A question about weighted squats



  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'd try goblet squats with a dumbbell. I think you will prefer the form of those as it's closer to a bodyweight squat. The Smith just feels really awkward and keeps the back in the wrong position.

    If you don't have access to a squat rack (best) then I second goblet squats with a dumbbell.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Honestly, if I had a choice of the two, I would forego squatting entirely.

    There are other options though. In the first gym, which I outgrew, I actually used a bench that had a high rack and so basically did box squats. You can also just squat with what you can Clean. Failing those two options, a combination of leg press/hack squat/bulgarian split squat.

    What do you mean "what I can clean"? I'm asking sincerely as I have seen this term a few times....
    Clean is a lift - a movement from Olympic lifting that attempts to transfer the weight from the floor to chest height. There's a standard clean, which involves dropping more under the bar (more advanced) and the power clean, where you catch the bar higher but it is less technical

    Clean : http://youtu.be/60D_lTybHQk
    Power Clean : http://youtu.be/KjGvwQl8tis

    I really enjoyed that CMS video. Really well put together for a newbie.
  • yagmuzqui
    yagmuzqui Posts: 2
    NEVER EVER EVER!!!!!! use machines. Use your body weight first. You can try Bulgarian split squads with dumbbells. I do crossfit 5 times week and we do different types of squads. Front. back, jump, air vs. Best is bulgarian split squads. Really painful but works.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    bump to read later
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    Bulgarian split squat and Leg press are my favourites.

    The smith machine is not good in my opinion. It takes some of the work out of the squat, allowing you to go heavier than if you had the barbell on your back. I would start with dumbbells and work up from there
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    There are some many exercises for your butt that do not require weights. Yes there are high repetition but you burn calories and lift that butt up. Body weight first, its faster and there is no need for spotters.



    (most do not require weights of other equipment).

    Did I miss where the op said she wanted to work her butt?

    And I second dumbbells. Esp Bulgarian split squats, they're a killer :grumble:
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    NEVER EVER EVER!!!!!! use machines. Use your body weight first. You can try Bulgarian split squads with dumbbells. I do crossfit 5 times week and we do different types of squads. Front. back, jump, air vs. Best is bulgarian split squads. Really painful but works.

    Machines have a place in a balanced strength training regime. There are a whole lot of exceptions to never ever ever.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    NEVER EVER EVER!!!!!! use machines. Use your body weight first. You can try Bulgarian split squads with dumbbells. I do crossfit 5 times week and we do different types of squads. Front. back, jump, air vs. Best is bulgarian split squads. Really painful but works.

    Machines have a place in a balanced strength training regime. There are a whole lot of exceptions to never ever ever.

    Once upon a time I got to my happy body using machines... so I agree, they have their place... but it was 10/11 years ago... so it's been a long time ago...
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    you'll be able to push more weight on the machine.

    you will get better range of motion out of the dumbells.

    if you're just training to improve your appearance, i don't think its going to make much difference in the long run
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    NEVER EVER EVER!!!!!! use machines. Use your body weight first. You can try Bulgarian split squads with dumbbells. I do crossfit 5 times week and we do different types of squads. Front. back, jump, air vs. Best is bulgarian split squads. Really painful but works.

    Never ever use any machine? For anything?
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    Do what works for you, the fact that we are all different and respond to different techniques is paramount.

    I have used all but find with Smith Machine and heavier weights, this results in a musclier physique. As I want to maintain that leanness I opt for dumb bells or kettle bells.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    If you want to train unnatural movement patterns then smith machine all the way... very easy way to start causing stress on the joints.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I tried to use a smith machine once (hotel gym) turns out I was in it backwards. Can't do that with dumb bells :tongue:

    goblet squat

    when that is too easy

    Bulgarian split squat

    As Sara said, add some leg press and some RDL's and you are all done.

    BTW in for vid of 480 squat to parallel or below.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Regarding squats with dumbells - does it matter if you hold the dumbell horizontally, as opposed to vertically, as in the goblet spot? I prefer to hold a single 25lb dumbell horizontally. I am assuming it doesn't make a difference, but would like some opinions.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Regarding squats with dumbells - does it matter if you hold the dumbell horizontally, as opposed to vertically, as in the goblet spot? I prefer to hold a single 25lb dumbell horizontally. I am assuming it doesn't make a difference, but would like some opinions.

    Do you mean horizontally but in the same position, in front of chest? I would think it would be okay, but harder to hold as it would cover more space... is there a reason you would want to hold it that way instead?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    DYEL? Yep... maxing out on 480 squatting on free.

    That is Stronglifts personal opinion, not pure factual or backed info by any means. But, I also prefer free.... that being said, if I had to pick between smith or dumbbells I'd pick smith, my own personal preference.

    Would love to see video of 480 lbs squat at 180 lbs as well.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    I did both. I did smith machine squats and bulgarian split squats with dumbbells when I first started. Smith machine squats were better for building strength for me. It's an unnatural position, but smith machine squats are actually a lot harder for me because of the machine's 'resistance'. I went from 155 lbs max on the smith to 205 max on barbell squats (in another gym) within 2 weeks.

    I still do Bulgarian split squats. They're pretty awesome for building mass, imo.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Regarding squats with dumbells - does it matter if you hold the dumbell horizontally, as opposed to vertically, as in the goblet spot? I prefer to hold a single 25lb dumbell horizontally. I am assuming it doesn't make a difference, but would like some opinions.

    Do you mean horizontally but in the same position, in front of chest? I would think it would be okay, but harder to hold as it would cover more space... is there a reason you would want to hold it that way instead?

    Thank you. Yes. Same position - in front of chest. It just feels better for me that way - almost a feeling of more control of the dumbell for me, I guess.