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I refuse to take fitness advice...

azymth99 Posts: 122 Member
from people who are more out of shape than me...

In today's; "I read it on the internet so it must be right" trend, everyone is a fitness expert and I get sick of people that don't even work out (or do so once in a while) trying to tell me what's best for my workout or physical appearance.

The truth is this; the FACTS about exercise, nutrition, metabolism, calories etc. Never change. The fads are based purely on misinformation and are intended more on commercialism than health. I have been exercising regularly since I was 14. I've seen trends come and go and they are all the same: "This is the NEW way to lose weight, get healthy, eat right etc."

There is no "NEW" way. Body physiology does not change with the times. What worked 30 years ago, still works today. What worked 100 years ago still works today. When you get advice from someone- consider the source. If they don't look healthy they have no place giving fitness advice.

And if you get your "facts" from the internet, back them up with at least 3 other sources. You will often find that the article you read is very one-sided and is not based on anything but anecdotal evidence- which is always flawed.


  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member

  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    agreed big time

    except for nutritional info. Our food is not near the quality it once was
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    And even if I'm not in the best shape yet, I still research on my own. I learned my abc's and 1, 2, 3s in grade school and have put them to use every day since.

    Pills? No thanks. Juices? No thanks. Cleanses? Nope, not that either. Eat within my goal? Yes, thank you. Exercise regularly? Yes, thank you.

    You want to try the miracles that pop up every week? Have at it. But when you come back and say gee, I wonder why it didn't work like it was supposed to, well then be prepared for some judgmental opinions.

    Sweat, tears and occasionally some blood from scrapped knuckles will happen. Get over it and get to working on it.
  • Varcolaci
    Varcolaci Posts: 15
    LOL. Well I can't tell from your photos how fit you are. But you can tell by mine. So judge for yourself, but people are here on MFP for fitness advice and support. Not for someone with a poor, arrogant, narcissistic attitude to tell them that their way sucks and you are way better than them since you are more fit. If what worked 30 years ago still works for you, great. That isn't the same for everyone. There was no MFP 30 years ago, so did you only sign up so you can post aggressive, unhelpful opinions for people to laugh at? Clearly you don't need MFP to maintain your god-like fitness.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    agreed big time

    except for nutritional info. Our food is not near the quality it once was

    Our food choices far exceed anything we once had and the quality/ affordability in almost every area just keeps improving.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. A few years ago, I was going to Curves and doing well and enjoyed the workout and other members. The people working there, however, were hard to take seriously. As a woman with 100+ lbs to lose and trying hard to do it, I found it very hard to take direction and exercise advice from somebody who clearly had as much or more weight to lose than me and would sit at the front reception desk eating KFC, McD's or candy. I want to hear from somebody who has 'been there, done that' or is trained in the field. I have asked for some fitness advice on here and was given some sound reccomendations and suggestions from people who had actually done the work
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Strong first post...?
  • Varcolaci
    Varcolaci Posts: 15
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    from people who are more out of shape than me...

    In today's; "I read it on the internet so it must be right" trend, everyone is a fitness expert and I get sick of people that don't even work out (or do so once in a while) trying to tell me what's best for my workout or physical appearance.

    The truth is this; the FACTS about exercise, nutrition, metabolism, calories etc. Never change. The fads are based purely on misinformation and are intended more on commercialism than health. I have been exercising regularly since I was 14. I've seen trends come and go and they are all the same: "This is the NEW way to lose weight, get healthy, eat right etc."

    There is no "NEW" way. Body physiology does not change with the times. What worked 30 years ago, still works today. What worked 100 years ago still works today. When you get advice from someone- consider the source. If they don't look healthy they have no place giving fitness advice.

    And if you get your "facts" from the internet, back them up with at least 3 other sources. You will often find that the article you read is very one-sided and is not based on anything but anecdotal evidence- which is always flawed.

    I tend to agree on most points. That's why what I read here I read with an open mind and a grain of salt. For instance, when it comes to heavy lifting and barbell training, I listen to all since it's relatively new to me.

    But the other stuff, I still believe that if I ride my bicycle every day, go to the gym and "pick things up and put them down" and watch what I eat I will lose more excess weight off my frame. Although it's interesting, I get tired of hearing about micro and macro nutrients. BUT, I am paying attention to the protein intake and I understand that hard core athletes need to eat more of certain things for performance, cutting, bulking, etc.

    As for the layperson who just wants to be healthy, be at a normal weight and eliminate joint pain from carrying weight, I say it is still the same. Well, jogging ruins your knees so that's something we know now. And juicing is not good. And running in Pro-Keds is not a good idea.
  • I agree. The only way to lose weight and get back in shape is through exercise and counting your calories for your body. Calories are burned and consumed the same way past or present. You are right, nothing has changed. People choose those fads because it is easier and it takes all the guesswork out of it. Little do they know that all lot of those pills are bad for you. What is really in those shakes? Some are good and a lot of them are bad. There are even some fad diets that say not to stay on it too long. I have heard of people I know getting sick from them. How healthy is that?

