Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm with Amanda -- I LIKE the 3d/4d ultrasounds. :tongue: I don't know if I'll have one (I'm cheap!) but I think they're (sometimes) adorable.

    No one has called from the OB office yet to tell me I can't wait until January 3rd for my 1st appointment. Yay!
  • AmandaR910
    So if you guys couldn't have your husband at delivery, who would you have?

    I am staying with my parents and get along with both of them really well. I had originally told my dad he could be there (it's a c section) because I wanted my mom to watch my other two kids. Now we found someone who I'm comfortable letting watch my kids, so now I kinda want my mom there, but my dad is SO excited to be there I don't wanna go back on what I said.

  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Yikes! The pregnancy hormones are RAGING today. :laugh: I went for a 40 minute walk during lunch and that seems to have calmed me down a little.
    I'm not sure I'll be able to tolerate this moronic coworker for the next 8 months.

    I am feeling the same way!! The littlest things are overly irritating lately :grumble: My father in law was over the other night and shared some of his pregnancy "knowledge" with me. He told me I should only gain 8lbs, afterall the baby will only weigh 6-7 lbs, and give or take for a little bit of fluid.....:devil: It took everything I had not to slap him lol.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    My weight is the same and
    i'm not really exercising at the
    moment because i'm a little
    scared to. Each time I exercise
    I find blood the next morning and
    it's really starting to bother me. I
    don't have another appt until Dec.
    and the waiting is killing me. My
    doc just told me if I bleed enough to
    fill a pad and have painful cramps
    then I should go to the ER but other
    than that I should just wait until my
    next appt.

    Anyone else experiencing this?
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh my gosh I know what you mean about in-laws and "pregnancy knowledge." I think I'm going to have to have a talk with them sooner or later about when they need to keep their advice to themselves (in a nice way of course). I felt pretty hormonal this weekend. We were talking about names and I said that my favorite name so far for a boy was Jackson and we could call him Jack. My mother-in-law doesn't miss a beat before saying, "Please don't name your child Jackson. I knew this kid named Jackson who was a terror and I'll always think about him." I was totally peeved. Did she not just hear me say that it was my favorite? I decided then and there that my husband and I will be keeping our name ideas to ourselves. Someone is always going to have known someone terrible with the same name. I don't want people ruining it for me. I mean I still like the name Jackson, but now I feel guilty about it, like choosing it will displease my M-I-L and it'll seem like I did it on purpose or something.
  • AmandaR910
    Oh my gosh I know what you mean about in-laws and "pregnancy knowledge." I think I'm going to have to have a talk with them sooner or later about when they need to keep their advice to themselves (in a nice way of course). I felt pretty hormonal this weekend. We were talking about names and I said that my favorite name so far for a boy was Jackson and we could call him Jack. My mother-in-law doesn't miss a beat before saying, "Please don't name your child Jackson. I knew this kid named Jackson who was a terror and I'll always think about him." I was totally peeved. Did she not just hear me say that it was my favorite? I decided then and there that my husband and I will be keeping our name ideas to ourselves. Someone is always going to have known someone terrible with the same name. I don't want people ruining it for me. I mean I still like the name Jackson, but now I feel guilty about it, like choosing it will displease my M-I-L and it'll seem like I did it on purpose or something.

    We're naming this baby Jack. :) We went back and forth about Jack or Jackson and finally picked Jack since we knew we'd call him that anyways. Don't let you MIL pick your kid's name, it's your kid.
    I don't have anything to do with my in laws anymore because of how they feel about my parenting (they were OFFENDED I was annoyed they gave my then 11 month old this peanut Oreo cake thing without asking me, I have SEVERE food allergies....and they knew full and well we have to be careful when introducing new peanuts and eggs among other things, all at once, yeah, not a good idea).
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    My hubby and I have been trying to get pregnant since the end of September. I actually had to GAIN weight to start trying. I am fighting an eating disorder and I have a feeling that this has a major cause in why we can't get pregnant yet. I am hoping to cure this on my own.. that is why I survived a round of p90x and am now doing Turbo Fire to keep myself motivated =) I really want to be pregnant by Christmas..that would be an awesome Christmas present to tell our 4 year old daughter she is going to have a sibling

  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    so, since it looks like I won't be seeing a Dr until well into the 2nd Tri, a few questions I was going to ask maybe you all could answer instead - mainly re exercise.

