 5a not dilated at all but with full on contractions (my dr said, don't come in until they're 3 mins apart and you can't walk, talk, or breathe). They had the nerve to tell me they'd wait to see if I was really in labor (and my "DH" had the nerve to fall asleep while I labored! I'd been up over 24 hours too!)! An hour later I was at 3 and they started an epidural (I have NO interest in natural birth!). A short hour later I was at 7.5! They broke my water then (at the same time to put the internal HRM on), and about a 1/2 hour later they did a C/S. I was confined to bed and had the continuous monitoring on.

    I hated the C/S but I tell ya though, those 4 days in the hospital were probably some of the most relaxing anywhere! I let them keep him in the nursery at night and my husband went home. And we have no friends or family in the area so he popped in once a day or twice and other than that it was just me and a book and someone bringing me food for 4 days!

    Thanks re the horse. That was my baby! He died actually 2 yrs ago day after tomorrow. It's my favorite picture though!
  • Mamatoabunch
    Not induced. No pitocin. Went into labor the day before my due date (I guess technically 2 before because I delivered the day before). They broke my water though. I had contractions all day at work, mild, but 3 mins apart for 12+ hours. Checked in to the hospital at 5a not dilated at all but with full on contractions (my dr said, don't come in until they're 3 mins apart and you can't walk, talk, or breathe). They had the nerve to tell me they'd wait to see if I was really in labor (and my "DH" had the nerve to fall asleep while I labored! I'd been up over 24 hours too!)! An hour later I was at 3 and they started an epidural (I have NO interest in natural birth!). A short hour later I was at 7.5! They broke my water then (at the same time to put the internal HRM on), and about a 1/2 hour later they did a C/S. I was confined to bed and had the continuous monitoring on.

    I hated the C/S but I tell ya though, those 4 days in the hospital were probably some of the most relaxing anywhere! I let them keep him in the nursery at night and my husband went home. And we have no friends or family in the area so he popped in once a day or twice and other than that it was just me and a book and someone bringing me food for 4 days!

    Thanks re the horse. That was my baby! He died actually 2 yrs ago day after tomorrow. It's my favorite picture though!

    Breaking your waters can put increased pressure on the baby creating decels and being confined to bed does not help. Also epidurals can cause babies to have abnormal heart rate patterns. Combining both breaking waters artificially and epidural can just stress some babies too much. Have you thought about how to prevent these issues in the future to achieve a VBAC?

    Here is the link to ICAN. They have wonderful moms there very experienced w/ VBAC.

    I am sorry about the loss of your horse.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hello ladies! I would like to officially join the group, though I have been keeping track of this thread for awhile now. My husband and I are pregnant with our first. We did all of the research online and found that it took on average 5 months for people our age to conceive. We decided to stop protecting and wait until March to really try with ovulation tests and all of that. Boy am I glad we used birth control up until now, because within two weeks I was pregnant.

    I have been on MFP since late June and have lost 35 pounds. I talked to my doctor about how much weight I should gain and he said about 25-35. I'm hoping it's at the lower end, but at this point I'm doing pretty well. I am on my 7th week and have actually lost .2 pounds since finding out. I have my good days and my really bad days when it comes to being healthy. Overall, I have been pretty good about getting in lots of fruits, veggies, and protein. Still working on the whole grains.

    Anyway. Just wanted to introduce myself. I get to go for my first ultrasound next week, so I'm really excited to actually see the little peanut. It will make it feel so much more real!
  • Mamatoabunch
    I talked to my doctor about doing Vbac this time, she said she can't make a recommendation for it until I get further along and she sees how big the baby is. I have a flat pelvic something or other and my baby's head was extremely large. To the point where they thought he migh have water head. So my section was scheduled at around 7 months, then at 8 they weren't sure, then as it got closer and closer she wanted to try vaginal, but after monitoring head size with maternal fetal health they decided it would be safer to do the c-section. I actually went into labor the night before my scheduled section and didn't dialate more than a 2. They even had trouble getting his head out with a c-section.