    I have always been good about eating nutritious meals, but have a tendency to stop exercising. I wanted a permanent change this time, because I am not getting any younger. I started my lifestyle change 1 1/2 years ago along with some of my friends. They chose the latest fad diet. But I told them no. I am doing it my way. Eating nutritious, balanced meals and snacks and of course, exercise. They lost 10-20 pounds per person, and they lost it quickly, but have not lost much since they started. Maybe they have stopped using it or whatever. I have lost 25 pounds and counting, but have lost it a pound a week. I look the best out of all three of them because I am doing it the right way, through nutritious meals and exercise.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    agreed big time

    except for nutritional info. Our food is not near the quality it once was

    Our food choices far exceed anything we once had and the quality/ affordability in almost every area just keeps improving.

    you really think so? My kids didn't get the education in school about good food. The school lunch food was rediculous. Without involved parenting I think they'd end up way off track. Old school, whole food, sweat and play outside seems to be falling way to the wayside to me.

    yeah, I see you are right about the choices we have. I guess it just seems the teaching about making those choices is slipping

    guess this is sort of a hi-jack.
    sorry OP
  • tag624
    tag624 Posts: 166 Member
    Agreed! I just had someone get on another employee because they skipped breakfast, saying "you will immediately go into starvation mode and your body will hold onto all the fat and will not lose any weight” and I just sat there I thought to myself, I wander how starving people in Africa aren’t fat then.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I'd argue that judging someone's knowledge or expertise from their appearance alone is fallacious.

    I wouldn't discount anyone of any size if they presented a well thought out, well sourced and evidence backed argument.

    I also learned my lesson about listening to people just because they were in great shape.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
  • StarPlatinumORA
    StarPlatinumORA Posts: 21 Member
    from people who are more out of shape than me...

    In today's; "I read it on the internet so it must be right" trend, everyone is a fitness expert and I get sick of people that don't even work out (or do so once in a while) trying to tell me what's best for my workout or physical appearance.

    The truth is this; the FACTS about exercise, nutrition, metabolism, calories etc. Never change. The fads are based purely on misinformation and are intended more on commercialism than health. I have been exercising regularly since I was 14. I've seen trends come and go and they are all the same: "This is the NEW way to lose weight, get healthy, eat right etc."

    There is no "NEW" way. Body physiology does not change with the times. What worked 30 years ago, still works today. What worked 100 years ago still works today. When you get advice from someone- consider the source. If they don't look healthy they have no place giving fitness advice.

    And if you get your "facts" from the internet, back them up with at least 3 other sources. You will often find that the article you read is very one-sided and is not based on anything but anecdotal evidence- which is always flawed.

  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    <popcorn eating.gif>
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    from people who are more out of shape than me...

    In today's; "I read it on the internet so it must be right" trend, everyone is a fitness expert and I get sick of people that don't even work out (or do so once in a while) trying to tell me what's best for my workout or physical appearance.

    The truth is this; the FACTS about exercise, nutrition, metabolism, calories etc. Never change. The fads are based purely on misinformation and are intended more on commercialism than health. I have been exercising regularly since I was 14. I've seen trends come and go and they are all the same: "This is the NEW way to lose weight, get healthy, eat right etc."

    There is no "NEW" way. Body physiology does not change with the times. What worked 30 years ago, still works today. What worked 100 years ago still works today. When you get advice from someone- consider the source. If they don't look healthy they have no place giving fitness advice.

    And if you get your "facts" from the internet, back them up with at least 3 other sources. You will often find that the article you read is very one-sided and is not based on anything but anecdotal evidence- which is always flawed.
    So what you're saying is there can never be any new methods or ways of getting fit and healthy. So going on your theory there are no new things we should have stopped at the wheel and this electricity thing that was a big mistake. So the advances in sports physiology and training methods and nutrition for professional sports over the past 20 years is rubbish. HRMs now what a fad they are hey. How about these kettlebell things. This crossfit thing will never catch on eh .... I do love it when people talk in absolutes..
  • kevinpike25
    kevinpike25 Posts: 5 Member
    The advice from people talking about the next fail diet fad gets on my nerves also. Most of the "New Stuff" out there is geared towards marketing new products, so manufactures can make Millions! Even the drug companies are in on it. It has nothing to do with losing weight! This site does have some marketing, but it actually gives you a fair shot at losing weight. The new thing is Gluten, the old thing was Atkins, and no carbs, etc, etc. The bottom line is less in your mouth and use you body more! I always knew this, but could not put it together until this site came along and I bought the up 24 to sync to it. The tracking is what i needed to stay the course. It is still up to me, but at least I know what I am doing, unlike before when I would fail. 29 down so far, my best ever, and I thank the people that put this whole thing together, and yea, I bought something! This is not advice, only my opinion, it will not work for everyone.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Don't worry about it. Pretty sure no one will offer much advice after such an abrasive first post.