    I have for going on 3 yrs worked out pretty hard cardio and moderate weights about 3-5 times a week. I was doing P90x when I got pregnant but had to stop around 8 weeks because I just could not keep up that hard.

    I've been doing fine at the gym, but just taking it a little easier since usually I work out between 155 and 175 HR but lately 130-155 feels the same as 165 used to. So, I have no worry about being able to do my cardio and stay within what I feel Ok doing. I don't think the blanket "always stay under 130 HR" applies since I am used to working out and in pretty decent shape - at least not this early on.

    My ?s are mostly about how "they" say you can't do any on your back exercises after 12 weeks because you should not lie on your back. So, flys, abs, bicycles, chest press, etc etc - can I really not do them? Or can I do them and just in moderation and get up slowly when done?

    Also, I'm eating 2000 cals, which is my maintenance level plus eating my exercise cals. At what point should I actually start eating 300 or 500 over maintenance? (I'm about 11 weeks) I only need to gain about 5lbs tops actual fat over the course. I'm not depriving when hungry and usually get at least close to all my cals in. I don't want to overeat just because I think I should be eating more if I don't need to force in those extra cals just because I'm pregnant.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    My weight is the same and
    i'm not really exercising at the
    moment because i'm a little
    scared to. Each time I exercise
    I find blood the next morning and
    it's really starting to bother me. I
    don't have another appt until Dec.
    and the waiting is killing me. My
    doc just told me if I bleed enough to
    fill a pad and have painful cramps
    then I should go to the ER but other
    than that I should just wait until my
    next appt.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    We all are different. I noticed blood with straining and etc with this one and my last. It is normal to have--My opinion is that if something causes it and you can tell, avoid it. I have had spotting/bleeding with this one and my last. Both are fine...But that doesn't mean I was any less nervous. You will feel much better once you hear the Heartbeat--that won't be until about 8-10 weeks. This is the time when anything can happen--just keep praying for a healthy baby! I worked on faith for the first few months. Telling myself that if this baby was meant to be here then he would be is what got me through. Remember it always works out for the best.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    OK another question - I know what the Dr would say - but opinions on flu shots?

    I'm not huge on vaccinating against everything and it's brother, but I do typically get my toddler old a flu shot and I'm told I should get one this year too.

    It's already going around the school so I think he will bring it home at some point. I have not had the flu in probably 10 yrs, but it's also his first year in school to bring it home. I can't use up all my sick days in one flu bought and don't have anyone to watch him if I do get sick.

    I know the virus mutates and it's somewhat a shot in the dark if I'm even vaccinated against the right strain... it's just sort of hard to get an actual straight answer about them since both sides just want to push their pro-shot or anti-shot agenda and I think a lot of the real facts get lost.

    PS - someone told me the CDC recommends it, and the FDA recommends against it....
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have gotten flu shots with my previous pregnancies because I was working in a hospital. One year we ended up with the flu anyway. I have not decided whether or not to get it this time. One pro is that if you breastfeed and your baby is born during the flu season your baby is protected by your immunity--so everything you have been vaccinated for they have the antibodies for the first month. I can't think of any negatives, other than not exposing yourself or your baby to anything more than necessary--trace metals, etc, etc.

    I think it is a case by case basis. What are the chances you are going to be exposed. How do you usually handle sickness--remember how nasty the flu can be, and how much worse it would be pregnant--I almost throw up with clearing my throat sometimes---the flu would be so much worse!!

    Other than vaccinating the best way to avoid sickness is to wash your hands...that my be enough to keep you well, that and an orange a day, for vitamin c...

    Thats my 2 cents...
  • AmandaR910
    I never got flu shots until I had a newborn over flu season. Since DD (born mid September) couldn't be vaccinated, I got the vaccine myself, and so did EVERYONE who would be around her. I've gotten the flu shot twice while pregnant now, and both of my kids have gotten theirs as soon as they were old enough. No one has had any complications at all. I do not let people who have no received the flu vaccine to be around my newborn as I feel like getting the shot yourself is a small price to pay to keep a very small baby as healthy as possible.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Oh my gosh I know what you mean about in-laws and "pregnancy knowledge." I think I'm going to have to have a talk with them sooner or later about when they need to keep their advice to themselves (in a nice way of course). I felt pretty hormonal this weekend. We were talking about names and I said that my favorite name so far for a boy was Jackson and we could call him Jack. My mother-in-law doesn't miss a beat before saying, "Please don't name your child Jackson. I knew this kid named Jackson who was a terror and I'll always think about him." I was totally peeved. Did she not just hear me say that it was my favorite? I decided then and there that my husband and I will be keeping our name ideas to ourselves. Someone is always going to have known someone terrible with the same name. I don't want people ruining it for me. I mean I still like the name Jackson, but now I feel guilty about it, like choosing it will displease my M-I-L and it'll seem like I did it on purpose or something.