    Estimation of baby's weight in late pregnancy by U/S can be off +/- 2 pounds. It is an unreliable method to determine fetal size, but "big baby" is a common reason women are advised to induce early, which often leads to a c/s or agree to a c/s. Women have all different kinds of shapes of pelvises, it is often said a women cannot birth w/ a certain size pelvis, but w/ an unhindered birth women can. It is OB's restrictions in particular on women and hospital protocol that is one of the main reasons the c/s rate in this country is sky high. What was the size of your ds's head? Not dilating past 2 doesn't mean there was anything wrong, just that you needed time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hello ladies! I would like to officially join the group, though I have been keeping track of this thread for awhile now. My husband and I are pregnant with our first. We did all of the research online and found that it took on average 5 months for people our age to conceive. We decided to stop protecting and wait until March to really try with ovulation tests and all of that. Boy am I glad we used birth control up until now, because within two weeks I was pregnant.

    Same here. My mom was warning us that it took my parents 5 years. His mom was warning us that it took them 7 years. So, being realistic, dh and I were expecting it to take months or even years. Yep, we got 'er done first try. :drinker:

    I made my first OB appointment this morning, yay! January 3rd. I kind of insisted on making the appointment at 12 weeks and they agreed to do that for now but said they'd call me if the doctors or nurse had a problem with it. They repeated several times they normally schedule the first appointment between 7 and 9 weeks so I have a feeling I'll be getting a call. I just really don't understand why they would have such an issue with me coming in 3 weeks later than "usual" but if they insist I guess I'll be wasting hundreds of dollars to go in December instead of January. :grumble: I don't really want to start my relationship with my OB office off on the wrong foot but I really hope I can keep the January 3rd appointment. It's perfect because I'm already off work that day for the New Year holiday so I won't even have to tell my supervisor until my 2nd appointment around 16 weeks (you know, unless I'm really really showing before then :wink: ).
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Just posting mostly to see if my baby ticker works.

    Thinking about going for a run today. My doctor told me it was perfectly fine, so I gave it a try over the weekend. It felt really good, so I'm hoping to get back into it. I'll just take it slow and steady.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I talked to my doctor about doing Vbac this time, she said she can't make a recommendation for it until I get further along and she sees how big the baby is. I have a flat pelvic something or other and my baby's head was extremely large. To the point where they thought he migh have water head. So my section was scheduled at around 7 months, then at 8 they weren't sure, then as it got closer and closer she wanted to try vaginal, but after monitoring head size with maternal fetal health they decided it would be safer to do the c-section. I actually went into labor the night before my scheduled section and didn't dialate more than a 2. They even had trouble getting his head out with a c-section.

    Estimation of baby's weight in late pregnancy by U/S can be off +/- 2 pounds. It is an unreliable method to determine fetal size, but "big baby" is a common reason women are advised to induce early, which often leads to a c/s or agree to a c/s. Women have all different kinds of shapes of pelvises, it is often said a women cannot birth w/ a certain size pelvis, but w/ an unhindered birth women can. It is OB's restrictions in particular on women and hospital protocol that is one of the main reasons the c/s rate in this country is sky high. What was the size of your ds's head? Not dilating past 2 doesn't mean there was anything wrong, just that you needed time.

    That's a great question. I don't remember, and didn't take it down. I'm one of those mom's.

    I do believe the incidence of c/s are too high in the US> I heard one woman say it was like going to mcdonald's you just go in get what you want then leave. She was lucky, not all of them go that well, and I don't believe it is the best thing for the mother or the baby to do that. But you know how people are about elective surgeries and controlling out comes.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hello everyone! Just wanted to see if my ticker was working, I am sooo not technically inclined :laugh:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Those little tickers are so cute. Makes it easy to remember exactly how far along you are. Good luck during your first trimester I wish you well, no nausea and lots of energy:drinker: (no drinking though):laugh:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Well, I took four days off because of a nasty stomach virus in my house. Everyone has gotten it but me, knock on wood. All I can say is yuck, yuck, yuck and laundry, laundry, laundry.

    I did get my 6 miles in today and burned 665 calories.

    Hope you all are doing great.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Hello All
    Just checking in my eating went out
    the window this weekend but I kept
    my water intake up. :) This week I want
    to incorporate walking in the am with
    my cycling each evening.

    No word yet from the doc about my
    blood test so i'm still a little on edge
    but i'm just praying for the best. I'm
    still having a lot of symptoms tender
    breasts, tired a lot, and a little nausea
    but only when i'm hungry so i'm trying
    to eat little meals throughout the day.

    I'm also testing my ticker, hopefully
    it works. :)

    Have a good day everyone!