Logging through the holidays challenge



  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    @ cardbucfan - I hope everything's ok with your son, wishing him a speedy recovery! I was watching supersize me last night for the first time and he mentioned that there are hospitals in the us with macdonalds in them :noway: - very strange ... well done for carrying on logging!

    Thanks, they actually released him today!! Happy early surprise so hopefully tomorrow I can get back to it. We are going to have a celebratory dinner tonight (he can have chicken nuggets, the rest of us want steak!) and I just don't care if (when) I go in the red. Funny you say that about McDonalds-every day I walked right past the McDonald's at the hospital. That's after I strolled through the smoking area (love seeing the folks in their hospital gowns out there!) but before I got to the Starbucks. Gotta make money somehow!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    cardbucfan, really glad to hear that your son is home and hope that alls ok :flowerforyou: . Today i have been good (so far!) I need to be as i'm out for dinner on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night + lunch on Friday OMG panic!
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    @ cardbucfan - I hope everything's ok with your son, wishing him a speedy recovery! I was watching supersize me last night for the first time and he mentioned that there are hospitals in the us with macdonalds in them :noway: - very strange ... well done for carrying on logging!

    @ akjean - woohoo congrats on the loss! and enjoy alabama - sounds great. Yeah being in company is the hardest, I find. Making compromises + being sociable + yummy food = not easy

    @efcdcdb - omg manic day! I'd be STARVING. this eating 5-6 times a day business means I'm constantly munching and hungry after about an hour without food. Swear I'm getting greedier :tongue:

    @tristali - I'm now having massive cookie cravings :love: sounds like a lovely weekend, but congrats on getting back on track. I'm sure there's no need to panic tho, eating back 72lbs of cookies would be a pretty impressive feat lol

    I've been very good this past week, which I'm happy about. I've been exercising every day for the past 8 or 9 days tho so, given that my gyms closed today for a full refit of equipment (yay!) I'm giving myself 2 days off to recover. When I don't go to the gym it's usually when I end up on massive binges tho (don't know why... maybe it's because I'm always a little in the red, and then I think may as well carry on..), so got to keep myself in check!

    Oh, if only I had lost 72 pounds already! But, alas, I have 72 more pounds to lose!!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    Do NOT look at my diary today. OMG, it's really ugly! But, I logged every frigging bite. You know the sad thing, some of the food was really NOT worth the calories expenditure. It's over though and tomorrow will be busy playing nursemaid. I may actually get my tree finished.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Do NOT look at my diary today. OMG, it's really ugly! But, I logged every frigging bite. You know the sad thing, some of the food was really NOT worth the calories expenditure. It's over though and tomorrow will be busy playing nursemaid. I may actually get my tree finished.
    Welllll....at least you drank a lot of water....:laugh:
    You know, you can do it ALL the time, but one of my mottoes is "you gotta live!". At least you logged it, and tomorrow is another day (which just happens to be another one of my mottoes!)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    To everyone who has been posting - I know we have had some pretty scandalous true confessions posted here - but THAT'S OK! That's what we are here for, and as long as we are all still there, that's the important thing. Let's just get through the next few weeks, and then we can all start being EXTRA SPECIAL good, in January.:flowerforyou:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I was extra specially good today. We were planning on going out to the Cheesecake Factory with some friends for dinner. I new I would miss my normal zumba class so I went to the gym on the way home from work and did the elliptical for an hour. When I got back out in the car there was a message on my cell phone from my husband that due to bad weather in Ohio our friend was not going to make it for dinner. I wound up going to zumba too and NO cheesecake!:grumble: I did decide that I deserved some EDY's slow churned eggnog icecream.:bigsmile:
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I was extra specially good today. We were planning on going out to the Cheesecake Factory with some friends for dinner. I new I would miss my normal zumba class so I went to the gym on the way home from work and did the elliptical for an hour. When I got back out in the car there was a message on my cell phone from my husband that due to bad weather in Ohio our friend was not going to make it for dinner. I wound up going to zumba too and NO cheesecake!:grumble: I did decide that I deserved some EDY's slow churned eggnog icecream.:bigsmile:

    Zumba and NO cheesecake?? You're good! I didn't go to zumba, and I had ice cream...hmmmm.....I could be in trouble.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    @cardbucfan - I'm glad your son's back! :flowerforyou: and your next message is a sure-fire way to get me snooping in your diary lol :tongue: well done for logging it all - tbh we all have those days!

    @frogmama - woah massive exercise session then! lol I definitely would have got some ice cream down me too. Perfect example of a treat well deserved.