    We have had lots of comments about our baby's name too, we are naming her Brooklynn and it seems that everyone has a comment on it. You just have to ignore them, the baby will be yours and your husbands to name.... not anyone elses. I had a family member who was upset because I used my uncle's name (he passed away the year before I had my first son) as my son's middle name. Apparently that family member wanted to name her child his name but oh well.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    OK another question - I know what the Dr would say - but opinions on flu shots?

    I'm not huge on vaccinating against everything and it's brother, but I do typically get my toddler old a flu shot and I'm told I should get one this year too.

    It's already going around the school so I think he will bring it home at some point. I have not had the flu in probably 10 yrs, but it's also his first year in school to bring it home. I can't use up all my sick days in one flu bought and don't have anyone to watch him if I do get sick.

    I know the virus mutates and it's somewhat a shot in the dark if I'm even vaccinated against the right strain... it's just sort of hard to get an actual straight answer about them since both sides just want to push their pro-shot or anti-shot agenda and I think a lot of the real facts get lost.

    PS - someone told me the CDC recommends it, and the FDA recommends against it....

    I usually do not get the flu shot, the last time we got one our youngest was 6 months old and the whole family was sick for a month. This time however my husband insisted that we get the shot because I have a pretty weak immune system and get sick really often. It has been about 3-4 weeks now and everyone is doing just fine.

    In addition to the flu shot, the doctor is recommending that everyone who will be around the baby get the whooping cough vaccine. Apparently it is on the rise and so they want everyone vaccinated before the baby's arrival. Has anyone had that vaccine?
  • AmandaR910
    OK another question - I know what the Dr would say - but opinions on flu shots?

    I'm not huge on vaccinating against everything and it's brother, but I do typically get my toddler old a flu shot and I'm told I should get one this year too.

    It's already going around the school so I think he will bring it home at some point. I have not had the flu in probably 10 yrs, but it's also his first year in school to bring it home. I can't use up all my sick days in one flu bought and don't have anyone to watch him if I do get sick.

    I know the virus mutates and it's somewhat a shot in the dark if I'm even vaccinated against the right strain... it's just sort of hard to get an actual straight answer about them since both sides just want to push their pro-shot or anti-shot agenda and I think a lot of the real facts get lost.

    PS - someone told me the CDC recommends it, and the FDA recommends against it....

    I usually do not get the flu shot, the last time we got one our youngest was 6 months old and the whole family was sick for a month. This time however my husband insisted that we get the shot because I have a pretty weak immune system and get sick really often. It has been about 3-4 weeks now and everyone is doing just fine.

    In addition to the flu shot, the doctor is recommending that everyone who will be around the baby get the whooping cough vaccine. Apparently it is on the rise and so they want everyone vaccinated before the baby's arrival. Has anyone had that vaccine?

    You can't get it during pregnancy, the whooping cough. Both my parents, brother, and DH has gotten. I will be getting it in the hospital after delivery.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Good Morning Ladies!

    My weight is the same and
    i'm not really exercising at the
    moment because i'm a little
    scared to. Each time I exercise
    I find blood the next morning and
    it's really starting to bother me. I
    don't have another appt until Dec.
    and the waiting is killing me. My
    doc just told me if I bleed enough to
    fill a pad and have painful cramps
    then I should go to the ER but other
    than that I should just wait until my
    next appt.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    Is it spotting, on tissue or more also in panties? I have not bled in pregnancy like that, but I did have a subchorionic hemorrhage at 11 weeks w/ my last baby. It was a of of bleeding. How many episodes have you had? At this point you can usually just see a sac, so not much at all can be done. It can sure be scary through. By 6ish weeks you can insist on an U/S to see what is going on. Another thing you could be low on progesterone and need supplements until the placenta fully take over production of progesterone. You can use herbal creams, wild yam or prescription.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Oh my gosh I know what you mean about in-laws and "pregnancy knowledge." I think I'm going to have to have a talk with them sooner or later about when they need to keep their advice to themselves (in a nice way of course). I felt pretty hormonal this weekend. We were talking about names and I said that my favorite name so far for a boy was Jackson and we could call him Jack. My mother-in-law doesn't miss a beat before saying, "Please don't name your child Jackson. I knew this kid named Jackson who was a terror and I'll always think about him." I was totally peeved. Did she not just hear me say that it was my favorite? I decided then and there that my husband and I will be keeping our name ideas to ourselves. Someone is always going to have known someone terrible with the same name. I don't want people ruining it for me. I mean I still like the name Jackson, but now I feel guilty about it, like choosing it will displease my M-I-L and it'll seem like I did it on purpose or something.

    I hate the negative comments on names. We never share our name choice until after our baby is born and named.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm going to my 20 week U/S today to do the body parts check. My husband and little boy will get to go this time, it will be their first time seeing baby.

    I didn't weigh today, I don't weigh after I eat and had eaten early breakfast. Tuesday is my weigh in day, so I'll have to weigh tomorrow.

    Tomorrow is my glucose test and dr's visit. I'm not super excited, but more because I know how bad that test makes me feel after I do it. Even after I've had food, I always feel aweful. Hoping this time will be different.

    We had our U/S yesterday too! It is so cool how the doctor was able to count all of the fingers and toes. U/S has become so detailed, I do not remember being able to see every little detail with my two little boys. We are still having a GIRL woohoo, I guess my doctor was right on at 12 weeks when he first determined the gender. Everything looks perfect with baby and all of our screenings have come back with excellent results. Now it's time to shop and prepare for the shower, seems like with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up followed immediately by birthdays for both of my boys time is going to fly. I think I'll be planning one event after the other, all back to back. I hope this baby comes right in between both of my boys birthdays because I really do not want to have 2 kids with the same birthday, the two we have are 2 weeks apart and this one is due the day after my youngest ones birthday. Boy oh boy.... have any of you decided on names yet?

    BTW this ticker and is 10.5 oz weight of the baby is way off.... my little one is already 18 oz ! Crazy 1lb 2oz at 19 weeks? I think she is going to be another big one in our family!

    Mine's way off too. My baby is measuring 2 weeks larger than I am . I had to do the 1 hour GTT test on Wed...and my numbers were above border line, so today I did the 3 hour test, they wanted it done cause the baby is so big.

    It is amazing with the 20 week U/S how much bigger he is from the 17 week. He has grown so much.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    U/S has become so detailed, I do not remember being able to see every little detail with my two little boys.

    I've never had one, but some friends have, but the 3D ultarsounds creep me out. The babies are NOT cute in them. They are nasty looking aliens! When I see their photos I'm just like... ohhh, it's a baby... OK, that's great, but I can't look at it anymore! :laugh:

    I always thought they were weird too. They offered us that one when we got the 2 D but they showed it too me and I was like Nah.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Oh my gosh I know what you mean about in-laws and "pregnancy knowledge." I think I'm going to have to have a talk with them sooner or later about when they need to keep their advice to themselves (in a nice way of course). I felt pretty hormonal this weekend. We were talking about names and I said that my favorite name so far for a boy was Jackson and we could call him Jack. My mother-in-law doesn't miss a beat before saying, "Please don't name your child Jackson. I knew this kid named Jackson who was a terror and I'll always think about him." I was totally peeved. Did she not just hear me say that it was my favorite? I decided then and there that my husband and I will be keeping our name ideas to ourselves. Someone is always going to have known someone terrible with the same name. I don't want people ruining it for me. I mean I still like the name Jackson, but now I feel guilty about it, like choosing it will displease my M-I-L and it'll seem like I did it on purpose or something.

    Jackson was one of our baby names too. Forget pregnancy knowledge, honey you will be dealing with that when the baby is born too. In-laws and well parents too, will always tell you better than you know, just let it roll of your back. Even though it is irritating.

    My SIL did that with my 1st name pick Aiden...she talked about some kid that was uber dork. Well at least he was smart. I can't stand for people to do that.