    Talking of ice cream, my mum bought me a big tub of Green & Blacks chocolate ice cream which is just the best chocolate ice cream EVER. Anyway, I've been really really good and only had a couple of spoonfuls (and it's been sitting there for like 5 days!) BUT I look in the tub today and it's almost empty! Here's my question - I'm glad someone is enjoying it seeing as I've been neglecting it, and tbh it's a good thing the temptation is almost gone, but am I a bad, selfish person for being upset someone ate my icecream? (:sad: ..... :devil: )
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    xmaxine89 - I know what you mean - I've been in that same spot! Both my husband and I have been eating a lot of ice cream these days. It is just the 2 of us, so I expect it to last, but then when I go to have some, its gone. Wah wah!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    So let me tell you how this challenge hellped me yesterday. I had all these grand plans to re-start my healthier eating habits after the hospital non-exercising, crap-eating days yesterday and boy that didn't last long! First of all, my vet sent us some English Toffee (hmmm, think I spend too much money at the vet???-that's O.K., they hand delivered our furry family members medicine yesterday when I couldn't get out of the house because of the invalid. gotta love that service!). I LOVE English Toffee. My husband was lucky I saved him a piece of it. Then, my sister-in--law sent us a container of popcorn. Older son opened it and I started snarfing. THEN, my friend brought us some Greek lasagna so I wouldn't have to cook. Well, I just knew that I had completely blown my day and had no intention of putting it in my diary because I didn't want to be depressed (especially after the Outback dinner Monday night). Then I thought of this challenge and said to myself "this is the whole reason for doing this challenge, to be mindful of the stuff we are eating during the holidays and to try to limit the damage" so I logged it. Now, I'm guessing on some of the calories, but overall, it wasn't that bad! I actually didn't even go over my calorie limit for the day! Certainly it wasn't healthy food, but it wasn't the blow-out I was thinking it was. So, the toffee is gone (burp), the good popcorn is gone (husband took care of that) and so is the lasagna. Got a workout in this morning, have eaten a good breakfast and a friend is gonna come sit with my son while I go to the grocery store and stock up on GOOD foods for the next week. So, YAY for this challenge keeping me honest!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    xmaxine89- I don't blame you for getting upset cause the ice cream was gone. Sometimes you need just a taste of that special treat. I have taken to hiding my Hershey kisses in the freezer in the garage:laugh:

    cardbucfan- Nice job on logging. Sometimes it is not as awful as we think, and then just knowing we have to log it helps us to stop from eating more.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    @cardbucfan - yay for this challenge working for you!!

    So I'm starting to feel the festive strain weight-loss-wise.... although I know that all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving have probably been feeling it a while now :ohwell: . We've got family staying saturday-tuesday, more family thursday - friday, I've got a training course monday-tuesday... and it's only 8 days til christmas(omg got to go present shopping!) Not to mention the alcohol laden social events coming up ... All in all this adds to numerous days where I'll be over my calories without question, days where I can't fit in exercise, and days where I'll be frantically trying to compensate for those other days. Eek!
    Will make sure to keep log log logging away!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    Maxine, we really only have 2 more weeks and this holiday season will be behind us (and this year it won't be "behind" us :wink: ). I'm trying to just maintain for the rest of this year, logging everything, trying to eat well when I can and trying to limit the goodies. Just take it one day at a time when your company is here and when you go to your events and you'll do great!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Ughh! We are all in the same boat, I'm afraid. Today we had a basket raffle for charity in my office. The room with the baskets was right next to where I sit, and we had a table of candy and cookies RIGHT THERE for all the visitors. Of course I couldn't resist. I picked all day! :sad: Then, to make matters worse, I get home and find that my husband had ordered pizza and chicken wings. Oh brother!! I guess the good thing is: I didn't eat my grapes and pineapple at work - I put them in the refrigerator for Monday so I saved a few calories (I know, I know - candy instead of fruit isn't good, but calories are calories and I was going to eat the candy no matter what). And I had water with my pizza and wings - not the beer I really wanted. I won't have a snack tonight, and I am going to ride my exercise bike for 30 minutes. Oh this is SO hard.....:cry:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi and all was going well Thursday morning, weighed in back at Goal Weight of 119 pounds Yayyy :smile: , but .....out to dinner Thursday night and the scales read 122 pounds on Friday morning :sad: but it was my Birthday so I had lunch celebrations and out again Friday night for another meal...... Saturday morning scales now at 123 pounds OMG! and I have been pigging out on the candy and cookies that were given to me as gifts that I soooo meant to give away :sad: and its not even Christmas yet lol
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Barty - don't worry about it...just be as good as you can for the next couple of weeks, whenever you can - don't just throw in the towel!!:noway:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Thanks etcdcdb, I will not give up and am trying hard to get back on track today + I didn't go to the drinks party yesterday :happy: fewer calories and no bad head Yea!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    Oh, I was sooooo bad over the weekend. Just kind of let it all go and ate whatever and however much I wanted and paid the price on the scale yesterday by gaining a lb. I didn't log all my misbehaviour either! So, today is a new day, got to spin this morning and I've had a good breakfast and lunch. Off to shop. If I can stay away from the sweets, I might be O.K.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    so far this week things are looking pretty good. I have been to the gym the last 3 days in a row and plan on going every day until Christmas. Christmas eve is my birthday, so I know I will have birthday cake and I know Christmas day will be tough. I'm hoping on doing just a bit more exercise than normal before then to make up for the upcoming days.